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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. So, is the condition by which Gabi will donate Stefan's heart be that Lani and Eli can't get married? That's just stupid, so I am guessing that it is. Can you imagine all the guilt and scenery gnashing from Julie when she finds out? And, even if we knew that Julie was really leaving, the good-byes have gone on for toooooooooooo long. And since we know that she will be fine, this is excruciating. Is the secret Nicole stumbles on that Sarah is pregnant - and she keeps it from Eric so she won't lose him? Again, there is no reason why she would - they can stay together and he can co-parent with Sarah. Only in the limited minds of these writers does it mean that Eric would have to be a couple with Sarah when he is in love with Nicole.
  2. Wow - Ms. Lani sure had a busy day, didn't she? First, filling in for the Police Commissioner (Chief of Police - whatever), which I don't think is a simple, "Hey, take my shift today" type of appointment; then she had to interview and then investigate loony Jordan trying to kill Ciara (again); then, thanks to Marlena, she found Vivian in her stealth disguise and tried to get her to drop her weapon - all by her little old self! No wonder she was too exhausted to react to possibly shooting Stefan. If there is back up coming, I am sure they are just responding to Vivian's screams, not Lani. Also, I think it is going to look initially like Lani shot Stefan, but I am guessing it will turn out to be from Vivian's gun. As has been said, Viv isn't too good of a shooter.
  3. Maybe this was another case of writer's revenge? The fans demanded that Jack be brought back, so they finally did and we got stuck with the horrendous "you got him back, but we never said it was the way he was" story with the horrible amnesia and even more horrible Eve. So, this is their revenge for fan demand that Steve come back? I can't believe that he would come back to this story, so I hope that is one of the fake spoilers.
  4. Yeah - why aren't they showing the graphic at the end of each night with the people on the teams? Makes me think there will be some production foolery happening. We know there are always some production mandated people who are chosen and then sacrificed quickly, but it seems like the heavy handedness is getting stronger.
  5. I'm done until the actual competition starts. Gwen adds NOTHING to this show and just makes Blake look weak. Kelly is already over the top and Gwen makes her more so. The fake fighting between Adam and Blake was stupid and overdone years ago, but I would almost rather they come back than watch Gwen, who thinks she is just so darn cute, try to play fight with Blakey. And, sorry, John Legend (who I do like), Blake and Gwen are NOT America's Favorite Couple.
  6. Please, may we be done with this person who calls herself 'Vivian'? I appreciate how challenging it must be to step in for another actress, but this characterization of Vivian is horrible! (Not to mention the wigs!)
  7. I think Jennifer said that he had no pulse, so by the time anyone gets him to the hospital, the heart technically wouldn't be viable, but, hey, they have Dr. Rolf hanging around. And Jack looks pretty good for someone who has had all of his organs donated!
  8. Who is in the back with her body turned in entirely a different direction? Is that VK I really can't tell. Thanks! Never mind - I watched the video. Wow - she is always just slightly different from the rest.
  9. I believe I have seen postings that Brandon Barash is already back filming and some speculation is that - surprise - even though Julie was supposed to get Stefan's heart, Dr. Rolf switches hearts and he gets Dr, Shah's.
  10. Especially if Lani is the one who pulls the trigger, I can totally see Gabi going after Eli again. You know how she loves her revenge plots! (But, I also think that she will be pregnant with a miracle baby.)
  11. I am shocked that Eric finds out about Sarah's pregnancy already. I still don't think it will be his, but I think the whole thing is dumb - even if it is his. He doesn't have to dump Nicole, he can co-parent with Sarah, while still staying with Nicole. Sarah is an idiot.
  12. @SnK, I wish I could like your post a million times. Sarah is too annoying for words!
  13. I am glad that they didn't drag out the Nicole/Eric reunion anymore than it was, but every time they are together, all we see are those near tears scrunched up faces that make them look like they are miserable and in pain. A little of Nicole goes a long way for me and there has just been too much Nicole/Kristen. If I had been reunited with the love of my life, I believe there would be lots of smiling and being happy. I see none of that from them and it makes it hard to watch. Yes, Sarah is in love with Eric and is being all mopey, but get over it! Get on with your together lives.
  14. I think that if the only issue Keith had with Iris was her virginity, he would have been fine waiting until after Decision Day. He made that very clear that he was not going to be "that guy" until he was very sure they would stay together, so no matter how much she thinks she gave him the green light, he wasn't going to take it. However, since there were other factors with Iris, such as her bizarre rules for sinks and lemonade, he determined that she did not have the emotional and experiential maturity that he needed his partner to have, so it was an easy decision. I DO believe he found her attractive and they did seem to have fun together, but she was not ready for a serious relationship with him. As her mother pointed out, she has not been successful in relationships, so Keith made the right decision for him. As I mentioned earlier, I think he is a good man for not taking advantage of the situation.
  15. Thanks so much for posting the link to the preview. Yes, it was all about Iris and Keith, but there was that one announcement at the beginning that was nice. I felt sorry for Keith because he was trying to be a gentleman, but Iris kept pushing him. I know she wanted to stay together and work things out, but I don't think it will end well. It will be interesting to see next week and I am so glad they have Kevin Frazier again doing the interviews and not any of the fools from MAFS.
  16. I have been unable to find/watch the preview, so could those of you who saw it please continue to post? Was it all about Iris and Keith? Thank you!
  17. Thanks, everyone. Still have almost another hour until it is on here. Is there going to be show next week, like the reunion after 3 months?
  18. I don't understand why people are assuming that Sarah is pregnant with Eric's baby. She had sex with her husband within a day or 2 of when she and Eric did. I am sure that since Rex is gone, his name might not even be mentioned, but this is just stupid. Not that anyone likes those "Who's the daddy?" stories, but I had really hoped they would have thrown in another hook-up with Xander so she could have had three possibilities. Imagine how proud Maggie would have been.
  19. I am tired of all the attention on Meredith. I must be the only one, but I don't even think she is that pretty and her voice is awful. She is struggling and is never getting the whole dance. I don't understand why she doesn't get cut. Kat, at least, is noticeable and she dances with power, which makes her many mistakes much more apparent. I can't believe these girls are still there. I am glad they are making the cuts faster this season, but I miss the good-bye scenes. At least the girls who just get warnings get to go back to class.
  20. Yeah, Pastor Cal saying marriage had nothing to do with being happy was too weird. Also, my thoughts on this episode and the season comes down to a few things: 1) at the wedding and the beginning of the show, we were subjected to the insanity that was Big Red and her father's dysfunction. That looked like it would be a HUGE issue in their relationship. Since then, we have seen/heard NOTHING. And even when she was supposed to be seeking guidance from friends (she probably doesn't have any) and family, she meets with her mother? That felt set up to me, since they sure didn't seem close at any of the beginning shows. I am glad we didn't see her father, maybe he had to be hospitalized at the thought of all of the Caucasian sex his daughter was being subjected to? 2)Absolutely nothing has changed and there has been no growth with Amber/Matt and Keith/Iris. Iris THINKS, "Iris has shown maturity and vulnerability," but she is clueless and will not understand when Keith says NO. She will blame it all on her virginity and never get it. Amber is still so desperately needy and pathetic and I hope she gets help (and NOT from Luke, in reference to a photo that was posted). Matt is and always was a total jerk and ass. He can't possibly think that anyone believed all of his verbal garbage. 3)I think the Deonna and Greg were so edited to show what the producers wanted us to see that we really have no clue. Deonna can be fun, but she still seems so closed and inflexible and Greg can't win. He should not have to do all the changes to please her so she can say, "Good boy, here's a cookie." She has Sandy for that. I have seen changes in her, but I want Greg to feel happy in his relationship and to have to wait for her moods. Like I said, I hope they have done this work off camera and both say yes and, just like with Bobby and Danielle, she tells Greg she loves him at the D-Day. 4)The toxic dump that is Jamie and Big Red. I think they are both very unpleasant, unlikeable people, but he has gotten worse - he is so calm when he says horrible things to her that should not be forgiven. She looked really pretty at their last dinner (her face anyway; I swear if she doesn't wear some support, she won't be able to walk in a few years from back problems), but they do not belong together. They bring out the worst in each other and they need to walk away. But, Jamie can have visitation for the dogs. Anyway, it will be interesting to see the reunion.
  21. When they get to the big trust shattering secret, please reveal it since the show doesn't start here for another 2 1/2 hours. I am guessing it will be the Matt and bar girl secret.
  22. I think most of this season has been filler episodes.
  23. Please keep the comments coming because I won't watch that ridiculous mean girl Jamie Otis.
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