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Everything posted by Diane

  1. To me it's almost like we have missed a deleted scene. Like we should know why she did that, but we have no clue. It was the only bad thing about what was a really good episode.
  2. They told you, the building had special parking for large vehicles in front of the building.
  3. The did this on the Chew yesterday too.
  4. Nothing wrong with you. I love it too. Really who cares how many bridesmaids she wants. Not sure why it bothered people so much, it was a very small part of the show.
  5. Flowers are a renewable resource so it's really not a waste anyway.
  6. And we don't know what they did with the arrangements after filming was over. I thought it was beautiful.
  7. I agree, I went back last night and watched the Inauguration part 1 and part 2.
  8. Equatorial Kundu, Sorkin is reusing the country from Season 4 of the West Wing.
  9. In the previews last night, didn't show Amber having pregnancy problems? Could that be what this is?
  10. Thanks, I wasn't sure where to do it either.
  11. I think we should change this title to "the Mess" which is what they called it in the West Wing not the Commissary, but that is just my opinion.
  12. Maybe, just maybe Cathy asked them too. We don't know, because we were not there. I thought it was nice for them to step in. The Dillard's did not seem upset by them acting as host/hostess at all.
  13. It is not pie, you take a bowl put fritios in it and then add chili cheese and onions. Never once had it cooked in a casserole.
  14. I can't say anything for the South, but most of the weddings that I have been to in Oklahoma have been afternoon weddings. The serve cake, mints and punch. They have been all different denominations, I didn't think they were cheap, just smart because I think it is incredibly dumb to spend an outrageous amount of money for a reception. (that is just my opinion.) I have only been to a hand full that served a meal. These were all evening weddings.
  15. I know that was crazy, 60 housekeepers. I did like how they found other duties for them and that they were not just fired.
  16. we may just be talking about 2 different things, I am talking about Lipton cup of soup chicken noodle and the package says 1 envelope makes 6 fl oz prepared serving size 1 envelope 50 calories. I have the box right in front of me.
  17. I have some in the kitchen at work, just checked the box, serving size is one pouch and is 50 calories per pouch.
  18. Wow, just Wow,is all I have to say about last nights episode.
  19. Not a nurse or a doctor but a NICU stay of that length of time would be in the hundreds of thousands.
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