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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. Looks like vomit in a wrap, but what would I know? There's only two people in this world qualified enough to judge this creation. Let’s hear from our esteemed judges now:
  2. Haha maybe a catfish? But yes it’s a legit photo, from a TH during the catfish saga (she was crying about how she was so afraid for her family’s safety blah blah)
  3. Also. Just speculation. That sure does appear to me like a curve on that solid straight concrete right by her midsection, not unlike the ones created by photoshopping pictures... Honoring thy body indeed by losing a quick back roll or two 😉
  4. Exactly! Thank you! That’s the end goal I can’t believe I left that very key point out 😆
  5. Yeah to me that’s totally different, like you say she has a story to tell about weight transformations and having gone through real life struggles, I’m sure she’s really inspirational to people going through the same journey. Mariah is a 23 year old poser, jumping on every bandwagon to appeal to the masses. Posing in revealing tight clothes on Instagram is not out of her comfort zone, she’s done it on Instagram for ages now in workout gear. It’s for her own self gratification and to gain likes and followers, thinly disguised as helping others and promoting body confidence (as apparently we are supposed to believe she’s devoid of that 🙄)
  6. Sorry this ‘I don’t always love myself’ drivel is insufferable coming from her. Girl please. A person suffering true body self loathing and confidence issues, does not have 99% of their Instagram, plastered with pictures of themselves. They actually avoid photographing themselves or talking about themselves, as it makes them feel inadequate, unworthy and insecure and anxious. This is just another self serving ‘look at how much I help inspire people, but it’s really all about how much I help me’ narcissistic Mariah post. She’s just encouraging the: ‘oh you’re just so brave’ ‘you look soooo amazing!’ ‘You’re so beautiful’ comments to keep fuelling her huge ego and gain more of those sycophant suckers to influence to buy her crap and take her yoga classes. I see you Mariah.
  7. Exactly, I understand the fact he’s just young and trying to fit in with the cool kids but it’s a crappy immature way to introduce the world to a girlfriend (or boyfriend) on social media. A piece of ass you’re taking home for one night only, or a playful joke at home maybe it would be fine. I just think men (and woman) who use this should consider the origin and meaning. It’s purely sexual, not loving.
  8. Why am I not surprised Jessa’s keen to get child labour to do the housework. Jana must have had the day off 😆
  9. Not to defend them, but it’ll be only because the company paid them to promote it. They probably took the influencer photo and collected the money, then threw it in the trash and ordered some takeout. I’d think meal services like these are probably beneath Mariah, as she’s such a good cook and all. She creates recipes, she doesn’t follow them like us peasants.
  10. ‘I freaking love plants. I want to eat them and I want to live with them 💁🏻‍♀️🌱’ Makes perfect sense to me. She lives and eats with Audge who is basically a houseplant with slightly more complex emotions. ‘Even better this meal took me less time that it took for Audrey to take the dogs on a walk’ wow! Ok that IS quick! She’s a better cook than I gave her credit for, if she made that in the time it took Audge to trudge the ESAs from doggie bed to the living room window! 😉
  11. I agree with all of the above @Gothish520. I think Big Love (and then Meri and Robyn) may have set the representation for us that the first wife or legal wife is HBIC, but it’s probably more a combination of personalities and circumstances, that create one wife to carry extra power. You would think to have polygamy work successfully, all wives would be married on same day and none married legally. That levels the playing field, in terms of who’s got any status right off the bat. The marriage certificate definitely creates a opportunity for superiority, despite all their protesting, they live in a monogamist world and it does mean something. I guess with polygamy too, power is all about gaining favor with the husband or even another wife, so you have that extra clout over your other sister wives in a group situation. You couldn’t really be a first wife tyrant for long, or there’d eventually be a wife mutiny like what we saw with Meri during Axels birth and they all ganged up on her. I think it’s been said before even by Kody. ‘You can’t gave one wife in charge of another in any way’ blah blah. (We all know it happens but they have to be subtle and stealth to have it be successful *cough Robyn) I think that’s also plyg logic behind the magic number of bringing in a third. They mentioned on the show ‘they say if your having wife trouble bring in a third’. Two are in a direct competition triangle, but three or more becomes a more complex situation where they are forced to communicate with each other to establish alliances if they want to remain having any power in the relationship. It’s like a twisted game of survivor us monogamists thankfully wouldn’t understand.
  12. Yup! Or "If it’s not a paid cause, then I don't care”. Mariah ain’t fighting for anyone’s social justice or cause, unless it’s specifically about her, or she’s being paid for it. She probably refers to Audge as a ‘snack’ anyway. She’s that millennial a-hole type who would. For anyone who needs it after that, I’ll just leave this here -
  13. Good on you for saying something. If Mariah was really a woke social justice warrior, this would have been the perfect time to prove it and explain to her brother publicly, that referring to woman as ‘snacks’ is degrading and derogatory. Millennial a-holes really need to put some more effort in with their compliments and young ladies need to realise this is not one! They are basically referring to you as a quick easy fling, who was just there at the time, they could’ve easily chose something else and you’ll easily be forgotten once you’ve served your quick satisfying purpose. They are dehumanising you and literally comparing you to junk food. To say this about his girlfriend is a dick move, but then he grew up with a father who believes in having sexual relations with multiple woman at once, and with mothers who allow it willingly, so what chance does he have of truly respecting women really.
  14. Good guess. My money’s on him being holed up in one of the 7 bathrooms in Robchin’s mansion, busy diffuser drying his ratty hair and styling it into something an 1980’s teenage girl would have been proud of.
  15. Oh that cheeky ol’ Mare! She loves to stir the pot knowing that people will speculate on their status and generate some interest. He’ll just be someone else’s hubby she already knew from somewhere else, who she just realised also hawks Lulanoe, so she used him for controversy. Pretend shags will help sell the rags. Also that eyeliner and clumpy spider leg mascara! while it looks passable in the heavily filtered photo, it would be over-the-top in person. Less is more when you’re a mature woman, it’s too severe and only emphasises those crows feet and fully lining your eyes makes them appear so much smaller. Get a make up lesson Meri.
  16. No doubt he does. He’s the only one in the family doing real work. It must be exhausting being her ESA hearing all about how she misses her vacation in Bali (that she somehow managed to get through without taking him). Run outside far away and be free little dog, run!
  17. To be fair, Instagramming and Twittering every moment of their extremely mundane lives requires some heavy sacrifices and efforts. 😉 I picture them texting each other at lunch, instead of conversing, things like In between the photographing of the green slop for social media of course.
  18. All Janelle’s boys had their douchey moments, but I gotta say I loved this one! He saw right through his father’s double standard and called him out. Kody was fine with the teenagers parenting all the other kids when he was off bonking another wife, (and there are countless examples of this) but on the rare occasion he’s actually present, they better not try it. Garrison was frustrated, as clearly Solomon ruled the roost and the impression was that it wasn’t uncommon for him to be hitting people unchecked. From memory, it didn’t even show him discipling Solomon, just being critical of the lack of parenting which I think is what really got him in trouble questioning the ‘all powerful leader and his queen 😂’ I think he said ‘that if they didn’t check Solomon he was going to be a brat’ (or similar) which may be a bit harsh, but he was probably right and had every right to express it, if he was looking after Sol at times. Sol was young, but just ignoring hitting, sets the the tone for it to continue. When my then two year olds hit, I grabbed their hands and said ‘I won’t let you hit, hitting hurts and we don’t use our hands to hurt people’. You repeat that again and again, if you have too until it sinks in. That’s being an active parent and obviously neither Kody or Robyn stepped in to do this so Garrison did say something and got blasted for it. If I were Garrison I’d have found the double standard of ‘you’re only good enough to parent for me when I’m absent, not when I’m purposely letting the golden child run amok’ so annoying.
  19. Where do you put your hands, in a photo to show off your pregnant belly? I’m going to say putting them somewhere ON your pregnant belly is a good place to start, instead of having them awkwardly flailing around in the air. Sheesh these people.
  20. Same that was a standing ovation moment for Garrison when he dared correct King Sol hitting, while Kody and Robyn ignored it. It must be such a weird situation to sit by and watch little siblings in your family being parented completely different to how you were, simply because they are the kids of the favourite wife. How annoying, I’d be pissed too! Remember when Garrison & Gabe had their carpark scuffle and Kody went ballistic embarrassing them on TV. Yet king Sol can go around hitting everyone and that’s fine. Granted, there was a huge difference in age, but violence is still behaviour that should be always be corrected by a parent at any age.
  21. Work? What is this work thing you do, that you speak of? I no comprendo.
  22. Damn FT is huuuuuuge now. I’m sure someone said it before and shout out to them - but now is surely the perfect opportunity for a TLC crossover show with my 600 pound life here! I can totally see Dr Now ‘Tony! Zees Tacos are killing you! You have one munt to lose turdy pound.’
  23. @ginger90 nah it’s still there, just went and checked. Maybe you did what I did when checking and went to the hiking pic by the waterfall instead with only 8 comments instead of the Disney pic? I caught my error just in time before coming back to agree with you 😆
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