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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. I like this one though I do think it was before they completely found their S2 groove. I like how Jax was sure he could handle the Confederacy because he's been black all his life but realised being considered property and sub human in this era was completely different. I enjoyed Martin's reaction to Zombie's. It gave VG a chance to be comedy gold but still in Stein mode.
  2. I think she likes Ralph because he's been a big cheerleader for "integrate KF into society and give her her own life". Like when he was the one who pointed out she was afraid of living and all her memories were Caitlin's so why not talk to Cait about things and see if they can work something out etc. I don't think it's supposed to be romantic or pre relationshippy. There's too much build up to Sue but they're giving KF all these connections on the team including also Barry and Cisco to a certain extent because she's much more fun to write than Caitlin. I can't see them spending time on the world's weirdest love triangle (quadrangle) either. If they wanted to do a KF and Caitlin romance I think a new version of Firestorm or some other character that understands being linked to another person would be the way to go but I'm not sure they're interested in that and DP might be written light towards the end of this season and the beginning of next so I don't think a romance with anyone is a big priority right now. Plus there's a possibility that COIE makes changes to the character as well.
  3. I would say that given what she said it's likely to be her ex husband. And there goes me thinking it's a shame they got divorced because they had the best chemistry on Supergirl. But whoever it is I'm glad she spoke up and showed whoever you are how easy it is to get into those sort of relationships where you ignore misgivings until it's too late. Especially when she said she's learned it's ok to say no even if it upsets the other person. Look me a long time to learn that one myself.
  4. That's what I was thinking. They aren't going to show it because it's changing for the spin off. Maybe Connor ends up their bio son (again). Probably not the last part. AS was seen in SM pics with the cast during filming so is probably in it somehow. Reset and the fact that Oliver apparently had to accept deep in his bones that he's going to die, die, die has made me much interested in the rest of the season, even though it didn't actually change anything. Re the two birds. Everyone gets to be a Canary now sillies, no problem. White Canary is the only unique one and she only uses the title during crossovers anyway. I do wonder if something is happening to Laurel in 8x07 to make her not in the crossover because there's been so much tell not show about redemption for the character recently, especially for someone NOT involved in the big climax. They need to get it sorted out now.
  5. I had hoped this would be a good episode, even after it became clear it was a time loop ep not a big gamechanger like I had originally hoped. LOT had one like this with a newbie Zari and it was all about her relationships with the characters and their's with each other and was NOT the last but one heading into the BIG DAMN CRISIS. The only way this sort of ep works is if it's funny or we learn a lot about the characters. Like the aforementioned LOT or SG-1's OoO. etc Oliver has been ready to sacrifice himself since forever so very poor plot point show. Sad Quentin is forever stuck in this actual crazy thing with BS. Sigh. Boring Bottle eps need not apply this late in the game with 2 episodes before COIE for more BS shovelcaking. Sara legit refused to accept the same sort of "redemption" in S3 of LOT. No reason BS should here except it's insta! because longer means more effort.
  6. It's a fake version of her fake damn dad FFS! Doe she need Baby Mia to come from Bloomfield and proclaim her a hero as well? Sara didn't accept this fake nonsense bullshit when she's presented with that sort of "redemption".
  7. Legends did it way better than this and that was with no nostalgia factor and a brand new that season character. Sigh.
  8. Well CP did say it was one of the most disgusting scenes on The Flash a week ago so it seems like she's correct...….
  9. I suppose she could always been in whatever afterlife or pocket dimension he ends up in (along with Robert, Tommy and obviously E1! 😉 ), but I would think it's probably some sort of parallel to his "death" now or flashback.
  10. I haven't really seen that either. Unless DR is talking about Oliver leaving his family especially having met his kids, not necessarily the dying part? I am wondering if something happens to BS that means she won't be in COIE. I know KC has been barely in them before but this time she has an actual biggish role in the lead up and a reason for being there, so she gets some sort of sacrificial moment before and then comes back in 8.09?
  11. I always think the crossover posters are quite weak and this is no exception. I remember when COEX had Zari who hadn't even debuted yet and everyone else looking nothing like the actors in homage to a comics cover even if the had 1 minute of screentime in the entire crossover and characters that were in all four and had some big storylines where nowhere to be found.
  12. She could be a Caitlin replacement whilst DP is on Maternity leave or theoretically if DP wants to leave at the end of the season but I don't think they need to have her leave to have this character as a regular even though the cast is big now. She could also just be there as a "temporary" regular for 6b - unless she works really well and they keep her. I haven't seen the actress in anything, though I had been meaning to get around to Mayans MC at some point. The logline for her storyline is pretty interesting and could be very intense and it seems like a big story for Iris. With that and other things 6b seems (hopefully) better in that regard for her.
  13. I don't think anyone's wrong to have opinions of things being moved around for various reasons BTS. I've no idea what goes on with the actresses. But if CP had that power to alter scripts for her own benefit with two different showrunners, couldn't she ask for better storylines for Iris? It's not certain they even know which she's going to direct when they write it. What if they need to shift things around and she's then suddenly in a lot of DP's and not in one with a director she likes, does she ask them to cut scenes in the script? She already has enough issues with many of her storylines being cut from episodes not directed by DP or not written in the first place, so I hope she didn't deliberately ask for minimal scenes, including not being in at least one that she absolutely should have this episode. There are a number of recurring directors that various actors may not like much that they have to work with. They shoot on too tight a schedule and budget to do otherwise, although they do also try and accommodate stuff sometimes. The nature of this part of the season it seems it was Iris lite anyway, so I suppose if there are actual big problems it could have been assigned to DP in that case. If the writers simply erased a black woman and her baby daughter so no one even remembered them there would be an even bigger fuss than there was over Baby Sara on Arrow. I think Cecile could certainly be better used or maybe "visiting her mother, working on a case out of town" for more episodes but using COIE to disappear them would cause a shitstorm and rightly so.
  14. He really does have a gentle soul under everything and SA is playing that really well. Has always played that well when given the chance. It was probably even buried in there somewhere under that pre island douchebag, though I still don't think Laurel ever found it. 😉
  15. I know when I saw that sketch I was all about the little bear onesie Hood! What are those two like with their baby and that anyway?
  16. I imagine that Cecile became a regular because DN wanted a contract if she was going to keep being on the show and they gave it to her. I really don't want them erasing Jenna to be another Sara Diggle. Having kids die (or be erased) is not something I think this show would handle very well, even if the actors could bring the grief. I watched the episode and it was OK. I was disappointed I didn't enjoy it more and that's something I never thought I'd say when Ralph first appeared in Season 4 and it wasn't an episode that featured his painful death, so kudos for that. I get the having a different TF centric in the lead up to COIE thing but I don't think it's working very well. The stakes don't feel there and it's like they know they have a 6B where it actually seems they might be hiding the meat of the season. I know they can't go all out there with a fanservice 8 episodes like Arrow is doing because it's actually ending but there are ways to up the emotions even if the characters are surviving. Barry and Iris especially are being short changed in the emotional and screentime department. I don't think they'd just accept this, or of they did then they'd be spending a lot more time together. And I don't think it's only because of the centrics or the Team Flash dynamic that it's not happening, that could be a source of additional emotional gut punch and it seems they're trying to do. But Barry might die and the team has to prepare for life without him and zzzzzzzzzzz.
  17. I enjoyed the episode. I loved the training montage at the beginning and Mia's look when she first saw the load of tennis balls. I like Mia and find Kat McNamara very appealing, even when Mia is frustrating sometimes. She's young and hot headed and got all this stuff about her Dad going on in her head. Unlike some other characters I could mention they actually want to show her journey over the season. I love all of Dad Oliver, he's actually handling it well, even as he freaks out. I like the fact that he brought up that it was a couple of months ago that he saw Mia as a baby. SA really seems on the verge of finding it all too much this final season, very emotional in a good way. Love that he found out about the fight club Mia and William met in, which was inevitable once the promo for this ep came out. ANATOLY! David Nykl just lit up the scene. I love that he took time travel all in his stride and he wants to be a fun Uncle and he's happily running a bar not worrying about being Pakhan and giving Oliver sage advice. Ben Lewis continues to shine as William, loved his line about the tracking nanites. It would have been very easy to include Dinah and Rene in the Diggle and Roy plot but they didn't, either they're trying to trim the budget extra tight for COIE or they just really don't care about them now. Diggle and Roy themselves where fine but nothing spectacular, just a repeat of Roy's usual blood lust troubles and Diggle trying to prevent the future. Did they really have to keep Theroy split up for a vague, possibly changing future? OK show we get it it's insta!redemption for E2. Just having other characters tell us how much of a hero she is. Yawn. KC characters have always been tell not show. Not surprised about resolving the Monitor's offer because there isn't time in this 10 episode season for more dithering as would happen if it was 22 eps and she's not going to betray them because they're setting up this spin off. I guess having her and Mia and Lyla talking this show passes the Bechdel test. Lyla I really don't know what to say...……. you always did have your own agenda. It just depends how deep it goes. But Mr. Monitor if you really are trying to prevent the Crisis shouldn't you be trying to clear up Oliver's current thinking about you vs the Anti Monitor. That seems like it could be a costly misunderstanding.
  18. IIRC there were plans for Lois and Clark's cliffhanger baby in that show to be aged up rapidly in a season 5 that didn't happen so I'm not exactly surprised that it might happen here or that they might set it in the future/use time travel. They really aren't fans of baby storylines but they like older kids and their parents interacting.
  19. I think maybe "unplanned" because they clearly have/had no plan for what KF was and they change it every season. She used to get whatever one year male regular signed on as a love interest with no plans to carry that forward. The writer points out a lot about they can't or don't care enough to pin down an actual storyline with KF - is she an evil side of Caitlin or a completely different personality. They also point out the problems of the writers wanting Caitlin good but still wanting to play with the more exciting KF personality. I can see why she's more fun to write than Caitlin's exposition and medical jargon though. I don't think it's because they like Caitlin too much to make her evil. Caitlin's useful and KF is fun and they don't have to write a big redemption story this way. I'm not sure I agree with merging them into one Catlin with powers but I do think they'll use COIE to do something. I have no idea if the writer of the article thought or wanted her to be the love interest but nothing about that is mentioned in the article. Laurel's "arc" on Arrow has been anything but planned. They killed off E1 because they had no idea what to do with her once she was insta!BC and not LI and E2's "redemption arc" has been as rushed and patchy as anything about KF has been: "She hesitated, so she's clearly good inside, she had a dead Daddy and birthday cake, she's taken over her dead doppelganger's life without remorse and isn't atoning for anything but none of the other character who loved E1 care, she relapsed, she's an ally now!" all in a couple of seasons. Now she's in a potential spin off because they smashed two different ideas together.
  20. I guess maybe some people were hoping it's a full on "Oliver and Felicity raise the kids in the mansion or somewhere" after Mia and that room? However even if that happens it wouldn't be something they'd spoil over twitter and they still have an episode to go after the backdoor pilot. Whatever "not death" they actually have planned for Oliver it's probably not going to be that simple. Still think it's going to be some version of a different dimension. If they ever have Laurel bring lasagne to a team meeting/group of her victims and act sad when know one wants it, I'm out. However I don't think they're going as full throttle on it as Regina because they don't care about her has much as the two on OUAT clearly wanted Regina to be the centre of the universe and just needed to get all their other pesky characters to agree. It will be interesting to see how Reset plays out with Quentin and Oliver and Laurel's scenes though. They haven't had very many so far, I was expecting a lot more. I didn't really like the Mia/Laurel scene for a number of reasons but Mia wasn't ready to talk to Oliver and they wanted to build that relationship much more slowly than Oliver and William so Laurel it was. I don't get the feeling it was one Kat was particularly excited about given SM stuff.
  21. With something like this I think it's a good idea to have a game plan and let your character's sexuality inform how you write and play the character. A bi character and a lesbian in the closet are two completely different things when it comes to being in a relationship with a man and even the main character. Not telling your husband you are bi is problematic, not telling him you are a lesbian is down right awful in 2019 especially when you're openly pining for your former girlfriend. They don't have to tell the audience right away but they should know and tell the actress because this relationship already has a ton of baggage and it's only episode 7 and they are planning on this being Kate's epic love story. I do have sympathy for Sophie, growing up in a homophobic household and feeling like she didn't have any options (even though she did). There were no easy choices at the time and some of what happened is understandable. Now, I really don't want her and Kate back together after everything that's happened and again we're only on episode 7. I don't think the actresses have the chemistry necessary for me to root for them to get back together after a probable husband death and Sophie betraying Kate a couple of times and Kate having more options. It seems like a relationship best left in the past. It really does feel a little like Arrow's Oliver and Laurel, the writers threw such a load of crap for their relationship to deal with in the backstory that it sunk it almost right away, and the anti chemistry did the rest. Here's it's not half as bad but I still think they should make a complete break of it for a couple of seasons at least. In other news I continue to think Mary is the MVP character overshadowed a but by RS's scenery chewing craziness. Love her continuing attempts to get close to Kate and thus close to the secret. Opening a gay bar together, hello Arrow S1 template but that will provide lots of fun. Kate is about as good a liar about her secret as Oliver was "hello midnight real estate employees!". How convenient Alfred has a daughter around Kate's age who knows her secret and is in to her. She's well on the way to assembling her Batfamily.
  22. It does seem odd that Barry isn't trying to contact Oliver or Kara about it. I get why Oliver's not talking but finding out about E2 and mourning their friends would connect everything and bring it home to them. Re the getting pregnant conversation. Maybe they think that's all out the window now Nora's wiped herself out of existence? I would like some mourning about that post 6.01 though or really just the lost future in general. I can see why they don't have Barry or Iris especially talking about trying to get pregnant "Honey you/I'm dying in a few weeks, let's make sure we're pregnant before then!" Has a high chance of making it seem one or the other only cares about procreating, even if they discard the idea. None of the Crisis build up has any real urgency and they're not acting like humans with a life or death count down to the end on a multi verse scale. It's almost like the writers know they have a 6B to do certain plots.
  23. I can see some "can you believe this crazy shit?" going on from actors re fandom sometimes (any actors any shows) but if SA and EBR have said it? Maybe, but one is more than happy to play it to the x10000 beyond what fans would expect even for publicity sake and the other not so much but both give the impression of being publicly grateful and not really giving a damn what fans think outside of the show. Actors that do make fun of fans nastily will be grateful when cons are paying the bills 15 years down the line. It's a two way street. I kind of find it hilarious because even as a showrunner Carina is telegraphing her fangirling over certain characters and ships in interviews. Really not that much different than certain Big Name Fans from different fandoms except her fanfic is now on TV, so congrats.
  24. I assume she meant David Nykl, wouldn't they promote the hell out of a JA appearance? But that's a weird error if it's not what she said . Though I guess MM should know which one it is.
  25. Yeah definitely. I mean it's no "why did no one check to see if Ronnie Raymond was a relative of Oliver's" but one certainly looks like he could have grown into the other and both definitely look like they could be related to SA and Anna Hopkins.
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