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Steph Sometimes

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Everything posted by Steph Sometimes

  1. That jury was terrible. I can understand being upset she voted you out after you were aligned (Sarge, Leanne and Ami, etc.), but the whole "how could you ever swear on your son's name you horrible, horrible person?!" was so over-the-top. I don't remember who I rooted for when it first aired, but Twila had some really good strategic moves, and I am surprised that she hasn't been back. That being said, I found Twila to be on the mean and unpleasant side as well. But pretty much everyone was. I don't think I'd want to hang out with any of them. Maybe Chad was ok? And I guess Julie wasn't as bad as some of the others. Must be why Jeff liked her so much. Also, this is the dumbest thing, but I remember a book I read as a kid about a girl named Ami and her best friend Mia. And there was a thing about how their names had the same letters. The season reminded me of that because there was an Ami and a Mia on the season. Palau next? I can enjoy some nice Tom and Ian (until the finale of course) and plucky (rather than entitled) Stephanie.
  2. Finished the Vanuatu rewatch last night. It was decent, but it just seemed kind of mean. Is it weird to think that some seasons are just less fun and more mean? Thailand was mean. Samoa was mean. Worlds Apart was mean. Does that make any sense? I'm thinking of Palau next although I may need to subscribe to CBS All-Access for a month or so since so many episodes are missing on Hulu (including the premiere). I hate that so many episodes are missing.
  3. I like to think of myself as having a sophisticated sense of humor, but sometimes the inner 10-year-old comes out. I'm currently rewatching Vanuatu, and there's an episode where Scout talks to Chris. Chris is holding some firewood and Scout is telling him that she wants to work with him and Chad to vote out Eliza. Scout and Chris share a nice hug, and then Chris says, "I'm going to head back with my wood." I laughed. Beavis and Butthead would be proud.
  4. Just started Vanuatu. It has a very intense opening. Also, there are like 4 guys on the tribe who look alike. And then there are another 2 or 3 other guys who look alike. This was some weird casting for the men's tribe. After reading some of the recent pieces about Survivor and race, I wondered when a few of the guys called out Rory for not fitting in and giving his opinion on things. Looking forward to seeing if I notice Jeff treat Julie any different than the others.
  5. Finished my rewatch of Exile Island last night. I'm assuming Final 3s started because of the horrible injustice of Terry getting voted out. I think it was a solid season. I found Terry pretty insufferable toward the end (Whambulance indeed!), but Cirie is such a damn delight she basically counteracts him. Every scene where Terry or Shane or Courtney is screaming about something and Cirie's just there giggling to the side cracked me up too. Aras is fine (in both senses -- a decent but not exceptional winner/and also, to be shallow, good looking especially once he has facial hair). I like how Aras who mostly is this very young, granola yoga guy also occasionally brings out the very disappointed dad voice. I know this season started out divided by age, but it's funny how often people bring up each other's ages throughout the season, "As a 24-year-old..." "You're talking to her, a 35-year-old..." 'For a 46-year-old, he...." "Nick, for a 24-year-old, was so mature...." And since last few posts have talked about pretty, I have to add that I thought Sally was really pretty. She kind of went really makeup heavy once she was on the jury, but a lot of them do that.
  6. That sucks. Understandable, but still sucks. At least we'll have Amazing Race so that's something I guess. Today's featured EW.com article was with Tracy from Micronesia. She disclosed this gem. Ozzy and Amanda?
  7. For the last week or so, Entertainment Weekly has been posting mini-interviews from players on the website - one a day I think (https://ew.com/creative-work/survivor/). And it's great because it isn't like Rob and Rupert, but players I haven't heard from/thought about in a while sharing their memories. They've talked to Ryno and Jenna Lewis and Frosti to name a few. They also interviewed Clarence from the Africa season who gave this answer. Who’s one player from another Survivor season you wish you could have played with or against and why? Dan Spilo, so I could have beat the living s--- out of him. I don’t know the other males who were on that cast, but if they knew this guy was this big of a misogynistic f----tard, they should have dealt with him. I have three beautiful daughters, so it would have taken the whole crew to get me off this boy. And I don’t wanna hear that guys were worried about getting kicked off because there is NO WAY that Mark and Jeff would ever kick me off Survivor for turning Dan Spilo’s ass into a doggie chew toy. So that's a fun read.
  8. Just finished my Guatemala rewatch, The cast was very white (and not just Rafe). Hulu was missing a few episodes which annoyed me, but I liked the season itself. I liked the variety of challenges and that it wasn't just swim/puzzle or balance. It also had auctions and storytelling and basketball games and chop your tribemates' names challenges. I wish a contestant or two had been brought back - Amy, Judd, Brian, Cindy, Rafe, Gary... all of them more interesting to me than Amber or Danielle. Speaking of Danielle, I've just started Panama/Cirie Island or whatever that season is called. Shane's already a wreck. One last note about Guatemala, Steph was such a bossy, entitled queen bee... and yet, I don't hate her. Maybe because it's because it's such the opposite of nerdy, bookish me (the player I identified with the most is KR Aubry and I rooted for her as well), but I often find myself rooting for confident, athletic women who just don't give a damn like Steph or Natalie A or even Chrissy.
  9. I'm doing a rewatch of Guatemala. There are eight people left, four men, four women. There's a challenge where teams of two are pitted against each other (man/man vs man/man) and trudge through this huge mass of mud. Three of the four women are average to tall. Danni seems to be all legs, One woman is so much shorter than the other three, and the mud level is so much higher on her than the other three. She's basically in quicksand compared to the other three. Jeff completely understands this and reacts with his usual sensitivity. "Lydia, you have to dig deep!" "Lydia causing her team to fall behind!" "This team was ahead but now aren't all because of Lydia!" "Come on Lydia!" I'm not going to say she was ever a favorite of mine, but I'm a fellow shorty Lydia. I see you.
  10. Can Bravo auction off a lunch date with Stephanie and Kristen? I love them. And I will be using the word love a lot in this post. Like many of you, I loved all three and was thrilled when Kevin was eliminated. Melissa was amazing and cool all season long and am so glad she won. And she grew up in the San Gabriel Valley like me! Malarkey was so...nice and helpful with Stephanie. Loved that. And just because I loved all three, I was hoping Bryan or Stephanie would take Fan Favorite to share the wealth. Speaking of the Bridesmaid Voltaggio, I had a feeling he wouldn't win, but I love him too. Loved him on his first season, loved him here. And speaking of his first season, I remember someone linking this little video so I thought I'd share it here. Just a little goofy thing with a little goofy appearance.
  11. I started a rewatch of Pearl Islands a few weeks ago and found myself not really into it after several episodes, and I think it's because so much of it is iconic that I just remembered so many of the players and the storylines and even remembered boot order so I lost interest. I decided to switch it up and start on Guatemala. There are a few things I remember about the season and the players (Judd's exit line, Jamie and Bobby Jon screaming at each other) but it's much more unfamiliar to me. I barely remembered some of these people. I'm into it. I don't remember how long she lasts, but two episodes in Margaret's pretty much a saint. Two seasons I thought about starting again (Vanatu and Palau) are missing the first episode on Hulu. Maybe I can find them on YouTube?
  12. I cannot stand Russell (or his nephew who shouldn't have been on once, let alone twice) and still rank Samoa as one of the worst seasons ever because of how it seemed to only be Russell to the point where they'd go to council or show the jury and I felt like I didn't know who anyone was. So I'll definitely skip that season. I like Rob best when he's not running the show and found him most tolerable in HvV. Maybe it's because he looked good compared to Russell and maybe because he was aligned with Sandra and Courtney and I enjoy both of them. I do like Rob and Sandra playing off each other. I'm on the fence about rewatching even though I enjoy so many people on the season.
  13. I decided to start some rewatches because who knows when the next season is coming. I feel like some of the early seasons are so iconic and have been etched in my brain that a rewatch isn't necessary. I'm sick of Rob and plan to avoid any season with a Hantz (I may change my mind with HvV). I decided to start with Pearl Islands. So much has been said about the Queen (I still love her) and Rupert and Fairplay (love them much less), but I'm somewhat fascinated by Christa. She's just so odd. Has anyone done a rewatch and completely changed their opinion on someone?
  14. I want to play the airplane game. From this group, I'd want someone who has a calming effect. So not Tony as entertaining as I find him. I think Yul, Sophie and Jeremy. If we're expanding to any player ever, and I can be the littlest bit shallow... maybe Malcolm.
  15. I don't even really know how to describe this so I hope someone saw this too and knows what I'm talking about. At the beginning when they had the EOE players racing around to get in, there's this shot of Jeremy lumbering past like he's sleepwalking, just completely in a trance. It made me really laugh for some reason. The other laugh I had was when Rob was talking about something or other and his voice got super gravelly and almost into Mike Holloway territory. Speaking of which, Shut up Rob. Tony had an idol and then won immunity. Natalie couldn't have voted him out. She made him play for fire and put him up against a strong opponent. Final 3. I was really torn. I wanted a woman to win. I love Natalie and am so impressed with her, but don't love EOE so would've been mixed if she won. And I still... God help me... cannot stand Michele so I wasn't really wanting her to win. I found myself rooting for Sarah. Or Lacina if you will. I never really had a problem with her even with her swearing up and down and left and right Nat didn't have the idol. I really wanted Sarah to win fire (or for Nat to have chosen Sarah to sit with her.. maybe to thank her for voting off Ben). And thank goodness, Ben got out. But I do get a kick out of Tony. He's played well and has so much fun doing it and after the last two horrible winners (and horrible final 3s), I found the win refreshing. But hopefully a woman (not a teenage girl) wins next season whenever that may be. Interesting for Jeff to own up to some of his biases. I wonder if it'll stick.
  16. Am I the only one left who still really dislikes Michele? This episode was very Michele-heavy. I assumed Nick and Michele targeted Ben both because he can be good at challenges and he can also work himself up and get into snits if he feels he's being wronged and that, in theory, could help them. Tribal Council went on way too long for me. I'd almost rather have the running around and whispering then asking every player about their experience at home. I kept thinking it was over and then Jeff would ask someone the same question. The timing was really strange for these episodes. I didn't know if we need that super long recap/preview followed by another preview. We made it this far. We have nothing else going on. We're probably going to be watching this. Personally, I can't think of any combination of those that are left (plus anyone on Extinction) being the worst final three ever. Maybe if Rob came back and someone ended up in the Finals with Ben and Michele. In my opinion, the last two seasons had dismal final threes. Can we just crown Natalie queen of something?
  17. Was this part before they showed the fashion show? I thought she was kidding too, playing the part of the worldly, sophisticated fashion designer. That's how I read it.
  18. Sophie then Kim. SIgh. Why did you step down, Kim? Since we haven't had a woman win in forever (and the last two male winners have been extremely underwhelming), I really am hoping for one the season. I feel like I've said that for the last several seasons, but I'm still hoping. Just not Michele though. I honestly don't understand why no one ever targets Ben or Nick. Guys, I hate Ben so much because of his bullshit win (justice for Devon and Chrissy), but I did laugh when he was carrying Tony. He really is a petulant child though. I can't see him winning (although I said that once before too). At this point I'm rooting for Denise and Sullen Sarah the most. Then Tony because he's entertaining and people are doing whatever he wants. Then Jeremy who I don't dislike. He just seems kind of defeated though. Super impressed by Sophie in the challenge. I knew Natalie was super fit, but Sophie surprised me. EoE is stupid, but I hope one of them (or Yul) comes back. Natalie's coming back for the next returning player season, right? Whenever that'll be.
  19. Was this show perfect? No. I know that. Were some scenes over the top? Yes. But I'm coming out and saying it. I loved it. I saved the show for Friday nights after a long week of work (nonessential, but still things have been more stressful workwise). I thought the acting was great, and I was just really into it. I'm sorry it's over. All the main actresses were good (I agree about some of KW's weird mouth choices though), and the kids were really good. Before this show started. I saw the actress who played Lexie in a movie called Girl Flu, but I didn't even realize it was the same actress. Oh, and I loved the opening credits with the music and fires as well. I've heard the book is different, but I'm going to be ordering it shortly. And I need to find some show to take its place.
  20. I'm torn. I'm on the side of finding Tony endlessly entertaining. He has so much joy in the game. Everything is so big with him, and I can definitely see how people can hate that, but I kind of dig it with him. I just wish he hadn't gone after Sophie. I liked Sophie on her original season and I liked her here too. I really enjoyed the Sarah/Sophie duo. Jeremy was right there. Ben was right there. Hell, I would've been more than fine with Michele. I'm sad about Sophie. And I really dislike Nick. Not as much as Ben or Michele. He's maybe third. I guessing I'm rooting for anyone not Nick, Ben or Michele. Or Rob who I assume has been given 20 advantages by now to return. Things I enjoyed about this episode: 1) the fashion show, 2) Natalie once again being awesome (she'll be asked back, right?) 3) what was Nick's nickname? Vampire Donathan? My mom missed the episode but I'm sure she's still a Ben fan. I asked her today if she liked or disliked anyone else. Mom: You know who I didn't like? Not this season, but maybe the last one. There was this Indian woman and she didn't do anything. Not in challenges and just sat there. Got it. Ben and Boston Rob are good. Karishma's on your list. (in all fairness, she didn't watch the whole season and I think she tapped out before all the ugliness started)
  21. Half the show. The family visit was half the show. At first when they brought everyone out, I thought how upset TPTB must be about the Marianos being out. But nope, they brought out their kids. Maybe I'm just a little bitter because I haven't been able to see my family since quarantine started. Well, more bitter. Kids were cute though. Ha! I had the same thought about Probst bringing out Wendell for Michele. I'm not sure how they divided into those two (equal numbered) groups. I would've liked more time spent on that. My mom still likes Ben. She also said something about all the advantages being pulled out at tribal which was weird. So I then described the tragic situation of one Cirie Fields.
  22. Just checked in with my mom again to see who she's rooting for now that she's seen a few more episodes. "The guy with the hat." She's still into Ben. I just can't figure it out. I can't stand him. "And the smaller, older woman." Ok. We can agree on Denise at least.
  23. I live fairly close to the Getty, but have only been a few times. I should go once everything is normalish. I thought the same thing after seeing all the restaurants in last week's Jonathan Gold episode.
  24. I did enjoy when they panned a few times to the audience, and they kept getting shots of the most unenthused, annoyed looking woman. She was not into it.
  25. He was partly responsible for Malcolm getting voted out? Oh wait. No. That's what he did that pissed me off. Never mind.
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