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Everything posted by 65mickey

  1. When Lava came down the stairs at the beginning of the show she was holding her boobs in place to keep them from spilling out. Every time the camera was on her she was one slip away from a full on wardrobe malfunction. She needed straps to hold that dress up over her boobs. And I agree about Madison. She said that she was 4 months pregnant but the dress made her look chubby. And if she is a hair stylist she needs help with her own hair. She was a mess.
  2. Carlin and Evan may not have time to work with Zade on his speech but she has taught him well how to pose and preen for the camera. I am hoping that the speech therapist told them not to bring the entire family for his sessions and not to film or interrupt while she is working with Zade. It shouldn't be turned into a party for the viewing audience.
  3. I wish her all the best in her career move. But I am going to miss her. I don't know if I will continue watching thi show. I wish that they would bring back Crystal. Kyle. Erika and Dorit just don't int4ret me.
  4. Seems like the older she gets the shorter and more immature her clothes get. This dress reminds me of 1960's baby doll pajamas. From the way he speaks I can't believe Zade is turning 3 either.
  5. I have never heard of this company. Is it similar to Amway?
  6. The ending could have been better but it also could have been worse. I think two were banished because the others wanted a bigger share of the prize. Oh well it's a game. That's the way it goes.
  7. I think it was. There was no good solution. If they voted out Gabby the most vocal against Danielle it would have been obvious that Danielle was a traitor. But so what. She would have had Brittany and Delores and the three of them against Dylan and Iver would have given them the advantage.
  8. If they do banish Danielle and Gabby, Iver and Dylan stick together they have a chance to win. But if they don't stick together Brittany will take it all. I have never seen them do a random draw on the traitors.
  9. Only four people voting in the last vote. What happens if no one changes their vote? I'm not certain that Brittany voted for Danielle. I hope she did. The show sure made it look like Brittany was voting for Danielle but sometimes these shows have a way a pulling a fake to keep everyone coming back for the ending.
  10. Off topic but who was that woman who came with Kyle and another housewife whose names escapes me. And was she wearing the same lemon Caftan as Kathy?
  11. It was a long time ago when I was pregnant. But honestly I don't remember having cravings. I only remember foods that made me sick like Mexican food and coffee.
  12. This has been one of the worse seasons. There is something off with Kyle, Dorit and Sutton. They are miserable sob sisters. Let see, Kyle and Sutton have left in a huff and tonight It was Dorit's turn. And for the record I think what Sutton said to Dorit was crass. She should be embarrassed.
  13. Wasn’t John, former Speaker of the House, in season 2? Yes John Bercow was speaker of the House of Commons.
  14. So far this season is a complete bore.
  15. It's not lack of funds for these 2 teenage wannabes. It's being too lazy and immature to have regular schedules for dinner time and bedtime for their kids. If they are enrolled in a school whether it be public or private they can't just stroll in at 10:00 am if school starts at 8:00 am. And you can't go on vacation every couple of weeks and have the children miss school while the kids are being drug from one place to another. Zade and Layla would would benefit from being around other children their age who speak with age appropriate words and sentences. And having a teacher who pronounces water as water and not wa wa and Layla as Layla and not ya ya.
  16. I thought that most mainstream Christian religions accepted baptism from other Christian churches. My sister was baptized in the Catholic church and later on in her life she joined the Lutheran faith. She did not have to be baptized again.
  17. Oh good lord Aurora is laying it on thick about baptism and God. Now she wants Kody to baptize her.
  18. I caught that too. I thought it was after he died.
  19. I don't understand the love that women have for pulling their hair over their shoulders and stroking it. It's like they can't leave it alone.
  20. I make no bones about not liking Bronwyn and Todd on this show. But I did feel a little sympathy for him last night. He is obviously uncomfortable with having to put his life out in the public. Why is he doing this? They don't seem to need the money. It seems like Todd is just humoring Bronwyn by allowing her to drag him into this circus. In the past there have been other husbands who pretty much stayed off camera and did not take part in the fights namely Harry Hamlin and the crooked tom Girardi. This is the housewives show not the housewives and their spouses.
  21. I'll be surprised if they ever grow a flower. And where will the money come from to erect an event building and all of the other things that Janelle keeps dreaming up? I get the impression that this was Maddie's dream and Janelle grieving the death of Garrison jumped at the suggestion to get away from Flagstaff.
  22. Like you said it's not likely that Zade will be enrolled in school. Going to school means keeping regular hours with early bedtimes and getting up in the morning to get to school on time. Regular attendance with no excuses for Disney cruises is also a requirement. I don't think the Stewarts are willing to give up their many vacations and late night "parties" in order to send the children to school. It's a shame because I believe both Zade and Layla would benefit from school.
  23. His excuse was that he couldn't be away from his tender aged children for more than 2 days according to the Book of Robyn. He even suggested at one point that maybe she could go alone. Like an unaccompanied minor could check herself into a hospital and have surgery. And he said this to her as she sat on that porch with tears streaming down her face. That was probably the single worst thing that this sorry excuse for a father did. He might as well have told her to her face that he didn't love her or care about her. Oh but somehow it is Christine's fault that the children are estranged from this man. That's really reaching.
  24. I agree that Lisa is pretty awful. However Lisa being awful does not give Bronwyn a pass. Bronwyn and Todd had the jewelry store associate on camera and took the jewelry on approval. They most likely had no intention of purchasing a $4,000,000 necklace and earrings that cost over $1,000,000. Who in their right mind would? But that didn't stop Bronwyn from wearing the jewelry and letting everyone at the party believe that this was an anniversary present from Todd. Bronwyn said that she was thinking about wearing the necklace to the reunion knowing full well that Todd did not purchase it. She changed her story when she found out that Lisa had spoken with the jewelry store employee. How anyone can trust anything coming out of her mouth is beyond me. Bronwyn is just as dishonest and awful as any of the housewives who have tried to present themselves as more than they are.
  25. A recent video showed a few words written on slips of paper and taped to a wall. Layla looking at one read CAT. Carlin was so excited about this. She said to Evan Layla read CAT. She is reading 3 letter words. Imagine that 3 letter words! I suspect Layla and Zade's education at the hands of their parents will be woefully lacking.
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