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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. They want their image to be that of a happy couple for the sake of the show.
  2. I'm not fond of the way they are judging: "Have you changed your mind? no, no, and no." Seems strange, but maybe I'm just not used to it. Plus, I'm not a fan of Naomi Campbell. From what I have read in the tabloids, she is not a nice person. I have a feeling that her opinions will be quite narrow.
  3. I agree! I can't believe she had a show during New York Fashion Week. How??? No wonder she had a huge stock of safety pins. I can't fathom her having her own line, with no pattern making skills, unable to sew... Maybe she should be a stylist.
  4. It was good to see Heidi and Tim again. This new format will take some getting used to, especially the judging. But, I liked some of the changes: less frenzy with fabric choice and time limits, seamstresses, exciting locations... I was surprised to see Martha having such a difficult time cutting her fabric. C'mon! It was a large rectangle! Hopefully she has some skills that we are just not privy to at the moment... Also, I was disappointed to hear all the whining Esther was doing over the seamstress not sewing her dress, but not being able to understand what was wrong with it and why/how she started over. If it is that big of a deal, give us the scoop!
  5. I agree! Although I find Christian very entertaining, he does not give much advice, let alone support, to the contestants. I think as a “ mentor”, Tim Gunn Rises above. No one’s perfect, but he had sage advice and suggestions for the contestants. Christian abounds in eye rolling, put downs and general snark. I love him as entertainment, but not so much as a mentor.
  6. I really did not like Claire's poor attitude about not eliminating contestants the night before. Although I agree that the judges should have come together to make a decision, Claire was one of the designers up for elimination, although she seemed to have forgotten that. How can she be so cocky about her "trash bag landed on chest" design and think she was robbed when her future with the show was in just as much jeopardy as the other pair of designers? I also can't agree with Kerby Jean-Raymond's decision to leave the judging because it wasn't going his way. Egos abound here!
  7. I'm enjoying many aspects of this show, but I can't get onboard with the team eliminations. It just seems so unfair up to this point. ALL of the eliminated teams have been individuals who had no prior experience working together, or even knowing one another. This is such a disadvantage, as we have seen. Also, it has been heartbreaking for me to see both team members be eliminated at the expense of the mistake of one. On the first episode, Nasheli worked her buns off using fabric she disagreed with. Her partner made all the bad decisions and she did the work and ultimately paid the price. In the second episode, I felt so bad for Narresh, who is extremely talented in creating prints, for being graceful and allowing his partner to take the lead in print choice. He could have excelled In this challenge! Now, we have a similar situation with Julian going home over choices his partner forced on him. I didn't like his print choices last week, but they appealed to the judges for making a statement. I feel bad for these eliminated contestants and far prefer the way Project Runway usually handles team challenges, where only one person is eliminated. I would love to see these partners get another chance in an individual challenge (ala Top Chef's Last Chance Kitchen...)
  8. See what happens when you don't wear your seatbelt?!?
  9. I was entertained by these weddings, but am absolutely enthralled at next week's prospects. What will be revealed??? What did Sequim Mike do to poor Natalie? Who is Angela yelling at?? (My guess- one of the goofballs.) Which couples are doing great and which relationships have imploded?? Will Jessie make an appearance?? (Yes, I know that there is no reason for him to be there, but that never stopped him before.). Seven days is just too long!
  10. Discussion of Bingo Cards have been moved to Small Talk, along with .....a link to Bingo Cards!!! Thanks, everyone!
  11. Thanks to Christina's suggestion of a Bingo card generator, we have one iteration: mfbc.us/m/j986u7 (copy and paste this in your address bar). I wasn't able to put everyone's amazing suggestions on it, but at least we have something for the new season.
  12. You used the Bingo cards for Live PD- what is that?
  13. "Gray Gardens," the ORIGINAL reality show! 😂 (And you can bet the producers never had to prompt Little Edie to do ANY of her priceless stunts!)
  14. Perfect! Now we just need someone who knows how to do Bingo cards. As a former Kindergarten teacher, I can whip up some paper ones, but I think the high tech online variety would serve us better! Porn Granny is a very agreeable person.
  15. It may be within her rights to apply for the K1, but since immigration is such a huge issue right now and it is so difficult to immigrate to our country, I would prefer to look at someone's contribution to our community or society. Our president has "good countries" and "shithole countries" and basis his opinion on that. I would rather have Anny here doing hair and nails, Michael selling used cars and Omar looking after our dental health than an uppity Inner-Peace seeker.
  16. Ooh! How can we get Sarah to officiate at Blake and Jasmine's wedding? (Said the little devil sitting on my shoulder.)
  17. I can't participate in the Rice a Roni Live Feed snarkfest because I live on the West Coast, but I read it every week because it is hilarious! Some posters were mentioning Bingo cards, which I think is a fantastic idea, especially seeing how we have a new season coming up. I was thinking we should list the ideas for the Bingo card, either here or on a separate thread and then ask for the help of some tech-savvy individual to create them. The live snarkers were coming up with some great Bingo squares, but I'll leave it for them to post them here (their due credit). What do you think? "My kids are my first priority."
  18. Also, she makes herself sound so appealing as a future citizen of our country. Do we really need extra plastic sitting around taking up space and doing nothing for our society?
  19. I've noticed at least 70% of the brides do not choose one of the dresses we've see them try on. Most of the time they are wearing something completely different.
  20. This is it, exactly! We are no longer watching a family of polygamists who talk about love being multiplied and marrying a family, not a man. They've all become greedy with the money from TLC and are living like the reality celebrities they are. They get together for taped family events for the sake of the show and, even then, can't be bothered to be engaged (Meri, I'm looking at you). If they can't even be bothered to stay at another sister wife's house temporarily while their Flagstaff accommodations are worked out, what chance is there of them living together? Kody's One House plan has soundproof walls, separate kitchens and living spaces, but that is too close for comfort for most of them. We are all supporting their lavish lie-fstyle by continuing to watch a completely different show than what was being sold to us.
  21. Maybe that's why Jasmine's parents are okay with everything. Their daughter has no work ethic, better Blake's problem than theirs.
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