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Everything posted by Julyolo

  1. Thanks so much for posting this. All of the "couples" or "throuples" currently being highlighted on the show have less chemistry than a perfume that was never created by Jabot, IMO. As to the corporate "entities" JG is trying to hold our viewer interest with, let's just call him out for what they really are: shell companies.
  2. They were fired for being honest with Grampire and Nikki, c'mon you know that's not a trait the Newman family values! It made it so crystal clear they were only "hired-ins," and would never be able to mesh with the members of the ruling dynasty. That Sharon really figured out quickly GC business doesn't get done in a corporate suites, heh? Guess running Crimson Lights all those years got her the equivalent of an MBA. Maybe Audra should consider a gig as a barista...and can we also expect Abby to soon redirect the CW board meetings to Society? I missed you all so much, so happy to finally be back, and reading all your great posts!
  3. I am also long over the entire Tucker plot line. His character was a novelty at first, but it hasn't worn very well. He's become as predictable lately as the bedroom decor at the GCAC. I have repurposed the Abbott family-Tucker characters as now being the adults from that ancient TV show mostly about kids, "Leave It To Beaver." Ashley looks like a grown, messed up version of Mrs. Cleaver, Billy is the Beaver, still as clueless and tone deaf as ever, Jack is "always be the best big brother," Wally. Tucker lately is coming off to me as a very much aged Eddie Haskell type.
  4. Of course Nikki is to blame for Seth's relapse! As a raging narcissist, anything that happens MUST be about her. Had Nikki ever really worked a 12 step program, that insufferable attitude of hers would have been the first thing to go. This show has lost me with this AA storyline, the lack of any well developed corporate entities, or compelling couples with chemistry. Glacade facade, Jabot just blows, Old man Newman Enterprises, CW whaaa?, Cassidy tragedy. The couples on the commercials are more interesting than the ones trying to catch a spark in GC. IMO, it's all as unimaginable to me as JG winning a daytime Emmy for writing.
  5. I'm hoping that since Claire got to go to Oregon to get closure with her Auntie Jordan, that Victoria & Cole will take her to an allergist on her next day pass. The bags under Claire's eyes today were almost as big as the ones her G-Ma Nikki hides her flasks in.
  6. Watching today left me feeling that Sally and Adam now totally lack the "pizzazz" they had in their initial coupling. It felt to me like the actors had gotten classes from Sharon, on how to continue thru their lives with some simulated representations of themselves standing in for the people they used to be.
  7. Oh, great now another "site update" to "add new shows," when they can't manage the ones they already have here.
  8. Anybody else think show is progressing towards a "Who Killed Tucker?" trajectory lately?
  9. Did Nikki really say all her friends have died? That was news to me. Did no one tell her Phyllis' death was staged, and she's back in the land of the living? What happened to the Coven of Diane Slayers: Phyllis, Lauren, and Ashley? I recollect those ladies all lunching quite a bit, just a few months ago. Nikki's AA sponsor turning into a trust trap for the geriatric Newman marriage is not very compelling watching. BTW, JG, if you read here, AA suggests no new romantic flings until someone has been sober a year, and it's not a good look for the sponsor or sponsee to "hook up." Just the little details of boundaries, and blurred roles, you know. Lastly, giving Ashley a disheveled hairdo doesn't necessarily scream "mentally unbalanced" to me.
  10. The story about Robyn's ex was that he was abusive, I wonder if she ever got treatment independently for that. If she didn't, it explains how she married a polyabuser like Kody. If she did, Robyn certainly got very little benefit from it. I think Robyn was okay so long as she could deflect and redirect all of Kody's abuse towards Meri, Janelle, and Christine. I think she knows that Kody's deep reservoir of anger/abuse now can only land on her, and her alone. I don't feel sorry for her, if she was able to identify her ex as abusive, she certainly should have been able to see Kody Brown's abusive nature from miles away. I had to laugh when Kody said he "vetted" Robyn to be sure she wasn't "leaving a good man." Guess that made him feel very secure Robyn would be just fine with bad, bad Kody Brown! Out of the fire, into the frying pan.
  11. You guys probably remember that I posted after the great site "maintenance" happened in December, that the plethora of ads now have made it pretty much user unfriendly. It really is borderline obnoxious, but like everything else these days, reflective of how the thirst for $ overrides any concern for providing a quality experience....much like what has happened with the production and script values we have been watching roll out on Y&R for the last few years, frankly. Should an exodus from here occur, please notify me of the new site. Hugs. ETA: What we're dealing with here is pretty grim when the apology for the site being down today spells it incorrectly as an "outtage," as opposed to Merriman-Webster's "outage." I'm outtraged, oops, I meant outraged. LOL!
  12. Happy New Year! Sorry to be mia, but my house got flooded New Year's Day. Reading your great posts makes me think a live feed from my house might have been better viewing! I hope the show gives Claire's psychiatric treatment at least as much, or more serious consideration than Chelsea's. Claire has just learned the true identity of her parents and herself. She was groomed to be a Mancurian candidate, and now she's stuck with the Mop as her mother, Drinki as her grandmother, and a Grampire. IMO, all this should justify YEARS of inpatient treatment.
  13. If the site update was only to turn it into a mosh pit of ads, I guess JG was consulted? This thread has become as disjointed as his storylines.
  14. I tuned in late today, and at first when I saw Cole & Victoria alone in the living room, I thought it was a re-run of a "Walking Dead" episode. Victoria's protruding collar bones coupled with Cole's emaciated face makes for quite an uninspiring duo. Then by the end of the episode, I realized their "discussion" was to foreshadow the fact Claire is obviously being fast-tracked into a "Newman loyalty badge " narrative, because she chose to save Nikki, and throw her Auntie J under the bus. Left me wondering why Adam saving Chance and Faith just isn't enough to get him the Newman "family loyalty badge", until I remembered that even people who get saved on this show are ranked. Saving the wife of TGVN, must apparently merit any rescuer with the highest rewards that the family can bestow.
  15. These old clips are doing an excellent job IMO at showing how false Robyn and Kody have been all along with the other wives, and also how desperate and frantic they are now to control a narrative, that will make them look favorable to the viewers. It's actually very sad and sickening to me how Kody and Robyn manipulated the other wives.
  16. Me too! I think these episodes are going to get even more enjoyable. I think Robyn and Kody really angered, and or offended the production staff members of the show (cinematographers, lighting, make-up) in some ways that can only be exposed by the edits they are getting now. It also seems Meri is getting a more honest edit too. Production teams on shows like this, do have a way of exacting revenge on cast members they dislike. I observed about 3 years ago, that Christine seemed to be getting the best edits for some reason. I tend to get so immersed in these shows, that I forget they are the work product that results from a lot of people behind the scenes. IMO, I think production is over Kody and Robyn for sure, and they are finally going to let it all hang out with those two, at long last.
  17. So happy to be back on the site with you all! Very tired of Tucker only playing lounge lizard or hide the salami in the sheets with Audra or Ashley. I don't "get" how the Abbots' latest play against Tucker would effectively ruin his corporate reputation. What reputation? Being the badass of the bars or bedroom? I've yet to see him do anything remotely related to serious corporate work, unless that only involves shenanigans and chicanery.
  18. At this point I think the GC Police Department needs to invest in cameras that have facial recognition capabilities for all of the watering spots, restaurants, hospitals, and hotels in town. Maybe TGVN could donate them and work out a deal for his crack (smoking) security team to have access to them as well. Obviously, nothing else ever seems to work out for any of them.
  19. Well, this is one aspect of all the wives defecting I would have liked to hear about. My understanding was, like it our not, the religion that was the justification for the 4 marriages is patriarchal in nature, for the most part. I would have liked to hear Kody mansplain how he now views his eternal future to be looking. Robyn acting as if other wives had to come to her, and let her know that her gig as a sister wife to them was over, seemed contradictory based on what rudimentary knowledge I possessed about how the faith works, or in this case, didnt. It came off to me as if Robyn viewed herself as wife #1, co-ruler with King Kody. The lack of discussion by Robyn and Kody about any plans they had for maintaining a relationship the remaining minor children of Christine's was very strange. I totally agree with other posters that the glue holding Kody and Robyn's marriage together was the other 3 wives. He could visit the others to remind Robyn he was a superstud, and when he didn't go, Robyn was sure she was the world's most desirable woman...in Flagstaff anyway, lol. The other issue Kody and Robyn needed to be pressed on was how once children become adults, a parent can expect to still be in charge of, or control their decisions! They are both so dictatorial and judgemental, no wonder no one wants to have anything to do with either of them.
  20. Just going to summarize a few things here I may want to look back at in the future, if this show even has one. Which possible corporate takeovers am I deeply concerned about? NE, Jabot, or CW? None. Which show couples am I immersed in rooting for, to have a happy outcome? None. Okay then.
  21. There should be lots of vodka bottles clinking in the Newman family trash bags by now. Does Victor fail to notice the staff putting the new bottles out? Does the staff not bother to tell the TGVN that his wife (or someone in his manse) is rapidly depleting the vodka inventory? I did a better job of busting a teen age babysitter after she raided our liquor cabinet ONCE. I have always liked the actress playing Audra but, IMO her reaction to Nikki today, when being informed about the recent shenanigans of looney tunes Clair was definitely subpar. I was disappointed. Also, Sally and Adam's potential for a rapturous reuniting seems to have withered away. Did JG keep the arc of that plot line suspended for far too long to sustain either the interest of the audience, or the actors?
  22. IMO, TLC and production did not just stumble upon the original Sister Wives. I think Meri and Kody pitched the family as a lifestyle, and a brand. I don't believe either Christine or Janelle were that savvy or ambitious in the beginning, but I do believe Kody and Meri were. Fortunately, it seems Christine and Janelle have wised up, and are placing their futures under their own direction. Just a feeling I have.
  23. Last night when Robyn was blubbering about Kody's anger now being focused on her, she said something to the effect that just because his other wives had been "bad," he shouldn't lump her in with the "rest of them." IMO, this has always been her mindset with her Sister Wives, they were fine in Robyn's mind, so long as they towed the Kody/Robyn line. I also think Kody and Robyn mistakenly put all their hopes in Meri being able (as it was for many years) to continue to be the big negotiator with production and TLC. Tables have turned. Christine, who is telegenic and apparently happy, seems to have had a reversal of fortune and is now holding the winning hand. Face it, Robyn, Kody, and Meri are boring and unattractive to watch. BTW, in the last 2 years post Covid, how many times did Robyn leave her Flagstaff manse and travel to Parowan to visit or film with her most treasured "always gonna be her" Sister Wife, Meri? As to the kids, most are adults and no one can force relationships on them at this point. I seem to remember that Christine was primary caregiver for most of them, as Janelle was out in the world working (someone had to!) and Meri and Kody were busy doing whatever their thing was. I think some of the kids upon reaching adulthood also expressed not having much attachment with Meri, either. Robyn and Kody demanding adult children to have relationships with people they've never bonded with or attached to in early years, is just another example of the many unrealistic delusions they share. Speaking of which, Robyn needs to reassess her opinions about her life with the great Kody Brown. Three out of his four wives are done with you both, and most SMS posters resoundingly find you both repulsive. It's called insanity, or folie a deux, when you think everyone else in the world is wrong but you, Robyn and Kody. *ETA: LOL the show has Babbel as a sponsor. Does it speak Kody?
  24. Did anyone else here ever hear about a company named "Glacade" before today? I knew Ashley and Tucker were planning a company, I did not know it had a name. "Facade" might be more apt. Why dont Ashley and Tucker just make dividing it part of their divorce? Did it ever even have employees, or products? I guess that would be asking for way too much in terms of storylines. I, for one, am sick of all these bare boned corporate intrigues that JG keeps foisting off on the show. They lack any deep context, or basis in the storyline. No one ever works on anything tangible, they just talk about takeover plots, hop over to new corporate jobs, or head out to Society, Crimson Lights, or the Jazz Lounge where they do the same while they drink. Wash, rinse, repeat. Could we please just see Phyllis, the self defined "pariah," do at least 1 hour of her court ordered community service? Did Michael even think there was the remotest of chances Phyllis understood, or would act on, any of the advice he was giving her? I am not getting much meat in any of the current sauces being served by the show's present "romantic couples" menu, either. Seems to me like this show is running out of gas, unless Billy, Nick, Victor, Phyllis, or Nate are talking. Light a match in front of any of their mouths on any given day, KABOOM!
  25. I hope JG doesn't give Claire a pass for 4 kidnappings and attempted murders. I believe she went to a good college, didn't she? She had access to information that the rest of the world does, didnt she? Certainly she could have at least caught a clue that Auntie Jordan was unhinged, before co-signing on their Newman family rampage? I hope Nikki falls so deep back into her bottle that the Abbots put a lid on it, and market her from Jabot as Eau De Bitch.
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