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Everything posted by 65mickey

  1. They never had a chance to be alone growing up in a house with 18 siblings. Josie and Alyssa seemed to have broken the mold. They both have husbands who leave every morning for work. Both seem to be quite capable of running errands and appointments on their own even if having to drag kids along with them. Carlin is the worst about needing to be entertained continuously. I wonder why no one in either side of the families ever sat them down and said to Carlin and Evan you need to be adults now. it's sad that they are still behaving like silly teenagers because they weren't allowed to be normal teenagers when they were teenagers.
  2. I imagine it's kind of hard to be concerned about a commitment to a man who treated her like a tissue used, abused and tossed in the trash. Same goes for that so called religion that tells women to put up with this crap for the afterlife. Shoot if I had been Meri and Sam were real I'd take off also. Kody be damned, And he needn't be rich.
  3. Now that's a great idea. A pendant necklace with a kidney and a knife sticking in it.
  4. I believe that from the moment Kody met Robyn he really was no longer interested in living in polygamy. But in order to keep the show going he had to pretend to love the other wives. This made him so mad and he couldn't be mad with himself so he began to take it out on the original 3. Bit by bit he began to dole out his disinterest, displeasure and even cruelty with them eventually driving all of them way. Then claim that that they were bad wives but he was a good man.
  5. I don't think that Meri's participation in the show was a scam. We have heard from Christine that she and Kody have not had a real marriage in years and she participated in the show. Was Christine's part in the show a scam? I am pretty sure that we all knew that Meri and Kody have had no marital relationship in years. I do not believe that she was scamming anyone. She hung on hoping things would change. Kody was the one who didn't want to issue a public statement that the "marriage"was over. he told her that he didn't want the criticism. He even brought up that he was willing to pretend to have a romantic relationship with Meri if that is what she wanted. Meri did nothing different than the other 4 adults in this mess. They are all hanging on for as long as the money keeps rolling in.
  6. I hope she does write a book. Like Bethenny so famously said, "mention it all." Let us know how Kody and Robyn conspired and got you to agree to a divorce so he could make Robyn the legal wife. Tell us how much much money the golden couple have siphoned off from the family saving account so that Robyn can live in a $900,000 home filled with expensive junk while you an Janelle live in rented abodes. And please give us the complete story of how Kody took the wedding ring that you gave him and used the gold to make rings for which girls. Did Leon get ring?
  7. I don't know from where they dredged up Lily but is she really as worthless as she comes across? And Sandy saying saying that the crew mess was disgusting and that this was a job not a frat party please. It is a FRAT party Sandy. All across the Bravo network from the Housewives to Below Deck and all of the dumb shows in between Bravo wants the cast to drink to excess and make fools of themselves. In the real world none of the behavior wold be tolerated. Especially Lily getting so drunk that she puked all night and could not get up and work the next day. She would have been out the door before she knew what hit her.
  8. I honestly don't think that Carlin wants another child. It's always Evan pushing the idea that he is ready for another baby and the timing is good. When they were getting ready to leave Katie's house after Hailey was born he made a joke about it was time to go home because he felt like a fever was coming on. Then he laughed and said he was getting baby fever. Carlin shut him down on this. When he brought up having another baby shortly after this Carlin hemmed and hawed and said that pregnancy was great and she enjoyed the attention she got during labor and delivery but after a few weeks the postpartum depression set in. Evan needs to get a grip and stop pushing this on Carlin. This decision should be up to Carlin when she is ready. They have one child who is about 20 months old. What's the damn hurry to have another so soon?
  9. Meri if you are reading this write your book! I'll buy it.
  10. So basically Gwen is saying that Janelle and Christine let their kids run wild and rough house including hitting their siblings. Meri stepped and imposed discipline at times and Christine and Janelle didn't like this. So far no one has given a concrete example of what Meri did that was abusive. I get it that parents do not take kindly to another adult disciplining their children. But discipline and abuse are different. So far the only ones that I remember who have accused Meri of being abusive are Mykelti and Maddie. And I don't believe much of the BS that come from Mykelti.
  11. I don't know about this but you might be right about Janelle. I have seen nothing at all that tells me that Janelle is starved for sex with Kody. All I have heard is Kody bragging bout his pecs. and calling himself Janelle's pool boy and piece of meat. What did Janelle do? She laughed at all of this. All of this sex talk is coming from Kody.
  12. Good lord. She thinks she looks good in this photo? She is freaky looking.
  13. Any doctor who would write a prescription for Ozempic for Heather Dubrow is guilty of malpractice in my opinion and that includes Dr. Terry.
  14. Totally agree with this. I don't know where all of this talk about their sexual chemistry is coming from. And over the years Janelle has come across as don't expect me to get out of my recliner and lift a finger to do anything. I believe that Kody is desperate to keep Janelle in the family so that he can go to TLC and say see there are 2 sister wives left. If Janelle leaves this show, Sister Wives, no longer exists. It's just Kody and Robyn in a monogamist relationship.
  15. Meri will never spill the dirt that she has on Kody and Robyn. She lives in a town called denial. I do believe that Meri is still hanging on to the hope that she can still be part of Robyn and Kody's life. How many times has Kody told Meri that he wants nothing to do with her? And she sits there looking off into space with a look on her face like she just doesn't understand what he is saying. I am not sure that Janelle is finished with Kody either. I hope that this show lasts long enough for us to see them try to sell that tumble weed littered waste land known as Coyote Pass. You know the one that Janelle keeps referring to as her "estate."
  16. I think I read somewhere that she did not have to appear in court. Her attorney appeared for her. Didn't Gina lose her license for 6 months or a year after her DUI? Did Shannon lose her license? Shanon also is probably not too happy with having to enroll in a 9 month alcohol program because she doesn't think she has a problem with alcohol.
  17. If Alexis is returning the producers are doing this for one reason. They want huge fights between Alexis and Shannon. Shannon better be careful not to fall into the trap. She is most likely not over John, the man she referred to at the reunion as her husband and also at one time as being in a blended family with him. I predict that if Alexis comes back and production is providing enough alcohol Shannon will lose her mind over Alexis and John. Last season Shannon was drunk so much of the time that she couldn't remember what she said and to whom she said it.
  18. Maybe, but why is Sutton so interested in Kyle’s marriage anyway? Maybe for the same reason Kyle was so interested in Denise's marriage.
  19. Wasn't this the situation when Kyle, Teddi and Rinna spent an entire season demanding that Denise talk about the rumor that Denise slept with Brandi? Even after Denise begged them to stop they refused. They kept after her until Denise left the show. What goes around come around. And Kyle doesn't like it when the table is turned on her too bad Kyle. She set the standard.
  20. And that isn't going to happen. He will leave everything to Robyn and then she will leave everything to her children, whatever if anything is left after Kody kicks the bucket.
  21. I imagine that Kody and Robyn are going to start beating the drums to sell Coyote Pass. If Janelle and Meri are smart they will play hardball with him and tell him no sale on the jointly owned property unless the proceeds are divided up 4 ways. And they best have an attorney draw up the papers prior to any sale. if they trust anything out of Kody's mouth they are fools.
  22. I thought that Erika yelled at Garcelle's son "Get the fuck out of here" This was after he tried to pick up a flower arrangement to take to his mother. And she yelled it at least 3 times. My take on this was that Erika was so drunk she thought that a random black kid wandered into the event and she was yelling at him to get the fuck out of here. There is nothing that can excuse her trashy mouth nothing. She did apologize to Garcelle for her outburst. I think what Garcelle is having a hard time with is Mo, Kyle and PK and Dorit laughing about this and saying that they thought it was great that Erika could let loose and have a moment. As far as comparing this to Dorit's being held at gun point please we didn't see this if it even happened but we did see Erika let loose with hurling a vulgar comment to a 15 year old black child. Maybe some don't think this is something to get upset about but I do. And this is not about whether he knows the meaning of the F work it is about a grown ass middle age woman screaming this at a 15 year old kid at his mother's birthday party.
  23. Didn't Robyn also say that her children would not be participating in the siblings' gift exchange because it would not be safe as they felt that they were being bullied or some such crap? Suki could have brought this up. Robyn saying to Meri that a Christmas Eve get together would not be safe because there might be a fight. Now Robyn claims that if she had been invited she would have gone to Christine's Christmas event. Suki could have asked Robyn to explain what seems to be contradictory statements. But she just let it slid by. Either Suki doesn't watch the show or she has a poor memory.
  24. One thing I find curious. Meri, Janelle and Christine are the three wives that Kody claims to have never been in love with. The three who have been pushed aside so that he could be with the love of this life, his soul mate. But the only one crying and looking miserable is the chosen one. Strange.
  25. Suki brought up to Kody that he didn't see his kids at Christmas and then allowed him to spend the narrative that is was because the boys blame Robyn and don't respect her. From there he went on a tirade about how Robyn's kids are bullied. She did not ask him what Savannah did to deserve being ignored at Christmas. No phone call, no present nothing. Suki lets these things slide. I would have said to Kody that was a nice pile of presents that Robyn's kids got at Christmas. What did you do for your other 13 kids Kody? It's almost like she doesn't have any predetermined questions to ask. It's like she is just sitting down to chat with him and giving him an opportunity to ramble on and on.
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