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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I don't see why. Shams may not be the typical American name, but it means something to the baby's parents and honors his grandfather. This group is a subculture of America and I love the diversity in our country and celebrate it.
  2. After all the stuff that happened in the episode, I can't believe I'm focusing on this, but... Why do all the ladies pet their hair??? I have very long hair and don't spend my days stroking it for hours on end. Do hair extensions have some kind of addictive substance that makes it virtually impossible to avoid touching it over and over and over??? (Sorry for this, but after seeing so many ladies stroking themselves, I had to ask...) I was laughing at GG's comment- he's no James Bond!
  3. Dinner Party Fashion Police: Lisa Rinna: No! Despite her penchant for wearing all things animal print, this was just too much, from the bell bottoms to the all over stripe. Sutton: After seeing her in various horrible couture designs, nothing seems as bad as those. I give her a pass on her rhinestoned billboard. Garcelle: You seem great and have made some wonderful fashion choices, but not this time. The ballerina skirt was too-too. Dorit and Kyle: made appropriate fashion choices for upcoming erotic dancing and rolling around on the floor.
  4. Yes! That's all I could think about during the party scenes. She wanted to imprint this so badly that she had this dinner party immediately upon returning home from an extended work trip. Smells of desperation...
  5. I must admit I really liked seeing Heidi and Tim pack their suitcases!
  6. I'm super disappointed we didn't get to see Sander's collection. He has so much creativity, his runway show would have been innovative and colorful. At least Jonny decided to add some yellow and white into his collection or we would have seen only black clothing. I thought Esther had several really beautiful pieces, but she really overdid it with the use of the tulle/netting. I thought Jonny's collection was more interesting than Esther's and had a lot more detail in it. Heidi, get a stylist!
  7. I felt a bit bad for Sander because he didn't have shoes and accessories like the other two. However, I completely understand. He is a beginning designer without a label or company to whip up these products. I hope it won't count against him. I can't even imagine asking contestants to get all that together in a month. At least Jonny had a factory in Bali to do his bidding. It just seems like too much to accomplish in such a short amount of time!
  8. I know it makes for good t.v., but I am very disappointed that only 2 of the designers will get to move on and show their collections. The amount of work they each put into their pop-up shops, final runway show and brand presentation should have earned each of them a place in the finale. For one of them, all that effort for nothing.
  9. That's perfect! Teddi needs you to help her with her communication skills. She may be an accountability coach, but she is really bad at communicating and getting her point across. With each situation, she puts her foot in her mouth and it always ends up badly, even though I don't think her intentions are bad. She needs someone like you in her corner (or on an app in her phone), and to stop taking advice from people like Rinna...
  10. I think she should hire a stylist. Someone who could tell her WHICH designer clothing would flatter her figure and show her how to accessorize. But, then, we wouldn't have as much to snark about!
  11. So sad. These big cats have been through hell and are at risk of starving, meanwhile "the Tiger King" gets 3 square meals a day...
  12. I loved the Quickfire, too! I loved seeing the plates- especially how messy Jen's sister's plate was and how empty Leanne's mom's plate was! She really enjoyed that steak!
  13. I completely agree with you, and he's no fool. His little scene with the rankings has everyone talking- goal accomplished! I also like what another poster pointed out: being in the bottom 3 gives him more airtime than being in the middle of the pack. I loved Stephanie for sending her husband over to help Leanne and when the others pitched in, I teared up a little, too. I was so glad to see her mom happily cooking the next day. I have to say that I really enjoy Nini, her cooking, her personality, and her colorful outfits. She brings a smile to my face. I noticed the juxtaposition of Jenn and Nini in the supermarket. Jenn shouting out orders to the butchers while Nini was being fun and conversational with them. Malarkey probably has one...
  14. That doesn't surprise me. From what we have seen, Joe Exotic likes to have marriages that are outside of the norm (I'm talking about the polygamy, not the gay marriage) and I'm sure he will find some 19 year old in prison that tickles his fancy.
  15. I hope that when the pandemic Is over, people will support the businesses who helped their employees and boycott the ones who thought only of profit.
  16. I agree with everything you said. Saying that Megan was copying Esther's designs because of the color is outrageous! As Megan said when she was defending herself, it was a suit- which has been a staple in her fashion line. If anything, Megan stuck to the theme of brand growth by adding in the more "masculine" features. Jonny may have suffered from a bad edit, but I had the same thought when I saw him moping about, fretting about time.
  17. No "reality tv show" is worth leaving your baby so soon, just to have televised fights with your "best friend of 30 years." It's not even good entertainment for us viewers, because we don't get what the bleep this fight is all about. I understand why MJ would be upset that Reza didn't visit her at the hospital, but I'm confused about the talking behind Reza's back and why that would upset him so much- isn't that something that everyone does on that show, especially Reza?
  18. I used to like Nema, but I have definitely lost respect for him by watching the way he carried on this week. Most people have baggage from their childhood and I applaud him for seeking counseling, but seriously? He witnessed an armed soldier while living in Iran for 9 months. What about the kids that grew up there (and other similar places) and witnessed that and worse every day of their lives? Or kids who grew up with no parents? He has two parents that love him, so give them a break and open your heart, Nema.
  19. I thought Jonny's dress was way too similar to his winning dress from a few episodes back (the Beetlejuice nightie).
  20. Although I like Jonny, I feel that Megan would have really brought some interesting pieces to the finale. I've checked out both of their online stores and his is really not inspired (I'm trying to avoid saying "boring.") I also liked the fact that this show could have really helped Megan start her own line, which the other contestants already have. The judges were split between the two and I would have loved them to inch over in Megan's favor. I'm glad Sander will be in the finale- for color, interest and creativity!
  21. Except now the hotels have the white sheet under and over the blankets and don't use bedspreads any more, for the most part. I think the birthing center should rethink their bedding look to be more up to date with the current style. Even though it may be clean and sanitary, the "homey look," which used to be so desired, is turning a lot of people off, according to what I am seeing on this message board.
  22. I was confused about the runway show in the rain, as well. I wondered why they didn't put a cover over the runway. It was probably for the aesthetics of their location, but I'm sure they could have come up with something pretty. I felt bad for the models and audience. I don't know if the rain was warm- here in northern CA, we just get cold rains.
  23. I had the same thought! It was very colorful and fun, but I'm just not sure about the placement of some of the graphics.
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