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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. Nice picture of members from the convention for the unwashed-bad-scrunch-hair-society. I can practically fill the wokeness from lack of deodorant radiating from the image. At least they’ve all upped their eyebrow game by leaving them the heck alone for a change.
  2. Same! 😂 Didn't realise she come up with the clothing design concept and started off the Lula(heck)noe pyramid scheme all by herself. She’s smarter than we give her credit for guys. LOLS! Poor deluded girl. Hey at least she spelt it correctly.
  3. Pyramid schemes like that will do business with anyone with a high following and public exposure. It benefits them greatly to have a minor celeb on their books. No time for principles when your running a MLM and got to keep the dough rolling up the line 😉
  4. I agree, IMO I think Maddie wasn’t accepted only due to ‘her job’ at that time being regular appearances on Sister Wives, thus she was publicly supporting that lifestyle. I think she said she was declined because ‘my family’s too public’ but it was really because SHE was too public. I think if Maddie and Mykelti weren’t chasing the TLC dollar and appearing on the show regularly, I’m assuming the church wouldn’t even know or care if they associate with their family or not, it was the more the fact she was publicly appearing on a TV show endorsing the very lifestyle they are so keen to disassociate with. I’m not religious, don’t know and it’s just a theory, but the Browns love to stretch the truth and claim unfair persecution because of polygamy where there is a valid background reason not televised: - *That time they ‘weren’t allowed to go inside’ on that road trip to the hometown of Joseph Smith, they claimed at the time it was because they were polygamists, but the venue clapped back later that actually it was about no filming permissions being in place. *The fact they claimed they fled Utah for to avoid ‘arrest for polygamy’ when it was widely theorised they were actually being investigated for things like welfare fraud with Christine’s food stamp thing etc not the polygamy law itself. Many examples, but I’m sure if Maddie were to live a quiet life away from the cameras of sister wives, the LDS church would have no qualms accepting her to join. Garrison probably agreed to no longer appear regularly and could it be that's why we no longer see much of the taco twins either? St George is only a few hours away, so I thought they would put their mugs on camera more for a few bucks, but I haven’t seen much of them this season? (Granted I’m only up to episode 4) Maybe as FT was Mormon, he got a similar talk that he needed to cut down the public appearances or be excommunicated? Just speculating...
  5. Wow, there’s so much to unpack here! The ginger butt fluff on his upper lip and chin...Why? How? He must be using Mykelti’s dollar store box dye to make this happen? His hair is also looking suspiciously lighter and crimped and that trout pout looks coloured in, she probably needs to hide her beauty supplies. Heaven forbid he finds Areola’s orange crayon, Mykelti uses on those rectangular upside down ticks she calls eyebrows! We'd really be in for a visual then. Honestly, though he could probably give Mariah a few tips in the femininity department, they are morphing into each other I swear. The grammar in the caption is so awful. This further cements for me, that he is definitely not in a high-up, professional role in that bank. ‘Me and Mykelti’; the random capitalisation of words and extra spaces...I guess he is going to be zero help in proof reading her written messes after all. There’s truly no hope. Are the taco twins Mormon? I know Tony was, but can anyone clarify, I had thought (possibly wrongly) with Mormonism that the consumption of coffee was frowned upon (or forbidden?), but everyone in this family seems pretty obsessed with it.
  6. Ow my eyes! Those stubby flat black riding boots paired with the little girl thick leggings and an unflattering floral tent dress! Christine what are you doing? You know it’s a special occasion and you’ll be photographed right? If that is her showcasing the best #Lulafashion that’s a hard pass from me. 🙅🏼‍♀️
  7. It’s such a shame that yet again Mariah will have that advantage of being a minor celebrity with a following (‘as seen on reality show ‘Sister Wives’) to fall back on to be successful in that industry, (as presumably her name will entice a gym to hire her to get bodies on mats). It must be annoying for the passionate instructors out there, that have to work 10x harder to gain a class, but a lazy poser can swoop in with a name and sycophants that just want to ‘brown’ nose her (pardon the pun) and achieve success not really deserved. Side note, I just watched ‘Kody wants out s.10’ where Mariah states to camera at Meri’s B&B opening, ‘it’s not my dream, I’m not really interested in the house, it doesn’t benefit me in any way’... ugh typical spoilt brat attitude, if it’s not going to directly be all about her she couldn’t care less. She probably just showed up to the opening (with her ESA dog) not to support Meri, but for the TLC paycheck.
  8. Funny you should ask. Yes. Yes she is 😂 Trust the Browns to pimp them out young.
  9. I must say I liked that. No way Pudge thought of that. Clever play on words she saw and pilfered from somewhere; (to remind us that despite her famous fiancé Sludge looking masculine at times, she is indeed female and as their sexuality can’t be referenced and milked for publicity enough by these two, it’s imperative to include a gay hashtag in every post) Sorry I sincerely hope this doesn’t come across in any way anti-gay, I absolutely love my LGBTQ community, I just hate these posers using it constantly for their own popularity.
  10. Phew, I’m so glad someone else sees this too! I feel mean also, but I can’t help it’s all I see when I look at both Maddie and Janelle. Ribbet Ribbet 🐸
  11. ‘Cheesing’ is the woke cool kid slang for grinning ear to ear. I know it’s been gone over many times, but I am so perplexed that Sludge is only 23 (or 22!) in this photo. While I appreciate she’s ‘cheesing’ here and this isn’t resting face, she still has the extended crows feet and neck laxity of a woman twice her age (and that is after the Instagram filter’s applied!) She has the kind of lipid dry skin type that will continue to age so rapidly, without diligent sun protection and a proper skincare routine. She’ll be wrinkled up crepe paper at Meri’s age.
  12. If #livingherbestlife is walking around in an ill-fitting T-shirt, looking like the love child of the cowardly lion from wizard of oz and a member of Def Leppard, then I’d say she’s nailing it.
  13. It just never fails to amaze for someone who’s business will rely on good insta pictures to help generate exposure, she is completely devoid of any skill when composing photos. Her hands are completely cropped out here and there’s way too much floor. It’s a glaringly obvious disservice to the yoga pose she’s trying to portray. If Audrey is talking this picture then she should definitely keep her day job at Lulanoe and avoid pursuing photography.
  14. I’m going to risk your wrath here and say they should be. An educated person with a valid career path (in theory) should have no need to enter an risky get rich quick MLM ‘business’ that 99% of sellers lose money on. (I’m sorry that’s my personal opinion as I despise Pyramid schemes and the damage they do to families, I’ve seen it firsthand). I think people just had high hopes for Aspyn to break the Brown-get-rich-quick mold and develop a legimate career path like Logan is. Hopefully she still does when she graduates and gets to use her degree for a rewarding stable career.
  15. Yesss! While I appreciate he ran a tighter ship then the Brown chaos, How totally gross that he married twin sisters making his children both siblings and cousins. Just bizarre.
  16. Yes yes yes! I’m sure it’s a rule that if you are getting paid for hawking something you are required to say ‘sponsored ad’ or #ad or similar in the post? My fingers on the report post button because ‘you kids get the hell off my lawn!’ with that blatant ‘I’m too good for rules’ influencer attitude.
  17. Hiding those tuck shop lady arms in a flattering way across her chest like that, she must want another fight with the complimentary ‘you look slimmer’ commenters coming her way...Oh wait, no, I see she silenced those pesky positive people, by also exposing her back roll saddlebags there, phew! close call! This post is a pretentious pile of self serving crap. If she really had a close connection and appreciation for nature, then she’d probably know it’s best to keep her sweaty floundering body, out of pristine waterways for the sake of selfies and just love it from afar. I don’t know about Bali, but I know lots of natural waterfall beauty spots in Australia where swimming is banned, due to environmental damage careless people do. Also does this post remind anyone else of the Zoolander Merman? Earth to Mariah! Zoolander does water appreciation better than you. Give up.
  18. Talk about looking for a fight when there isn’t one happening. I could understand if they were being negative, but it was positive comments. She wants to be a public wellness blogger, but no one is actually allowed to comment on her looking well. Riiiight. 🙄 Way to cut off your audience and therefore income by hating on getting complimented. She really is a special breed that only Meri and Kody could produce. Additional snark - It’s no shock people thought she looked better when she finally worked out how to crop her permanently on display jelly belly and tuck shop lady arms for a change.
  19. Puts it in perspective doesn’t it? Man I feel bad now, but I promise I would have totally given the salvos $4 on the way to Starbucks. I often do in fact, as if you can afford these luxuries, then you can definitely afford to give back. It’s just my one vice, I’m sorry 😔 (I volunteer for a charity that feeds the homeless, I swear I’m still a nice person! 😉 )
  20. I don’t know if you remember the episode ‘polygamist dates’ when Meri busted her knee skiing and was bed ridden in her isolated-from-family, double storey rental alone for 6 weeks, while Kodouch was all like ‘ok sayonara! I’m off to go on dates with my other wives now, good luck!’ Leaving Meri to stare at her marriage certificate on the bedroom wall wondering what the hell it actually meant. The task of the caring husband was probably shoved over to Mariah.
  21. I have an expensive Nepresso machine in my kitchen just gathering dust, as I just can’t give up my cafe coffee indulgence. 😆 But in my twenties that was an occasional luxury and if I did have to save money, that would be the first thing I’d look at now.
  22. ‘Quite my job’ still has plenty of mileage left for laughs 😂 If you are trying to sell on social media to the masses, be prepared to double check before you post, basic errors like that look unprofessional and sloppy to me. If she indeed has dyslexia, then as I’m sure someone already pointed out, she could have FT or someone else double check. As she ‘Quite’ her job, surely she’s not too busy that she can’t take time to proofread a post properly, or at least retrospectively edit a glaring error when it is pointed out. The Starbucks thing I totally agree, I buy at least 3 coffees a week and it must add up in the thousands per year! 😬The price of caffeine addiction is real! At least I have a proper job and I’m not taking a second mortgage on my house to pay for it though haha.
  23. Not all significant purchases are documented on social media (for example them buying their house is not posted, (that I could find anyway). Plus a lot of what actually costs money is small and seemingly insignificant, but can add up when you live beyond your means and don’t have a steady job. Based on social media, shes ’quite’ her job and is in MLM (which is generally pretty minimal income unless you’re at the top of the pyramid and has start up costs), he’s a big time collector of all the rare comic and movie paraphernalia and loves video games, they have a dog, a (two) mortgages?, she loves to buy books, travels home a lot, they eat out often, buy Starbucks and takeaways all the time and then there’s what we don’t see like basic utilities, clothing, car payments and running costs for assuming two cars, all insurances (I’m assuming but since it’s these two probably not), plus their groceries (sorry this is unkind but based on the size of them both this food bill must be massive, all this on one lowly paid customer service bank job and an MLM dream. That’s a head scratcher to me. Sorry I’m sceptical and not saying this is happening with M & FT, but I’ve seen this first hand, a relative and his wife inherited a million dollars and blew through it in 2 years with no extravagant or significant purchases ever seen on social media, just by living beyond their means and making bad decisions on two part-time incomes.
  24. Just watching s10 and got to say, I’m loving that Christine has done a 180, on her ‘modest is hottest’ rule particularly towards her daughters. In the past I remember Christine saying in the TH (after Meri asked Mykelti ‘to go find another shirt, I don’t want to see that much of your body’) ‘I have strict modestly standards I don’t want to see anything too tight, I don’t want to see anything too short, there’s a space in the middle I want covered always’ I liked that they have seemingly given up trying to enforce those (hypocritical) standards on their children and Christine stood up for Ysabel’s choice here, against Kody’s disapproval. Maybe it’s the Vegas heat, or moving away from their congregation, or having gone through parenting multiple teenage girls already and learning to fight your battles, or they realised the hypocrisy of fact all the wives wear too tight clothing, or maybe it was Kody’s standard, that she felt obliged to advocate for to get his approval and now she’s confident in her position to go against him. Anyway whatever it is, I like the fact they’ve stopped flogging that dead horse.
  25. True, I know and I agree deep down he (probably) said it in jest; I know he works as a ‘banker’ so presumably he is somewhat financially literate, but having recently watched a rerun of their wedding episode, where he POKED HIS USED FORK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BEAUTIFUL WEDDING CAKE, (that everyone else was yet to be served) and slurped it down like a feral animal...ugh! It may be unreasonable and illogical, but due to that moment alone, he gets no passes from me, ever, on anything! 😆 #FTHaterforlife
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