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Everything posted by 65mickey

  1. I've never owned a dog but is there a reason that Tori or her man couldn't have gone outside with a hose and warm water and a few clean rags and towels and cleaned him up?
  2. When they were putting the food on the table I heard Kody say each one gets 1/2 of a piece of chicken we only bought 6 peices. So there are 9 people sitting down at the table and you have 6 pieces of chicken? This tells me that this was a thrown together "party" with a box cake mix and a few candles that Ari was grabbing at before the cake was cut. Do they live so far out in the sticks that neither Robyn nor Kody could drive to the store and get a store bought birthday cake and a couple of extra chicken breasts? I am amazed that Kody and Robyn had this filmed. I would have been mortified at that cheap display.
  3. Monica is the daughter who gladly shows us what an effed up relationship she has with her disturbed mother. But she will turn around and have her mother babysit the kids while she goes on a girls get away and has her mom sign for an expensive car. If Monica's mom is as bad as she is being showed then Monica needs to back away, cut ties and don't ask for and accept her help. And don't drag her on a TV show so that you can show how horrible she is. That doesn't make Monica look any better than her mother.
  4. Big whoop. In 6 months time she will be working hard on getting pregnant with her 3rd miracle baby.
  5. I wish they would address this also. I thought the lot that Christine quit claimed her interest in was in her name and Kody's name. So maybe Kody owns that lot and the rest of the family, Janelle and Meri got nothing out of this. But I'm just speculating about this.. I would love for them to let us in on who owns what because I have a feeling that Kody and Robyn own the bulk of the property.
  6. Isn't it parked in his mother's back yard? She is going to make sure that Dayton is tied to her apron strings for as long as she can.
  7. I heard that but I didn't know what he was speaking of. So I guess either they were not planning on feeding Truely and Ysabel or they were not planning on having a "party" for Truly and it was a last minute thing thrown together so that he could say they had a party for Truely. Like another poster said that was a sad birthday celebration. Truely and Ysabel really know where they stand in Kody and Robyn's family. Does Brianna ever smile? Every time she is shown she has a pissed off look on her face.
  8. When Kody went out to dinner with Kody he laid it on the line about the marriage being dead to him and it sounded like from what Meri said he pretty much told her she was no longer part of his life. I hope that Meri found the courage to say to Kody fine then when are you going to return the money that I gave to you and Robyn to buy that $900,000 house? I want that money back to start a new life away from you and Robyn as you have told me that's what you want.
  9. So this was filmed April 2022. They are still a ways off from catching up.
  10. I believe that they have health insurance. They would have been in bankruptcy by now will all of the medical expenses incured by Carlin with her health problems and 2 hospital births if they didn't have health insurance. They most likely have insurance through the ACA but they will not own up to this. Gil might have been able to trade off cutting trees for Dr Vick for maternity care but this doesn't work with hospitals.
  11. Travis is very close to his brother. He mentioned on a video that he wanted to have his children close togeher so that they could enjoy the same type of relationship that he had with his brother. They played sports together on the same team and went to the same schoo. I agree about Hailey attending a school if they stay in New Jersey rather than being home schooled. If they move back to Tennessee forget school.
  12. It's sort of double standard with Kyle being upset that Mo was on camera holding his dance partner's hand. It's probably part of the job to look like they have chemistry. But what's Kyle's reason for being photographed kissing Morgan, Morgan sitting on Kyle's lap and pictures of the two of them walking down the street arm and arm? Kyle Richards is 54 years old. Morgan Wade is 28. Please tell me what they have in common that would explain their "close friendship?"
  13. I'm hoping that this was just for getting views for their latest youtube video. It would be a huge mistake to leave Jersey and the doting grandparents and Travis's brother and sister in law. Travis's parents seem very invested in their children. His mom spent nights at their house when Hailey was a newborn so that Katie could get some sleep. Picture KJ doing this. Would not happen. They have turned their dining room into a play room for Hailey and their grandson. Katie has the money to hop a plane whenever she needs her hillbilly fix. She is living her best life now with a family that shows her the kind of life that she can have when your priority is not having a baby every year.
  14. That's right Evan start him out early thinking that a lighter is a toy. Isn't that how the 2 youngest Bates boys set the laundry room on fire playing with lighters?
  15. The show up to summer of 2022? I am so confused with the timeline.
  16. The really strange part here is that Janelle's birthday is May 6th. and Easter last year was on April 17. So if Janelle said on her birthday that she hadn't seen Kody since the fight in December then she would not have seen him in 5 months. So on Easter she said that she hadn't seen him in 2 week? None of this adds up. Maybe it was a pretend Easter and it was really filmed after Janelle's May birthday.
  17. All set to watch SLC and Bravo has that trash show Winter House on. Ugh!
  18. And who pays $790,000 for house with no eating area?? I have to assume it's people who do not think they will someday want to host a family holiday meal, or a birthday party. People will be told to grab a plate, sit on the floor or stand up and juggle their plate and drink. I've lived in apartments and houses and never once did I live anywhere without room for a table and chairs.
  19. I think you are right on the money with this. Don't believe for a minute that a little Tequila was able to turn the anger switch off from full force to a complete stop.
  20. I'm beginning to wonder if the production crew is staying in Meri's house while they are filming and TLC is paying for this. Otherwise why is Meri paying to rent this huge 5 bedroom house? Maybe it is just so that Robyn and the kids can come over once every 3 months and sit outside and talk. It seems to me like living in that huge house by herself with no family and probably no friends visiting would be hugely depressing.
  21. Of course Robyn says no to a family reunion. But she grieves over the loss of the family. And what Robyn doesn't want Kody doesn't want.
  22. Kody blaming the lack of loyalty on the part of his other wives as the reason for the family breakup and his disinterest in his other wives and children is a smokescreen. Robyn has been the love of his life ever since he hooked up with her. During Covid when he stayed with her and her children it confirmed to him that he no longer wanted polygamy and that what really made him happy was a monogamous relationship with Robyn. He didn't have the guts or decency to admit this so he turned it around on the 'bad wives." And of course it's all about making Kody happy so his other 13 children are now jerks and he wants nothing to do with them. He is despicable
  23. Yep you're correct. She was on 9-25. I don't know how I missed that because I remember seeing Jamie Lynn Sigler but not Natalya. Oh well maybe she didn't get fired. It seems like Sandy really likes her.
  24. I went back through all episode listings for WWHL from before this season started and I could not find an episode where Natalya was on. The only crew members from this season to be on WWHL are Sandy, Kyle and the 4th stew whose name I don't remember. Maybe she was during the previous season.
  25. I don't know if this has already been mentioned but Bravo has previews of the new season on the website.
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