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Everything posted by Bruinsfan

  1. Yeah, that wording doesn't make it sound like he's going to be taking her down to some abandoned railroad tracks in his van rather than driving her home. The way Fuller shot it Reba would have to be deaf as well as blind to get in that van.
  2. I figure, Hannibal having been in a romantic relationship with Alana, however much a sham it was on his part, allows for a certain amount of knowing crudity between them that would be far more out of place if they'd only had professional dealings with one another. Er, actually... [raises hand]. I have one of this style - it's at the entrance to the hallway leading to my front door.
  3. My choice would be Las Vegas: it's tacky and vulgar on a monstrous scale, which would act like garlic and crucifixes to Hannibal, and the entire Strip is under constant video surveillance with security guards everywhere. I don't actually think that would necessarily have been a problem for Alana given her traumatic past with Hannibal and her brush with death--certainly if I were on a jury I'd have voted to acquit her of any wrongdoing. Conspiring to kill Mason given that she's now raising an heir to the Verger fortune with Margo would be rather harder to dismiss/forgive.
  4. Arkansas, but that's matinee prices. I don't go to the movies at night unless it's one I'm REALLY sure I'm going to enjoy.
  5. At this point they just need to show Doctor Doom pulling off his mask to reveal he's Johnny Depp in white greasepaint.
  6. The trailers I've seen have him using an American accent, which I guess is true to the character but a disappointment to me nonetheless.
  7. Oh God, he's just barely up to the task of stripping away his native Texan accent to sound generically Midwestern. If I have to hear him trying to do a Cajun accent I'm going to be screaming before the movie is done.
  8. When I saw that the Mother Cell was a visibly large lump of green gunk in a vial it immediately reminded me of this: https://youtu.be/VAwdh2iWyJg?t=1m17s Which of course means that Reiden is basically acting out the plot of The Stuff.
  9. The trailer saved me $8 by giving me the Cliff Notes version of the whole movie—I don't need to see it now.
  10. Well, Derek showed up to that fight as an ally of Jennifer Blake's and presumably expected her to kill Deucalion at the outset. As for Scott, I think bringing that flashbang was the upper limit of his planning abilities.
  11. Even if Scott's threat wasn't empty, there's not all that much he and Derek could have done to stop DEMON WOLF once the eclipse was over. He was supposedly a lot more powerful than Kali or Ennis, and probably could have killed both of them without breaking a sweat. The best they could do is a face-saving agreement to let him go and hope he wouldn't continue recruiting other alphas willing to murder their packs.
  12. I strongly suspect that Deaton made some cryptic remark about knowing what to do with Peter and Scott just went "okey doke!" and gave it no more thought. At least in the case of the Argents, Chris has Gerard locked up where he's theoretically no threat (I can just see nursing home attendants being told he has dementia and not to pay attention if he wants to call his 'werewolf hunter lackeys"), and he's actively on the hunt for Kate with the Calaveras. That's probably a better solution for everyone than Scott trying to deal with either of them.
  13. Eh, I'm pretty sure that threat to knock people out if they get out of line is all posturing. Aside from the fact that a dancer from Stomp strikes fear into the hearts of no one, he'd be risking going to trial in front of a jury that would know he's Jar-Jar. It might be the first time someone gets sentenced to Death Row for assault & battery.
  14. Sue and Johnny are supposed to be considerably younger than Reed and Ben, with Johnny having been in his late teens at the time of the origin story. That said, it's really Reed's (lack of) age and skepticism about Miles Teller being able to convince me he's the world's smartest man that are making me dubious about the movie. Bell and Jordan may not be perfect casting like Chicklis and Evans were, but they'll probably be serviceable, and Mara looks to be a significant improvement if they want to convince me that Sue Storm is also a brilliant scientist.
  15. I have noticed that with Dominion, Killjoys, and Dark Matter, the network is trending to more original science fiction series of late. While I only regard one of those three as worth my time to watch, I do applaud the change in direction.
  16. In real life I cheer at the appearance of bats chowing down on the ever-present cloud of mosquitoes blanketing my hometown, and would only worry if one landed on me and bit me since I'm not eager for happy fun rabies shots. But I'll give the Oasis groupies some credit inasmuch as the bat they were facing looked like it was going to turn into Jerry Dandridge any second.
  17. It's been years since I saw one of the old reruns, but I'm pretty sure David McCallum's Illya Kuryakin wasn't a humorless belligerent thug, which is how trailers would lead me to believe Armie Hammer is playing the role. Few complaints about Henry Cavill in a suit being suave and making quips though, even if the American accent he has to put on drops the performance a step down from perfect fantasy material.
  18. I think that still works if one assumes the electrical glitches were something unrelated to Tumor Guy's visions of his dead wife. Those disappearing once the tumor was removed seems like it weighs in on the hallucination side of things. The past life regression story in this episode seemed to fall too heavily on the side of the supernatural, though. Particularly since the mutable nature of memories under hypnosis is getting a lot of play in current research - I wish they'd shown hints that the guy putting them under was subtly directing their experiences to synch up because he wanted to believe.
  19. I know girls in their mid-teens can be remarkably self-involved, but that was so awful my jaw dropped. Kiddo better learn to back off from that level of thoughtless blurting if she intends to be around anyone who doesn't already have a decade and a half invested in raising her, because that's the kind of utterly hateful comment that would immediately torpedo almost any other sort of relationship.
  20. Why should solar panels be any different from antarctic construction and wiring, journalism, prison management, international travel, the adoption process, basic biology, or how human beings have conversations?
  21. I'd imagine that Joe would be a lock for any sequel since he really seems to have wholeheartedly gotten into the whole stripping thing. That alone more or less guarantees me buying a ticket.
  22. Kang first appeared as the time traveling pharaoh Rama-Tut in an early Fantastic Four comic, he subsequently created his armored Kang identity after meeting Doctor Doom, and many years later he was retconned/revealed to be a distant descendant of Reed Richards. Although he was mainly an Avengers villain as Kang, I can definitely see a legal basis for including him in the FF licensing rights.
  23. I don't know that Zod was actually stronger than Clark; the latter had years of experience developing his powers to the former's hours, and frankly I suspect Henry Cavill can press multiples of the weight Michael Shannon can. Obviously, having the training and ruthless determination to fight would be huge advantages for Zod, but I wish the fight had shown concern for bystanders as one of the disadvantages hampering Clark.
  24. If it's a big hive mind among the animals, maybe it just decides it doesn't want Whiny Vendetta Princess joining the club and infecting all the animals with her petulant stupidity. Lord knows I can barely tolerate listening to her for a few minutes a week; can you imagine having her voice in your head all the time?
  25. I may catch it on Redbox in a few months so I can fast forward to Dinklage's scenes, but casting Adam Sandler AND Josh Gad as obnoxious man-children is a surefire way to keep me out of the theater.
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