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  1. Move along, please.
  2. I hope you do, because the books are simply wonderful. James Wight was a talented writer. I’m one of those frustrated Herriot book readers and frequently eye roll at the current iteration of the stories. But it’s a beautifully filmed and acted show so I keep trying to enjoy it for what it is. I KNEW they would completely screw up the Carmody character so was ready for it. It is what it is.
  3. So, magically, Dr. Lim is able to officiate at weddings. Well, ok, then. Never been a big Claire fan but can handle her for two episodes, I guess.
  4. That was exhaustingly awful. I don’t think I can keep watching this.
  5. limecoke

    S07.E03: Capsized

    Ok, I’m just going to say it. I despise these Big! Disaster! Episodes! and this show does it way too often. Major earthquake. Tsunami. Now we relive Posidon Adventure with THREE episodes. Not sure my eyes will survive the gigantic eye roll.
  6. Yeah, Dan & Shay aren’t really working for me but they do seem nice. They couldn’t find a female singer for this season? I miss Niall but like Chance a lot. John Legend is a great guy but I am a bit sick of his smuggery. I think I just miss the judges from early seasons. Oh well. There’s a few good voices so far but my biggest pet peeve is Carson screeching from the sidelines during the auditions. So annoying and pointless.
  7. Oh, come on Maria, that was incredibly manipulative & I cracked up when Joey called her bluff. He’s a smart man & Maria may have burned her boats with him. We’ll see. And BTW, she’s no introvert. Believe me, I know ‘em when I see ‘em.
  8. I’m way behind so posts seem irrelevant but…. That was fair. Glad they decided to let it ride for another week and that Tasha is coming back. Such a great bunch of bakers! I usually don’t care for the smuggery but like Dan in spite. Love Nikki and Saku. It’s hard to see anyone go. I do like Allison & she’s certainly an improvement but wish she’d just dial it back a tad.
  9. Not much more I can say. Lesley Manville was remarkable. Like others, I was confused at young Elizabeth looking so much like Claire Foy. With all its faults they’ve done some excellent casting on this show and none better than this season but this was, by a mile, the best episode in a long time.
  10. The story arc for Doc Charles and the new guy is pretty predictable. Come on, show, surprise me for once. Ditto, Dr. Ahmad who promises Goodwin she’ll stop going rogue then immediately goes rogue. But she saves everybody!!!!!! Then there’s Maggie. Grow up, dear, you caused the mess, deal with it.
  11. I’m sorry. I’m probably old-fashioned but how can you send away “someone you’re still very much in love with” five minutes before you get engaged to someone else? This is so weird to me. I felt the same after Desiree’s strange ending but, hey, it worked out great for her and Chris so maybe it’ll be the same for Charity and Dot-uhn. I hope so because they both seem like good people.
  12. So Brayden found beets in the woods of Washington. Sure.👀👀
  13. I hate the stupid competitions with zero to scant clothing. It’s cheap and pointless but I’m afraid we’re going to get more of it especially if the travel is ramped down as I suspect. Seems like there are some good guys in the bunch and then there’s Brayden. Braydon, we all know you get roses to satisfy the producers idea of entertainment. You’re a poser and you look ridiculous. Hopefully you’ll be shipped off soon. Good luck on your next audition. (My gran wants her earrings back.)
  14. I read that they will introduce Richard Carmody in series four, presumably to take the place of Tristan. In the books, Carmody was a minor character in one chapter of the second book. A student interning with the practice for a short time. An interesting character, rather upper-class and proper who met his match in a large animal practice but went on to greatness in the field of veterinary medicine. In this version of the show, who knows what he’ll become. Love interest for Mrs. Hall? Could go just about anywhere. I’m sure they’ll surprise me.
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