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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. The show hasn't been able to settle on that I don't think, or at least they want to have it both ways. They seemed to be at least trying for a genuine connection in the first scenes, then she gets the contract just sent over (by Terrance?) with the "divorce is not negotiable" clause, then he's slightly passive aggressive about why she's agreeing to it (for fame or money) and then tells he they can't just date because of his image and now they are being more passive aggressive/nice to each other. I guess that is supposed to be one of the conflicts.
  2. What I don't understand is why they produce such awful patterns for their consultants to sell. Because yeah, mimes and sharks and in such nasty colours. If they produced better patterns then they'd get more money and their consultants would be able to shift more instead of getting fed up by hundreds of pieces they'll never be able to shift.
  3. Or pay to support her journey not theirs. If she was doing this for free and encouraging others to join her that would be one thing but why would anyone want to pay for what they are currently offering? There are a ton of free websites, youtube clips etc that provide much better education on nutrition and exercise than STRIVE and much cheaper options if you want to pay for advice/meal plans etc.
  4. In recent weeks there seem to have been a rash of consultant's videos on youtube etc "explaining" why people are leaving LLR, many seem to blame new consultants being too trigger happy to quit if their first month didn't go so well or that they didn't realise that you have to work at it. Nothing about the convoluted system, fugly prints or mandatory spends, but that's nothing compared to the Kool Aid drinking in some of those links. Yeah, such LLR can pay for private schools, swimming pools, new cars and probably private jets from the way that lady was going on. Yeah re mortgage your house so you have more money to throw away on a business that isn't even your own. I hope Meri enjoys "living her why" whilst she can because I doubt it's going to last much longer before this house of cards collapses and she has to move on to another MLM scheme again.
  5. Hmm, guess there's always people willing to joing with someone who is on TV. So being slightly successful at getting a downline (the only way to make money) means you have to commit to even more items a month at minimum, which she is already having trouble shifting. Wow and MLM really is "the house always wins". You need to sign up loads of people to make any serious money from that and if you can do that when there are other sales/work opportunities for you, even if you are a stay at home Mom or retired etc. I get why these things are so popular. They allow people (and for this sort of product mostly women) to feel like they have a starter pack for a DIY own business with their own hours that fits with the kids and allows you to connect to a wide group of people doing the same thing and make friends but holy moly do your research first on what financial implications there will be. No one can count on their friends turning up every time for a shill-a-thon, especially as many of the people you might know will be shilling the same stuff or similar.
  6. I would have thought Lance would be around just to witness his beloved Laurel (sort of) as a villain, though I guess he doesn't need to be a regular for that. But he hasn't had much to do at all this season and is fairly expendable. Thea has barely had anything to do and it would be easy to send her to pastures new. Diggle: Hope not but again he's had very little to do this season, even in comparison to previous years Chase: Probably gone? Curtis: I guess likely to stay but I wouldn't miss him much. Felicity: it would be a surprise if she left unless the "Slow Burn" of BC is a romance between her and GA next season and they need FS out of the way. They simply could be adding more and more regulars as the show ages as many shows do to give people time off to relax/do other projects at the same time etc. Also some of the cast will likely be on less than the full 23 ep contracts.
  7. Well that will be a big cast, though not the biggest I guess. I wonder if anyone is leaving? I don't like Wild Dog and Nu!BC is ok but has hardly grabbed me. Edit: As Trisha says this will probably lessen the chances of a BS redemption arc I guess.
  8. Well she was there when Superman/Clark dropped in last time and made it clear there was a very unrequited crush on Clark. Since then she's been on a Around the World cruise, so I say finale coincidence.
  9. Yeah I miss the progression of his character too. Wasn't a big fan of his The Flash eps but he was great on LOT, shame WM wanted to leave, though I can't blame him if he wanted to do more Prison Break. They couldn't have Hero!Snart pop up now and then as they'd killed him off and picking him in and out of the WaveRider!Snart's journey would have been confusing for the few number of episodes they got. So I can see why they did what they did with what they had available. I think Mick Rory got a similar sort of progression this season though, I hope he stays on.
  10. Oh I'm counting on it. And from some of the producers about redeeming BS and LL's "legacy". Oliver theoretically getting together with E2 BS and having a do over with her becoming BC etc is much worse than the sister swapping so no doubt that's the director they'll head for.
  11. Very possibly. But as I said Slade gets very crazy and chatty with Oliver/anyone associated with Oliver. What are they going to do have him hold up a sign saying he's done talking, more killing to everyone he meets? You might as well have Billy Wintergreen come back from the dead to book end things. That guy had one line in like 10 episodes.
  12. Argus also helpfully put the "OPEN" button to his sell right next to it. Even if only Thea's slim (dislocated) arm could reach it, it's not like they would *only* stash huge muscular guys in there and Slade is a hell of a manipulator. But that's why Waller is dead I suppose. He could record dialogue but Slade is usually really crazy chatter to Oliver (and anyone he wants to hurt Oliver with) and it's harder to record that well without both actors interacting and if they did it via a souped up skype I think it would just sound odd. But it wouldn't be the first time a TV show has done it. MB just sounds so determined that it's BS. If he was recording dialogue he's still agreed to be part of the show so I don't get why he's so emphatically bitchy about it. Especially as the only reason he wouldn't be filming in Van right now is because he's a regular on another show.
  13. He could be being awkward to get attention/reaction from fans I guess or as some sort of tactic with the producers, though I have no idea what that would be. He's a regular on Shannara. I guess he could fly in briefly in for a couple of days to film his bit. I think film goes on until next week sometime. Why would they bother trolling anyone, it's not vague teasing it was just an announcement? Unless this is some sort of extra desperate and bizarre attempt to get people to tune in
  14. Kyle does not seem like the guy that regularly toplines £100-200 budget plus movies and makes them successful, which I guess what they were going for here. I think being publicly gay for that situation is more likely to be a problem than if you're the lead on a successful TV show for example (although they might enter into "just for our careers relationships" as well I don't think there'd be such a massive hoopla about it, especially not at IHM). Kyle does seem to like women though. Murder or underage kids would be higher on the list or having been a teenage prostitute or something. Kyle said it was all about his "brand" that he can't be someone that women leave or people will think there's a problem. He was probably being truthful with that, but there *is* a big problem he needs to keep speculation away from. I guess the director is to set Megan up with blackmail material either his the IHM or both because she's pretty but not particularly amazing or charismatic around any of the guys. Or maybe she really is Marissa Cooper/Bella Swan here.
  15. I think they were definitely going for a Rachel Dawes character, especially since this version of Arrow borrowed heavily from Nolan's trilogy. Crusading for Justice within with Law vs Vigilante, known each other from childhood but have a complicated connection, often antagonistic towards the main character and then her self defense skills were supposed to show she had the capability of becoming the BC later. Problem was IMO they actors had little chemistry, Quentin slipped into the role of Vilgilantism vs legal policing/justice and for me KC was never convincing as BC whilst in the mean time they cast the perfect Canary and sold a much stronger connection to Oliver (not necessarily romantic of course ) via their similarly damaged personalities and need to stop being assassins and start being more heroic. Even if KC is coming back as a regular villain it doesn't have to be every episode. How often do QL and TQ appear? And villains often take episodes off for weeks at a time. The only problem is if they try to sell a redemption arc and move her back into TA or god forbid, another attempt at being main LI, then they are definitely back where they started. I'm not sure I buy such an amazing contract for KC, but it's possible. Someone high up definitely likes her though. I can't decide whether that means the EPs who may not have wanted her back will write her minimally or if TPTB will want BS featured as much as possible. As for Sara, I don't think the writers considered the implications of the WC name at the time, I guess the just wanted to give her a canon name and parallel to BC. I don't think the writers on the show particularly like it since it's used like once a season and she rarely suits up for missions. She couldn't have been Green Canary for obvious reasons, Blue Canary. It would have been a better colour on CL anyway.
  16. Oh absolutely. Any time a anyone says "it's going to be so exciting or they have so much story which we are absolutely going to get to" I know it's going to be really boring or they are being killed off.
  17. Yes and then he asked to be let out. Nu!PrisonBreak is a loftier horizon. Apparently (hopefully for this show) it doesn't require a vast amount of Lincoln Burrows. I do think AD will be back in some capacity.
  18. I don’t think either CL or BR are going anywhere for now. They both went to Paleyfest and are respectively the most recognisable actor and basically the lead actor of the ensemble. I loath it when TV writers reference GOT as “no one is safe” well first off, the GOT writers *were* following books full of bloodbaths so no it wasn’t surprising for anyone who read them, second you are NOT GOT: *shocking deaths* on this verse aren’t so shocking when you continually bring actors back and your writing is not good enough to handle. It’s basically just TV writer masturbation to reference vague things and compare themselves to the shows they think they wish they were writing. 2 in 2 out same as last year but I don’t think it will be shocking. Annoying maybe.
  19. I enjoyed it. It was darker than LOT usually is and I was a little disappointed that the LOD returned to moustache twirling though. I was exactly right about what they would all want from a Doomworld except for Snart, who doesn't so much intricately plot heists anymore as turn up and make a withdrawal anytime he fancies. I guess its the affect of the Legion or that since he's no longer a regular or regularly recurring they aren't bothering with any layers. Ray yelling about cleaning "so many" toilets was hilarious, BR does so much better with the comedy than the Love Interests. I liked Sara and Malcolm's face off, that was something I was hoping for considering he's been responsible for 3 of her "deaths" and props for DD for noticing that she never stays dead. I don't think Amaya will either. I hope she's staying for next season but if she isn't that won't be how they write her off. I didn't have a problem with Felicity's cameo, although they hyped it up a lot for what it was. She went out defiant after all of her friends had been killed. She and Sara are friends in the true timeline so it's not a case of "humiliate the character or actress" IMHO.
  20. Oh so they really didn't want me to see S6. A Laurel arc. Just nope.
  21. I think Arrow is probably always going to be the type of show that attracts more emotional investment, after all it's a much more emotional show. Think about them all being stranded in awful time periods for a while vs Oliver descent into Purgatory/Hell which has been going on for 5 years in flashbacks and all the other arcs. No contest really. Though I was glad that Sara's Bloodlust wasn't forgotten and dealt with. Ray had the best line with "But instead we get to be tortured and executed in Nanda "can't believe I'm back here" Parbat. Matt Nable did some of his better work as Ra's, he correctly identified them as from the future and sensibly told them to get the F out of their ASAP. Also that exchange between him and Sara was nice and goes some way to explaining parts of Arrow S3 (retroactively). But someone took note of what didn't work in S1 Hawks, Savage etc and got rid of them. As I said LOD was pure genius, I'm especially pleased for Matt Lescher since TC rightly got most of the credit for RF in Flash S1 but he's given a chance to show his chops here. Wasn't a massive fan of the Spear as McGuffin but it just about works on a more goofy show. And Arthur Darvill should play Evil more often. I've pretty much given up on The Flash grr, I wish l liked S3 more. Supergirl is ok but it suffers from no Cat Grant and I'm one of the people who doesn't like Mon-El. In theory I like that Kara has someone who is equal in strength and refugee status/knows about Krypton but is sufficiently different from her and it's not all bad at all but they way they've written it, urgh.
  22. You're perfectly entitled to make that decision, if you can't be petty in your TV watching, when can you be? I love both characters and I don't mind in the slightest if Evil!Sara kills Good!Felicity or GoodNotQuite!Felicity or Good!Sara kills/hurts Evil!Felicity/Not!Felicity etc. EBR will probably have had a blast putting on a costume for once and it's a chance for the show to bring in another recognisable face to the Doomworld scenario. Frankly the LOD deserved to get the Spear in many ways, especially after the episode of the same name. I think it will be either that they don't remember what happened after reality is reset or they'll shrug it off as an alternate timeline/bad dream. Anyway I think it should be a lot more fun appearance than Oliver's "Ray and Sara are my friends but why don't you inexperienced historian go and find them because I don't have the time, I have a city to run! Peace Out" whilst sitting in a damn Timeship, yeah I know IRL reasons, still. I still can't believe this show has rehabilitated MALCOLM MERYLN for me, how is that possible? He's fantastic.
  23. Yeah the BC/GA forever! chatter didn't really get started until it became clear that Olicity wasn't only another stall and O/L continued to have no/very little interest in exploring their romantic relationship when she became BC. Also a lot of the S3 angst and S4 BMD, LL's death etc strengthened a lot of the calls from other areas against "the Olicity Soap Opera romance" which gave comicbros more momentum for Only Masks! Only BC! I didn't dislike the Sara/Oliver relationship in 2B although it was noticeable that they were much less intimate once they got together and again when they broke up. I enjoy their friendship and understanding, so it would be great if CL really was coming back for an ep. Not sure what's going down in the LOT finale, but even if it ends on a cliff, they could always have her called back from earlier in the season and just have skipped over it on LOT I guess. Having often ignored it or actively written away from both things for the rest of the season. I expect S6 might be the same.
  24. I think Sara looks a lot better in black and that the white costume is very unflattering but she doesn't wear it that much and calls herself White Canary even less, so I guess it doesn't really matter now. They should have made her BC when they had her in S2. In fact I think a lot of BTS people actually did refer to her as BC before it became clear KC was going to hang on to the role with her teeth. But she didn't have the right name, don't you know? Sigh. No wonder they made Tinah, DD, just to avoid the moaning otherwise. CL has mentioned before that she's glad to be out of the quagmire of fans complaining because she was the wrong sister. And coming late to the party on this, I had no idea that there were so many superhero/comic book pilots this year, I know they're a very popular genre right now but surely they can't all get picked up to series what with the number they already have on air as well.
  25. Yes it does seem to have been more of a DC/WB (or maybe CW as well) directive than something the producers were desperate to include. And I think DC might well like it if they had a romantic dynamic that begged to be explored, though I don't think they do and the writers aren't trying to force it. It's not exactly a deal breaker for BC on this show. They were determined to give LL the BC mantle long after they'd given up trying to write them in any kind of relationship other than an "argumentative/occasionally friendly colleagues" one (don't think that worked either but at least it wasn't totally anti chemistry romance.) I don't really see a reason for her to be a regular next season (none of the newbies really). She can be recurring as needed and I don't think they necessarily need to rush to tie down the actress. This is her biggest gig so far and she's ok but not sparkling exactly. On another note I have no idea if WH pissed off someone or asked for time off but I always assumed it was because they wanted to concentrate on the plethora of new masks and didn't want to have to find room for Speedy especially now her Blood Lust is cleared up, MM is on LOT this season and Roy is gone for good. It's easier to write her a few scenes in the mayor's office once in a while and then have her be (rightly) suspicious of the reporter.
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