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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. Yeah I guess the quote being the way they always intended for Tommy is the Dark Archer theory. Before they decided to keep Malcolm/JB instead and end the triangle as motivation for everything. Canadagraphs was responsible for the Tommy as GA rumour due to the two stuntmen in GA costumes with beards" thing, which could easily apply to JS. Maybe Oliver arrives at the other Earth's bunker, immediately sees Chase and smashes him before being convinced it's an upside down world - which would fit with the picture Beth posted. Who knows, they film so many scenes in the same or similar locations and filters and it's difficult to tell. It wouldn't surprise me either way. Do you think MG taking over showrunning duties for Beth later makes it less likely EBR will be persuaded or asked to come back for the finale, or is it just not something that's on the cards for her either way at this moment?
  2. I'm...….a little concerned, I guess? Like what happens to Diggle or A Diggle in COIE is completely stupid and DR's had to polish plenty of turds in recent seasons. I'm assuming he's talking specifically about Dig and not the show as a whole in the crossover. CB is a great casting, though he's already been on Valor for the CW he's also done loads more, please don't waste or misuse him like so many other awesome actors, show. I'm wondering if John really isn't around for the FFs like we assumed BL and CB are fairly close in age aren't they, and their characters are 10-ish years apart, not too bad. Both actors are openly gay so seeing them both play gay on screen would be cool, like Leo and Ray. Since I think they will explore Mia/Connor having William in the mix for JJ and all the brother vs brother stuff could get very complicated. Well they did say Future Team Arrow was rough around the edges and still doesn't hold a candle to the drama (some of) their parents did. NO WAY NO HELL DO I WANT JH ON LOT, I'M SORRY, BUGGER OFF! Right deep breath. I'd really rather KC didn't join for a number of reasons as well. I wasn't thinking they'd shipbait Lauiver2.0TheWTFening just the fans and articles coming out of some places with it if they get in the same room together. We know Oliver's using Felicity as his talisman at this point and it would really be WTF if that happened after 7x22, even if MG literally got high during his meditation and *then* wrote the final scene. I'd kind of forgotten about KC's headcannons and what they generally amount to, I probably don't mind if it's for one episode I just didn't want it to be a through storyline of GA/"BC" vs The Mission of the week and got a bit bummed. Much rather it be Diggle or Diggle and a mixture.
  3. I wonder if that's DKRing it, like we're kind of assuming? The world think's Oliver's dead but he's living somewhere The Monitor dropped him and that's changed around but the idea was the same? As for COIE changing things? Obviously but that does make me kind of worried about stuff I liked. I wouldn't kind if the dismal FFs are changed but with them putting a lot of effort into the new team are they going to? As long as the don't change Felicity going off to find Oliver (especially if they don't get EBR back) I'm happy. Looking forward to JS. I wonder if ep 1 is everything/Queen family from that world getting destroyed? That's series finale-ish.
  4. Oh Great. Well I'm not entirely surprised if she ends up doing that in a few episodes but definitely not all the lead up. For one thing I don't want the constant "they should get together"/will they end up having something?" thing going on.
  5. Distraught by loosing someone not Felicity.....alt!whichever character? They wouldn't have him be completely morose for all the episodes but it's nice that he's taken her words to heart that they will find each other again, as long as they don't erase that part of the ffs. And yeah he's going to mean his kids somehow. Looking forward to this bit as well. Maybe a mix of actual Diggle and Alt!Diggles? I feel like they're almost certainly going to have him as John Stewart at some point. I really want them to actually work on some of Dig's pod!Diggle-ness but this doesn't really sound like the season to do it, unless lots of scenes together, knowing Oliver is going to "die" in the COIE will mean appologies/heartfelt talks.
  6. Because it's not like it's been going on for 6 years or anything and would be the same with any relationship. Yeah if your answer would be inappropriate with your wife present, just pick another one don't imply anything.
  7. They play fast and loose on how the TB and the Legends operate. Remember when they had Sara say she didn't pay Rory and suddenly the Legends handed the TB the massive very meta bill? This is just more of that annoying handwaving. I think Ava is ok and Avalance still isn't my favourite but I hated it was Sara's only real plot. Then again I wouldn't have liked it if BS had come over and *that* had been her plot either. My hopes are a lot lower than last year, so the only way is up? I thought 2/3rds of 4 was good, just 1/3rd really sucked, which isn't unusual for this 'verse. They've gone so far on the "we're awesome, funny screw ups" ride that it's like everyone going on about Oliver's darkness or about how Barry and Kara poop unicorns and fairydust, just "their thing" within the Arrowverse and no coming back. I'd rather be a self identified screw up on a time ship then someone who kept calling myself a hero. But I'd rather be a Legend than anything else. Since they do keep attracting both good guys and bad guys alike who seem to have a lot of fun on their show (still) I think the characters agree. I will forgive them a lot of things if Zari's story is not mostly about Nate, like how Amaya's mostly wasn't. Come on, I know TA will be awesome even as alt!Zari but give me this. She would rock what they're describing. Charlie should definitely have been used much more given the storyline and her introduction but better late then never. Astra and Constantine's origin story as played out on LOT, never would have I ever guessed that back circa Arrow 4x5 when he brought Sara back.
  8. I think this is the issue. We can recognize that Iris is the most important person to Barry so why isn't she the one getting the most story after Barry? I agree that this was never going to be Barry&Iris but it shouldn't be Barry&Team either. Legends is the only Arrowverse show that has been sold as a team show. I think they wanted to replicated the successful Team Arrow vibe of Arrow with Cisco and Caitlin and with Iris as a love interest not in the know (for now) but who has chemistry with the lead this time. In that way, rightly or wrongly that type of character doesn't get the 2nd most story in any show built like this. LOT is the only ensemble show but the rest more or less have Hero and The Team. I agree 100% that she's narratively relevant and can't be lifted off the canvas without massive repercussions, that's sort of what I was getting at with Caitlin. She might get be consistently up there for screentime and get no consequences to her actions but have her/them decide to move to the Arctic for research and the show goes on with minimal difficulty. There's no doubt the writers haven't been very interested in Iris as a Reporter storyline over the seasons but I'm not sure that was just about Team Flash. . That dynamic hasn't often helped Iris though. There are certainly many ways they could have carried on with it like they did in S1 with Iris meeting The Flash on the rooftops. Team Flash science shenanigans are probably easier to write and fit in and cheaper to set an episode almost entirely at Star Labs. But apart from anything else how that damn newspaper headline didn't generate more interest from anyone for years except about how it was or wasn't written by IWA is beyond comprehension. I kind of think that the writers do love Iris and do love WestAllen but it wasn't something they felt the need to write a lot for a lot of the time. They're in this "gold standard" shaped bubble that isn't going anywhere, CP can work alchemy with turning meagre scraps into gold, meanwhile our young viewer base loves what we do already lets carry on. Sort of. I certainly don't think bringing her in as leader of Team Flash sacrificed anyone else, especially not in terms of story or really screentime. Everyone is the best at what they do, you need someone to bring it all together, who isn't Barry or whichever Wells is around at the time. Her reporter storyline had mostly vanished at that point but it did make sense at the start of S4 and at that point there wasn't going to be any sort of story hub that wasn't at SL or the West House. I think a bit of the disconnect is kind of those who think the show should follow more of an updated Lois and Clark template with more focus on the Flash as a character side of things than they did (I would watch this is not a put down) and others who want the LI solely in their LI box whilst others fight metahumans, please don't come out of it. As for Barry and Joe, I still think that is one of the relationships the writers really loved showing early on. Iris, Thawne and his parents were all other threads but I think that was the most emotionally written for large chunks of the time. Obviously things changed and grew a bit.
  9. Glad the play and ERB are getting good reviews and she seems to be having a lot of fun. It actually seems like something I might enjoy if it gets filmed or comes to the UK. Noting that KM and Anna Hopkins were both at a Shadowhunters con in Italy this weekend makes me remember what a good actress AH actually is, she was great as Berlin in Defiance. Whilst Samantha as always going to be a badly written plot device and behave in a way no human would, AH could have acted the pants of an actual proper storyline about it, or better yet in a different role. She joins a long time of actors the show absolutely squandered.
  10. Well so he should! Could be anything though, there's a lot of big guest stars around and the speculation to go with that. I think there only being 10 episodes and Felicity (presumably) going off to find Oliver also helps her not be forgotten. If the show was going on a few more seasons without her but with SA they would fade her out. If they both left and NTA were around, forget either of them being mentioned ever again. From the quotes it seems they will be pushing Future Team Arrow as a core four hard with the origin storylines. I'd say LL hasn't exactly been forgotten, with odes to how awesome she was every so often, although the fact that her friends seemed to forget there was a difference between her and her doppelganger and her Dad went crazy trying to make her into his own perfect Laurel come back to him has to be a bummer. Mia is definitely the leading lady of the flash forwards, whether that translates into any kind of overall leading lady in the absence of EBR remains to be seen, we don't know what DD and BS are doing yet. I guess DD could be leading lady of the present day where it all goes to hell. BS could end up multiverse-ing it or KC as different LLs or with rump!Team Arrow. Sigh about Deadshot. MR's version was much better than the films, come on DC just a cameo since everyone else is getting one it seems?
  11. I liked Catlin/FKs plot with Mick in COE-X, hot and cold, that actually had a little depth to it, especially for a crossover and her mini team up with Amaya and Zari at the end. I don't think she was particularly needed in Elseworlds. I think her talk with Felicity would have been better coming from Iris if it wasn't Dig, especially after the double wedding controversy. But they were too busy having Iris worried that Oliver was going to infect Barry. Interesting. I guess there's no reason it can't be a bit of both.
  12. It fits the narrative better to have a tiny amount of loud crazies be the reason Olicity happened whilst the vast, vast majority of fans got cheated out of Lauriver because of them. Because there's absolutely no way Oliver would ever look twice at a gorgeous, smart ,funny, brave young woman an IT girl apart from that. It's not like her role was already being expanded before the show even aired or they had private data or professional reviews to work with. You don't change course this drastically because of 50 loud fans, you might shiptease for years but don't actually change the structure of the show.
  13. I'm not sure it's going to work exactly like that. Maybe for some characters but not all. I don't think there's anything that we've heard about Crisis that would mean an actor couldn't play two versions of themselves at least briefly, although it would be a potential logistical headache. It's possible that Diggle will show up in the FFs or at least flashbacks from the FFs to deal with the JJ/Connor stuff meaning that he survived COIE, that doesn't mean John Diggle Stewart won't also be around in COIE or beforehand. I think it's going to be more complicated more handwavy than everyone merged into one.
  14. It looks like KC was hinting about directing this year in that post then. Good for her. I'm guessing that's one of the things that's announced at SDCC next week. She could well be playing a different Earth version of BC, and if that version is with Tommy as GA that's kind of awesome. I was a bit surprised that they didn't have a thaw between Oliver and BS not that they didn't have lots of scenes together, but kind of like the time the campaign manager told Oliver to ditch Laurel as a friend and they became (briefly) friends for the first time in years right before she died. It would be something to tick off as done before the show ended. Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy if Oliver and BS never have any substantial interaction but I wouldn't be surprised either seeing as it's the last few episodes. They made it clear enough since she rejoined the show that they prefer to keep their interaction to a minimum but I could see it as a last bone to KC. It's highly possible that BS scenes are mostly in the current Star City or she's one of the only adults interacting with the kids in the FFs.
  15. From Canadagraphs: So he's hinting about GA more than anything. I could also see him as Dark Archer and a BS team up against him to be honest, because I do think that's something they'd be interested in as part of the final episodes. Either would fit the spoiler about him not being the Tommy we know. Maybe the different versions of both Tommy and Chase are potential recruits? I do expect some Oliver and Siren interaction at some point whether it's here or somewhere else. With the whole handshake and quick redemption it's too good an opportunity to pass up. I was surprised they didn't do it when she and Felicity actually became friends last year.
  16. Sigh. I was so looking forward to that episode, one of the most disappointing and bad episodes of Flash IMO. If an episode with a girls team up and a female villain and the best thing about it was drunk Barry whilst everything else was actively annoying...……. It's stable because she's a regular, usually involved in whatever's going on with the villain of the week and overall plot and then has her side romances/KF stuff. The parts that have to do with her personally are generally self contained and have nothing to do with Barry, could be lifted out of an episode no problem, that's not particularly coddling her character, that's "we need to give our regular something to do." They have no reason to keep the character around especially but equally they have no reason to let her go when DP wants to stay, they need bodies in SL and they'd get a lot of grief for letting one of only two female regulars for a long time go. I still think if they were coddling her then they'd have put the effort into KF that they put into Ralph's journey - that one they tied to Barry and went guns blazing at it and have people praising it for the best turn around they've seen with a character from gross to awesome. But obviously YYMV completely. The whitewashing is bad writing for a number of reasons but actually having Caitlin explore what it means to be KF beyond the surface and even the basic WHY does she want to be it again etc could be done but won't in any more depth than they've already done. Nothing that could get DP praise or put her front and centre of reviews and buzz, 2nd to Barry. To me this is more about the Team Flash dynamic and "everyone is a supporting character apart from Barry". Iris is most definitely the most important to Barry and a capable person but this show was never going to be Barry/Iris and then everyone else. In the early seasons it was more Barry and Joe and everyone else. And I can't say for sure obviously but I think that would have been the case even if a white actress had been cast as Iris. That's most definitely not to say race hasn't played a conscious and unconscious part in the writing but it's not the only factor. This happens across the whole Arrowverse where there is an eponymous no matter who is supposed to be the leading lady. Both KC and EBR when they've been 2nd billed/leading lady or Oliver's main love interest have had times when they certainly haven't been at the heart of the show for many episodes at a time. Laurel's storylines could also often have been lifted right out and no one would notice, a little like DPs but possibly for different reasons. Now would I like to see a NewsFlash type show, yeah and there are ways they can definitely incorporate that into THIS story that they're telling but I'm not holding my breath.
  17. Did MG say that? Hmm, not just GA but an Elseworlds type scenario? BC potentially being with GA in that or a straight up "Tommy is the GA" scenario would be hilarious and awesome. "You did want them together...." and hey CD and KC did have some good chemistry IMO. The other thing would be this IS E2 and Oliver meets up with a reformed(ish) BS there. Maybe Tommy would have taken over from Robert? Though if Tommy is GA it would probably be a completely different Earth. I'd also like CD to have the chance for a Dark Archer turn. He was great for that little scene as Prometheus. He could be doing that in this ep I suppose and not GA. JS could be doing anything as Adrian both good and bad. I wonder if one or both of them is in multiple episodes?
  18. He's also added some commentary: https://canadagraphs.weebly.com/arrow-blog/arrow-shoots-scenes-for-the-final-season-premiere So it's possible/probable Tommy is the GA on Earth!Whatever Oliver and The Monitor end up on first. RG was filming, as was probably KC, maybe JS, possibly Barrowman and KM, AS, JDJ who all left together, no mention of BL yet but that doesn't mean he wasn't around. Sounds like a busy day with all three storylines were filming (assuming RG is just in the present not the future as per BS and not the alt!Earth) and we don't know which one, or more, KC is in yet. RG might have been doing a future goodbye scene with Zoe. I'm sure he will, given that he seems to think she'll be back. I expect lots of questions about Felicity even/especially now she's no longer around. And entertainment sites know they'll be clicks to be had by quotes about her.
  19. So almost certainly a multiverse Earth then and E!Whatever versions of the characters. Looking forward to both CD and JS (and ST!!) Shame there's no Thea/Willa listed though. I hope she's able to come back in one of the other episodes so Oliver and Thea can say good bye and we can find out what happens to her. Not surprised about the location, given the guest stars listed.
  20. It did catch my attention as well and I'd kind of been expecting it so I did some quick googling. I don't know about SDCC, since they aren't having a panel there: Is there anywhere else they could announce it? They might not have done so at the same time as Arrow and SPN because they didn't know. That said, I don't think that was what NcD meant in his quote, just the end of the season, presumably via Astra for the big showdown. Cool to hear he really enjoy his last season of LOT, it was different for the character and he doesn't often play Dads in that way. But then he always looks like he's having fun with Damien.
  21. I was wondering if it related to Barry's alleged disappearance this season or fallout from COIE, but an actual burial, even of an empty coffin seems a bit much for both. There could be a shock death coming I suppose. Or one of the only regularly recurrings like Singh.
  22. BL is listed with the rest of the regular, along with LG so he probably is and just isn't listed. I can't think if any reason the actor wouldn't be available, KM would be the one more likely to have other projects. If he isn't, it doesn't necessarily mean much re focus, where did Sea Shimooka's "regular" role end up? But we'll see I guess. CH isn't listed so I guess he's not a regular anymore and is disappearing with the rest of the FF adults. It could be, it would be a weird choice for a 10 ep final season. A "what might have been" but this time he actually has two kids trying to carry on his legacy in the future in the same ep, which I assume will tie together at some point is weird. If Robert's not there (I was thinking Marrett Green was Robert Queen) then it's probably not E2 because I can't imagine they'd miss out on that angst, maybe another Earth. There was some speculation elsewhere that Oliver would meet BS on E2 and she'd either get recruited and go with him or help out Earth 1 in his absence. So the "Olicity" part of this ep is Oliver seeing or meeting a blonde who looks or reminds him of Felicity maybe but is NOT her?
  23. Well doesn't mean there wouldn't be another costume for JS somewhere but if Robert isn't listed it's probably not E2, unless he recently died, I thought I saw him listed on twitter as one of the faint names though. I guess the characters could be from a couple of different Earths. No Thea anywhere it seems. Well KC seems to have 2nd billing on the scripts, does that mean anything about screentime. I wasn't paying much attention in previous seasons. With the alts question definitely seems limited to either him or the regulars. Which makes sense because of wanting to bring back so many characters.
  24. Well no surprises about Ben Lewis or Lamonica Garrett if the monitor is hanging out with Oliver all season AND popping in and out of other shows. Guess they managed to get everyone back for the final season, pretty obvious with JB this morning and almost certain CD was going to feature somewhere. Great to see ST again, especially. Is that past Felicity? Alt Felicity? Stunt Felicity? Either way it's 99.99999% not going to be EBR. So time travel or alternate Earth......toss a coin at the moment. There is some speculation of it maybe being E2 and Oliver kicking off his multiverse exploits their because of Robert and BS.
  25. That's the problem with characters having side plots that don't take place in SL, they end up on their own little island or get dropped quickly. It would be interesting if they could use Ralph and Iris that way. There are a lot of stories that could feed into meta of the week/villain of the season/superhero/star labs stuff they just haven't really utilised them much. Whilst the character is probably not Sue I think it would be helpful for any potentially longterm LI to be connected to other characters, especially for secondary characters/pairings.
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