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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. It does appear commendable at first glance, that she is doing something even somewhat charitable. The problem for me is her ego and motive here. If she’s not an actual yoga teacher and lacks any experience , it’s super egotistical and misleading to claim she is. If it is just an avenue for her to get bodies on mats and teaching experience as she isn’t a teacher, then why even ask for any money? She could properly volunteer and make it a free charitable experience. That said, the donation part in theory is fine, IF she actually is a qualified teacher. If that were the case (as Meri brags about), then it appears she is being ‘inclusive’ to those financially disadvantaged that can’t afford gym classes, but what about after the donation sessions end? Is she going to try to get them hooked and then proposition them to join up for full priced private sessions they can’t afford after that? Sorry, I’m a cynical old-soul lady and she’s a Brown so I question her intentions.
  2. Or maybe she’s referring to the condition one can suffer from if they constantly chew on their dirty fingernails. ‘Going to go worm’ could mean sitting on her itchy butt, biting her nails and avoiding doing any actual work.
  3. This exchange in the comments. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Even when it’s pointed out to her, she hasn’t got a clue what her error is. This level of lack of self awareness is actually comical.
  4. I’d definitely think Janelle’s thought about the financials and that’s likely her main concern, but despite not growing up in the faith, I believe she’s the most committed there, so was more than willing to sacrifice her dollars and power for a quarter share in doofus’s dick and an after-life dream. Christine knows the bleed the beast game well having been raised in it and obviously had no problems capitalising on her single mother status food stamp wise, but emotionally she just wants to be loved and to have the validation. I think she was also the most ok with her position of third wife (or was until she realised she wouldn’t be the favored loved last). Meri obviously got rolled, whether she was pushed or jumped before she got pushed, it was clearly emotionally damaging in the extreme to her, to have that status she’d always lorded above the others ripped out from under her. ‘They’ve got all the kids, but at least I have the legal status’ then suddenly she has nothing and is ripe for a catfishin’. I think her massive drive to financially support herself and ‘do it all on her own’ came from this betrayal of losing that safety net and making sure she isn’t left without. Robyn had the gold digger tendency from day one. She saw the cameras and tlc contract from her tiny cold trailer and was all in. For her, it’s probably always been about clawing her way up and cementing her place in the 7 bedroom mansion and getting that financial security. Her over-it attitude is so different now from her doe-eyed honeymoon eyes at Kody before the legal marriage. She’s all set now and done being sweet to him.
  5. Haha! well the queer white shoe fits for either of them in this scenario 😉 👟
  6. Since I never get to snark with you lovely people in show real time, I just have to bring this up here to get it off my chest, it’s been bugging me nearly every episode from the beginning. The marriage certificate/legal marriage. The assurances that ‘it means nothing’ all the time, when it’s clear by their actions it means everything, (but that doesn’t fit with their ‘you monogamists wouldn’t understand’ narrative). So many examples! Meri passive aggressively framing hers and hanging on her bedroom wall. (I don’t know about y’all, but I don’t tend to frame and display just any ‘random piece of paper’ unless it means something to me). The tears and subsequent drama all round when the dark wife rose to power. It was all a ‘legal paperwork shuffle’ apparently, so then why the hurt? Why the sobbing by Meri throughout the legal divorce (which according to them all meant nothing), the shocked hurt of Janelle when she could only clam up and talk about taxes and not the emotions behind Robyn becoming the ‘legal’ wife. If it WAS just the ‘legal paperwork shuffle’ they claim and nothing changed to the relationships, then why did Kody and Robyn arrive in fancy formal attire to the courthouse and mention ‘they weren’t treating this ‘simple paperwork shuffle’ moment with the respect it deserved’ and then jet off to Hawaii for a second honeymoon afterwards? Wouldn’t they have just rocked up to courthouse as they did to Meri’s divorce signing, in plain clothes, without the giddy affection, as if it was any other day if it meant nothing? As they keep saying they’re already married and this was purely a document signing required to adopt kids apparently, so it shouldn’t have even been an occasion deserving of a suit and celebratory holiday, just as the divorce sighting wasn’t! They tried to make it seem like they downplayed it by not inviting family, the courthouse location and not telling date, but the day clearly still meant something to them both and the secrecy was just to avoid family jealously that would ensue from watching the legal status unfold, not to ‘honor their original wedding that mattered’ as claimed. Why was Christine so excited and sad for herself when viewing Aspyn’s marriage license if it was just meaningless? Why all the digs disguised as jokes, at each other over legal/first wife status meaning something? I just can’t with the skirting around the issue of the legal marriage and their constant denial of its power. Of course it means something and they all know it! Of course they can’t outwardly admit that as it shows what a disaster living that way really is for the women. As Janelle once said candidly about the legal marriage ‘it just changes the fibre of what is, within the family structure’. Exactly! Because whether they like it or not, legal marriage means something! One wife has a power another doesn’t and therefore will always be envied and potentially favored, no matter how much they dance around it. Thanks for reading my rant if you’re still here! 😉
  7. This 👏🏼 If you want to be taken seriously in a career path, then go through the proper channels and gain the correct valid qualifications before declaring yourself a professional. Seems she’s putting in minimum effort and relying on her 5 minutes of fame to get her there. Unfair for those who genuinely work hard and pay their dues to be instructors. I will respect her when it’s clear she’s chosen a solid career path and is quietly working hard for it like Logan, but it seems she’s just floundering around trying out everything and putting her finger in every money making pie - influencing, yoga instructing, being a cook and a ‘wellness blogger’... that’s the example that’s been set for her growing up though, so I can’t even blame her.
  8. Agree that this aspect is so bizarre. It’s like she is overcompensating by referencing it constantly to convince herself she really is. The gay friends I know, whilst proud and outwardly gay, would never think to constantly refer to it and publicly remind people, it’s just a part of who they inherently are and therefore everyone around is aware. They live it, so they don’t NEED to go around talking about living it. I actually believe it isn’t a phase, but think she most definitely uses it to her special snowflake advantage. Her overkill on the subject is probably partly about overcoming her religious conservative upbringing - bending over backwards to distance herself from that, while also using it as a platform to stand out from her siblings for the attention it brings, which brings me to the main reason which is of course your excellent description here! - And we all know she’d be that no matter what her sexuality was.
  9. All I can see too even through the heavy duty filter she’s used. Also can we talk about her chiny-chin chin here? I don’t know if it’s just the angle or if I’ve just never noticed, but it’s longer than one of her Disney receipts in this picture. They say if you stay together long enough you start looking like each other, well she’s definitely starting to resemble Robyn with that pointy jaw.
  10. But but.. she trained in Bali! She’s a professional yoga instructor I tell ya! Look at her website here, where she is available for hire for private lessons, I kid you not. Anyone in Chicago want to try her out? 😆 https://www.mariahlianbrown.com/yoga
  11. Count me in on those who were shocked Janelle’s went before Christine’s. They just aired the episode recently here, where Christine is the first keen to put house on market (and Mona’s telling her it’ll likely be gone in 30 days). So she was the first to list and all the others have sold around her. Yeeesh, that’s got to sting a little. I did some investigation. Comparatively, aside from the condition inside (and I presume Janelle’s would have been similar state), I see that Janelle’s had 6 beds 4 bathrooms and sold for $575 and Christine’s only got 5 beds and 3 bathrooms and is listed much same price. Janelle also had a bigger corner section (not just the corridor garden like Christine) and an RV gate leading into it. Janelle also has more sweeping mountain views. That all may have contributed to saleability. Could it also be due to position in cult de sac also you think? Christine’s right by the entry gates (like very close see this pic). Personally, I wouldn’t choose that house based on that, if other similar where available.
  12. I for one am totally ok with this, as long as you didn’t buy it cos Mariah said you should. If that was the case, you should not only see yourself out, but let the fridge door hit your backside on the way. Otherwise, you enjoy that juice and sit right here with me! 😆
  13. I know 😔 the cards are fully stacked against her, but I’m still rooting for her to have an epiphany one day and gain even an ounce of self awareness, maybe when the audience is long gone and she’s working a 9-5, perhaps experienced a few breakups and hardships in life that help one gain perspective... I would never defend her, she’s never been my favourite and as a personality, she’s thoroughly unlikable to me (and I’m not imagining that will change). I’m guess I’m hoping even just a tiny bit of that smug pompousness and me-me-me in her posts is still youth and will fade. I know personally I’m glad there was little social media when I was 22, god only knows what horrors I would have posted! 😆
  14. Sooo all I got from this self-absorbed dribble and video, is a motion sickness induced headache and that yoga (like white shoes) is queer now. Who knew? Also ‘my queerness is a practice.’ Um why though? she has to practice being queer? Shouldn’t it just be a part of her identity, ingrained in who she is? Why would you need to practice who you inherently are? Just my unasked for opinion, but she should quit public posting about anything philosophical until she gets out of her self absorbed early twenties and gains real perspective and life experience. She’s embarrassing herself and future middle-aged Mariah will cringe, (assuming she does develop enough humility by then).
  15. I’m thinking that Robchin wouldn’t fill complete until she’s equalled Janelle and Christine’s amount of kids and had at least one more. That’s the kind of game they have going on in polygamy, to be favoured by husband and reign supreme kids are the magic ticket for that after-life right? You’d want to one-up your sister wives or match their example surely? Plus she’s probably pressured from Kody for storyline purposes. She may want it in theory, but I’m sure she doesn’t want it in reality at 40 (more diaper blowouts, sleepless nights and no Mindy to help). The internal struggle would be real. That’s probably why she said they’d ‘leave it up to divine inspiration’ if they had anymore.
  16. Yeah it’s a bit strange isn’t it? The gossip rags say this and it seems a plausible explanation. They’ll need all the storyline they can get to sustain a new season. 🤷🏼‍♀️ https://soapdirt.com/sister-wives-is-robyn-brown-pregnant-and-battling-morning-sickness-new-season-reveal/
  17. Right? The first thing a good real estate agent will tell you when selling, is to remove all highly personal features, such as photos and wall height charts and definitely something of that nature! Mona did probably suggest covering it, but let’s face it, the Browns are that arrogant, they probably think it’s a cool selling point (as they elevate their ‘d list’ celebrity status in their own minds to the Kardashian league). I also seem to recall them visiting an old house of theirs in Wyoming, to see an old handprint feature they made in season 1 or 2 when the kids were younger. What’s the bet they’ll be back in a few seasons, to impose on the poor unsuspecting new owners of Christine’s house to inspect and reminisce on their old handiwork, cameras in tow? (That’s making some big assumptions though, one on this stale show securing more seasons and two, that Christine’s house will ever sell and three, that if it does sell, the new owner doesn’t do what the rest of us would and immediately pour new concrete straight over that baby)
  18. Lordy, everyone’s an influencer in this family now even old Mer.
  19. Yup, unwashed hair, cheesing, pretending they actually do soul cycle (not just turn up for the picture), matching fire hazard jackets, pride and rainbows, uncapitalised letters that deserve the respect of capitalisation...Nothing new to see here, just standard Pudge/sludge operating procedure. Ok what is with the ugly (presumably LuLaRoe) leggings on Audrey? Wow those look like literal crap💩
  20. Agree. This seems like the most plausible death scenario. I guess there’s also the slim chance, someone could choke on one of the many pastries and baked goods it holds whilst you’re entertaining, which is a stretch, but wasn’t that the reason old Mer just had to have it?
  21. I’m willing to bet it’s usually through alcohol poisoning right, not through your fellow sister wives murderous resentment when you spend the majority of the family budget on one.
  22. Aww you caught me! Thanks for catching me from my good side too 😊 Luckily thanks to #yoga I’m limber and flexible enough to strike a cheeky bum shot pose (a la Mariah) when I see a paparazzi. In all seriousness though, yes, I had to go early to help Bonnie set up the all the weeds for the photo backdrop @Kbo requested. (ugly brick walls and garage doors appear scarcer here than in Chi or Vegas - no offence to any locals- so we’ll go with your option ). Great minds certainly do think alike on both counts! I also do shopping centre walking with my little one in pram in the summer months (and yes before opening hours as like the Browns I also lack financial restraint) and finish with a coffee before driving home again. Gets the exercise job done for the day. Anyway back on topic! I hope you go back during opening hours and treat yourself to a shiny new queer pair, be sure to boast post about it on social media afterwards though, or else did it even happen? 🤔
  23. Me too. Dark, depressing and basic. But mostly the hatred is from the scene where Maddie’s haggard head pops up over the rim of Janelles dirty bathtub, all red glassy-eyed and zombie-like, while in the throes of active labour, screaming ‘ I caaaaan’t!!!’ Ugh that horror haunts me forever and ‘I can’t’ with those bathrooms now.
  24. That’s a tough one. If we’re going to be pedantic on the dress code, Mariah was really specific on the particular ‘white sneakers’ as being the queer ones. She did say she’d worn others before (as we saw), and they weren’t the ones that defined her as gay sooo...🤔 May I make a bold suggestion here? Follow the Browns lead, throw financial caution to the wind and just frivolously purchase the pure queer white sneakers for the one occasion. You may have insurances and taxes to pay, (yardy-yar I get it...) but hey, that can wait and anyway that’s what credit cards are for! Think about it anyway and let me know in small talk what you decide!
  25. I can’t agree with your fillings about the T-shirt but I can definitely agree with you on that! There’s plenty of mileage left in ‘queer sneakers’ 😉
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