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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. At least growing up in big fundie families, these girls all have plenty of experience child-rearing the younger siblings for the actual mothers. Practically wise, they should have it locked down. Whether they are emotionally ready to commit to putting all their needs and wants aside, be flexible and to do what’s best for another human is a different story. That comes down to personality and maturity a lot of the time. Kendra and Joy (who are much the same age I think?) appear to have this quality. Lauren comes across way too self-absorbed, vain and fastidious to be able to cope well with motherhood. Outside of the Pinterest Instagram version she’ll inevitably present to the world, I bet Si and Jana will be doing the background work.
  2. For the majority of people in MLM that would be a hard no, but because these grifters have ‘celebrity’ and following of sycophants; they have an inbuilt supply of gullible victims to not only sell merchandise too, but more importantly, to rope into the scheme (so they earn commissions from their sales also). In MLM you make money by having consultants under you and climbing up the pyramid. You only make money in this scheme if you reach these higher levels. This article explains it really well - https://www.finance-guy.net/streetonomic/money-lularoe-review Meri would be likely be one of the few people at Mentor or Coach stage, she’d be earning conservatively 70 thousand to a 2.4 million yearly, on commission alone according to this table. So that’s not even her retail sales... MLM makes a tiny few (who get in first and have the network and marketing ability to make it happen) at the top of the pyramid rich and the majority of ones below go broke. Basically this kind of scheme suits the likes of Mykelti and Meri to a tee, they have many willing fans and no problem gaining money at their fans expense.
  3. Looks like a maternity potato sack dress to me, but at the least the colour - or color to y’all (sorry @TurtlePower😉) is pretty, and her hair and make up looks lovely here. So dress color/colour ✔️ hair and makeup ✔️ Now if the dress were just a little bit more fitted in the right places, had better material that wasn’t so clingy and shiny, maybe a nicer pattern - ok basically a different dress. She just needs to wear a different dress. She also needs to learn to look where the sun is before taking the shot. Squinting isn’t a nice look.
  4. Hmmm yeah this seems like a well thought out plan.
  5. Sorry but this wee cutie shares the family hairline a little bit too... those Brown genetics are strong 😉
  6. Ok, ok so no break up then. Must have quite school.
  7. I never thought of it that way! That hashtag makes complete sense to me now! 😂
  8. These hashtags! Such a lol! #doingme #independentwoman I’m sure that’s how she likes to view herself - carefree, strong and capable; but the reality is she’s still a desperado, clinging on to the farce that is her ‘spiritual marriage’, kissing Kody’s butt and going where he goes. If these hashtags were even remotely true, she’d be road tripping the hell out of Flag forever, to run her B&B and her MLM dream alone. At this point, she’s surely only there for the TLC paycheck and to try and save face from the embarrassing catfishing (by assuring everyone ‘we’re still fine, still family, no real damage done’) and the only other reason I can fathom, is that she really believes religious aspect that the marriage is necessary for her eternal salvation. She’s completely checked out in her mind, but still clinging on like a barnacle in reality. It does not compute. These hashtags should be #kodependantwoman #doingmarriagealone Then we have all the MLM hype tags, #goodtimes #lifefurfilled #becauseican #livingmywhy. Just bull crap buzz hashtags they are told to use, to portray a life of fun and wealth/opportunity to sucker impressionable and vulnerable people to join them. There is nothing about Meri’s life (that I’ve seen aired) that remotely suggests she’s fulfilled, having good times or that she’s living out what she really wants in life.
  9. how’s your big old sombrero there Robyn? I seem to recall her freaking out about the hat she wore to Aspyn’s wedding, ‘I never wear hats, my poor hair etc’. Also I know it’s hard to tell when she’s sitting but anyone else think her middle section’s thicker?
  10. Typical Brown then with her organisation skills and running late. Audge probably ran her website and she ain’t helping Mariah out anymore updating that for her. Break up clue number 3. 😆
  11. Agree with all this. There’s a big difference between sharing such personal and poignant pictures with your friends and family, but this is so public. She is opening up and sharing her raw pain with the world here, and I’m left wondering does she want to, or does she just know no other way and feel she has too? Regardless it isn’t my business and whatever helps her heal is what’s important as long as she is getting to decide what that is. I’m such a private introvert it wouldn’t be my choice, but if I saw this picture on a friends feed, I’d think it was touching, beautiful and brave and commend them.
  12. Haha it was a lovely place to grow up and much of my family are there, but I’ve been in Australia for years now. Never met a Fleming before 😉 (ETA sorry Mods l’ll stop talking about myself a la Mariah, and focus on Meri now promise!)
  13. Oh thank god there’s a support group here! I’m an Australian that grew up in New Zealand so I have literally no right whatsoever to use it. I’m not even in the same country, let alone the south, and I use y’all (albeit very occasionally and only usually in a jovial sense with good friends). I blame it on many years of American tv viewing, having a close American friend and being obsessed with the likes of Britney Spears growing up. ‘Youse guys’ is a common speech pattern in New Zealand too which I may have used verbally but only jokingly.. hangs head in shame.
  14. That bow is ri-god-damn-diculous! You have a child, she’s a human, not a Christmas present or a doll to dress up! I realise that these bows are Jinger’s ‘thing’ but this is a form of actual child abuse, to go and strap that hideous huge monstrosity to your beautiful baby’s head. It doesn't even make sense with a football jersey, we all know she’s a girl, I don’t get it? She definitely doesn’t need it to enhance her, it actually retracts from her gorgeousness and must be hell annoying for the poor little girl. If pulled that kind of stunt with putting stupid headgear on my child of similar age, he’d have it off and ripped to shreds, using his bare hands and two lone front teeth in three seconds flat. (Granted, he is a boy and he doesn’t have passive ‘keep sweet’ Duggar genes) but I wouldn’t do that to him if he was a girl either, because it’s completely heinous, self absorbed and pointless. Rant over.
  15. Ooooohh. 😬 I want to say no fricken way, but the narcissistic bitch is so strong in that one, so who knows? I think more likely though, Lauren only thinks about Lauren, so she’ll probably forget Joy even had Annabell and instead post lots of insensitive ‘look at my perfect beautiful healthy baby girl’ without referencing or thinking about her sister-in-laws devastating loss or the impact it will have on her to see these other family pregnancies coming to fruition 😞
  16. Sounds like the break up is hitting hard today. I’m betting that beside her, off camera, is a near empty tub of vegan, ethically-sourced, cacao icecream (with double the calories of regular icecream) that she’s been chowing into directly with a soup spoon. One thing we do get from this completely pointless, bleak and narcissistic story, (apart from more break up clues), is that at least one Brown woman does occasionally wash the soles of their feet, so there’s that!
  17. Oh no Jer, such carnage and destruction! I hope you can rebuild? 🙄
  18. Statistically, nearly a quarter of pregnancies end in miscarriage for whatever reason. Assuming Michelle had no issues (apart from Jubilee), she is the exception, not the rule here. Unfortunately the girls have been set a very unrealistic example of the ease of childbirth and pregnancy by Michelle. Not everyone is that lucky. It would be great if the girls didn’t feel pressured to have children back-to-back especially when there’s been csections in the past. With a csection like Joy and Jill have had, each subsequent pregnancy should be spaced carefully (ob-gyn advise 2 years between pregnancy in this instance). The risk of complications like uterine rupture and placenta problems are so much higher after csection as is the likelihood of having a repeat csection. Conditions such as placenta praevia, (placenta grows across the entrance of the womb, increasing bleeding risk and making it necessary to have another caesarean); placenta accreta (where the placenta grows into the muscle layer of the uterus, greatly increasing the risk of haemorrhage); and placenta percreta (where the placenta grows through the wall of the uterus and can attach to other organs) are greatly increased. All of these conditions can be life threatening to mother and baby and are no joke. I had placenta accreta due to the placenta attaching to my previous csection scar. I haemorrhaged badly at my last sons birth and nearly died. Ended up with a life saving emergency hysterectomy and thankfully we both lived to tell the tale. Obstetricians will also advise mothers against more than 4 pregnancies if the mother has had multiple csections. I’m guessing these are good reasons for the Duggar’s to try hard to avoid medical interference at child birth, as csections will really mess with their philosophy of making as many blessings as possible. I hope this post doesn’t come across too insensitive or speculative in any way, just my observations from personal experience. I feel for Joy and Austin deeply, this is a horrendous tragedy no parent should have to go through and it’s incredibly unlikely she could have prevented this or be at fault here. These things just happen.
  19. Ooohh this one is interesting! ☝She was there for a month in paradise with a lot of other ladies, lots of potential for connections to form. It’s like she saw our posts about not going classes! (Hi Mariah, if you’re here reading, great book. Old UK rockstar Sting once famously stayed up all night bonking his wife for 7 hours straight because of Tantra, so very ‘woke’ choice of reading material there) Rainbows are her specialty so providing she can still perform the moves in her white sneakers, this should be a good fit 😉
  20. I went to her business page on Facebook to have a nosey. Ye gods. What in the world is this poor model wearing? She looks like she tripped over the clothing rack in Meri’s Lula room and got every single item of mismatched attire possible, stuck to her body. Who aspires to look like this honestly? If this is #fashion it’s a hard pass from me.
  21. Looks like her next woke whole month vacation is to Hawaii then, for Hula dancing teacher training. In other news Audrey hasn’t liked her recent mystery post. Audrey always likes her posts straight away. Speculation intensifies... I just want to know who will be the narcissistie stick now and take the photos for Mariah? Will they share custody of the ESA’s? 🤔 If this is a real break up, I have questions.
  22. Oh thank god you all feel this way too! I’ve never posted on this thread before, but I just came here to say how inappropriate is this girl? Any pregnancy loss is brutal, but as if she is actually comparing a chemical pregnancy she had months ago, to Joy having to deliver her 20 week stillborn baby here! Especially when she herself is now pregnant with a baby girl that Joy now has to watch play out. This post is not about her loss and not the place to make it about her. Ugh self-absorbed smug wench. My only comfort is she’s getting slammed for it, in the reply comments below hers (as she should!)
  23. Even though we are used to how bad her writing is, at least you can usually decipher what she’s trying to convey. This is next level bad...Just Saddness.
  24. Be nice and appropriate? Pffttt c’mon where’s the fun in that? I wouldn’t just caption it, I’d write the whole article. Haha. Sister Wives Star’s STI Scandal! Sister wives stars Robyn and Meri Brown made the unfortunate discovery recently, that the HSV-1 virus causing common oral cold sores, is also transferable to genitalia. Sources say Meri has been reported as being furious and having her walls up with fellow wife Robyn, as it was only after her introduction to the family, that the adult family members began suffering the condition. Sources close to the family add, that since Robyn is the only wife Kody is usually sexually active with, this hasn’t been an issue ‘down there’ for the other wives in 8 years, until fairly recently, when Meri was given a scrap of attention by Kody (due to Robyn not being present) during a trip to Flagstaff, to search for property to purchase. The family has not been available for comment.
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