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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Hmm if she's filming LOT (not saying she is but maybe) then it might end up being a cliffhanger for next season (since they have less eps than the rest of the DC shows) and a longer arc next season which is exactly what I didn't want. Could be Flash, which would make sense if she's BS again but equally Arrow has to be a front runner, depending on how 5.10 turns out. Of course she doesn't actually have to be filming anything, although she probably is.
  2. These days with the amount of "movie stars" having "career defining roles" on TV/Streaming I don't think movies will count as the big leagues for much longer. I should think KC might get a pilot (if that is what she wants and they don't use her for another spin off etc) prior to Arrow she seems to have been generally well regarded. I think a lot of the casts stand a good chance of getting other good roles in TV and maybe movies (1st season P&R no one would have thought Andy/Bright would be a big star). Most continue to be working actors even if CW proves to be a high point of their career.
  3. Sooo, not only is it not good enough that Felicity is not currently Oliver's Love Interest, she shouldn't even get her season one on? Her first scenes? What is she supposed to do? (Apart from die I guess) one line of (non threatening) comic relief per ep and disappear?
  4. I wish this was true. Yes being gay is much, much more accepted these days but that doesn't mean it isn't a big deal to come out to your family (or on national TV for that matter) especially if you come from a very conservative religious or other conservative background. There have been reports of teens coming out to their parents expecting it to be no big deal because their parents watched Glee and getting a nasty shock. If that scene was in the slightest bit real it was a shock to her parents, (especially as some of them may have still thought they forked over Westminster tuition so Mariah could go to their old AUB church and find Mr Polygamous Charming. I'm glad her family accepted it (at least on camera - they had to considering their own lawsuits) but it doesn't mean it wasn't brave. I've no idea what Mariah actually feels, may it is "just a phase" (oh Lesbian Until Graduation Sterotypes) but she's been publically posting lady loving pictures, quotes and articles since April 2016, add in some soul searching time in private and it's likely been over a year at least. I think if she just wanted some attention and stick it to her family their are easier ways to get it (see: Mykelti) that don't involve something that the LDS and most other Mormon groups have staked out as the Big Huge Sin.
  5. Do we know that for sure? I would have assumed any Black Canary would have had one done, even if they don't plan to LI her at the moment. If she is coming in as a potential regular the network would have had to sign off on her I guess as well. Do we know if JH has any training to be able to do any of her own stunts? I can see why they'd want a more CL type even if the stunt company has a lot of available people, CL looks great doing them and it makes a more believable scene, especially as this is an area where they had problems with KC even though she made an effort to train and tone up.
  6. When was the Con? I wonder if this is an indication that she's mostly done with Arrow despite the "cross show contract" and just looking to cash in as much as she can? If she was going to be on a lot more, surely it would be more prudent to as you say, take the long term perspective and agree to release them, especially as you get paid a *lot* to attend the con in the first place. Or she could just be petty and stupid.
  7. Yes, Sara and Ra's had a conversation about it where she basically sets up her own rescue by Nyssa.
  8. Well a lot of the "comic book fans" don't really seem to care that much because at least she isn't Felicity and they know she won't last. But many of them are going apeshit over the possibility of Canary 3.0 who isn't DLL (or now a reformed BS) and to add insult to injury is apparently a meta AND also another potential longterm "non canon" love interest for Oliver. Shit will hit the fan if speculation on her turns out to be right but I don't think its the kind of shit a passionate, engaged fanbase throw either. But I really don't get the Susan storyline. As everyone has said it makes Oliver look dumb and thinking with Little Oliver (again) and why talk up a romance you know will be done with in 3 episodes anyway? I guess they're hoping for Olicity/Lauriver Outrage I Say! to drive up clicks on websites and social media where they have fallen a lot recently. And ratings needless to say, but it's making people apathetic rather than interested in turning in so they can rail against that stupid hussy! It has more chance of encouraging people not to watch than anything else.
  9. The people that love LL are going especially crazy over this, even more so with Tina being introduced the very next episode. I guess if E1 LL doesn't make an appearance death will still matter for her and BS was an already introduced doppelganger but yeah it seems like a trifecta of can't win storylines for fans. Olicity is still going nowhere, LL is still dead and BS is not sticking around so no Lauriver and they're introducing yet another Canary in the ep right after who may well have meta powers AND be Oliver's latest LI.
  10. This is the Quote from WM in the interview: "I can tell you that we’re really excited about having her back. You will see in the episodes where she appears – Episode 510 definitely, our midseason premiere. Keep your eyes out for that. We’re so excited about getting to work with her again and her willingness to come back. It’s one of the fun parts of the show. People can leave and get killed and you can still find new and crazy ways for them to come back. I can definitely tell you that there’s a way we’re going to bring her back and she’s going to be alive and well. And Flashpoint might have a little bit to do with that." Nowhere does she specify E1 LL or back from the dead LL. I was surprised so many people took her at face value, it seemed like typical EP weasel wording to me. "well technically....BS IS LL....from E2, alive and well" and she certainly wasn't promising LL/KC was rejoining the team or show at this point. She was only promising the 1 episode for sure at that point and we haven't heard if she'll be back towards the end of the season yet, but she might be.
  11. I heard it described by someone who saw the pilot at SDCC as "Archie meets Pretty Little Liars" (and I guess for others Twin Peaks) but I don't know how that will be interpreted by others.
  12. Way to be professional guys. And let me guess, they would be fine with her if she went back to having like one quippy scene per episode that hasn't been the case since early S1. But LL/BC should be in every scene because comics. Ah well, TVfanatic isn't exactly relevant anymore and has always been at least 2nd tier. Didn't see this before, but whilst I can't say for sure what she'd want, I can't believe KC would want to be full time on either Flash or LOT. Flash is 95% Barry and everything else is background and with LOT she'd be going to the show for 2nd tier characters who couldn't anchor their own spin off and the closest thing to a main character is a character/actress who already overshadowed her once and team that already has a lot of well known names and faces. Guest spots on both might be a different matter though.
  13. Hah, you mean that wasn't just a wind up rumour? Well that is a completely crazy one, but I guess they did find a way to tie it into the characters. They should both still be brilliant (well Ray anyway) but if you don't have the knowledge to create an Atom suit or work with the futuristic tech and did something else then you might be pretty useless. Nate seems like a rubbish historian since he got his powers and even moaned that research was like being back at high school. And this is the guy that supposedly was so obsessed with tracking down history for obscure time anomalies? Yeah. Matt Angel doesn't particularly strike me as looking like young George Lucas did but I guess we'll see. I wonder if they'd have to ask his permission? Possibly not but it will be fun to see his reaction if he was asked or if he found out.
  14. RE that thread, I can't believe it was Olicity fans that finally got their way (unless those fans were also producers) otherwise if they had that power Olicity would still be together. There has been room for both actresses for 4 years, at least in front of the camera. But I don't think Laurel really worked from the first season, witness how completely they dropped her as LI and almost gave CL the full time BC gig. No idea how BTS personality issues impacted everything but I too would be interested in "all the straws". That said I don't think she's being brought back as BS to dump on the character/actress/fans either as Reddit is hysterical about. BS is already a character in the Flarrowverse and was a popular character that episode. If they had ever intended to bring KC back full time then they wouldn't have given her one of those "glorified guest star" contract across all shows, they'd have planned her "death" and then used Flashpoint/LOT to resurrect her. I guess they still could but even in the "alive and well" quote WM only guarantees 5.10. Depending on how it pans out in the ep they can always use BS for other guest spots but I guess that will also depend on KC as well.
  15. Yeah but even with that I guess it might be seen as a bit too meta by some? Especially if NuCanary is introduced in the very next episode. I think it's sort of amusing that we are potentially on the 3rd Canary and still the biggest point in LL's favour seems to (mostly, certainly not all) "well she has the right name!" I guess if she turns out to be "Tina Drake" then she's also half right like Sara.
  16. Well at least this way, no one can say they weren't warned that it wasn't in fact a Laurel resurrected by Flash Point or rescued by Sara. Although there seem to be a lot of people upset that "MG lied to us" about KC/LL. However getting a "cross show contract was never a guarantee that she would be back full time or even part time. It doesn't seem to have been an "oops our bad" rather a consolation prize or a way to tell her "legacy" as needed. It's not like JB or WM are on a different DC show every week either. And even when they resurrected Sara CL went to be a regular *on another show* not come back to Arrow.
  17. I hadn't seen this before and if it is true its great. I think they did rush things a bit with the storyline but CL has been great and many things have felt authentic from Alex finally realising why she really, really liked sleepovers with her best friend in highschool to Kara being shocked and upset that she had never even realised that her (human) sister was potentially going through some life changing stuff whilst always having to be focused on looking after her alien sister and their mother not making a big deal of it in any way. I've also been extremely disappointed in how so many (maybe mostly male comic fans?) are handling it online. I know IMDb is a cesspool at the bets of times, but the number of threads about it and the level of vitriol actually stunned me. Then again there are also people who complain that we don't see any upskirt shots of Kara or that they should digitally enhance her breast, because comics.
  18. I think at the time they were more involved in a church. Before the show started and they moved to Vegas many of the ids were enrolled in a private church run AUB school, (which Mariah kicked up a fuss about leaving. I think they have been religious, except even more so than the Duggars they declined to show any real insight into this religion or what's so important about it to them (if anything) other than tired platitudes about how awesome your sisterwives are, even when it is clear you hate each other guts, especially when they know *about the sex y'all*.
  19. Seconding your sucky day in the news so fandom threads of all kinds are a kind of comfort/release valve of things that don't matter but we still care about any good news, for me. BIB That's the way I read it, as WD has been hyped by TPTB but there seems to be very little actual fan enthusiasm for him from anywhere (not sure about Reddit don't want to venture there very much) but even from more comic based sites. They want to say how awesome he is whenever they get an opening. It may just have been that Diggle just doesn't have any interesting stories coming up and "yep he's still in prison so no it's boring" isn't going to cut it as an answer (or both). There's no way for several reasons that Olicity will get together for now (or maybe anytime soon) but whilst I'm glad Mayo made a low impact on actual screen time or attempts to prove how amazingly awesome and possible real deal he was, it does frustrate me as well. Ray Palmer I miss your onscreen actual relationship with FS, except I don't and you are terrible in relationships even on LOT (but good without them) but when you caused issues or catalysts at least I saw most of them on screen.
  20. It really isn't hard to google "Non denominational Christian Wedding ideas" and yes, at least set out a template. But then it wouldn't be the Kody Brown Wedding "Poop Storm" (Shitfest) would it? I hope that Caleb and Maddie were either married before or after the ceremony in something that was less Kody-ish. Didn't we know Maddie was likely living with him for a while? It wouldn't be exactly surprising if she had the proverbial giant preemie As a Brit I didn't feel offended by the "Knighting" or anything but confused. I mean why? It's a "boho/gypsy" wedding with groomsmen in ultra casual. If it was a ren faire themed wedding I could see the point even but it was just weird here. It doesn't confer manliness on you, these days its as likely to mean that you're a 70/80s rock star who has managed to avoid overdosing long enough to be considered "a national treasure" as anything else. If it is indeed true, I can't see them (and maybe even her) knowing before she went to college at least, although that was a couple of years ago now. One of the big reasons she wanted to go to Westminster is that it was near a Plyg church where she could find Mr Plurally Right and I don't think her parents would have been persuaded to pay if she'd already come out. Plus she may have considered staying around the more progressive LV area to go to school. I don't think she started posting what look like fairly obvious interested pictures of women until a few months ago. To Meri's credit, I don't think the fact that there might be two brides would stop her throwing a wedding to "rival" Maddie's and (hopefully) revelling in it. She wouldn't want Mariah to down play it at all. Especially because if there's one thing she seems to enjoy its organising and decorating parties.
  21. That was awful. Poor Diggle/DR (hey David we totally sidelined you so we could bring in this cool new character and have the actor remind everyone of how he is so totally like SA's double/heir). Look writers if you aren't getting enough questions about WD (except maybe "when his he leaving/can he stop calling Felicity "Blondie" when they don't have that kind of relationship and the actor can't sell it like CC/HW might do?") to be able to rave about writing him in a question asked about him, then maybe he isn't as popular as you'd hoped and you shouldn't pin all your hopes on selling him (or promise the actor he will be a regular next season?
  22. Yeah I assume that was just a teaser for next year's big "hook". That is if Mariah doesn't come out on camera first.
  23. I wonder if MLR wasn't available enough for a wedding or adoption storyline and they just decided to have the adoption happen off screen when Jake was undercover for that reason? Because the last one she was in was the one with Boyle's ex wife, over a year ago. Vivian was in more episodes and that started at the over half season mark (The Party, which is indeed one of the best episodes). I think this may be the least fleshed out relationship on the show and when you show some of it and then make it fairly rush and add a random 5 year told to it, it makes it seem very disjointed.
  24. Do we have any confirmation of when KC is scheduled to be on LOT? Because I assumed that if that spoiler was correct then that part would be featured on LOT, which probably doesn't match up with the Arrow airing/scheduling either. I imagine they may just want to always have a character in reserve unless they *know* the actor is never coming back, what with having to do the Lazarus Pit SL to get Sara back after agreeing to make KC BC. If KC's cross storyline contract is potentially multi year? then they'd probably think they'd be stupid not to. Only seen JH on TWD and a couple of other random things and I don't think she really made an impression but I hope she is at least decent or this is going to be uglier than ever.
  25. Yeah if it does go down like this, I will feel sorry for those fans who really want LL back as BC part of BC/GA, especially those that seem to have taken it for granted that LL/KC was back on a fulltime or very regular basis. It's kind of the worst of both worlds. LL isn't back and there's a new non DLL as BC (which was apparently so uber important that it justified SL being booted off the show. And yes it seems like JH will have a rough time of it, especially if anything remotely similar to this storyline plays out actually does happen.
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