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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I was so happy that Kat was finally eliminated. I was afraid "America" was hearing something I wasn't. I guess it is just Blake's fans wanting to make him happy. The finals should be good, if they don't do stupid song choices. I like both women and Jake, but preferred Will to Ricky. Again, song choice. I will be happy with any of them as winners, and I do think that Blake and maybe even Kelly will help them once the cameras stop. I am also looking forward to a Gwen-less judging panel next time, although not sure how I fell about Joe. That said, I cannot imagine sitting through a whole Katie concert.
  2. Yes, @msrachelj, Ciara definitely looks different. Her face is darker and rounder and I hope she didn't have work done - she is too young, but she definitely has a much fuller face now. I haven't noticed if the rest of her is also a little bigger, but it's just different.
  3. Remember that all of this was filmed before the show was renewed, so this could just be the normal rotation of a couple of characters (who have been on my screen WAYYYYYY too much), like they have been doing with many of the other characters. And why are Gabi and Julie toasting? I wish there had been a description of that scene. Is Gabi faking it or does she like Julie now?
  4. Why isn't Jennifer walking???? She should have been having physical/occupational therapy and not be stuck in that stupid hospital bed with a blood pressure cuff on her. So stupid. And Jack takes her home? She's clearly fine - let her walk!
  5. NO NO NO to Sami coming back. If I make it until August before giving up, that will be the final straw for me.
  6. I was never a fan of the "not her secret to tell" theory for why Nicole shouldn't have told Eric about the baby being his. Absolutely, Sarah should have told him. However, once it was apparent that she wasn't going to, there is NO WAY Nicole should have kept it a secret. Of course, her insecurities allowed her to keep quiet with her constant furrowed brow, but if I were with someone and found out that he had fathered a child, I would have told him! There is nothing that said that Eric would have to leave Nicole to go to Sarah to raise the baby - at least they haven't hinted at that. But, I am sure that Nicole will take him back when he comes back to her, because she is just that dumb.
  7. Maybe Kate and Roman will get together again. They might as well. I keep wondering if Sister Mary Moira will turn up and knock some sense into both of those women. Seems like she should. And, yes to JJ just grabbing random pills from the cart. Good luck with that. I hope none of them induce labor!
  8. A little late, but I just heard the Kate podcast and she sure doesn't come off as being too bright, does she? She kept saying how confused she was, but she seemed to have been the only one who couldn't read the situation. I am not sure if I have another season left in me, but we'll see. . .
  9. I am glad that others are seeing the Marlena/Hattie similarity. I posted a few days ago that when Hattie was talking to Eve, it was just Marlena in the prison jumpsuit. I don't see a difference. And, yes, John has just been hyper and giddy and acting goofy ever since Marlena got back. Cartoony is a better word and I don't like it.
  10. I admit to not watching closely whenever the doppelgängers (Hattie and Bonnie) are on because I dislike those story lines, but it seemed to me that Hattie was at least a little different from Marlena in her mannerisms or the way she spoke. In the scenes with Eve in jail, it just seemed like Marlena put on a prison jump suit and said her lines the same way Marlena would. Am I right? Also, what is with Eve and Hattie sitting in a visitors room talking about their holiday dinners? Why do prisoners get to meet in a visitor room? I know they have cut down on sets, but that is just stupid. Same with Clyde and Ben. They should be meeting in the "yard" or in the cafeteria or wherever they eat - not in a visitor or lawyer's meeting room.
  11. Plus, they have enough shows done already to last until August. I read that they are going back to start filming again in January (instead of March), so they will then be 9 months ahead????? Why happened to catching up to the show? Other than being off during the Olympics, this is even worse than what they were dealing with. Glad for the cast and crew that they can work, but I think this ship has sailed for me. I am not excited about any of the spoilers, especially brining back people who weren't needed in the first place.
  12. So, it is a year later and Princess Gina is still around. Do people realize that they haven't seen Hope or are they still thinking that she has just changed her wardrobe and speaks with a surprisingly bad accent? And I am guessing that Eve has been jailed for pushing Jennifer. I don't know why JJ would go back to drugs or why Ciara is done with Ben, but who is she going to wrap herself around like a cobra if he isn't there? She just hangs on Ben all the time. And if Sarah's baby drama takes a turn after the year, I am guessing it is that spoiler that she had a miscarriage. That is too bad for Xander, since for some unknown reason, he adores her. YUCK. Plus, just saw a brief article in TV Guide that Deidre Hall says, happily, that we will be getting lots more of HATTIE! The last time Hattie and Bonnie were on, they both overstayed their limited welcome. I get that the actors like doing something different, but they need to save that garbage for their holiday parties!
  13. Unfortunately, as has been the case in all of these remakes, the producers go for "names" that the younger demographic have heard of, rather than cast people who may be unknown to them, but have talent. That is too bad and they will never be exposed to some of these skilled B'way performers (who can sing, dance, and act - often at the same time!). Even if some of these people might be able to sing, that doesn't mean they can act or emote or share a stage. Somewhat off topic, but the casting of Will Smith as the genie in Aladdin was a huge mistake and he was, by far, the weakest part of the movie. And I cringe just thinking of the CATS movie. I understand the stunt casting to get views or sell tickets, but it is not doing the audience or the arts any favors.
  14. I thought this was one of the better live shows they have had (which, I know, isn't saying much). That said, I don't know who this Shaggy is, but he wasn't Sebastien, and I didn't think he could sing. The girl who played Ariel was fine (not great, but fine), Prince Eric was pretty sad (and why did they give him an extra song from the Broadway show???). As soon as they announced that Queen Latifah was going to be Ursula, I immediately smiled and was looking forward to this. She was wonderful. But, if they could give the lifeless Eric a Broadway song, why the heck didn't they take "I want the good times back" and give it to the person they knew would be the best? I actually kind of liked the format, but agree with all of the comments about the stupid audience. I get that they want it to have a live audience feel, but stop making all of these people think they are watching American Idol! Broadway shows do not need audience participation!!! I was disappointed that they didn't show Ariel swimming and losing the mermaid tail and getting legs. They do this on Broadway, so they certainly can do this staging. All in all, I didn't think it was as BAD as many of the reviews are stating. And I am not sure when the next version is supposed to be out, but I am not looking forward to Melissa McCarthy as Ursula (if that is actually the final cast) and wish the Queen could always be her! John Stamos was fine, but that whole segment appeals to the little kids, so that is usually when I take a break or get the laundry, etc. Watching it on Broadway, it is lovely hearing the children having such a good time and laughing at the silliness.
  15. Eve should have responded, "I am younger than that awful Kristen!"
  16. Not only did they just have 6 cupcakes at the stupid party, Jordan told Ari they won't eat the cupcakes until the party was over. Um, isn't the point of a party (for a 1-year old, who won't know what the heck is happening anyway) to open presents, eat cake and go home? Dumb! And, what was that "funeral?" Where was it and why was there a casket against a wall in a courtyard? Was it at DiMera? And, the fact that not a single one of Julie's family came to show respect for what Gabi did for them was unforgivable. If I had been Gabi, I would never forgive them. Every single person who made a plea for the heart for Julie should have been there. At the very least, Doug. And who officiated? Kristen came later, so how long was he supposed to be laying there? Also, as others have said, there is too much happiness right now, so we know that won't last. At least I didn't have to see mopey, woe is me, Nicole or the martyr Sarah today.
  17. I think that Gabi's hold over Lani and the pacemaker will be like Stefan had over Steve's bionic eye. If Lani doesn't do what she wants, she will control the pacemaker and turn it off or start shocking her or something like that. It's still stupid, though.
  18. I think I am just hanging around waiting for the jump to see if it holds my interest. It seems that everything is grinding to a slow pace, so it seems to me that the show is also kind of waiting. I was trying to honestly think if I actually like any of these people anymore and I really can't come up with anyone. Gabi holds my interest, but if she is stuck in another revenge story, then that has run its course. I liked JJ, but he will be gone. Jack and Jennifer are already boring. And, I just can't handle another sneaky mopey Nicole. So, I guess I answered my own question! I don't like being negative, so maybe I will go back to just reading these boards and a recap.
  19. Not that it matters, but they still hadn't done any testing on Stefan's heart to see if it is a match for Julie. Let's just hope it fits and find out later? And Dr. Sarah Useless Horton just drops by and is put on the transplant team with no advance planning?
  20. Wow - I bet even Ari Zucker didn't even buy that nonsense she was spewing! It is TOTALLY about Nicole doing the wrong thing for the WRONG reasons. She IS afraid that Eric will run back to Sarah. And it WILL bite her when the truth comes out - again. She never learns. Also, this whole storyline is ridiculous. Eric and Sarah can still co-parent their child while he and Nicole have a relationship. He doesn't (and shouldn't) have to leave the woman he claims to love to be with a woman he slept with.
  21. Anyone else think that this party for David that Jordan invites Ben and Ciara to is just a ruse to get them alone and she will - wait for it - kidnap and hide them somewhere?
  22. I was kind of laughing at watching two totally insane women have a "normal" conversation and try to become friends. I wouldn't want to cross either of them, so I can't imagine it will be one where you can "truly trust each other with your your darkest secrets." And, I am convinced that Jordan was going to tell David that she DID try to kill Ciara. By the way, shouldn't BABY David be at least sitting in a stroller and not a baby carriage? She had him when she was off-screen and he has been here with Rafe for months!
  23. Plus, unless Amy is used to being followed into her home with a camera crew, I hated that "Guess what?" scene with her husband and his, "No way!" And the exact timing of the phone call. I m glad she is happy, but I hate filler scenes like that. And, I do like Maddie. I know that you all know the ladies way better than I do (for example, when they showed that clip of the scenes after the break, I couldn't figure out why VK would be in K&J's office crying, when it was obviously Julia! All I saw was big blonde hair and blinding white teeth!). Again, as I don't know the histories, to me, Julia came across exactly as we saw - she is using the DCC as a resume builder. However, their favorite Melissa Rycroft seems to have used her time as an apparently mediocre DCC to make herself a reality TV personality. I am sure that seeing that she was a DCC didn't hurt her chances of getting picked to be on the Bachelor. I have watched this silly show since the beginning and remember Megan Flaherty, crazy Vivian's lucid dreams, Kelly inventing the term, "thutt" and while there have always been girls you root for who struggle, I don't ever remember this much time being spent on two women who would have been cut much earlier and are still there for no apparent reason. Meredith screwing up her media football interview as badly as she did? Good thing VK was there to show her how to do it correctly! I do think that this is the worst season I can remember. Every year I wonder if it will be back, but if this is the best team they can come up with, I agree that TC means nothing and they just pick who they want.
  24. Didn't it look like Lani was covered with finger paint? Couldn't the show even spring for "real" fake blood? Same with Stefan - that was not the consistency of blood. And I did have to laugh when they wheeled Stefan into the regular floor past the desk. That wasn't an ER! But, good thing that Kayla was there to go from being a cardiologist to a trauma dr! What a busy week she has had! I do hope this signals the end/departure of Eve. But, not happy that it looks like Vivian is going to escape.
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