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Steph Sometimes

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Everything posted by Steph Sometimes

  1. I hated Perfection as a kid. I'm sure it probably contributed to some of my anxiety issues. I got to the point where I'd "play" it without the timer. Finished Fiji. Earl and Yau-Man are one of my favorite duos, and they pretty much saved the season for me. The jury was so terrible though. I was cringing throughout. I think I'm doing HvV next. I hate Russell, but I can fast forward or mute if I need to. It's so funny because I remember so much of the Villains interaction (and I love Sandra and Courtney and like Jerri a lot, and this is probably the most I liked Boston Rob), but I remember almost nothing about the Heroes other than JT's letter and Colby being checked out.
  2. Watching Fiji. The first several episodes are bleak. People who don't have anything lose challenges to people who are fed, hydrated and comfortable--who would've thunk it? And the treatment of several people (Stacy to Dreamz, Rocky to Anthony) is hard to watch. I'm not a fan of the Michelle gets screwed twist. But then it gets good. This may be a bold statement, but I will say I think that the famous Edgardo boot episode, from start to finish, may be one of the best episodes ever.
  3. So Samoa's next chronologically for me, but there's no way in hell I'm subjecting myself to that season again. I'm torn about HvV. I love Sandra, Courtney and Jerri, but hate Hantz, Coach and some others this season. I think I might go back to Fiji which I skipped before. I know it's a lot of awful people with Earl and Yau-Man being great, but I hope that what I remember as awful becomes more entertaining on a second viewingthe way Gabon was. Then maybe I'll go back to HvV. And then I don't know. Do I just skip to Philippines?
  4. I'm watching Tocantins (just have the finale left). It's not a bad season and it certainly is fun watching everyone on the other tribe just falling in love with JT. I remember during Philippines joking to a friend that I felt like half the contestants (male and female) were in love with Malcolm, but they weren't tripping over themselves to make sure he advanced and won the game like everyone was with JT. Love Stephen, Taj and Erinn. I wonder why Erinn never returned. She's cute and a great narrator. But wow do I hate Coach. I think I just remember him and Jerri on HvV which was kind of oddly sweet and then as the cult leader on SP, which was more weird than anything else, so I forgot how toxic he is on this season. I'm not talking about him talking about dragons and wizards and the natives wanting to eat his butt or whatever (I fast-forwarded a lot of his scenes), but the way he treats any woman on his tribe who's not Debbie is really unpleasant. He's practically Spilo-esque around Candice, touching her and demanding she kiss him and he's so over-the-top terrible to Sierra and Erinn (he switched back and forth on who his target was depending on his mood I guess). I go back and forth on Tyson. At the very least, he's in on the joke in a way that Coach isn't and can be funny, but he isn't my favorite. I remember how he flamed out on HvV, but I don't remember how I felt about him on BvW. I plan to watch BvW at some point, but I haven't decided on HvV.
  5. I didn't know where to put this, but this YouTube video was recommended to me yesterday. Considering Survivor and The Office are two of my favorite shows, I'm surprised I didn't see it sooner. But it's basically using clips from The Office to describe each season of Survivor and some of them are pretty dead-on. Philippines and HHH are my favorites. Survivor Seasons Portrayed by The Office
  6. Exactly. The last Previously gave all the credit of the Marcus/Charlie flips and blindsides to Kenny, even though Susie and then Sugar were the ones who flipped. Kenny, as well as Crystal, helped convince them, but it wasn't just him. It must've killed Jeff that the final 4 men were Randy (ugh), Kenny, Bob and Matty (who is typical surfer bro in looks but not the most proactive player and also slightly off-kilter). And I felt the same way about Gabon at first, but I got sucked in. These are mostly terrible people playing terribly. Also, has there ever been a player like Sugar? She's somehow simultaneously gives the vibe of being both the dumbest and smartest person there. I mean I blame her for basically engineering Bob's win (if I remember correctly), but just the fact that she sort of did whatever she wanted to like she was playing a whole different game is fascinating in its own weird way. I wonder if there are any other seasons that I'll like more if I rewatch. I already know I'm going to skip Samoa because of how much of it was Hantz.
  7. Finished Micronesia a while ago and decided to rewatch Gabon next. I was a little hesitant just because I remember that was one of the first times (but certainly not the last) I was really disgusted by the winner because he did nothing the whole game. I'm about halfway done (right before the real merge I think), but holy hell is this season a complete train wreck. It's amazing how all over the place it is. They switch tribes twice before the merge for some reason! Corinne's repeatedly talking about stabbing people. Randy hates everyone. Everyone just seems miserable except for Sugar who seems to be having a blast, giggling throughout challenges and tribal council (when she's not crying) and maybe Charlie because he gets to be close to Marcus. Jeff is also particularly sexist this season, having his mind blown anytime someone chooses a female contestant over a man to be on their tribe and commenting on it repeatedly. Maybe it's month 35 of quarantine, but I'm kind of loving how bizarre it is. And Kenny and Crystal are kind of an odd yet endearing pairing. And Bob, Susie and Sugar may be the most bizarre Final 3 in the history of the show. Also, I was googling some of the players and learned that Ace is younger than Matty so that's my random fact of the day.
  8. I just started Micronesia FvF. I finished Episode 3 where the two tribes are competing side-by-side in a basketball challenge and Penner is alternating between enthusiastically cheering on and heckling the Fans. On almost anyone else the heckling could seem like such a jerk move, but he has such a goofy dad energy sometimes that it doesn't even read as insulting. To me anyway. But I love Penner so I'm biased. Stupid future game-ending injury. I love Cirie too, but hate that she went after Yau-Man. I skipped Fiji in my rewatch but seeing Yau-Man and remembering how much I also loved him (and Earl) makes me think I should go back to it.
  9. They were told they were "supplements" to help them with strength. Bland cheerleader (daughter of the more interesting, easily startled mother) wanted to be better at something. I think lifting the other girl. I don't even remember. But for a WTF movie, it was pretty good. I've been watching the movies on Sunday nights as my last nice thing before Mondays. I think I have two cheerleader movies left.
  10. Last night, I watched Cheer Squad Secrets. The coach was giving the cheerleaders steroids. She also tended to kill people. It was a really odd movie. First off, the main cheerleader's mother had most of the storyline and seemed much cooler and more interesting than her cheerleader daughter. Also, there were, for some reason, at least three scenes that involved people sneaking up on the mother and scaring her. Only one of them was the psycho coach; I have no idea why her getting startled by people was a recurring theme. And finally, there was this hilarious scene. Early on, the boyfriend of one of the cheerleaders dies. They think it's a car accident at first, but it's later determined to be steroid-related heart attack. The next scene there's a memorial display set up in the school parking lot with pictures and candles. A sign announces something about a memorial service. Another sign clearly says Rest in Peace. Easily startled mom drives up with her cheerleader daughter, sees the display, and says, "Did something happen to Ethan?" Cheerleader's friend shows up crying. "Ethan... was in a car accident." Cheerleader daughter, "Is he in the hospital?"
  11. A contestant on Survivor from a few seasons back. Alana resembles her. So far, Gabby is better.
  12. Finished Cook Islands last night. I've rewatched about 8 seasons so far and this was my favorite rewatch. I just loved the Aitu 4. and how great they were. I even loved Ozzy and his amazing abilities and I don't usually love Ozzy. If there had to be twists like the super powerful idol and the double elimination council, I'm glad they worked out the way they did otherwise the final 3 probably would've been something like Adam, Candice and Ozzy (because he would still win all the challenges). I loved Becky and Sundra doing a little happy dance after Yul told Sundra about the idol. I loved someone (I think Ozzy) writing "Johnny Blue Eyes" voting out Penner (and Penner does have very pretty eyes). And yeah, the Penner/Stacy scenes (both in the family visit and the reunion) got me. I'm starting China now. I don't remember as much about it other than I started out loving Amanda and hating Courtney but ended up liking Courtney more.
  13. That's why she's Pseudo. Another option could be Discount Gabby. On the Survivor forum, someone called Joe Discount Malcolm which cracked me up since I'm not much of a Joe fan.
  14. There was one interview mid-episode with the Olympians and one of them seemed to choke back a sob, pretty much giving away the elimination. I've been watching TAR almost from the beginning (Season 4 was my first -- I was Team Clown if anyone cares) and although I have often read comments from other people figuring out eliminations based on mid-episode interviews, this was the first one that seemed really obvious to me. I love the name Pseudo Gabby!
  15. I am the complete opposite. I love all the cheerleader movies. They're so bad, but also amazing. My friends and I like to say our favorite Lifetime sub-genre is "Slutty Teens in Trouble." So far I've seen Cheer Camp Killer and Cheerleader Abduction and am trying to space out the rest. But I'm not into the Christmas romance movies at all. I usually just skip Lifetime for a month or two. And ion, because instead of Saturday SVU marathons they switch to Christmas movies as well.
  16. I'm rewatching Cook Islands. I know the storyline, the editing, everything, but I'm still grinning like an idiot as the Aitu 4 wins challenge after challenge. I love these four -- even Ozzy who I like less in subsequent seasons. Yul is amazing (and so handsome) and Penner is also amazing in his own way (and also handsome). Speaking of Penner, I haven't gotten to the family visit yet, but I may get teary-eyed with Stacy. I still think it's funny they brought back Candace as a Hero. Also since so much has already been said about the main players and many returnees of the season, I just want to add that Sundra has the prettiest voice. It's so calming.
  17. Add me to the group who immediately thought of Survivor Gabby when I saw Alana. Although this show is second to Survivor for me, I am so happy to have this on right now. And Phil! And an airport and beaches and traveling. I've missed/miss all those things so much. I cannot wait until I can travel again. Even if it's just going to a friend's house to watch Amazing Race.
  18. Did anyone else watch Cheer Camp Killer? It was pretty bad in a hilarious way. First off. no one actually died so maybe Cheer Camp Attempted Killer? Also, some of these cheerleaders were supposed to be super talented, but these were some of the most basic routines. Full disclosure: I was a cheerleader in sixth grade. We wore shorts and our routines were basically clapping our hands and moving from side to side. It looked pretty similar to what they did in the movie. Also, the heroine, who happens to be black, ends up tied to a tree. That seemed like maybe not the best choice for a plot...
  19. I'm rewatching Amazon and am about halfway through. It's a good season (even if I didn't particularly like the winner) , but some of the guys are just kind of...gross with the way they talk about the three "hotter" women. I know all the praise Rob gets for strategy and commentary and it's deserved, but listening to him constantly talk about threesomes and breasts and his constant hopes for some girl-on-girl action is just ew. Butch is ok (although, I think later in the game he burns down the camp or something) and Machete Matt is as bizarre and interesting to watch as I remember. Speaking of Matt, I think my favorite line so far came from Deena. She's talking to one of the guys about boot order and says something like, "Unless we plan to 5150 Matt a little earlier..."
  20. I really like the Postmates commercials where they subliminally insert images/voiceover of different foods during what looks like a typical car or medicine commercial.
  21. I was ready to post my first post in the commercials thread about this one. To me, it's not even that it's slow, but it sounds like someone stepped on a cat's tail and it's meowing in agony. Or several cats at once. I mute it when I can since it airs a lot when I watch through Roku.
  22. I always root for strong (physically and/or strategically strong) women to do well in this show, especially with the last several seasons all being won by men. I don't even care if they're confident bordering on cocky. I loved Natalie A in SJDS, rooted for Chrissy in HHH and still don't dislike Steph even after Guatemala. That being said, I'm just not a fan of Kelley Wentworth. And I have no idea why.
  23. I agree completely, and it's the main reason I put Samoa as one of my absolute least favorite seasons ever. I remember Russell (who I cannot stand), Shambo and some racist. No one else got screen time. I swear when the jury started filling up, I didn't recognize most of them. I did see Dave Ball once outside some restaurant. He's very distinctive looking.
  24. I'm currently watching the Palau finale. I remembered the final challenge and the unfortunate way that played out but forgot the tribal before that (where Jenn goes), and the way Tom and Katie just break Ian. It's painful to watch and soured a really strong season for me. I may do Marquesas next. I tolerate Rob seasons more when I know he leaves early. I also remember thinking how beautiful the scenery was for that season.
  25. I'm on Palau right now, and I'm enjoying it. Steph just got absorbed into Koror so I'm about halfway. I wish they would've brought Angie back. She started out feeling like an outcast because she didn't look like the other women, but then she went on a absolute tear during challenges. I remember loving Tom (until the questionable final challenge), but this time around, I like him a little less. He's bossy as hell. I can kind of see why Coby hated him so much (and still hates him -- if his recent EW.com interview is any indication). I still love Steph. But I also didn't mind Guatemala Steph the way many others did. I love Ian too. He seems so sweet, and I do enjoy the further in the season, the more he started sounding like Tom. And in the challenge I just watched, they're all balancing and Jeff starts bringing out the temptations. Ian jokes, "I'll get naked for some peanut butter." Jeff quipped back, "No one wants to see that."
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