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Steph Sometimes

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Everything posted by Steph Sometimes

  1. Liz's big move that she's been craving so much that she can take credit for if she somehow gets to the final 3??? Tell Tiffany beforehand to play her idol. Then Tiff is safe, that horrible Applebee's Monster Q goes home, and Maria/Charlie's big move doesn't work and they may end up in the minority. Liz endears herself (as much as she can) to Tiff and Kenzie. The three of them (plus Venus) pick off the others. Dammit.
  2. True, but I did hear a few "Make it Works" in this episode.
  3. I was not a fan of the beginning of the season at all. There was way too much focus on the one tribe, and then there was the whole Bhanu. I was not one of the one million hearts he won. But now I'm kind of into it. It's become one hell of a mess, and I'm actually finding these people pretty entertaining in their messiness. Is it a great season for strategy? At this point, not so much. But like I said, I'm into it. Q and Liz can go next. I'm so glad Tiff didn't go home. That would not rock. Speaking of which, I can see how he might be polarizing (I already saw a post of someone who isn't a fan), but I actually found Ben kind of endearing during the challenge when he was cheering everyone on. I wonder if anyone will think to break up Charlie and Maria anytime soon. Using his joke, it looks like Hunter did become the hunted.
  4. After the Quickfire announcement of the increased prize from Wells Fargo, one of the chefs (Savannah, maybe?) said, "Thank you, Wells Fargo" in sort of a sing-songy voice that reminded me of Tim Gunn's, "Say 'Thank you, Mood,'" and the designers all responding, "Thank you, Mood!" Speaking of the Quickfire, I wondered if the chefs could share their farmers market ingredients if someone had something that would work really well with your concept, and they weren't really using it. And finally, everything I (a Southern Californian) really know about supper clubs comes from this novel that I enjoyed and recommend - Saturday Night at the Lakeside Supper Club.
  5. Have you read Nine Perfect Strangers? There's a season of that on Hulu. There will be a second season at some point that, like Big Little Lies, will be an original story since season 1's end ended with the book's end.
  6. I'm very late to this, but I just finished the series. I thought it was ok. I read it a while ago and I don't remember everything. but no one else has replied so what the heck. In the book, Brooke wasn't gay. Savannah didn't have an affair with her. Savannah's anger with the Delaneys was because when she was a child, she was basically being starved by her abusive mother (who wanted her to be a star dancer (or maybe gymnast?) the way Harry was a star tennis player). Savannah was at the tennis academy or their house and either asked for or was caught stealing food and each time, they (not realizing that she was being starved) shooed her away or yelled at her for being in their house etc. etc. I would say as shows and books go: Big Little Lies, Nine Perfect Strangers, this.
  7. I did laugh when after meeting Mo, Venus said something like "We're the same person." I thought that was Liz. Sorry that we won't be getting any Liz and Moriah scenes. Is Aubry the patron saint of nerdy girls? I am a nerdy girl and I love her too and wished she had won KR (Cyd would've also been acceptable; just not a fan of Michele), but I don't know if I saw Moriah's admiration of her as meaning she'd be the most dangerous player this season. But I guess anything can get you on someone's list. Q, not everyone is asking for your coaching. Him schooling Mo at Tribal seemed unnecessary and condescending. Count me in with the people who hate the earn the merge BS with the random draws.
  8. Good lord, that was painful! Thank goodness that's over so we can focus on some other people for a change. Where was Tiffany during all those scenes with Q and Kenzie talking to Bhanu or about Bhanu? She just disappeared for a while. Goofy Ben has pretty eyes. Have we ever had a Survivor challenge puzzle nerd who was as athletically gifted as Hunter? That's different. Moriah busted up her face so we can tell her apart from Liz. Thanks for taking one for the team, Moriah! I'll do some jumping in your honor.
  9. He's good! That was a strange episode, and Bhanu saying that God was the reason he was spared from tribal really left a bad taste in my mouth. Hey, did you guys hear that Kenzie is part mermaid/part dragon? I was hoping Liz would select Moriah to go with her on the journey, and then maybe they return to each other's tribes and see if anyone would notice. I swear last week's previews for tonight's episode showed something completely different that wasn't in this episode, but maybe I imagined that. I hope this season picks up.
  10. Seriously. Not only do I think they look alike, but they seem similar personality-wise too (at least in this episode). Why cast both of them on one season? Neither of them seem especially dynamic and both have that awkward vibe. There's always the hope that one of them suddenly becomes Aubry (KR Aubry, not EoE Aubry), but as of now, kind of weird. I like Tiffany, Maria, Q, Tevin, Soda and Bhanu so far. Kenzie seems to be featured a lot so I'm guessing she goes far. After seeing her with the idol clue, I bet Tiffany would've killed the Savvy challenge.
  11. No one voted for him. I believe Dee got Kaleb, Julie, Kellie, Katurah and Emily; Austin got Drew, Bruce and Kendra.
  12. Very happy with the Dee win, although the final 5 vote and craziness between Jake and Katurah made me nervous. I had been rooting for her for a while and glad she took it over Austin and Jake. I enjoyed watching Jake, but if he had won after that season, I would've been more confused than anything. I would've loved a proper reunion show after some time had passed. Not so much to hear about Dee and Austin, but Peachy might've given some airtime to Jake to discuss the fainting and get assured that his overall health is good. My New Era winner rankings if interested: 1) Dee, 2) Maryanne, 3) Yam Yam 4) Erika and 5) Gabler.
  13. Now that Drew's out, I like all five left. I am rooting hard for Dee, but it would be funny if the final 3 were Jake, Julie and Katurah. Jake: I feel like being a lawyer helped me excel. Julie: I'm a lawyer too! Katurah: Me too! Pan to the jury. Kendra is shocked.
  14. I know a lot of people aren't too high on this season, but I'm enjoying it. There's a silliness to it that I can't quite put my finger on. And that boy musical montage was a choice for sure. We've had a couple of "women talk strategy, guys talk food/silly stuff" scenes this season so a woman has to be winning, right? I don't really like Drew, but anyone else winning would be fine. I've even come around on Emily. I want to give Jake a hug.
  15. That episode was crazy! I liked Kellie too, but great episode. I also wondered if we were watching a medical emergency in progress when Jake seemed to stumble and freeze while talking. I'm still not Emily's biggest fan, but it was funny watching her loosen up at the auction. It's comforting to know that as many things in life and in Survivor change, some things remain the same. That piece of pizza looked horrible. How bad is it to admit that I thought those giant fish eyes were donuts at first?
  16. Brando talked this episode! I knew that meant he was going home, but I was still hoping for Drew. I'm still trying to figure out the purpose of the "Kendra is gross" montage. She can't be the only person there to burp. And I'm going to assume she wasn't the first person ever to pick her nose out there either (as lovely of an image as that is). Why did they even air that? Put me down as another person who thought Jake was having seizures. Something about his movements rather than just dropping to the ground. But again, not an expert.
  17. I don't know why, but I was getting so annoyed by Jeff's "Lulu wins one! Lulu finally wins!" mania. Yes, they're Lulu, but four out of the five Lulus were previously on winning tribes. It's not quite the comeback, aspirational story he's trying to pitch. I like Dee, but I don't know if that Sifu vote will do her any favors. Hopefully, she and the other women stay tight. Don't even know where to begin with Sean. Did not see that one coming. I'd say usually. Although, there's usually one or two exceptions. At this point, I'm not sure if Brando can actually talk.
  18. Emily was more tolerable this week. So I'll give her that. She also looks a lot like a high school friend of mine, but you'll have to take my word on that. I hope Kellie stays with the girls. Or does Bruce or Jake also have a September birthday? That would make it a really tough decision. I don't like Drew. Did anyone else catch the advantage being misspelled? I think it was SAFTEY. Bruce is a lot. I did laugh at him name-dropping Kane, one of the more forgettable players last season.
  19. A few weeks ago, I went to get a massage. I booked a Swedish, and at the beginning, I told the massage therapist that I like a really light touch. She argued with me, saying I wouldn't be able to feel any improvement, and then I'd complain. I swore I wouldn't complain, but please do the light touch. I love massages, but I have an incredibly low pain tolerance, so anything harder than the lightest pressure hurts like hell, and I would probably start sobbing. Yeah, I probably would've had take my chances with the sword. I am from Los Angeles, love word puzzles, am not under any kind of time pressure, and I still didn't get that. This would've been a bad leg for me. So glad this show is back!
  20. At least at the beginning, I usually root for women. I know they're often the first few voted off, and there was a while where we weren't getting any women winners. I like when strong women are featured in the premiere (because, well, sometimes they can be underedited/purpled). Emily cannot get off my TV fast enough. I have liked and rooted for past players like Sandra and Courtney, and I even found Kass entertaining. Hell, I still really enjoyed Karla a few seasons ago and was sad when she was voted out. But Emily isn't fun to watch; she's just unpleasant. Maybe she'll mellow out a little and change my mind. It's happened before. I didn't mind the blue team bonding over their September birthdays. Maybe because I'm a September birthday too, so I would've fit right in! I got so much joy every time Jeff yelled something about "Reba going over the wall" or "Reba digging deep."
  21. That was my thought too. Like had they never seen a girl before? Nothing against the pretty and talented actress who plays her, but I didn't think Belly was anything that special to cause that much drama. As Jenny Han characters go, I much prefer Lara Jean.
  22. This installment seemed even more torture-porny than usual. It was one terrible thing after another for poor Christie and Jefferson. So question. When they showed the graves, I think Dawn's was listed as: Dawn Longchamp Cutler. Wouldn't it be the other way around? I know she spent years as a Longchamp first (when she was her husband's "sister"), but I'd assume they wouldn't be focusing on that. Jimmy looked good with glasses. Not enough Tricia.
  23. Add me to the list of people who love Tricia. What a refreshing change from all the evil stepsisters and bratty half-sisters and weak mothers and diabolical grandmothers in the Andrews-verse. I thought Brec was starting to resemble Reese Witherspoon a bit. Or maybe just Elle Woods with the hairstyle and pink suits. Laura Jean had a few good lines--including what she said to Randolph about his dead mother during the wedding. The name Laura Jean makes me think of Lara Jean from "To All the Boys..." Was I not paying attention to the second movie or was there not a lot with Charlotte and Luther? I remember them from the books, but when they showed up at the end of this movie, I couldn't really remember their scenes. Maybe I just missed it.
  24. I really liked Trisha. I barely remember these books, but I know that many of the heroines had horrible sisters, but I don't remember a lot of kind, fun female friends in the Andrews-verse.
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