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Everything posted by solea

  1. What was up with the exceptionally bright lights in the police station? At first I thought they were going for a bright sun through the window effect. But it looked more like a grip left a light stand in the wrong place and nobody noticed. It showed up in several different angles/scenes. What were they thinking?
  2. This is my feeling too. Baz thinks he knows Lucy, but he doesn't. Once he showed her the money there was no way she wasn't going to cross him. Baz will survive and when he finds the stash is gone he'll know it was Lucy who arranged the hit. I don't get the Nikki hate. In a way she's the only one not trying to manipulate J. Or at least her manipulations are pretty straightforward. Not the mind-fucking he's getting from Smurf and Baz. I think the Lena drama drags on everything else when she shows up. They should pack her off to someone from Cath's side of the family.
  3. What just happened? When did Aneela appear on Dutch's ship? OK, she must've been on DSK's ship and when everyone was busy with DSK she snuck on. But when was the switch made? I'd have to watch again. I refuse to believe that Alvis is well and truly dead. He could just be mostly dead.
  4. I like Nikki. I can't really say why, just that she's a little lost, has glommed on to the wrong surrogate family, and that's interesting to me. She's no more annoying than any of the other characters with their horrible actions and bad decisions.
  5. I totally didn't get the exchange between Baz and his dad. The dialogue was kind of muffled. Who was in the Polaroid? Smurf giving Jay power of attorney was an interesting move. It screws Baz but I'm unclear if she actually trusts Jay or if this is kind of a test of his loyalty. I think Jay is smart enough to play a long game but he doesn't have all that much experience, so it could blow up in his face. Yet also he's a fast learner. I wonder if him telling Nikki that he's angry all the time is a hint as to the path he's taking? Jay plays it close to the vest with everyone and the show doesn't let the audience in on his thought process so, who knows? Poor Deran just wants his bar and good surf. I normally would have been fed up with the Craig character long ago but the actor infuses him with just enough charm to keep me interested. Pope, oh Pope. I can't remember, had Smurf switched out his meds as part of her manipulation to get him to kill Catherine? Or was that earlier in the season? Finally, it was unclear to me whether Lucy showing up at the end was a surprise to Deran/Craig or had they called her realizing Marco was playing out of his league?
  6. Confused as to when Two, originally Rebecca, became Portia Lin.
  7. "A prosciutto party without the melon" Both hilarious and gross. Ooh, that's a good guess.
  8. Did they use original footage from the 1979 Mad Max chase sequence? Or did they shoot it to look like it? Because it looked nearly identical, shot for shot, if memory serves. Weird, wacky, and bloody. I like it!
  9. When Chuck was tearing up his house it made me think of "The Yellow Wallpaper". (I've never seen "The Conversation ".
  10. Was Baz this much of a douche nozzle last season? You have to work pretty hard to make your creepy, murdering brother the more likable one. Hard to believe Craig is still alive what with only those 15 brain cells he's got. He's like a dopey irish setter that keeps missing the frisbee. Deran can't know how much work a bar can be. He thinks he does, but probably doesn't. Is he going to have employees? 'Cause if not he won't have time to pull jobs. Why do I have the feeling Pope will end up killing the Bible teacher? I want more capers and Jay.
  11. Am I the only one that thinks the KGB wants Martha to teach the little girl good, authentic English and culture so that she can be a spy? In fact, I've been wondering whether they intend to use Martha as a instructor of American cultural mores, etc? I highly doubt her life in the USSR is going to be one with no strings attached.
  12. Paige is all, "Ship 'em out. He's pissing me off." Paige is cold. Heh heh. Is Isaac & Rebecca a biblical reference?
  13. Anyone know who the actor is that played the Korean prisoner having withdrawal? Couldn't find him on imdb. Kaniel Outis? I thought it was a sketchy name when I heard it last week. Now that I see how it's spelled it has to be a code or anagram or something. Why didn't the pills dissolve in Michael's mouth? Oh Prison Break, as loopy as ever.
  14. They had so many recognizable guest actors this episode (one being JLM's wife) that for once I wasn't sure who the perp was. Yeah, the Shinwell plot thread is usually a dud. They found an actor who is even less dynamic than LL. (I actually love LL but have never liked that she plays Watson so dully.) Wonder if JLM is going to grow his hair back?
  15. I watched that ep twice. Looked like Lenny to me, though it was dark. It being his girlfriend would make sense, but it's this show so… Anyone have a screen cap?
  16. So if Lenny is really Benny (a guy) what does this mean in regard to the memory of David screwing Lenny in his memory from last week? I'm really loving this show, even if I was the most baffled by this episode. So trippy, so weird. Noah Hawley is on fire with this and Fargo.
  17. Why are they trying to make Shinwell happen so hard? The character is fine and all, but I don't see the point of him having his own story line separate from Sherlock/Watson.
  18. After Rick and Michonne clotheslined the walker herd she says to him, "We're the ones who live". Ahhhgggggghhh!!! Don't say that. Don't ever say that on this show.
  19. Unless this was covered in the first 7 minutes (which I missed) I didn't understand what they were trying to convey regarding the firing pin and showing the flashback of Swagger. But then the last four episodes were pretty convoluted and I was mostly lost anyway. Still, I'll watch when it comes back.
  20. I couldn't understand what Sherlock said when Gregson asked if the rings were hot. Anyone?
  21. What's up with Amendude's wings all tattered and disintegrating? What did I miss?
  22. Wow, this show is great! I'll have to watch again to get more of the dialogue as the characters often speak low and mumble. Also my crap tv. My favorite LOL moment was when they opened the box to look at the lemon pepper wet. As he lifts the lid a glow emanates from the box and lights his face, then dims when he closes the lid. Damn! I want some of that.
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