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Everything posted by Desperado

  1. Loved, loved, loved Maura West today. Did not love the makeup artist who chose non-waterproof mascara for that scene however. I don’t get Nick, what a tangled web. Why not tell Ava he got Esme pregnant? She already knows he slept with her. Sheesh. From the previews, Rory ain’t quite dead yet.
  2. Good to know that Spencer is still a top grade A-hole. And I don’t even like Dex. i was entirely surprised to see that Cam with longer hair is quite hot. Be Esme’s hero and mine Cam, and get rid of this ridiculous “Esme will be a forever prisoner” storyline!
  3. I thought TempNik was way better than MC - different strokes. Whoever they get though, it’s going to be difficult for me to like them as long as the “Esme, prisoner forever” plot continues.
  4. Happy to know Stephen doesn’t have to lower himself to screen tests. What is his line of work now? I miss Cass so much. And his French. Another World was my grandmother’s soap, then my mother’s soap, then mine. My heart is still a bit broken by its demise. As for DOOL, although I can’t stand Eric and Sloane separately, I like them together and appreciate the fact that their pairing will allow for more GV sex scenes. And I’m fine with NewEjole. Everything else… is giving me a headache. I think they ordered “virgins” for her.
  5. I really enjoyed Anna/Martin/Valentin too and Ava with her blinking comments, but there are SO many BAD actors on, I’m having trouble getting into scenes. The characters Nick, Michael, Rory, Dex, Cody, Jordan, Trina (sorry, but the actress is not good in this role and working with a dishrag doesn’t help) are all different kinds of terrible. They may have been good in other roles, but not the one they play now. On the other hand, good actors like Alley Mills and Jon Lindstrom and Michael Easton / Rebecca Herbst / Avery Pohl are playing scenes I would rather not watch. The Heather/Ryan sexy times, just NO. 😝
  6. I really didn’t need a waxed chest breakup sex scene. I kept thinking “this is a conversation you should have WITH YOUR CLOTHES ON PEOPLE! And yuck to a “who’s your daddy” storyline. Sigh. The Dom baby and Chase saved it for me. Everything else was so screechy and over the top…
  7. “Mommy is confused” was the best reply I’ve heard DH say in eons. 🤣 Looking at Nicole and EJ’s hair, you would think we were back to Covid “do it yourself” days. That’s all I’ve got, which is depressing considering I’ve been trying hard to be up-to-date enough to post here. 😞
  8. I know many of you are devoted Sally/Adam shippers, but I can’t get with his harassment of her. It falls into the “she says no, but she really means yes” toxic trope and it’s a terrible message to put out there. Also, not fond of the “Billy saving Chelsea” plot because IRL, you have to want to save yourself and take more than 2 steps to come out of the abyss, on your way to rebuilding your life. A shining armour will not come and neither will a free apartment with easy access to socialize. (It doesn’t help that I hate this washy spaghetti Billy incarnation.) This.
  9. “You, with me.” You go, Liesl! They tease KT with RH, now with MW. Damn, show, the great storylines you missed giving us are something. Ms. Wu - finally a proper adversary to Victor! BK looked spectacular in that dress, but poor TA stuck in a blanket. The less said about Chase/Brooklyn, the better. I take it back, I take it all back!! The writers don’t completely suck after all. Well done all, including the overacting. 🤣
  10. So the writers did make Robert act like an idiot and repeated the process with Laura today. Aargh. This, however, was delicious.
  11. Robert better be playing Holly again or both are in on it because having shots of anything while wearing a secured briefcase is the dumbest thing ever. And as much as I love Britt and her mother as characters, I couldn’t get into their scenes because I think her departure storyline sucks.
  12. I’m assuming Finola is off on her regular prolonged vacation? Robert setting a trap for Holly was evident but I enjoy having them, Mac, Felicia, Laura and Victor involved together too much to complain. Had Martin and Cyrus gotten into to it, I would’ve been in nostalgia heaven. (I first became a fan of Jeff Kober through his work on China Beach circa 1988.) I hope Britt gets some answers. If KT has to go, I wish for her character to find out it was all a mistake and be off having tons of fun around the world. Her and whoever RH is now, is a sadly missed pairing. Regarding the Nik/Esme/Liz plot - I hate it with (as TWoPers used to say) the strength of a 1000 suns. It creepy, gross and makes no sense.
  13. How long was Emily’s family’s glamping trip supposed to last? Have they been there a week with a “case of the week” every day? It feels like it’s lasted forever. And the scenes in the woods AT NIGHT, are killing me. In spite of the pretty, no way is Cormack normal/innocent with the family he has.
  14. I really liked TempNik and wish he would stay. I just can’t deal with women being imprisoned by a man though, even Esme, so I skipped the threatening convo, etc. Is Nik really kidnapping her just to stop Ava from knowing he’ll be a daddy? Does he plan on killing her once she delivers? Just yuck. And yes, @dubbel zout, Spencer really is acting like a turd and the fuzz on his face is doing nothing to help that behaviour. Friday’s ep was much more fun. I particularly liked the Laura/Cyrus convo. Why did they make her wear that horrible black smock thing. Pretty sure the same stylist dresses Maxie. Surely there’s a better medium between ultra-frumpy and bra-showing prison visiting wear.
  15. I was hoping against hope that Cody wouldn’t be permanently linked to Mac. Oh well, maybe in X months they’ll undo it. Also not happy to see Britt getting symptoms of her disease. Even with her leaving, I wanted it to be a Victor machination to control Liesl. So Dex is shot, doesn’t tell anyone and just stays there? So very Jason. I thought it was weird to have Esme climb down only to get back in the house. Where did she pick up her hook? She had conveniently left of the Wyndemere grounds? On the plus side, happy to see Anna out of jail and with Valentin. And I’m not sure what’s in store for Heather, but I’m happy to wait and find out.
  16. I thought the Britt/Jason pairing was very good and I enjoyed it very much then, but not now w/ a recast or such. I saw SB on DOOL - Beyond Salem and he looked rough, orange and bloated and his acting… was non-existant. Him returning would be make a huge step back in my opinion.
  17. Finally caught up on my watching. In a medium so devoted to youth, I like soaps offering us Felicia/Mac and Valentin/Anna tasteful sexy times. 😎 Very happy to see Emma Samms back and hopefully, on her way to recover fully. It was also great to see her and Tristan sharing scenes. And yes to Genie finally being back in an active role. Valentin looked ridiculous trying to punch out the bodyguard, good thing Sister Laura was there. I’m hoping everyone is done with their respective vacations and we can have some fun in November.
  18. I didn’t recognize TSJ - too much plastic surgery? Thinking he would’ve made a good Ashland and RN would’ve been a great Tucker (I also liked SN and WR in the role, and bummed by the recast.)
  19. This. Thankfully, because of everyone mentioning Val/Anna’s romp, I was able to go back and watch and it was lovely. A good eraser of all the bad of today. Sadly, because her scenes are now mostly with Cody, I wish KT was leaving this month and no longer for ed into this misery. No Scotty or Liesl for what seems like months now, it doesn’t bode well for the actors.
  20. I’ll pass on watching today’s show because the Brando death pisses me off even if I wasn’t super enthused about the character. Putting him together with Sasha brought him down and I have absolutely no interest in watching her nightmare. He could’ve figured out the Michael scheme and become another son to Sonny, or something. if it weren’t for this community here, I would take a very long break from the show.
  21. I’ll take Susan only if EJ pays for her dental reconstruction. The fake teeth take me out of any scene she’s in. I would prefer a new character all together for the actress.
  22. I’ve been very underwhelmed by all the stories airing and supremely annoyed by Kristen being Kristen in a court of law to boot, so I just skipped those scenes. If the move to streaming was planned, it certainly wasn’t with the aim to gain new viewers.
  23. Anyone recognize Linda Purl as Mrs Honeycutt? I was trying to find a link and thought: “She’s the wife of BJ Honeycutt?” Then I remembered he was in M.A.S.H., not GH. 🤣🤣 Maybe this whole weird storyline is to make us sympathize with the Carly character? It won’t work with the people here, but maybe others? Or SB is coming back and she’ll find him bartending somewhere in a beach shack? 🤢
  24. I agree. Something could still be done with Brando. Too bad Molly’s his cousin, she’s bi, right? I want Ava free of Dickolas, he does nothing for me.
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