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Everything posted by Ottis

  1. I loved the colonoscopy episode. Some of the stuff her girls do is pretty realistic for teenagers. They seem even less self aware than most, but still. The Easter episode wasn’t as good. A mish mash of things. I think a girl as smart as Duke would have needed more than Marion telling her her dad was awful to believe it. I’m sure she has seen a few examples of her dad not showing up, but that alone isn’t “awful.” Sometimes this show slings around labels and it needs to show more and tell less.
  2. If it is this Pike, and Mount, I would love a Pike series. About 15 minutes more stuff would happen per ep because there wouldn't be all the weepy goodbyes we get with Burnham.
  3. I really like this show. And I have always loved Star Trek. And this finale was beautiful in many ways. That said, nothing better summed up the problem with this season than Control, in human guise, fighting Georgeiou as space battles raged and demanding in what I assume was supposed to be a Bad Guy Moment, “Where. Is. My. Data.” Yawn. The bad guy sucked. Also, I fully expect Starfleet to rename itself “Burnham Fleet” and to create a new line of ships called “The Michael Class” and to make its official color Red Angel. The show really missed an opportunity with shaved Spock by not having him raise one eyebrow and saying “fascinating” when Pike showed him the next space thing to investigate. I love Pike and what Anson Mount has done. And I love the way the show depicts Pike. He is everything you want in Starfleet, and he expects no special attention as he does his job and doesn’t behave in any way that asks for it. Nor does the show give him any. I wish they did the same with Michael. Poor Admiral. How did she know Pike had a different future? I thought his end was right there. Hard to tell one red alert spaceship room on fire from another. I’m really glad the show is coming back. More Pike, better villain, and it’s there.
  4. Liking this season better than last season. The show mostly avoids the obvious plot social issue twist, which I like. It really portrays everyone as just people doing their jobs, or trying their best, or understanding that what they are doing is wrong and they may be penalized for it. It's not knee-jerk reaction to other issues. For instance, I was sure that *removing the OWL to their halfway house* (damn!) was going to lead to cops vs. black people trouble. I mean, I'm white and I would never have removed her from the general location I found her. Also, I thought the bank loan visit would do the same, with Trey being turned down because of color (when he clearly is passionate but doesn't know how the game is played). Instead, we meet another entrepreneur (Hispanic maybe?) who has had multiple loans and is successful. I struggled with Shay going so far as to "steal" something back. The plot did a good job of setting up how she was drawn into it, but like Trey slinging last season, it didn't seem right. I did enjoy that she identified and praised the decorating style. Josh is amazingly patient and understanding. But part of the reason he seems that way is that the show portrays Tray, and Shay, and really everyone else as essentially good people who sometimes have bad ideas. We've all been there.
  5. That's a good description. It was definitely dance first, music later. It felt a lot like a group managed by someone who could and would replace any member with interchangeable parts, if someone missed a dance step or two. I imagine members age out as well? There is certainly room for all kinds of musical acts, so whatever. Don't get the cult following though.
  6. This is my biggest frustration with this show. Actors are self-absorbed, and this group is a huge turn off. Even when they appear to be sympathetic, you can't trust it because they act ... they may or may not actually care. So I don't care what happens to any of them, and I want Barry to get away from them.
  7. That was my guess, except that drugs made Mike manic, and it made him sleep. There was never any suggestion that they could make him smarter. In other words, they might affect his energy level, but they won't make him ask better questions. This is the second time since Mike joined Buzzfeed that he has actually accomplished something, so I wondered if the show is telling us that Mike is smarter away from Selina and gang (and not the drugs). Also, I'm the outlier but I don't care much for Richard. All the mumbling, sometimes smart, sometimes not. Random enough to mostly ignore.
  8. Jonah continues to be comedy gold. I don’t care whether he makes sense in our real world. He is worth multiple laughs an episode because he is such a child dick. Why was Mike smart all of a sudden? So many good lines in this episode.
  9. Quick question: WHERE was little unfortunate Lord Umber hanging on the wall? Was that at the Umber keep? TIA.
  10. Ha. It reminded me of that show Dinosaurs, with the muppet-like live action dinos. "Not the mama!"
  11. I think you expect way too much of this show! The things that are connected are only superficially so. The Moclan gender plot I believe is the result of the show's writers realizing that the first story about this was one of the few widely praised episodes, so they went back to the well ... again. I actually view it as a weakness. They need new stories. We've seen enough of the doctor and her kids to hold us over for a season or two, IMO! I agree they are setting up another confrontation with Isaac's people. Well, not so much "setting up" as not mentioning them much until the cliffhanger. Because you know we are headed for a cliffhanger. This episode I was live texting a friend, and called the baby being what is in the case as soon as the two visiting Moclan's opened a case and all we saw was a blue glow, and Topa spilling the beans as soon as Topa walked into the quarters of the two Moclans (before he even saw the baby). It wasn't because I'm S-M-R-T, it was because I went with whatever was the easiest and weakest plot point. Also, Kelly and Bortus taking out a platoon of Maclans, you know, the ones who provide the Union with weapons, was just silly.
  12. Me the last 15 minutes of this ep: "GET ON With It ALREADY!" Jebus ducking kite. Is this Star Trek for emos? I like this show a lot. But it felt like the CW.
  13. She’s always had a nasty edge. And the show flirts with the explanation that it is in her genes (madness). There was even a line this ep where someone said, “She’s not like her father. “ I wonder if she will crash and burn in the end. So to speak. I didn’t get the part where Arya said Sansa was the smartest person she knows. Sansa has largely blundered through this series. Yes, she has learned and grown, but man has she done it the hard way.
  14. Emma Stone is what Lindsay Lohan could have been if she hadn’t gone off the rails. Nobody does impotent indignation like Keenan (Ladies Room... a song I remember). I was aware of BTS, and for the first time watched a performance. They are OK, I guess? Not sure what is behind the fanaticism. They seem very manufactured. Princess of Arizona... perfect. They got James Cordon right. ”What happened, am I king?” I’ve always thought he lives in a peculiar kind of hell. I haven’t watched gay porn, but that was hilarious. So dark. Who was Jared? Was that a real gay porn actor? “Hey, it’s godson!” Why do I hear that in Gob’s voice?
  15. Ugh. Predictable and cheesy. And not a good sign that Orville is already going back to the well with the Moclan female story. And what was the point of Seth’s shitty, snarky remark? “At least you will still be a single sex species.” Why would the Moclan’s assume their planet would be destroyed? They don’t listen to logic. This show has become so lightweight it is in danger of floating away.
  16. I didn't understand the whole plot about Howard and the book. Just because he and his wife do a children's book about an astronaut who is afraid doesn't mean it is a confession by Howard. It would be easy to say that he and Bernie wrote it, using his experience as an astronaut, as a way to help kids deal with fear, now that they are parents.
  17. I dislike wedding and baby episodes, so yeah, didn’t like this. So many dumb family arguments, so many silly accidents. Add in the zany “hey get the social media star to do what you want by being a fool” and may be my least favorite episode ever. It would have been nice if Claire had said run at the beginning of the episode. Would have saved us all a lot of trouble. I only laughed at the ending epilogue.
  18. Exactly. And if you like Mount, and haven't seen Hell on Wheels, you're in for a treat.
  19. Not sure, but if so, that would suck. I don't really even know why the show has the Hugh/Stammets plot line now. When they were a couple, great. They each had strengths and were working members of the crew who we could see as part of the team. Now we mostly see them pass by, Stammets looking wistful and Hugh appearing somewhere between defiant and thoughtful. Their relationship, or what's left of it, is played as important as their roles on the crew - more important, lately. It's weird. Either put them back together, or have them move on. That's why I figured Hugh would leave ... go civilian, whatever. And maybe he comes back later in a different plot. It contrasts so much with Pike, who is simultaneously leading the team while also connecting dos to canon. And of course Michael, who I like and yet I have to admit is a snowflake. Her comment to Ash about wishing Ash told her he had a son "so you didn't have to carry the burden alone" almost made me barf. Michael, it's not about you!
  20. Maybe, but life is bigger than Discovery. I’ve been expecting Hugh to transfer out. Find his happiness.
  21. I love Pike. While the show is overly trying to make Michael the hero, Pike just keeps quietly doing the right thing. Thought the part with Hugh and the engineer was icky. Who is she to tell the New Hugh to "not mess it up" and go back to Stammets? That seemed wrong.
  22. To build on this, I feel like the show is dancing faster and faster as all the characters, who now have much experience with the ridiculousness of campaigning, practically act and speak in short hand because they have seen it before and my god, how dumb it all is. So there are fewer stops for any kindness and real interest in issues, and more machine-gunned insults. Yep. And the show's point in featuring them is to underscore the ridiculousness of the whole system. Selina and Tom have to court people like *this* to have enough money/endorsements to become president? No wonder we have shitty candidates with inconsistent platforms. I think that's right. And also, for some reason I find Amy's aloneness with her pregnancy sad - even on a show where I chortle at the crass insults. When she tells others she is pregnant, no one cares and the only comment is to address it. I'm not a pro-lifer. I just think Amy seems like she could be a decent person and she really is on her own with a huge decision/life event. Jonah, on the other hand, is maybe the best complete dick I have ever seen portrayed on television, and he makes me laugh several times an episode.
  23. That's interesting. I've never noticed that because I FF through the opening montage. I was referring to when the guest host introduces the musical act. I heard Kit say it twice and I still didn't get anything close to her actual name. I FF'd through every single Target skit! I *did* always enjoy the skit with the singing sisters, when Kristin played the sister with the tiny hands. Have they ever brought that back and positioned her as Trump's long lost sister?
  24. Kit seemed to be a tiny man. Especially without all his GoT furs and facial hair. Overall this ep was kind of meh, IMO. Not because of Kit, he was fine. It just felt a bit sterile. The cruise ship Sinatra thing had the most potential, but something was off. Maybe the set up required too much explanation and context. Plus for some people, MJ is a difficult subject even in a skit like that one. I actually like Rose's question in the monologue, because yeah, that's legit. You have these shows that are huge cultural hits, then no one beyond a lead or two is heard from again. The colonoscopy skit weirdly played down Leslie's nails. Forget everything else, how the hell do you stick those fingers anywhere? ESPECIALLY where they were going. The Theresa May film came out of left field and really slowed the whole show down. They need to more clearly announce the musical guests. I rarely know who any of them are (yes, I'm old) and I can't understand their names unless I look at the guide. Get off my lawn (shaking fist)!
  25. That’s about right for Amy, though, isn’t it? I didn’t know what she was doing either. Probably neither did Dan. Also, does she know it is his because of a DNA test? If she is assuming, and we are assuming, it is because he is the only guy she remembers sleeping with, it wouldn’t surprise me if this show has a weird reveal about that.
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