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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. This is a very unpopular opinion, but I feel bad for Teddi. Everyone is always calling her out, numerous times for the same infractions. Most of the ladies have really let her have it over the past few seasons. No wonder she feels insecure about her place in the group.
  2. Camille is really off the rails! She reminds me of a trapped and teased wild animal, biting and ripping at those around her. With each word, she makes less sense. I appreciate Denise trying to bring her back to reality.
  3. Camille said that Denise "curses" at her kids. Denise admits to screaming after saying it calmly 50 times.
  4. I just can’t with all the apologies given to Dorit! Dorit is the worst villain of all of them. She’s somehow managed to come out on top and gets to forgive Teddi and the others, if so inclined. Really? Am I missing something?
  5. I’m thinking she blew up in response to the “greedy f-ing whore” comment. And then she seemed to pick up steam as she went on.
  6. I was thinking it was tire tracks- from the bus Rinna threw her under by blabbing her comments to Dorit. Lisa R. had to stir it up again! Bravo really gets their money worth from her!
  7. Or any mal-intended humans, for that matter, since he has found one who has already robbed him of everything!
  8. That would have been great! Maybe he would have been distracted by any one of thousands of women that would make a better match than Evil-lin.
  9. The Park Service is rather clever, knowing they have a captive audience inside the bathroom stall and can thus educate their tourists!
  10. Completely agree with everything you said. AND I have heard Jenny pronounce Sumit's name in additonal ways, too: Sum-MEET, Soom-mit, etc. Baffling.
  11. I absolutely hate getting shots and have feared them my whole life. Solution: close my eyes. Really, Cory- not that hard to problem solve.
  12. This episode was supposed to be "Behind the Scenes," but it seems it was just a rerun with questions and info added at the bottom of the screen. I gave up after 20 minutes- was there anything new at all?
  13. Dorit said that she had been "putting out fires" at the Kitson window, not realizing that that paticular metaphor might be hurtful to Camille, since her house had just burned down. innocent slip of the tongue, for a change.
  14. Is it just me, or does this coach/mentor competition seem rather random? Maybe we're not seeing everything, but there doesn't seem like much coaching is taking place. And, sometimes those who spend more time coaching or working with their artists are sent home because their team had the losing tattoo. I feel bad for the mentors who don't get to compete in the finale.
  15. 100% Whether yelling at her assistant or criticizing everyone else involved in her swimsuit business, her behavior is the worst of all, in my opinion. (and I'm not even mentioning Puppygate!)
  16. At the dinner in the beginning of the episode, Erika was sporting some very similar bling in her hair. It said "DAMN." I hope the DRIPPIN barrette was a gift from Erika, or perhaps my hypothesis that Dorit tries to imitate Erika's fashion sense is correct.
  17. Help yourself, there are plenty- none of the housewives had one! 😉
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