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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I just don't see this in Juliana. Many people marry and have one income to support the family. Plus, Juliana was saying that after that wake-up call with the arbitrator, she wants to be independent and have her own source of money. She doesn't want to be dependent on Michael and her livelihood at his whim.
  2. I think Mike's choice to escape the madness in the jammies he was wearing tells us how upset he was about the whole meltdown and being compared to horrible people by his loving fiancé. I do recall him putting on some footwear. I guess I am on Team Mike.
  3. I may be wrong, but unfortunately I think Michael will get his visa. If not, I think the producers would have saved them for future Before the 90 Days. Many times these previews are not what we think they are.
  4. The strange part is: it make sense that Michael has received interest on social media from other, less horrible women than Angela. Why does he stick with her...ANYBODY would be better! Michael, we all have been warning you for years-- it's not worth it!!
  5. As I said earlier, more likely to fund financial desires of a boy-man going through a midlife crisis.
  6. The Russian Orthodox churches I’ve been to around my area look very similar to that church. Speaking of which, does Sequim, WA have a Russian Orthodox Church? Something to consider.
  7. Thank you for keeping the “Sasha is an ass!” tradition going- opening line in this forum 3 weeks running!
  8. Michael is spending his children's future assets on fancy cars, not Juliana. He doesn't have a problem shelling out half a mil for 1 of 3 impractical sports cars, yet pinches pennies when it comes to his new bride (though those "wedding planners" are taking him for a ride). Sarah should have made sure the kids have a fund long before Juliana came into the picture. If I were her, I would be way more worried about his mid-life spending crisis that funneling money to Brazil.
  9. I think we started last week's forum with the same words... "Sasha is an asshole." Maybe this should be a forum tradition...
  10. And don't forget Tony, telling Angela about all the sacrifices he made to be with her! He wouldn't be able to afford a one-seat outhouse in most places in California.
  11. I loved reading your comments...and laughed my head off! Hilarious comment about Angela's level of denial! On the spot regarding Cheryl- seriously? He's actually trying to make a romantic gesture, for once. I thought the castle was cool and would have been a nice setting for the proposal. It's very telling that we all think Josh, a convicted bank robber and who knows what else, can do better. Glorietta is living in la-la land, but she sure didn't deserve that kind of treatment from Alex. I'm glad he is back to zero , no girlfriend and back in prison. He needs to learn some humility.
  12. That was my first thought, too, when I found out he met someone from the Philippines! He really wants to be a reality teevee star!
  13. All hilarious, but the Syngin one had me laughing out loud!
  14. I agree that she is looking at a limited time frame in which to have a child or children, but she is putting an awful lot of pressure on Mike, ignoring his concerns and desires. She is expecting him to follow her super rushed timeline because she made other choices during the last 15 years of her life. He also needs to be up front with her about his debt before she becomes even more invested in this relationship...or pregnant!
  15. We should have had you on the case with Caesar and the cancelled flight. I refuse to believe it was booked and then cancelled due to insufficient funds. The sales lady at the furniture store mentioned the sofa in its entirety was around $13,000-14,000. I liked how she advised that they may tire of the look in a few years down the line. I learned a valuable lesson myself- don't go with trendy colors or styles. Stick with neutrals and accessorize!
  16. I'm also having Dean and Tarik withdrawals. They are always the life of the party and have the best comments. I'll bake them a sweet potato pie and stock their freezers with freezy pops if they come back!
  17. Well said! Also, will someone please let Anna know that she doesn't have to go out and buy a wedding dress if she feels that marriage to Mursel is a mistake? If I have to see one more 90 day bride crying with regret while looking for wedding dresses... I actually think/hope that this marriage will not proceed. Maybe she is going along with production ideas, but having second, third, fourth thoughts. Hopefully.
  18. First of all, I loved reading your comments. Have you thought of hosting Tell-Alls? I am sooooo bothered by Jasmin and her attitude. I give Blake props for putting up with her rudeness and narcissism, stating that it was due to only being in the country for a day or two. If only that were the case. He'll find out soon enough that she has an agenda, and he's on it for one purpose only--- to supply the green card. She seems to have a very superior attitude, but she will learn soon enough that she is not that special. Anyone with money for injections and surgery can look just as "special."
  19. As a kindergarten teacher of over 30 years, I learned recently that I was misusing the name LEGO by saying Legos. The company prefers that we use LEGO bricks and pluralize bricks. That said, everyone in my area uses the word "legos" and I continue to do so out of habit, regardless of my new insight. It may not be the preferred usage, but it is acceptable in the local culture and is comprehensible to those who hear it (though it may sound odd to Europeans or others who are more enlightened.)
  20. I wish I could find some deals like that! I also shop used clothing from time to time and really love finding something nice that I couldn’t otherwise afford. My husband, on the other hand, will not buy used clothing and shops quality over quantity, preferring a few good pieces rather than a closet full of cheap stuff (me). He is from a very poor part of Mexico. It’s interesting to me. But, I agree that Robert should have explained the situation and given her a budget, letting her know that she could get more for her money by buying preowned. Also, another poster commented that Anny doesn’t mind selling her used clothes to others!!
  21. I was wondering about that, too. I love how excited Dean gets when he talks about the Lil Mamas, but his girlfriend must not be the jealous type!
  22. I agree this is the ideal way in our culture to celebrate events. Sometimes, however, there is an accepted tradition within a community group that allows for guests to contribute a food dish rather than a gift. My church friends all contributed food and I was able to have a small reception as a result (waaaay back in the day.)
  23. And the fact that the kids are doing research about Brazil- priceless!
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