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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Oh, no! All the pot stirring will cause a rift between Sutton and Crystal, after they finally mended things and seem to be enjoying each other's friendship. I really wish Garcelle hadn't asked the question about Crystal "setting up" Sutton. Crystal seemed to respond defensively and accused Sutton of being very dark. Naturally, people want to know what was said, as it speaks to Sutton's character, especially since they were talking about race and stereotypes. If Kyle doesn't remember it and Bravo didn't show it, I'm not sure it was more than we already saw- Sutton being oblivious, inarticulate, and making it about herself.
  2. Yes, at first when I read this, I could understand the point being made about why there is so much questioning Bilal's wealth- is it racially motivated? But, then I thought back to the way viewers have questioned the wealth of many other participants, many who have turned out to be posers- Michael, of Michael and Juliana comes to mind. I think the viewers start to look at things with a sharp lens when someone comes across as bragging about their materialistic success and being showy. Patrick of this season seems to be well off financially, but he isn't talking about it all the time. I think Bilal rubbed people the wrong way right off the bat and then questions were raised. And, of course, the way he treats Shaee seems horrible to many of us, but it is either scripted or she's happy with it, apparently.
  3. Yes, I believe the luggage is for more than the yachting excursion. Which makes it all the more absurd when the last, demanding charter group insisted that all their clothing was steamed. Put out the next two days worth of clothing and have that steamed, if you wish, but not the entire wardrobe!
  4. I'm so curious about the sunglasses. I wear mine religiously, OUTSIDE, so I get the appeal. Is she wearing them as a kind of headband-y sort of fashion statement? She wears them 24/7, indoors and in bad weather.
  5. I was pretty surprised that Scarlett became so annoyed with Daisy at the dinner. I'm sure Daisy would LOVE it if her team would leave Little Gary alone for a time and focus on their work and perhaps get along. To that end, she was offering some advice to Scarlett, who didn't want to hear it. I remember her saying in one of her first interviews that she is the type of person who has to touch the hot stove for herself, so I guess that is where this is heading...
  6. I was very impressed with the design/sewing skills of the queens this episode. Jaida's and Raja's looks were my favorites. I had no idea that Raja's golden fantasy would turn out so great. The elaborate sleeves were everything! Jaida's look was perfection. I loved Trinity's Vanna look and she is obviously immensely skilled to create her red gown so effortlessly, even though it wasn't my cup of tea. It was so sweet of her to help Jinkx with her design (and I'm glad Jinkx acknowledged her for it- many queens don't seem to.) And, I love the dress Viv created- she looked gorgeous!! Another great episode (but still waiting for Raja to receive a star!)
  7. The reasoning behind this is that when this store fails and she finds a new partner to use and abuse, she can just change the subheading. 😉
  8. Yes, I remember that. Thank goodness for viewer questions. I just would really love for one of the housewives in the group setting to bring it up while Kyle is grilling Sutton for being insensitive. It would be such a moment.
  9. That's why I would have LOVED it if one of the ladies had pointed out, in the midst of Kyle yelling at Sutton: "Empathetic, like you were with Lisa V after her brother passed? " That would have shut up Kyle immediately. Maybe.
  10. I was hoping that Raja would be in the top with Jinkx. They were my favorites in the Snatch Game- just amazing! Raja's makeup skills were flawless and she was very funny! Both of Jinkx's characters were great, but Judy was in a completely different level- the nuances and mannerisms were so good. Well, I guess Jinkx will now be likely to get blocked in upcoming episodes, since she is one of the frontrunners. It's an interesting way to choose a winner. I think the judges should just award points based on challenges and runways and the queen who receives the most points wins. The social component of All Stars has always bothered me. But, I am thoroughly enjoying this season of stunning queens. They are all bringing their A Game!
  11. One take away I had was that the first chefs presenting, Sarah and Buddha, killed it with their savory dishes. Then, Evelyn and Damarr outdid themselves with their dessert. As Evelyn pointed out, each had a small flaw in one of their dishes, though both Evelyn's dishes received consistently good reviews. I think Damarr was narrowly eliminated because his main ingredient was not highlighted as much as the judges would like. I'm sad to lose him right before the finale, but he certainly did an amazing job this season. I live nowhere near Chicago and his restaurant is now on my bucket list. I can't wait to see what they cook next week as the best dish of their lives!
  12. And, it was even more telling that Mikey was rolling his eyes and gasping in alarm at suggestions EJ made. She must have the absolute worst taste (did we not know that, already?) if he is so blatant in his reactions about her choices. I have a feeling that it is absolutely killing her to wear an outfit twice. Poor thing.
  13. Just read this quote from Shaee defending Bilal: For as long as I’ve known Bilal, he has been a very sweet, caring, sensitive, kindhearted soul who gives me whatever I want, and I’ll do the same for him. No, he is not a NARCISSIST. No, he is not controlling because he is Muslim. But because perception is reality, we’ve been conditioned to perceive a Black man as scared, illiterate, deadbeat, dependent, and struggling. If that’s not what we see, then yes he has to be a NARCISSIST, so let’s destroy him and humble him and remind him of what he has to be. Stop trying to DEFAME him with perceptions –sit back and enjoy the show!
  14. Well, the gang up on Sutton is in full effect. I think Sutton brings some of this on herself, with her insensitive comments, but she is more than willing to apologize and try to explain her thinking. But, for everyone, except Garcelle and maybe Crystal, to criticize and berate Sutton at every opportunity must feel pretty awful. And, that is apparently the thanks she gets for spending $11,000 on a charity dinner for Lisa and Harry...
  15. Just like the runway show, Kyle waltzes in at the last minute, getting stressed out and anxious. Maybe she should involve herself in the days/months leading up to the opening if she wants everything to be a certain way.
  16. She's loving every minute of it! (And making sure everyone hears how green Scarlett is...)
  17. Well, she drinks a lot, maybe this is one of those decisions she made after a night out, like the hot tub hook up. We'll see if it lasts more than 10 minutes. I'm cynical, but wish them happiness all the same.
  18. Many of the Never Before Scenes feature Gary and Daisy flirting or joking about a future life together. Personally, I think she could do better. He skeeves me out the way he is grabbing the ladies, hugging and kissing them at his whim, though they seem to love it. I was also soured on Marcos regarding Gabby, and can't seem to like him as much as I did before. I think he even tried to accept her "apologies" a few times, but maybe he wasn't coming across as sincere. I don't know why I can't get beyond that. Awesome chef, though! Speaking of chef, they (the producers) need to stop with the zillion-course meals. What is it going to be next time- 20 courses? We've seen it almost every season, and they up the ante every time. Who in their right mind would request 10 courses, let alone eat them?
  19. IIRC, Bini often had three or more jobs in Ethiopia, so I don't feel he is opposed to hard work, or just did nothing while living with his sisters/roommates. I love to joke about his Butt Bongo expertise, as well- such a memorable scene, but that was part of a dance routine, which he seemed very skilled at. There are quite a few things he could do in the US to earn money- it's Ari who is lazy and dependent on her parents. And living with her would erase all joy from his new life, kind of like winning the lotto and never getting the money!
  20. I have heard the following, on social media. Can't confirm... Also, I know last season Colin talked about his girlfriend, but they have since broken up. Maybe he is with someone else, because he doesn't seem interested in pursuing things with the crew, either. I'm just so tired of seeing Gary make out and more with (almost) every available female. They're all idiots to fall for his BS. At this point, I would prefer seeing Captain Glenn get flirty with someone!
  21. We were discussing in the Live Chat how much Jibri and Miona's storyline seems to be following Russ and Pao's trajectory from several years back. Russ' mom asked Pao to cover up when she first arrived, too. However, Pao was wearing skimpy negligees and the family was very conservative religious folk. I don't know about Jibri's family, but judging from his get ups alone, they seem to be a bit more open minded. And, so far, the clothes Miona sports may be tacky, but are pretty average for this day and age. Actually, come to think of it, Jibri was showing more inappropriate flesh when his pants split and he didn't bother to change them. 😂
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