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Everything posted by tinkerbell

  1. I just found this show, and I really enjoyed it. The only contestant I didn't like was Pam, the older woman who couldn't stop reminding us that she is older. The host was great, the perfect mix of serious and funny.
  2. Late chiming in here. Of COURSE they should have a pre-nup. They each have kids! On another note, how much do you want to bet that Garry's wedding vows include the words, "don't choose the one you can live with, choose the one you can't live without?"
  3. Mari should have been given the message: Beach wedding and a dress with a train is not a good mix. The pressure to be engaged by the end of the show is ridiculous. I understand that someone can want to be married, and not continue a relationship if there is no chance of that. But a timeline of three weeks?
  4. "Retired restaurateur" has much classier, fancier term than, "man who had a fast food franchise and sold it and now does maintenance work." It may be literally true, but it reminds me of how people pad their resumes to get a job.
  5. I thought it was cruel of Christina to laugh at them for not knowing how to make butter.
  6. The worst of all of them is "I want a tongue in my mouth" Kat.
  7. Wow, that roast had a lot of mean digs at people. Starting with Katie taking shots at blake, then everyone mocking people for their relationship failures. There were a few funny moments, I liked Olivia's "how did I taste?" But overall, it's like the intent was to hurt.
  8. Watching the Juicy Box episode right now. How strange. Q sleeps in, starts his day with a shot, says he wants to run a restaurant but shows no interest in doing any actual work. And they don't have a working refrigerator. Gordon buys him all new equipment. No, he doesn't deserve it. Let losers go broke.
  9. Golden Bachelorette? I am this demographic, and my response (based on my husband, all my brothers and brothers-in-law and my friends' husbands) is that a group of guys this age, hanging out in the mansion without television sets tuned to sports, would be miserable. Women in this age group tend to be chatty. Men bond with other men (and argue) over sports or politics.
  10. Yes, it doesn't seem right, especially the timing. Eliza says she'd like to talk to Charity, and Charity shows up! Whatever Aaron's ex said is likely coming from a place of hurt, and there's no reason to take it as fact. Eliza needs to make her own decision. You don't give up on a guy because of what someone said that someone said.
  11. Olivia talking g about Kat as she imitated Kat's compulsive hair touching, was great.
  12. Once again I am grossed out by Felicia. Not only grooming her feet on Cirie's bed, but asking Cirie for the file and clippers as if they are community property? No! Sharing pedicure instruments is how athletes foot and toenail fungus are spread!
  13. Maybe in the beginning? I have been with my significant other for 15 years and I remember when we first started dating we would sit together on the sofa and make out. Now he lays on the sofa with the remote and I sit on the other sofa across the room. 😝 Making out? I've been married 40 years, and we will watch a movie together sitting on different couches so we each have access to an end table to put a drink. I have a fuzzy blanket on my couch, which means I usually have a border collie snuggled up beside me. As for our Golden bachelor, I don't understand making out with multiple people. Get to know them, end the date with a kiss, and move on.
  14. At least with this older bunch, nobody is saying something like, "me and Gerry talked about him and I's relationship."
  15. Some superficial comments from me, who is close to the age of these women. Older women CAN have long hair. But it needs care - conditioner, brushing, styling. Leslie's hair looks like mine if I got caught in a rainstorm and couldn't dry it or comb it. What a mess!She needs a shorter, layered style. She also seems sad. Faith has similar hair but it doesn't look as bad. When we were in our 20s the style was very long hair. But these women are too old for the hairstyle they had 40 years ago. Susan is fabulous. Her hair matches her personality. She also has the skin and figure to look good even when baring her shoulders. Theresa looks like a Muppet. Her face shape, there's just something muppet-like about her. And she does not know how to dress. As we get older, we learn that looking hot or sexy does not have to mean wearing a dress meant for a 20 year old. Does she buy her rose ceremony dresses at Forever 21? Here's what she looks like to me
  16. So many of these women have hair extensions. Hair as long as they have, without being a frizzy mess in a tropical climate, and the constant touching, is because the length is extensions. Doesn't seem very practical at the beach. And it doesn't make you more attractive. Shoulder length hair looks good on most women. Waist length hair, not so much.
  17. Kat is a total bitch. The kitchen staff made and decorated a cake for her, and she tosses it in the ocean. What a spoiled brat.
  18. I watched this episode this morning. Though I did like the matching the xray to the skull task, I'm getting bored with the game play. Who's aligned with whom, who not to trust, and Cirie sitting pretty not having to really play. There's nothing happening!
  19. Rachel made the same mistake she made on Bachelorette. She let's a guy tattle on another guy by paraphrasing their words, then she gets mad because, of course, the tattler would have no reason to deceive. What was Sean's crime anyway? Saying Rachel liked him? Big deal. Brayden gets the rose she would have given to Sean. Sean looking like Ryan gosling, no. But looking like a Ken doll? Considering that a Ken doll is a generic boring white guy without genitals, I'd say whoever told him that's what he looked like probably meant it as an insult.
  20. No, Brayden THINKS he looks like Johnny Depp. He's trying to copy someone, while thinking he's being original and unique.
  21. That comp has been the same each year for as long as I recall. Felicia signed up for the show, I assume she watched some seasons and figured she could do the comps. They can't modify tasks for age the same way they modify for deafness. If a player cannot do well on physical comps they have to rely on other skills. Speaking personally, one fall on the comic book comp, and I would have needed help getting up.
  22. They sure know how to act like loving friends though. I would not be able to do the full-body hugs with back-patting and "I love you" with people after all the plotting and backstabbing. I can be cordial and superficially friendly with people I don't like or respect (just ask my family) but they're not getting long hugs.
  23. I thought they were pretty good. I know blue will love hers
  24. Rachel was much more interested in Tyler in Paradise than she was on Bachelorette. On their hometown visit, he brought her to the Jersey shore carnival/amusement park he worked at and introduced her to his closest friends, who also worked there. Rachel realized that was not the future she wanted, and bailed without meeting his parents. To be fair, he did seem like a high school kid introducing his friends to his hot older girlfriend. It was one of the most awkward hometowns ever. Did she really want him to pick her for the date?
  25. If I'm not mistaken, didn't Survivor at one time do weigh-ins? Did they stop? I recall people being weighed and their weight loss being made kind of a big deal.
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