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  1. Anyone have a VPN link to watch this in the US? I am watching on Hulu and it is at least a week behind and I feel like I am missing so much because media and posts are all about things happening currently that I have not been able to see yet as the episodes are delayed? please remove if this request is not allowed. Thanks in advance!
  2. I think this site has Season 5: https://shvideos.net/2021/10/09/real-housewives-of-melbourne/ I have never watched it… thinking about watching Season 5… would prefer to start at the beginning!
  3. I think wrestlers can get it from their ear cartilage bending against the mat. I think they wear headgear to help prevent it. I have always heard of it, yet I’ve actually only seen it on reality tv show people that wrestled in high school or college. If anyone watched early Big Brother, Justin (Alison’s former boyfriend from college who hooked up with someone else I can’t think of… Dana? from Queens, NY) from BB4 had it on his ear. My gift/curse of a very detailed memory for the most trivial data 🙈
  4. It was in a quick bit on the show when someone accused her of not being charitable enough or some such and she kind of rolled her eyes in a talking head and said “oh please, I have several animal charities and she can come see me at XYZ shelter where I volunteer serving food every Monday morning.” This is not an exact quote but it was similar. That said, I have no idea if it is true… however, I do think it may be her way of feeding the underserved population to balance her work at high end restaurants. I do also believe that they have a relationship with shelters to donate excess food.
  5. I have heard that LVP has long volunteered every Monday at a soup kitchen for the homeless. It is the day that restaurants are closed and her day off. It has never been shown on camera on any of her TV shows.
  6. Yes, it is discolored scab healing skin from sunburn or road rash burn.
  7. Thank you. I’m sorry for the pain you have experienced and appreciate your perspective.
  8. I think I was the person that referred to Zayn as maybe “appearing” to be a soulful creative type amongst a possible other list of reasons that he and Gigi found compatibility and attraction and dated. I also attempted to offer it as a possible alternative for why he was rude to fans and eschewed fan interaction, interviews and the spotlight as he may just be sensitive and more introverted or he may simply be an asshole drug addict. At that point, I was the only one mentioning that isn’t this dude a drug addict? Now, I don’t follow Zayn or One Direction, and I made that clear that my opinion was only gleaned from news that I came across or blind items. I said, Gigi can do better and she should… maybe the world is too loud for his anxiety or maybe he is an asshole. I never said any of it was ok. I made a leap with the soulful creative type because people wondered why she might be with him. Don’t young girls sometimes think tortured artists are deep? Sometimes it seems attractive and maybe he isn’t deep or maybe he is… I don’t want to be responsible for starting the drug narrative if it isn’t true and isn’t reported in the news or known by those who would know about him more than I would. I mentioned it as an alternative in a way to be fair because I don’t know what is true, in case he wasn’t a drug addict, yet also bringing up the drug use. To then accuse me of not understanding life enough to make comments on these people’s experiences is ridiculous @Never Again. You don’t know me and what I may or may not have been through. This board is for speculation about the events in the lives of the people on the cast of the RHOBH, not for speculation about the lives of each other. You have no idea what I know of. Thank you @LemonSoda for pointing this out. I appreciate it. I had a hell of a week and was turned off to responding. I’m tuned out now period.
  9. The thing most strange to me is that on the night of a RHOBH reunion episode airing, Dorit is fast asleep at home in bed at 10:50 pm. The show airs from 9-10 pm. Dorit was able to wind down and get in to bed early on a reunion night when she is potentially on the chopping block? It seems like she would be interested in what the internet had to say about the night’s events and maybe would at least be knee deep in Twitter reading about herself, even if she wanted to pretend she doesn’t bother or care to know. Fast asleep, though? *I* was wound up for hours after Erika’s re-invention of the car crash in to a ravine and the gall of her assertion that the victims in the lawsuits against her, Tom, and Girardi Keese were “alleged” victims. I was trying to wind down from that bullshit and I am really checked out at this point— I’m certainly not depending on the audience interest to want me back to keep my paycheck when my husband owes millions to the IRS!!! HOW are you calmly sleeping??!? Like, no shade, for real, WHAT are you taking Dorit?? Asking for a friend…
  10. I didn’t know that story about Zayn hiding in the bathroom during a small performance and Instagram person said it was anxiety and sensory issues! I had no idea it was ever discussed, it was just something I noticed about him, yet I wasn’t sure if it was accurate or not! He definitely seems like that to me. Regarding his being a good fit for Gigi… ehhh, I agree with your original premise that she can do better! He may be a talented soulful creative romantic, however he is also a depressed angry substance addict. No matter how much she may love him for who she sees that he really is, he needs to address his issues or his behavior will continue to be unpredictability volatile, withdrawn or otherwise problematic. Even if she loves him, there is no reason to strap herself to that. He has a lot to work out.
  11. I mentioned before that I don’t know too much about Zayn, however the impression I have gleaned from reading blind items, regular news, Hadid media… whatever info that infiltrates and gets through… is that he is an interesting person with a sweet soul who is quite talented as a singer/vocalist and as a creative artist. He is a quiet and shy type to a more extreme than what people usually mean when they say that. Almost like he is one of those people that the world is too loud for at times. It was my understanding that this was the reason he didn’t interact with 1D fans too much. It would drain him and he couldn’t do it, whereas fan interactions could jazz up and excite other personalities. Again, just my impression and I can’t even point to a source for this… it is an amalgamation of media about him. He was also the one that dropped out of One Direction to go solo which eventually led to the breakdown of the group and each going solo. I think those stadium tours were too much for him and he is very close to his family. He went back home to live with them. I have no idea if drug use was a factor in his leaving and living situation, however, I don’t think so. My understanding was he didn’t like the intensity of the attention. I think he is a serious person and he never wanted to be a celebrity and didn’t like that part of being in One Direction. He and Gigi seemed to just click and I always guessed that their connection was partly built on the understanding of having to deal with being a celebrity and managing that pressure. Also, I think that they are both Muslim and have that in common. From media, it appeared that Zayn was comfortable mixing and being involved as part of Gigi’s family for holidays and such. If he is the type where the world is too loud and over stimulating, he can be quick to anger if (metaphorically) pushed on issues that cross his boundaries due to his inability to process the noise. It would also make him vulnerable to substance use to numb the intensity a bit. I don’t follow them to know more about them. It’s all speculation based on my impression. I can’t imagine Gigi being with him if he is an awful person to be around, but who knows?
  12. My takeaway from reading that is that Yolanda came in to Zahn and Gigi’s home where Zayn was at home with the child, Khai (?). Gigi was out of town and they have broken up,so the baby was with him. Sounds like Yolanda was displeased about something and from the stuff he was saying to her (crassly) asserting that it was HIS child (not hers) and HIS home (not hers) and that she better leave and get out of his space and he doesn’t care what security she calls because it is his house and child and Yo is not going to take her just because she is Yolanda (he doesn’t care if she is a Dutch slut! *cough* damnnnn, Zayn… this whole thing made me laugh because he doesn’t give AF about her airs of grandeur and called her on it 🤭). They were physically close and he pushed past her or maybe did nothing at all (who knows after what we saw with the Ken thing) and she claims he shoved her in to the dresser causing pain and anguish. He pleads “no contest” because he doesn’t want to plead guilty because he may or may not think he did anything but he doesn’t want to fight about it in court with Yolanda and make it a public display. So he says he won’t admit guilt, but won’t contest it and take the punishments. He is trying to protect his daughter Khai from any further discord and try to keep Gigi from being really triangulated. I don’t know much about Zayn except from some stuff that I have read. I know Yolanda can make a mountain out of nothing and drag something out in court for a very long time. Her divorce from Mo took like 7 years (and she was with David for much of that time) because she contested the prenup and it took forever. There was also something about her divorce from David that there was some legal maneuvering that the prenup was not valid if a person was ill or some kind of clause for something I read once upon a time that I fell down a wormhole of investigating legal stuff for no good reason except procrastination and curiosity. So she could drag Zayn for years if she wanted to and make everything very uncomfortable for his new co-parenting situation with Gigi, which will likely involve her mom often. That said, he has a history of a heroin problem and not giving any fucks about things… maybe he is a deep sensitive soul and that is why he is distant from public or maybe he is an asshole. Either way, he may or may not have shoved Yolanda in an argument when she entered his home… I don’t know. But the story is bigger than it needs to be. Yolanda was being a pushy mother in law and he was not dealing with it and who knows what happened— but he now has mandatory anger management and counseling that will hopefully help him learn techniques to de-escalate these type of situations because the only one he can control is himself, Yo is going to Yo and think she is best for the baby. Maybe she is… but it’s not her call and he needs to navigate that without it coming to confrontation.
  13. It is also the condition of her hair and skin. She is not moisturized and treated in the same way. It is tough to keep super bleach blonde hair looking healthy and it is expensive to make skin and hair look “natural.” It’s way more work too. I am shocked and not shocked at how quickly her hair got dried out because that is heavy color that requires serious skill and maintenance and is not going to look good with just a deep conditioner once a week. The squishiness is alcohol dehydration and a bit of weight gain bloat at the same time. Her “I found out my husband is a crook and a fraud and I’m devastated… how dare you not see I’m DEVASTATED!” is not her best “moment” for the look book. She seems to know this too and is always in sweats lately.
  14. Hugs @Stats Queen. I am relieved that you are physically and emotionally safe. Yet, as you said, the body is affected whether it is one terrifying encounter or a constant chronic threat that occurs in domestic violence or even an emotionally violent home. Thank you for sharing to speak up on this and how the effects don’t stop once the threat is removed— sometimes that is when the effects start because the threat is gone and the body’s parasympathetic nervous system is trying to disengage out of the constant fight/flight/freeze adrenaline and it can’t seem to stop that stimulus loop to calm the physical body regarding the rationality of no longer facing present harm. On topic of the show, I think the Hilton women grew up in a physically volatile house with an alcoholic narcissistic and histrionic mother with a rage problem. Her first teenage marriage to Kathy’s father was filled with domestic abuse, she was physically and verbally abusive to Ken Richards, and she was often putting the sisters against each other playing on their emotions to earn money for the survival of the family. She was married two more times and we never hear of step siblings, so we don’t know if relationships were maintained. She was often drunk and hanging around the Beverly Hills Hotel looking for her next husband. That unstable childhood affected each young girl in different ways as they were all at different ages during different stages of these times, yet it is clear that they are still confused with complex grief and loyalty to their mother above all mantra in their family. It is unusual that the three sisters who are all “so close” have all had periods of years of not speaking to each other and often reunite for TV and are crying about their sister-ship at these reunions. It is a complex dysfunctional alcoholic pattern on display for view. They don’t even need the money, but they NEED the attention and they all need to be right and, above all, aligned with Big Kathy, twenty years after her death.
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