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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Hmm, maybe not equal to Lucifer, but Dan isn't either (although I enjoyed KA a huge amount this season) Chloe values a lot of things that Lucifer does *not* represent and I guess this is their version of a ship stall for a while since Momalottle's scheming has ended for now. I never rated TW that much whenever I watched SV but I'm pleased for him. Lucifer is roughly equal with LOT as most improved show of 2016-17. Both had some rough S1 episodes and characters both threw out what didn't work and doubled down on what did and had a lot of fun with it.
  2. Gah I hope not, though I guess they could consider him the most expendable if they're determined to kill a regular but I'd have thought they'd want to get more juice from interactions with BS first. Could just be that PB has other commitments or isn't in the US/Canada at the moment since he's not in all the episodes but not dead (yet).
  3. But don't you remember that Susan was a good person who was most definitely a real deal? Rolls. Eyes. They didn't even bother for Billy since his only purpose was to have sex and die.
  4. Fair enough. I'm a millennial, not yet 30 (though no longer a young teen starting to watch the show etc) and use Social Media, admittedly not much for Greys and I despise twitter, so I'm sure you are right. It just seems to me that even on SM that I'm on where there might well be still a hardcore fanbase (and really I'd expect GA hardcore fans to be less "only twitter/tumblr" generation than others since it is a 14 season show that got 25 mil plus at it's height, 46ish mil for the Superbowl), that pre buzz has slowed right down even from where it was last season, YMMV. Maybe it's just a sign that I can't muster much enthusiasm for this show which I started watching again this season, having given up for 4-5 seasons. The most exciting news they've announced so far is Teddy of all people. KR is a good actress and I can't say I'm a fan of Amelia/Owen but sigh. Seriously though, this show has already done more episodes than ER, they're damned well going to give it more seasons too as long as it doesn't crater, which doesn't seem likely.
  5. Me too. It doesn't have to be a tribute to whoever dies. As statsgirl says there are multiple meanings. Bet they're going to stoke the "who dies?" games this weekend though.
  6. Possibly, especially when the show was a very popular powerhouse and a guest stint brought in pilots and other offers. EdR got a pilot based on S1 Belle which didn't get picked up and only then signed to become a OUAT regular. Then again probably many of the actors were happy to sign *because* it was a powerhouse and it's hard to turn down regular work for the unknown. But yes, people are buzzed about because they appeared on Once and then fade from the memories of the public and casting directors because they're never on screen. Almost certainly. Though I think they should maybe have kept their options open on Henry's love until they'd seen how everyone interacted. I hate that they're trying to get people to ship them before we've even seen any footage, I almost hope it crashes and burns, though no disrespect to the actress. I agree that since this will probably be the last season anyone how is shunted aside won't have to worry about being a glorified extra for long and for at least some of them it will be worth it for the paycheck and expanded resume. But probably better for his family life in the end, so there is that. Charming did have more to do in S2 and whilst Marvel is huge his role would have been tiny, and knowing what Marvel pays anyone who isn't RDJ a couple of OUAT paychecks probably covered the loss. Your point still stands in general though.
  7. Supernatural is trying a last ditched attempt at a spin off this year "Wayward Daughters" so that might be a reason why the extra push for a show that won't die and is rarely featured anywhere but TV fandom these days, I don't know if they have some other awesome storyline planned but I doubt its the final year. Maybe CW/WB/DC are planning to save up any guest slots for The new Super Duper Cross Over EVENT! in November? Yes this slot went to them last year with a crossover pending but since SG is now definitely on the CW with a bit of a wobbly season, Flash the same and Arrow had *some* good reviews but bad ratings and they rather save any big leagues they have left until later. Or someone else in the office won the coin toss, your choice?
  8. Adorable kid, many congrats! I guess they might spread them out through out the first episodes, removing/adding scenes so continuity isn't completely screwed. But assuming they might write her light for the first in production right now and that Maze had some good scenes in the missed four then we might not notice it that much. That said I hope LAB doesn't need Maze to be written light all season because her coming in to her own was one of my favourite parts of last season and it would be a shame to dial that back (from a purely selfish perspective of course). That said if she does or even if she doesn't, they have a lot of other characters who also came into their own in S2 to explore as well.
  9. Well it's a mashup of what was posted a few days ago but it looks much better, and with added Black Lightening. They've got the three "names" on the right, then the three Legends (two most recognisable to SDCC/a well received WOC and Black Lightening for all the new show hype. Oliver probably does deserve better, but I guess Flash is the highest rated DC show, they are still trying to make SG a success on the CW and the pattern fits until they put BL on the end same size as Barry for obvious publicity reasons.
  10. The repeated chasing of a reluctant someone who keeps saying they aren't interested (usually a man chasing a woman on this show) has been going on since S1, the pilot even, but that made more sense because they'd already had apparently good sex and Derek was running away from a bad break up among other things. In real life most people would have given up if it went on for weeks or months but not on TV. At least the earlier couples were more interesting in general and less generic "time for character A to chase character B for a while before they get together and then break up because of C at the end of the season" lather rinse and repeat. I remember on TWOP we got seemingly a dozen pages out of every side, trying to figure things out. I think it also has to do that whilst this show has proven itself unwilling to die, at this point there is much less media buzz about it in general so less unofficial spoilers, most TV sites just give out/repeat the approved spoilers and press releases and there's a lot less fan speculation and almost no shipping wars etc which cuts down on what we know/can guess. Back the day you could guarantee 200 posts at least of Meredith v Addison alone, not to mention every other powerhouse.
  11. Possibly she didn't really mind it, though I have read interviews that would seem to suggest otherwise. But we know other actors were promised storylines and were unhappy with signing a regular contract to be either be glorified extras or not appear in so much of the season. Yeah I guess its not the worst problem in the world to have by any means but I can see why it was frustrating for them. There's a difference between realising that your character is supporting and will probably be mainly tied to a or a few particular others and another when you have one small/background scene every couple of weeks and aren't even featured properly in episodes when your character logically should. We do know a lot of them were promised things that never materialised and I think Ruby had more screentime in S1 than S2 (maybe slight exaggeration but not far off ) which is why MO asked to be let go. My personal frustration with this is that the EPs *knew* this is the way it often went. They knew that they rushed to pin down popular characters/actors from a season so they'd be available and that by next season they'd have different ideas or get the rights to an exciting character and the cycle would go on again. I'm assuming it will happen to some regulars this season as well, though I hope they have the sense to see how gells well with each other first, though given certain "epic" declarations already made, I'm not holding my breath.
  12. Well I was being a little hyperbolical I guess, half the cast are not returning.
  13. Hmm, some of these spoilers have the potential to be the worst of both (all?) worlds. Requiring too much knowledge of the previous and very convoluted seasons to be readily accessible to new viewers and turning off other viewers who have stuck with the show because they fired half the cast and a lot of previous friendships, relationships and families therefore no one watches. We'll see I guess, though I can't see ABC/Disney forking out of a big marketing campaign for the show at this point.
  14. Probably and yet there's a subset of fans freaking out about the Iris/WestDrama taking over the show again the second she has more to do than stand around or be pictured dying over and over again. It surprised me because as a Comics!Character I thought she was more immune to that bitching. But it's about time they're at least attempting to give CP something to do, even if it doesn't last long. I guess it depends if you think 2 proposals in one season is more likely to get married than 1.5 proposals, fake wedding and make up. They've both had a lot of heartfelt scenes relating to their situations. I guess we'll have a much better idea of where WA is at after SDCC. I do think it's possible both will get married (small possibility Maggie/Alex will as well) but if they all do then I don't think all of them will end the season together/alive. Before DR and SA started dropping big hints about and O/F wedding I was pretty sure WA was the one we'd see this season but now I'm not so sure, until Flash peeps start doing more promotion anyway.
  15. Seems desperate reaching there. I do find it highly unlikely that they'd use the star(s) of Arrow to spoil/tease a WestAllen wedding. If they wanted to be ambiguous about a potential crossover wedding "who is in the dress" rather than "who is in the grave" I think they'd be doing it differently. Now that doesn't mean this wedding will actually happen, or be happy for more than 5 seconds etc but there comments so far aren't about The Flash, but I guess we'll have to wait until all the panels at SDCC for more info. And seriously, it's not about O/L. Even if they had plans re BS/O there would be a season's worth of drama to get through first that they wouldn't be spoiling so far ahead.
  16. most likely outcome considering his character so far. Kid has not convinced me he could actually act a William resents X" storyline. That would consist of whichever character(s) he doesn't resent hugging him to their chest so he doesn't have to emote and then everyone else acting around that.
  17. I am really interested to start hearing what BS might be getting up to in S6. Quentin and BC vs BS have been hinted but no definite chatter so far on how it will play out, I guess we will hear something latest at SD.
  18. She's back as a regular but we don't know yet what that actually means. Technically Thea and Lance (Q) were regulars this season but appeared in many less than the full amount. I guess it depends on what they have to do for her. They have another (potentially Big Bad) villain cast and it's not like BS got a lot of "love" or respect in the finale. She was humiliated by her "replacement" and "her father" in her only few scenes of significance. It has been rumoured that she's back because of CBS/CW backing not showrunners but I guess we'll never know for sure. They did promote JH to fulltime BC so that does limit a BS to redeemed BC role for the moment. All of her moments so far actually consist of E1 characters putting her down and whilst KC is definitely much better at playing a bitch as BS she isn't *that* much better that she's worth having a lot more screentime than LL in latter years. Well KC though so up until the very end. She though S3 was a love triangle between them (apparently Ray wasn't a blip on her radar). I think from the writing that they were committed to having KC become BC but were deliberately writing non love/hate antagonism between Oliver and Laurel but that when he came back from being dead it was considered ok by the team that he couldn't be bothered to argue much, yeah a really Love Story right there. And they were still barely interacting even afterwards. I think that was the start of the GA/BC fans losing it. She's now BC and he still doesn't care and worse he barely looks at her again before 4.05. Congrats LL you successfully Single White Femaled your sister but turns out who should you really have been paying attention to?
  19. I wouldn't actually be opposed since whilst they did like each other it was clearly just like quite a lot. And unlike on The Flash,a similar she never got too invested about begging him to reveal any secrets, if she ever even began to suspect. The other one might be Carly, which could lead in to the Diggle storyline, especially if it has to do with PTSD issues or Lyla. She is his nehpew's mother in a season where being a father figure is potentially going to trump everything again: See Malcolm post S2. Didn't say that there wasn't some enjoyment there, but really. "OMG THE TPTB ARE TOTALLY ZOMBIED BY THE SHIP/STORY I DON'T LIKE!!!! AGAIN!" Yeah I've done similar in fandoms I admit but Oliver's going to have some kind of LI whether via flashbacks, temps, long term or ONS and they are ALL going to cause some sort of drama it just depends on which sort or drama you like. I happen to like Olicity the best currently so I'm happy. But even if went with BC/BS there would still be a portion of other fans complaining that it wasn't the BC/BS version THEY wanted. I mean I though Iris was a pretty safe bet on Reddit, but it turns out not really.
  20. Ok, I did make it a pre season resolution not to be too judgy about other sections of fans preferences (never been good at that when I get mad I admit) but check out of the Arrow Reddit account for the first few pages 90% raging against the new spoilers, most without actually wondering why the showrunners are (supposedly) going back to this. I mean was Susan wasn't any better, BS still wouldn't be LL, Tinah might be being kept as a potential for the future but nothing about S5 Olicty was "too much" except they had a conversation and they wrote away from all interactions until the last section. Not counting Billy since no one acknowledges that he existed. Oliver getting with BS would cause major romantic drama, Oliver getting with Tinah wouldn't be straight forward given everything. Oliver having ONS would still play up the drama albeit confided to 1-2 episodes. Most shows on TV have some sort of romantic storyline, even things like Criminal Minds, who seem to be the archetype of a procedural have brought back characters after writing them off because they value the emotional if not always romantic connections.
  21. Three is actually in my top three. As is CPO Pertwee on a concurrent but completely different programme.
  22. Hmm. TV history says if its a full on planned wedding it won't happen as it's supposed to, but they did already do that plot in S4, so I guess we'll have to wait for further info. Barry/Iris seems like it will be a planned wedding for crossover time, but who knows? They already had one break up over a proposal and Barry's singing was sweet, but so was Oliver's 4.09 proposal and that went sour within 30 seconds (or before then when William lies are included). If they do get married in the Crossover well Martin is a "Legit Rabbi", and he doesn't mind skipping 99.9% of the service when Doomsday is here and I'm not sure if Caitlin or Ronnie were supposed to be at all Jewish. Or they could always get Ray to officiate. ;) Grey's Anatomy had a big wedding planned which most fans called BS as actually happening (true) and then the couple supposed to have got married said their non legal vows to each other in "their place" which lasted for a couple of seasons until they went down to the court house, so that is always an option for multiple "might get marrieds" on TV shows. Whoever, if anyone, actually gets married I am concerned that some how they won't last the season finale intact. But I'll wait to SDCC to see what else we get re the early eps.
  23. I think he just loves the idea of getting to play Oliver as a father, which IRL is clearly important to him and he wants to carry that over. What he thought about how the actual plotline ended up is anyone's guess. Plus it's been something that's been brewing since S2 so he's had time to mull it over a lot. I am a little concerned that a lot of what they are telling people is "technically" true but will play out very differently (negatively) on screen. Last year's press was in general very defensive for various reasons. This year they seem to have come off better press in the finale, a potentially more solid base for what is still their main pairing, have at least semi successfully integrated a BC, they get to point to BS for KC fans etc. Must be pretty shitty when you get a tons of questions all the time that you know none of the answers you give, however true and diplomatic (actors not showrunners) won't be what a lot of people want to hear, though obviously you can never please everyone. Re Raisa/S1 character: I actually watched the pilot a few days ago and I did enjoy her scenes, especially where Oliver slips up by showing his quick reflexes and speaking Russian (which as we know now he was speaking regularly less than 1 month ago). I can see why the show didn't continue with her, there was enough going on with the Queen family with Thea, Moira and Walter and Diggle quickly became his confidant (and soon enough Felicity). But if they needed a quasi family figure to help him, she might be a good choice. That said Janina Gavankar is currently free I think since SH was cancelled, can't see why they'd bother though since she was fine but sort of the ultimate definition of a temp character/LI, unless the SCPD is actually looking to become slightly more competent/recruit. I also wonder if they'll give PB something more to do by getting Quentin involved, he was the one pushing Rene to fight for his daughter and it would be symptomatic of Quentin and Oliver's now bond to have the man who blamed Sara's death's and the destruction of his family on him to give some parenting advice, especially ironic if he/they are both torn up by BS's appearances. Re the spoilers. Well it's only to fandom really so far they aren't even being properly reported on mainstream TV websites yet. Get fans pumped and release it all again at SDCC (which will get reported widely) and hope it all funnels into better ratings than last year, because no matter how much press they got about "going back to basics/Masks/comics/noromo!" you can't deny ratings dropped like a stone.
  24. Thanks seem to have missed that. Hmm, well it gives DR something to do I guess. Civil War parallel? Well there are a lot more masks running around now than there were that the mayor is secretly endorsing, not to mention BC vs BS potentially causing chaos. Though it seems like it would be something maybe more suited to the Flash, I guess it doesn't have to be re powers/danger or anything.
  25. Are we sure his OTA rift is with Digg and not Felicity? I mean it seems more likely given what we know, but "Oliver has rift with Diggle" has been done a few times before. "Oliver and Felicity in an awkward place (for whatever reason) leading to reconciliation and boom! wedding (or at least attempt at wedding) for crossover" ala Barry and Kara's break ups might work. Of course Oliver and Felicity rifts have been done before as well. Sounds plausible I think. Though I think if Oliver doesn't know if he wants to be a parent or not after everything that's gone down since he first found out, we are in for another year of dummy!Oliver. Maybe this is more Chase fallout. Assuming Samantha doesn't die he's not going to have to be a 100% full time custodial parent anyway.
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