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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. He was her bodyguard, but I am theorizing that Coach Shah hired him to prevent injuries inflicted on others by his wife. He's probably there to avoid future lawsuits.
  2. The dog was giving his honest critique of the Brooks Marks clothing line.
  3. Ryan has told Stephani that he has "lost" some of the other watches she has given him. I'm sure she knows he is selling them. And he outright admits during his TH that he would rather have the money. She should just give him the cash directly and save him the effort of reselling her gifts. But, then, that may seem too much like her paying a kept man and I'm sure she's in denial.
  4. I don't know about bringing over relatives from Ukraine, but I have in-laws in Mexico and it is SUPER difficult for them to move here. They can, however, apply for visitor visas and stay for up to 6 months at a time. That might be really nice for Natalie's mom. I really like her, too, and would love to see them reunite.
  5. She needs to remind herself of this next time she explodes about some little thing Mike does. Also, I thought it was telling that she uses "womanly ways" to get what she wants- very old school. I'm sure she is all about having a child, even if it means a short term marriage, if her efforts at changing Mike don't work.
  6. It seems like it fits in the timeline, because RHSLC has been filming since at least Nov. 2019 when Whitney had her vow renewal...and that was probably planned after she was selected to be a housewife. So, I can see Jen Shah might have come up with these businesses to take advantage of her new found fame. On the blurb introducing her way back in 2019, it didn't mention either business, but said she was the owner of the "up and coming marketing agency Shah Squad."
  7. Seeing your post with the links cited makes me think Jen Shah developed these businesses to take advantage of her 15 minutes of RHSLC fame. I'm sure her many assistants are either temporary or unpaid interns.
  8. Wasn't Mary just complaining last episode that she wasn't invited to Coach Shah's birthday? Now she won't go anywhere Jen will be. It sounds like she's a bit confused...
  9. I think Mike has made some mistakes, such as not preparing for her arrival and stocking the fridge with healthy choices. But, I don't fault him for trying to introduce her to a favorite breakfast of his- can it be any worse than the croissant she offers him on another episode? Since she is bored and has the whole day to herself, she should have prepared a nice healthy meal for him instead of waiting for him to get home and then fighting about food and cooking practices. He may end up enjoying the taste of her healthy meals and appreciate her efforts. She could feel productive and happy that Mike was eating her style of food. But, I guess, that wouldn't bring the drama and this is, after all, a "reality show."
  10. He honestly can't be serious. The first thing I would be doing is sincerely apologizing for the many bad times the kids had to go due to his history of addiction. Make amends first and then maybe recall good memories to bring them closer. The blender's back, so it's a trifecta of returning sub characters! There should be a rule for every annoying sub character, you must include an amusing one, such as Valter or Charlinda...
  11. Regarding Tarzel- there may be plenty of lovely ladies in Virginia Beach, but I can’t believe it will be easy to find one that wants to throuple with those two. Also, is anyone else confused about this situation? It seems more like polyamory than bisexuality. Is this really Tarik’s idea? Hopefully they will get the sleeping arrangements figured out before long. (Tarik had two years to gently introduce his daughter to her own room, but...)
  12. I loved your entire post! I get a kick out of Zied’s sweater obsession! I thought he looked nicely dressed at the airport. It’s a glow up! Remember when he used to put a handful of oil in his hair?
  13. I agree with all of your points. The fact that they were still at the table when she arrived from "sleeping late" is beyond ridiculous. I took one look at the bedroom they arranged for her and knew it was all producer shenanigans. I think the parents and Brandon are in on the scripted plot, they can barely contain their smiles.
  14. I'm sure the producers told her to leave it as it was, so that they could film the scene where Micah helps them move their furniture, with much drama ensuing, such as Tiffany spilling the beans about her ex living with her in the same apartment (horrors!) I was wondering why he didn't just choose Minty over Hazel. Obviously I don't know Minty, but from what we saw of Hazel in their first season, she didn't seem that caring about him...
  15. The last time Rebecca and Zied were on, she made a big deal of "not being officially divorced," which was crazy since the papers were already filed and it really wasn't such a big issue. I think they are reaching for things to make their story more interesting. "Oh, no, we have to live with the daughter and SIL.(chewing inside of cheek)...oh, no, we don't. I rented an apartment. But it's the same apartment that my ex and I lived in...(more cheek chewing) OH, dear!" Rebecca is one of the few 90 Dayers who uses simplified, chopped up English when speaking to their limited English speaking partner. It's not helpful to him.
  16. LOL- Meredith definitely has developed a strategy when dealing with Jen. Mary is having the last laugh. She managed to initiate a blow up at Jen's party without even being there! I was laughing at Meredith's description of the Boss Babes' Yurt luncheon as "elegant." It was unique and rustic, but a yurt, Caesar salad and a boatload of products to promote does not seem très élégant.
  17. The top of my list would be Pedro's sister!!
  18. That would be too easy, dating someone from this country.
  19. These two couples seem to have parallel scenes: first the French toast and now the dishwasher!
  20. I wasn't feeling great about Stephanie's anger regarding limiting travel to Belize during Covid restrictions. There are bigger things at play than getting your boytoy fix. I love Mama Natalie, but her daughter is on the edge of crazy town. Living in the wood of Sequim, WA during the winter might just push her over the edge. Mike seems completely disinterested in her and everything about her. Maybe if she had taken Mike up on his offer of the closet, she might have come across her wedding ring, which he stashed on the top of one of the shelving units. I feel like Rebecca's daughter and her boyfriend were really treating Rebecca like a child. Of course, she is acting like a love-struck teenager...
  21. After seeing that room, I am 100% convinced that it is all producer shenanigans. Re: Jovi and Yara- they are both awful, but I actually liked the saleslady. She brought some humor to this dumpster fire. Yes, she may be overstepping, but I'd rather see her on my screen than either of those two. I really like the lady from France. I feel bad for her leaving her beautiful home for Andrew and his daycare center. I lived in Roseville, CA as a kid. It's a nice community, but really hot and doesn't compare with that beautiful village in France...
  22. This was so contrived! I guess Lisa doesn't want Meredith's son to get all the glory 😉
  23. I'm wondering if it is the only thing on her botoxed face that can move when she is trying to be expressive? On WWHL she mentioned she wasn't aware that her eyes did that and thought it was some special effects post production magic! She looks as if she just came from Heather's med spa and slapped a ton of makeup on. Not only are her brows Disney-villain crazy, but she has little plumped up cheek balls, which don't look natural. It's kind of sad, because she looks very pretty in her daytime looks.
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