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Alexander Pope

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Everything posted by Alexander Pope

  1. Nayte is the only one who got the mariachi band the morning after!
  2. I know it's twisted, but those dresses looked like condoms to me!
  3. Brandon is her security blanket, not her soulmate. And clearly she needs one in the mix.
  4. Was anyone else struck by the particularly repellent cruelty of Logan mimicking Shiv during the big confontation at the end? So childish, so demeaning to both of them, and something he only does with her. It's an especially sexist form of contempt and he has done it before.
  5. Totally agree. I think the costume designers are very aware of the many ways that Shiv doesn't look quite right and that it's all deliberate. Shiv has been struggling this season in multiple ways, in private and in public, and the clothes show it.
  6. Tom called Greg "Sporus" at one point, who was Nero's male concubine--he castrated and married him! Great call on your part!
  7. they could have but they were all too seduced by wanting to win Logan's approval. It took the season and Kendall's confession to unite them. This wasn't about reason, it was about emotional breakthroughs that were too long coming.
  8. This was by far the best episode of the season and maybe of the show. For me the MVP was Kieran Culkin. When Roman said "love" at that crunch moment, he made me believe he meant it. And Gerry--a whited sepulchre!! this was worth the wait.
  9. I think Michelle was mildly annoyed that the deepening was with him and not with her.
  10. I think Rodney and Nayte would both have made great Bachelors and would have been better choices than perfectly acceptable Clayton. I like Brendan but don't think he could carry the show the way the other three could. I love Joe but he is too reserved.
  11. that is really good to hear--thank you. I wish the experts had held her accountable so that this might have happened sooner.
  12. It's good that Michaela is seeing a shrink. Whatever her diagnoses may be, they don't excuse her behavior with Zach. Does anyone else remember that he said she broke a car window in her rage after Decision Day? I don't think he is making that up. Don't get me wrong, Zach had his own role to play in the disaster that was their marriage. But making herself the victim here because of her trauma is not going to fly.
  13. I vote for Olu's jacket at the last Rose Ceremony for the next Bachelor. It had more personality than most of the previous choices.
  14. I think Martin is a classic "negger" (I am old but I have heard about this word)--he thinks that dissing and undermining a woman's self-perception will make her like him. So glad she stood up for herself and that he is gone. I think that is one of Michelle's biggest strengths. She is respectful and calm and firm when she tells them to leave--unlike Katie, who would lose her cool and self-righteously berate them.
  15. I believe it is "schmuck"--more fun to say too!
  16. I will never forget the hideous baby cake Jurgen made. And he has been praised for other bakes which to my eyes were not visually appealing.
  17. But didn't Johnny say that Jose is the light? and he needs to be in the light? maybe it is really the light of burning suppressed rage!
  18. a phrase I loathe. I was also wondering--all that performative "small moment" making at the Viking date, how can she trust it?? She basically ordered them to do it.
  19. The story she told Nayte on her date was disturbing. And I believe she was talking about the same ex who would tell her that she was overreacting to racist slights. He sounds like he was a real piece of work who really did some damage.
  20. I wonder given the rumors about Bao and Zach if that doesn't account for the tension between Michaela and Bao on Unfiltered that people were talking about. Just a thought.
  21. there was a shot of Mykaela after they were done with the experts and she said it was all ok and the camera just lingered on her face--and you could see her processing, and I knew it was only a matter of time before the hurricane hit. She was working mighty hard to keep her composure throughout--I was impressed by her effort.
  22. I actually thought Johnny was going to hurl all over Bao's gorgeous dress!
  23. she may well have but she is rocking her gowns and looks plenty feminine to me!
  24. I am wondering if the fact that her "brand" is that she is an athlete means that almost EVERY date has to be a testosterone-fueled competition? The producers should be aware that when a bunch of bros get together to compete (even if teddy bears are involved), they are focused on beating each other, not on chatting with the "prize." So when she told Nayte (I think?) that she was "not the prize at the end of this," I found it a bit disingenuous. I loved the poetry date--it was still a competition (all the group dates are of course) but at least it wasn't violent.
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