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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. May anyone post a link or copy CG's meltdown please, I can't seem to access twitter very easily at the moment. If he's arrested or something in ep 7 that might conclude her investigation and someone else takes over, but she could be talking about hanging out with him and not pinching his stuff. It wouldn't be what I'd pick but there are a lot worse things they might have done than Oliver and Slade and flashbacks. Could have been two Rene or Curtis episodes or two episodes dedicated to the love between E2 Ollie and LL, not that all of those things can't pop up later. I guess they didn't get Celina Jade back for any of it though. I wonder if they'll mention Grant Wilson who showed up on LOT in Star City 2046, since they started to move in that direction a little with the change to JJ or if it's just Joe that exists.
  2. Yeah that would be one reason I would enjoy it, having Because Comics!! Only! fans seething. I kind of doubt anyone is getting the Big White Wedding unless after everything calms down they get dressed back up and Barry/Iris invite Olicity to join them, weird but I can't see Olicity just crashing that wedding where they were sitting as guests. So spur of the moment thing for everyone during/right after their big win against the Nazis? They'll put them in the traditional garb first to get those pics like they had Olicity dress up formally to fake their wedding for Cupid and then marry them both in their costumes with every other mask in theirs. Yep. Since I don't want a actual joint wedding I'd prefer Dig officiating Olicity's firstly and then being on hand for WestAllen's later but I'm now convinced they'll want the double wedding in costumes. I'm just gonna have to go with the cheese on this. Hey apparently they're even including the "hook up at a wedding" cliché with Alex/Sara so.....
  3. Yeah it sadly fits the timing of VG needing to leave to do Broadway so if it is a regular for real then Stein is the most likely choice. As for who would replace him, Lily would be the most likely guess but it depends if they want to add another female to the group so soon after Zari, I definitely wouldn't have a problem with it though. Or they find some way to keep Jax stable without Stein being alive until the decide if they want to introduce Firestorm again and Jax is the mechanic/takes up Cold's gun etc or Martin passes on part of himself to Jax so he's Firestorm on his own or something. Sad that he might be dying rather than retiring from the team to go back to his wife and daughter.
  4. Now that would actually be funny but I can't believe it looks like a joint wedding might actually go ahead. Please let it be separate ceremonies at least, sigh. I did think they'd want to include William in it, which is one of the reasons I was still discounting it even with the Dig two weddings thing but it would fit in with the simply using the kid as a prop as and when they feel like it. Alex and Sara hook up before the wedding I can believe and that might be fun in a cliché way. It just has a high chance of making the next few weeks unpleasant fandom wise which I am not looking forward to with WestAllen fans complaining Olicity are stealing their thunder and making it all about them even though it probably won't be promoted until it happens and Olicity fans annoyed that their ship is also sharing the spotlight after so many years of build up to it with no promotion, ugh.
  5. Hopefully, but now I'm worrying over Lyla too, especially with those Dig/Dinah rumours or speculation from a while ago. But yes technically it could be any character appearing in the crossover or an alternate etc.
  6. Double twist, Olicity wedding then Felicity in a body bag? There are so many versions of these characters that are potentially hanging about during the crossover that it needn't be anyone's normal character if it's a regular from one of the 4 shows (unlikely). This version of Cold then another version pops up later in the season on LOT? Martin since VG has other things lined up, although they were talking about retirement from the team as a storyline. Could literally be anyone, most likely a minor character if from the regular universes. Probably not unless as I said minor character or alternate version of a major character. And I really hope no Olicity wedding in the crossover, please please, please. If they're married before due to spousal privilege or boredom or William's protection or something i'd take all those things over sharing or suddenly substituting with WestAllen and the mess of masks this is going to be.
  7. Hmm, a good speculation guess. Lightening Lad also shows up and they start having feelings whilst Kara and Mon-El are also doing the pining puppy dance with each other and LL and SG leave for the future together? Less bad then her dying so they can be together but potentially very messy in the middle with a ton of romantic angst the show really doesn't excel at in the mean time, and that's putting it mildly. Or a less complicated version they just hint that there's someone else in the Legion for her and she goes back. Just please no public pining/moping for someone else who's married or pining for someone else whilst *you* are married, though I think that's a futile hope here.
  8. Yeah, that's another reason I don't want them married, it increases the likelihood of her dying so Kara and Mon-El can get back together in S4 and that's another trope I hate. I suppose she could always decide to head back to her own time when she sees how much they love each other, whether married or not, (still not a favourite trope) but that makes divorce a little tricky so death ends up being more likely. It's going to be messy however it plays out and given the state the shipping parts of the Supergirl fandom were already in before this I think it could get uglier than the versions of it Arrow has gone through.
  9. They liked the name Saturn Girl better? It fits better when talking about a Supergirl and Saturn Girl love triangle? Does she have better/more interesting or easier to depict powers than Shadow Lass?
  10. Yeah Ray/Lily were very cute together when she was on the Waverider, I think he's destined for Zari this season though or at least heavy teasing (when not "inexplicably" being attracted to the character played by his wife). Not feeling Sara/Ava from the trailer either but we'll see. So Saturn Girl it is then. She's recurring not regular which might point to more of a "stall" than permanent end to Kara and Mon-el (I wouldn't mind ending it at all) but I really hope they aren't married. I don't want Kara pining over a married man or Mon-El making puppy eyes at Kara whilst being married, it would be 100 times worse than the similar Kara/James/Lucy love mess in S1. Certainly not surprised about the development though, even if we hadn't heard it from the paps a few days ago.
  11. Yeah it's going to be a clusterfuck to explain it, but then that's PLL for you. they definitely need to revert Alison back to her earlier season self though and I love Janel Parrish so I'm happy for her. A lot of attempts to do Sara Shepherd/PLL spin offs didn't exactly work before though. Ravenswood crashed and burned and The Lying Game for only two seasons. IMK is keeping busy with various projects on the go though.
  12. Of course it doesn't, though when she said it I did hope she was talking from a knowledge of something that would be happening but I don't think it was. Doesn't mean she *won't* go a bit darker though I guess it's less likely with the likes of Grodd etc showing up. Yes treacly dream sequences to remind us he exists and that he and Kara were tragically torn apart to save the world, then BAM he comes back with a serious girlfriend/wife. It makes sense that they don't want to pay him to do nothing for 6 episodes.
  13. Hey this season Oliver looks after Myson (William for those not on the Arrow board) next season Kara has to look after Reign's daughter and a will she/won't she turn out like her mother, matching Lena's teasing evil or not.
  14. I think it was CL who also mentioned she wanted a return to Sara with more of an edge, which I would love, though I did think she had her moments in S2. Simply based on what we know of the Time Bureau I'm not looking forward to a potential Sara/Ava romance. I think there will be Alex/Sara flirting in the crossover since they do like to Kirk/Jack Sara a bit (and yes it was getting a little annoying last season) and they won't be able to resist even if it doesn't even get very far. There was that bit of deleted/never filmed dialogue from last crossover with Kara saying to Sara "you should meet my sister". I can see that if Alex/Maggie break up in ep 5 they'll want to remind people that Alex does still like girls due to all the praise they got last season for her coming out. I like Ray on LOT but I wouldn't want him with Sara although they work quite well as actors/characters in platonic scenes, I just really think he's not at all her type and I don't particularly want them to close that sex square with Olicity, there's already enough of that in her backstory.
  15. Well that as well ;) No wonder she was so furious Oliver efused to train her. KC's head cannon certainly bares that out and possibly what she thought would happen. I do think she thought she'd regain/recement her leading lady status which didn't exactly happen and certainly not LI which was important to her.
  16. Laurel was in it to Single White Female, sorry *honour* her sister and because she found out Oliver was the Arrow and wanted and felt entitled to be part of his super cool club, not only that but thought she was an equal fighter to him after a few months of training. Trying to quell her rage read as an addict finding another addiction to me and they literally tossed the "honour Sara" motivation out of the window after a few episodes. and no she certainly did not have more light in her than Sara who fought her way back from victim to assassin to hero and was prepared to die rather than kill again. The fact that Oliver and Sara resemble human beings at all means they are pure in heart more so than others who got into it because "I want to be a hero!" I do come at this with a dislike of the Laurel character, I admit but that's what I personally saw on screen.
  17. They did, along with the fact that her name was Sara. Which was basically just an excuse because BC wasn't a Rachel Dawes knock off either and as above Oliver is radically different from comics Ollie, almost every character is. It never seemed to bother people that Mia Dearden became Thea Queen (Merlyn) though. I do agree it is a sexist argument when taking Oliver's actions into account, kinda goes hand in hand with the Felicity must sit in her IT geek corner and say three lines an episode and do nothing else.
  18. Oh yeah I totally agree with that. I don't pay any attention to hi social media apart from what's posted here and a lot of it I wish I didn't know. I have no problem with actors being 100% different from their characters but yeah the less you know the better it is a lot of the time.
  19. Brandon Routh's wife just got a recurring role on LOT, maybe they're angling for the same thing? ;) If I had been there it probably would have made me feel awkward, but I also suffer from second hand embarrassment. And it opens them up even more to the complete asshole section of the fandom as targets now she's "involved". I guess it's a way for her to be involved/paid and do things together on a busy schedule, but a lot of that seemed over share.
  20. I definitely agree they've used the whole plotline horribly so far and it made very little logical sense etc and yeah probably killing off the mother after simply using the kid as a kidnapped plot device was a bad move but I do think if we get scenes like the BTS pics and them trying to bond as a proto family it will help if he is sticking around, especially if JM is able to produce some emotion. I wouldn't be surprised if he spends quite a few episodes with Raisa as a Nanny or someone else though. It will never be my favourite storyline. I think @way2interested analysis is on point and I hope it goes in that direction. At least it will help with the perception that Felicity hates a 12? year old kid because of 4.15-16 and everyone else turned into a pod person, even though she has repeatedly said that wasn't the issue at all. Then again she'll probably be accused of trying to take over as his mom and SWF her or something.
  21. It's not like he's been given anything to work with at all, being mainly a crayoning prop, but he didn't exactly show a spark on his own before either like some young actors can. I thought there was a reason SA was hugging him so his face was away from the camera for a long time in 5.23 and the promos don't exactly fill me with confidence either. But since he seems to be sticking around I hope we get more of the Jack Moore smiling with EBR type scenes and less of the blank face. Maybe interacting with Felicity or even Raisa will help draw him out and "sell" him because I'm a lot more interested in these scenes than any he's been in so far. And he is a good looking kid.
  22. Yeah pretty sure they will be breaking up but maybe with the option of coming back in later if FL's schedule allows. If they're planned as an endgame or even potential then no Mon-EL is probably not married, even if his wife left him or died or they amicably divorced or something it would still leave a bad taste in my mouth.
  23. Amaya was originally supposed to be Mari but they couldn't get ME to commit so change the character to her grandmother instead, apparently they are trying to get her to show up this season for an episode. Hey next season on Supergirl they have a character named Samantha who is a single mother so they are not great with the names. But I agree with your post @quarks
  24. Yeah I'm not banking on anyone (except Barry obviously) having a huge role, probably not even Iris and it's supposed to be her wedding. For Supergirl they talked about Alex/Kara being an important part of the crossover yet nothing has been officially mentioned about that, and she's not a mask so she's not on the poster either. It's really difficult to tell right now. People on the poster might not even appear in all 4 parts or only have a few lines per episode. I'm actually a little surprised BS wasn't included on the poster somehow, she's well known and already an evil version of herself. I wonder if/how much she'll be in the crossovers at all? I suspect there will be some sort of Felicity/Zari meeting though, (and Winn/Cisco) but we've no idea why she's on the poster except she's comics and maybe evened out the female quota a bit more? It's also possible that since Felicity is crossing over in 4.05 that that will be the majority of her screentime for this whole "storyline" since it seems she shot for a number of days. Or maybe not.
  25. Completely unsurprising it wouldn't be TV let alone the CW if they didn't have some kind of triangle or stall especially in a season 3. They didn't exactly do a good job in S1 on CBS with the Kara/James/Lucy thing, I just hope it isn't a season of romantic angst or too much pining. Assuming Chris Wood is staying on the show past this season I guess.
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