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Everything posted by 65mickey

  1. Surely they can go back and see who put what in the family saving account and how much they took out to pay the down payment. Then see who was paying off the loan. I really think that Janelle and Meri need to hire a forensic accountant to unravel the finances. If they don't they will get screwed. it's hard for me to have sympathy for tow women who allowed themselves to be taken advantage of for years.
  2. Good luck with that. Even though Kody said on last Sunday's episode something like they all own equal shares now he is changing his tune. I hope that while Janelle is discussing this with a professional, she hires a lawyer to see if there is any way to demand an accounting of how the family savings was handled and who spent what. And as far as Janelle talking about how legalizing polygamy would protect the wives no it wouldn't. Not if one of the wives is dumb enough to hand over a chunk of her saving to another wife who wants to buy a house without getting a promissory note detailing how and when the money is to be repaid. I hope Janelle and Meri team up on this but I doubt that Christine will join them.
  3. I don't the impression that Katie Is unable to stay by herself. Travis is off with his family on a guys trip so she decided to visit her family in Tennessee. I don't see what's so strange about this. I found it more interesting to hear how they support themselves by their Youtube account and Travis's music career. Travis said that the income from the ads that are seen in their Youtube videos are split 1/2 & 1/2 with Youtube and them. It must be lucrative because so many D list celebrities are doing this now.
  4. YES! You hit the nail on the head. Kyle is no dummy. She finds the weakest link each season and picks and picks until she succeeds in driving her "victim" away with the help of her partners in crime. She started this with LVP who was grieving the loss of her brother at the time. She followed it up with Denise. And she managed to take part in driving her own sister away last season. I think she sees Sutton as the one that needs to go so that there will be a spot on her team for Teddi to slither in next season.
  5. Sandy seems to have no problem firing stews. She has done it numerous times. She fired a chef. I imagine that production had a hand in firing the bosun this season. I remember Captain Lee saying that he has no say in hiring the staff but he could fire staff.
  6. Really. I don't see this at all. What has he done to demonstrate that he doesn't love his daughters?
  7. It's been said before that the chef is supposed to provide meals or the crew. Sandi is never going to discipline Kyle or fire him because that's just the way it is. He is her little bitch. He should be embarrassed lying on the floor and crying like a child because he is a tired and doesn't like serving girls. He should be fired because of his attitude that he doesn't like a girls only charter.
  8. I don't see an evidence that John hates his daughters. That's a pretty harsh statement.
  9. That whole scene was tawdry and disgusting a real low for even Bravo. I hate to think what they will do next for "entertainment." it seems like nothing is off limits these days.
  10. I agree and that's the way it should be. They do not need to conform to Gil and Kelly's modesty standards once they are adults and out of the parent's home.
  11. Why would he be pissed about it? He and Josie are very happily married. They both own very successful companies and they have 2 beautiful girls and another child on the way. If anything they should all be happy that things worked out for the best. At this point Kelton and Josie do not have to answer to Gil or follow his rules. They make their own rules. I really don't see them spending too much effort or time thinking about this.
  12. If that's the case she really is a moron. She is worn out from caring for 5 kids one of whom is an infant. I cannot believe even Alyssa is that dumb.
  13. Well thye should feel really stupid after making the Rhett's birth announcement the "Grand Finale."
  14. I'll miss this show. I hope it returns next year.
  15. I stopped watching this show a season or two ago. I don't know why just totally lost interest in it.
  16. I don't understand the pull to saddle themselves with 5 and 6 kids especially knowing how things were in their home while they were growing up with little attention from parents and not much to go around. John Webster unlike Evan, Zack and Travis goes to work every day leaving Alyssa home with 5 kids one of whom is a toddler and one is an infant. That would be enough to to wear anyone down. And Alyssa has not bounched back to her pre-pregnancy self and may not get her pre-pregnancy body back. And that might be having an effect on her self image. If I were Alyssa I would tell John that's it no more babies. But unless their husbands tell them that they do not want any more chhildren I don't know if the Bates women are capable of making this choice.
  17. She just happened to be going to the bathroom Kyle never just happens to be doing anything.
  18. Aren't these women a little too old to need a birthday that's all about them? It seems that in almost of the the housewives shows someone is bitching and moaning about how someone ruined someone's birthday. Grow up ladies.
  19. Sutton didn't ruin anything for anyone. She quietly left the show. Garcelle checked on her and it got back to Kyle that that Sutton was uncomfortable and wanted to leave the show. She never asked or demanded that the others leave unless I missed something. Kyle saw an opportunity to egg Sutton on and stir things up. Kyle is missing her partners in crime with Lisa Lips and Diana gone. So she is going to pull in Dorit and Erika for sure and maybe Crystal. She won't rest until she gets Teddi back on the show.
  20. It's really strange that three of the individuals on this show have lost a sibling. Of course Austin's sister died from a tragic accident when she was a child.
  21. The ultrasound may have had nothing to do with a pregnancy. Maybe they were checking for an ovarian cyst or even looking at her gallbladder and checking for gallstones if she was having pain in that area.
  22. So many things were wrong with that video of Carlin and Zade sitting on the exam table. First, there never seems to be any paper where they are sitting on the table. It looks like maybe Zade or Carlin tore the paper and Carlin was wadding it up and throwing it like a ball to Zade. Secondly, eating in the doctor's office before an exam is usually a no no. Thirdly, it looked like Zade had a pile of gold fish or some other orange snack directly on the bare table in front of him and then Carlin is giving him chips. And I find it strange that Carlin is sitting on the table. I never once climbed up on the exam table with my kids. One more thing, why is Zade's hair pulled up in a point on the top of his head like Ed Grimley on SNL?
  23. Exactly. She had no intention or desire to writhe on the dirty floor with some man's face in her crotch simulating oral sex. I don't blame her one bit. Leave that to Erika and Kyle.
  24. Some women like that kind of stuff and some are uncomfortable when the sexual content gets a little too raunchy. To each their own. I don't think that Sutton was jealous of Erika and Crystal. I think she was genuinely disturbed about it. But she didn't make a scene. She just got up and left. I would have done the same thing. It was the other women who ran after her trying to make more of the situation than it was. You couldn't pay me to go to one of those shows. I really thought they fell out of favor years ago.
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