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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. Oscar was wonderful and brilliant. Bert and Ernie ... wow. That bit belongs in my favorite SNL bits of all time, along with Dick in a Box. They could have just used the actual SS characters, but the reimagined then. Liked Snuffy a lot. David H was game for anything, nice job.
  2. That was fantastic. It was like a movie. I love how they moved away from some of the convoluted plots of last season and made it more about people who are doing simple things and dealing with consequences. Much more impactful.
  3. That ep didn’t have the usual eye rolls for me. Most of the actions made sense. It all played out without any ridiculousness aside from Potter lining up Good n Plenty. I did chuckle when Marlin knew EZ from high school. EZ can never catch a break. I didn’t understand the mercs. They seemed to focus on silly things. The hook of SOA was Jax, who seemed like a decent person, wanting out of the club and starting a straight life. Mayans doesn’t have that. Everyone is a criminal or corrupt or weird (Potter). EZ seems to like the club. Emily is just a cartoon. There’s no one to root for.
  4. Agree. Haven’t cracked a smile through the gas station heist. Oh wait, “white male” shows promise. Ok, the news skit with keeping score by race was good. Like a synopsis of online society. I remember when Taylor Swift first appeared and performed live on a daytime show... Good Morning America maybe, on a stage in a street. And I thought she was a terrible singer, just off key and weak voiced. And I remember thinking, “she won’t amount to much.” And she took off. She has improved since then. The lyrics to the first song was sophomoric though. Did Trump actually suggest a moat at the border? Loved the Trump and Lenny comparison. “Strong,” heh. R Kelly joke... ouch. It’s funny because it’s true! Wait, no it’s not. A sophomore at Vassar who drinks out of a metal straw and its such a performance? So many great lines in that WU segment.
  5. Wow, virtually nothing happened in this episode aside from family drama. This was the least testosterone fueled ep on the season. Why does anyone care that EZ and Angel age related to Miguel? It’s a thing I guess. But what difference does it make?
  6. I can see a difference between the original post and yours, without either being wrong. Yes, Roseanne, and then The Connors, have always been about blue collar, lower socioeconomic people. But my recollection of the original show, and some of the beginning of this reincarnation, is that the family dealt with things that happened to them more than dumbass decisions by them. One of the most pointed and impactful (and brief) statements from the return of Roseanne was when Roseanne matter-of-factly noted how all the neighbors had to share and trade medications because they were so expensive. That's a real thing, and it's cause isn't the Connors being dolts. Sure, they might have gone to college and had careers that allowed them to pay for meds, but also they are just people who didn't and that's OK. But having babies while single at a late (for babies) age and with no real career to support them, and being dishonest to two men you ostensibly love, and leaving your kids alone to do whatever while you are two-timing, are all boneheaded choices. And this show seems to skew that way now, and it's more annoying than anything else.
  7. I’m not sure we know when Harris made the cookies and who was home and charged with watching her. Given Harris’ age (she should be able to stay home alone at this point), I don’t know that there was any clear expectation that Dan should notice anything or even be home. In addition, do pot cookies smell different than regular cookies or are they mostly regular cookies with some pot in them? Maybe there wasn’t much to notice. Darlene’s kid buys weed, says it isn’t a big deal and then, among other things perhaps, makes cookies with it. That’s a parenting issue, though admittedly this family sort of co-parents (badly).
  8. I don’t know who is writing the show these days, but they would be hard pressed to find plots I like less than a premie baby and whiney guilt, a snarky teen selling pot cookies and not caring it is illegal, and a love triangle with a decent guy and a proven loser from the past. I’ve posted before that these characters make stupid decisions. Fine. But if you make them, own them. Try to be a baby machine at what, 37? 40? Yep, there are risks. Complain about men but then don’t be honest to two who love you? You get what you deserve. Refuse to follow basic laws? Go to jail and get suspended. And Darlene blames her dad? Good grief. Next.
  9. I enjoyed BE, and understood most of her lyrics. There was a lot of breaking up at the end... the audience enjoys it but supposedly Lorne doesn’t. I do wonder if wardrobe lady will be fired. I hope not. I also kind of enjoyed WU with straight jokes and no characters. Most of the characters annoy me and I FF through them. Oh wait... Big Papi was on. I FF’d through it.
  10. That was both horrible and annoying. Crying babies and accusatory Cam and needy Manny. Ugh. I did like Cam’s double entendres.
  11. OK, for some reason my phone posted the text below in a thread for "Chesapeake Shores," which is hilarious. I don't know what that is, but it doesn't seem to be anything like Mayans MC! Anyway: So none of the Mayans who ran into the Swole Boys before told anyone else in any of the MC’s about them? And so when they appeared in the same territory there was no plan. Also, the Swole Boys are dumbasses. And also? The way Bishop and the T-1000 each manage to avoid accusing, or even accepting, that anything was the other's fault was so much like like in the corporate world, between people trying extra hard to "lead," that it cracked me up. That allows saving face but is hugely inefficient and creates a blameless culture. Meanwhile, Angel and EZ get into a fight in front of Happy, and then have a heart to heart about it that he can hear? For a moment I really hoped it was a ploy to get Happy to say something. Should have known. Happy should have lied and fingered anyone but the actual shot caller. It would have caused all sorts of issues for the brothers and he wouldn’t have been a snitch. And the analyst thinks lying to Galindo is a better idea than going to him with the truth? Ugh. Can Felipe simply refuse to meet Dita? He doesn't seem to enjoy the meetings.
  12. So none of the Mayans who ran into the Swole Boys before told anyone else in any of the MC’s about them? And when they appeared in the same territory there was no plan. Also, the Swole Boys are dumbasses. Meanwhile, Angel and EZ get into a fight in front of Happy, and then have a heart to heart about it that he can hear? For a moment I really hoped it was a ploy to get Happy to say something. Should have known. Happy should have lied and fingered anyone but the actual shot caller. It would have caused all sorts of issues for the brothers and he wouldn’t have been a snitch. Heh, the T3 appears in Mayans! And the analyst thinks lying to Galindo is a better idea than going to him with the truth? Ugh. The IQ of the characters in this show is very low. I forget, why is Bishop now in a suit and no patch and bike? EDIT: What the heck is Chesapeake Shores and why am I here? Damn you, iPhone! Looking at some of these posts, could there be two shows more different? This is hilarious. Cheers.
  13. The Wilmington Beach woman has a problem with reality. It’s a vacation house. You’re what, 30? 34? You want a big house, on the beach, with a layout that resembles what you liked as a kid, for an affordable price? Think about it, lady. “And I have wanted forever” a beach house. Yeah, forever. The husband was trying so hard to be realistic, including flood insurance costs, though given they want a place by the ocean, yeah, you’ll have to have some, dude. I feel sorry for the guy.
  14. A sensible, dramatic story at the close fell way, way behind trying to be clever and poetic and tie loose ends together. Bye, show. Some good moments. Our characters live on.
  15. One thing I’m sure of is that Emily is going to screw up this bribery thing, and/or she is being set up. She’s so full of herself, for no reason. Was Potter’s female agent partner on the show last season? I don’t remember. I find her very attractive, with the attitude. Anyone else expect the cop’s mom to say, “Owen, get me a Coke!” My goodness, do all of these people have a past together? At least the poor hooker is still alive. And the music continues to be depressing.
  16. First “I get that” of the season. And then a second one! That phrase stuck out to me on SOA and it sticks out here. I guess because it feels so artificial. While I like the opening music better this season, the words continue to seem silly. An underlying message in these shows is usually “everyone else keeps us down,” which... choices. Not now, nor never, into baby, or kid, drama on action shows. Babies and kids tend to create unnecessary and time wasting situations. Still true I see. Miguel and Emily remind me of Tony and Carmela when Carmela wanted to build/buy a lake house. But Emily is way more annoying. I still love EJO. Though I have to say that watching him on Miami Vice and then this show in close proximity is jarring. The Swole Boys? They were ridiculous. Right down to the blue patches with red trim. And the cop escape, seriously. I really hate with people curse loudly in public places where there are kids. Mercs really roll like mercs. All they need are bazookas. EZ has the longest prospectship ever.
  17. Oh boy, yet ANOTHER episode where we are parked for an hour. This time the characters play war games and visit their past and the silly Lady whines. Aside from the opening few minutes with the ship and Jonny ... nada. And the “feels” Achilles Heel. Disappointing. This is the slowest, most manufactured final season ever. The Lady isn’t the only one who finds the passing of time on this show boring. Also? Dutch should have taken out the sister in 3 seconds.
  18. I can never tell when the show is trying to be clever but isn't (Miguel as the father of Adelita's baby? Why, what motive? It has to be Angel, is that the name of EZs brother?), or just stupid (so some bikers take out special forces mercs, including hand to hand? No) or just incompetent (Dita has horrific burns, never seen before, on only one side of her body and is somehow "getting worse" maybe mentally, and Emily is rebuilding a burned house ... are they connected? Unclear). Add that to te over-the-top macho posturing (bikes! snakes! drinkin'! vague threats!) and I usually spend a good bit of the show chuckling. Mayans is completely missing the hook of SOA (Jax trying to get out with his girlfriend), so Potter and EZ and Angel and the gang stuff is all pretty much a death spiral for all involved. So why not enjoy it. That said, I admit to feeling disappointed when the drugs showed up. I know these are bad guys, but I liked them better doing illegal things other than drugs. Emily isn't as *anything* as she appears to think. For some reason she chose Miguel. And for some reason Miguel seems to actually care about her, even baby her. And I don't know why.
  19. Sort of? What we know is that a species uses bugs in brains to control members of other species. How many members (is it one or two for a specific need, or more or all?) and why they do so (is it nefarious, are they desperate, do they have a purpose beyond conquest?) is unknown. Destroying that planet is definitely shady, but if they could do that that quickly all along, why wait until now? One read could be conquest and they keep a species/planet alive until all usable life is gone, or until there is any sign of rebellion. But there could be another rationale. If this show had one that was clever and plausible, I would be excited. If this is really just "V" reborn, meh.
  20. After the turd of an episode that was ep 7, I decided to skip 8 and 9 and go straight to the big finale. Which felt like a very dark Star Trek: TNG ep. Like, what would happen if Picard's drive to protect the underdog species actually was the wrong decision. As I had in eps 4,5,6 and 7, I fast forwarded through anything on Earth. Didn't seem to miss much, and had the comically enjoyable experience of seeing the reporter turn into a "V"-like propaganda minister at the end. I said this after ep 6 (the best of the series, IMO): Katie deserves better. She can play anything, and what she has been given is a character who is wildly inconsistent. Niko and Cas are a good team. And I have liked the AI guy throughout (at least until the emotions stuff, which I admit I skipped over). As well as the way the ship is shot and the feel of the show in space. On land, it isn't nearly as good. Any land ... earth, asteroids, other planets, etc. Getting pregnant? Gak. Who loves who? Gak. Secretly possessed bad guy? Gak. A big plot weakness IMO was taking the mini-City On the Edge of Forever AI on the planet at its word. Maybe I missed something in the eps I skipped, but aside from a silent sentinel and a bunch of bones with no explanation of how they got there, I'm not sure we should believe the perspective of any one source. This show would be way better, and much more layered, if each race we encountered had a past and also had an agenda, and we need to see the big picture before we can decide who is the bad guy. Another Life has potential. I'm not sure that those who are creating it can identify and capitalize on that potential.
  21. Haven’t watched this show since giving up a few seasons ago when it went away from football and started in with side investments. Yep, it’s still stupid. Sometimes the characters are stupid, sometimes the plots are stupid and sometimes it’s just stupid in general. In this episode.... Joe has to apologize, some college prospect gets involved in a shoot out, apparently Ricky has surgery and refuses to talk to the doctor, and the dufus DT wants to play video games for a living (and Reggie is the voice of reason?!). Ugh. I deleted it at 16:45, on account of lack of any damn sense.
  22. I don't know what to say anymore. The show feels like a bunch of randomly generated plot obstacles that we wait for the characters to get past. I *like* the characters, but also, is it really better to thwart the mind rain by wiping everyone's memory of who they are? If Fancy never becomes Fancy again, how useful is he? So we park Jaq. Whatever. We stymie prisoners. OK. We wait for Newcie to get up to speed. La dee da.
  23. After episode 6, which I thought was the best of the season and actually was a good effort, episode 7 was hands down the worst episode of the season. Sasha can't be less interesting, and the trope of "bad guy on the ship but the characters don't know while the viewer does" is annoying. ALL of the stuff on Earth is cliched. My eyes rolled so hard at the military guys NEEDING ACTION RIGHT NOW that I almost fell off the couch. Where did those guys came from and what is their problem? Katies deserves better than this. So does whomever is doing the sets and the general atmosphere, which is almost Alien-like and I dig it. I love the sense of menace around the corner in space and on Earth. If only the scripts weren't written by teenagers. Speaking of ... yes, I FF'd through this. So dumb.
  24. "Ballers to end after season 5." Actually, Ballers ended in Season 2. What a disappointment.
  25. Exactly. As I've been posting in each ep thread, FIRST we had to get through a multi-episode arc where everyone didn't know who they were. NOW we have to get through the prison arc. This show has way too much mythology to park it for most of the final season. A really poor choice by the show, IMO, and maybe one of the most maddening final seasons for a show ever. It's not just the final ep (Sopranos), nor the last half of the final season (Game of Thrones). It's THE WHOLE FINAL SEASON. I think we share a brain. I barely even see The Lady as a bad guy at this point. I fear that her exposure to being inside a human (BTW, has she never done that before in all of her long history?) will be the show's way out, and The Lady's humanness will be her undoing. Ugh. All of this flies right by me. The three of them are together. Get out of prison. Go have some beers. Sort it out.
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