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Everything posted by statsgirl

  1. I don't remember any discord early on. in 3x14, Oliver was kissing Sara in front of Felicity and Diggle was the only one bothered by it. Later, Oliver got mad at Felicity for trying to train by herself because she had stepped out of the box he put her in but nothing of that with Sara. It wasn't till Slade kidnapped Thea and later Roy got ragey in seeing Red that there was any discord. In the same way 3x02 was a love letter to Sara?
  2. I think there are many fanfic arcs that are better than this -- and some of the arcs suggested here.
  3. Slade owns the truth tea. Where is he when Quentin needs him? Even worse, IMO. I thought there was nothing worse than Felicity only having 2 lines in The Promise, till I saw her scenes with Ray in Midnight City. It's so sweet how you think it won't hurt (to paraphrase Malcolm). They didn't pull apart Oliver and Sara once they got together, it was six episodes of kisses in front of Felicity and sleeping together until they suddenly went boom! And if Oliver is interacting with Ray a lot, that means really uncomfortable (for me) scenes of jealousy/awkwardness as Oliver works with Ray while Felicity is dating him. I don't expect it to get any better until ep 18 when Felicity is in the hospital (because there is no trope too old and hairy for this show to use). That's 7 episodes of Ugh coming up.
  4. His secret as The Arrow or his secret that he's dead? Neither I think. At this point, I think Team Arrow is leaving it up to Malcolm to tell her but Roy can't make him. (I wish we had a scene of Diggle & Felicity delivering truth tea but helping Laurel lie to Quentin just lost them their right to be virtuous. I laughed when I read that. And then I wondered sadly when this show became about the worst possible tropes.
  5. Of course, I should have figured it out. These episodes are their love token to Katie Cassidy and since Oliver can't be in love with her in the present, we're going to get it in the past. Full out Lauriver yearning. Also explains why Felicity and Oliver have to be at odds in the present since it wouldn't mean anything if he was with Felicity now. MMV = mileage may vary (e.g. people have different interpretations.)
  6. Too bad it's after the 3x12 scene and not before because I could really go for "I don't want to be a woman you love because you makes the stupidest decisions ever."
  7. I'd actually prefer it if that did happen because at least it would make sense then. I never want to see the Felicity of Midnight City again. (Also I'm bummed out that none of the pictures for the next episode have her even in them and the promo is all BC fighting too.). He thinks angst and people getting upset is a good thing, I'm sure the acting will be good.
  8. "I don't want to be a woman you love because there's only pain in that for me." Not. It really is going to be Fauxliticy if she's going to be that angry at him when he almost died. I have the feeling that that's going to be the episode I quit the show. Somehow whenever MG cries it makes me ragey. Does no one there have any common sense? If they're going to go InstaCanary on us, there has to be something for people who aren't Laurel fans.
  9. Sadly, the first is going to be the true and then I'll have to stop watching this show. Isn't Merlyn supposed to be some super-ninja? Why does Brick never get beaten up himself? No one spends that much time on twitter if he doesn't have a huge ego.
  10. There is not one thing in those pictures that make me want to watch, and a whole lot that makes me glad I won't be, like Laurel basically replacing Sara whole.
  11. I only really get into one show at a time to give me the fantasy when my real life gets bad, so it's worse if it blows up on me. This is a bad one. To defend EBR, I'm not sure how she can show that she's projecting Oliver on to Ray and that's why she's doing those things (if that is the case) when the EPS are out promoting the greatness of Raylicity and her are all about caring for and propping Ray. I could have managed InstaCanary if they had kept the real Felicity Smoak. I don't know who this pod person is.
  12. I disagree, I don't want them holding onto each other or popping suspenders or anything like that. Because they could have had each other if they weren't idiots and Idiocy doesn't count in my book as a justification for "star-crossed". For all the crap that I hated about two seasons of Castle & Beckett, at least they never made woobie eyes at each other while with other partners that they chose to be with. No special effort at all as far as I can tell. They seem to really believe this is what the audience wants to see.
  13. The fight scene looked like a redo of the fight with the mirakuru soldiers at the end of Unthinkable but with Laurel instead of Sara and no Felicity except for the shot of her turning around from her computer That's pretty much a meta statement for the show.
  14. McKenna went to Coast City, maybe they could use him there since Starling is now overcrowded with superheros. MG said that the third person who comes between Oliver and Felicity isn't Ray. Not that I believe him much any more. My guess is it's The Arrow. I really don't see anything in the future that I want to tune in for, and lots I don't want to see like Buckle Canary, manipulating Malcolm, OOC Felicity, Raylicity and more Oliver angst. I don't even want to see Diggle & Lyla's wedding any more now that Felicity is going with Ray. Is there any light in this tunnel?
  15. It really does sound like he wants people to tweet "Oh Marc, you are so amazing and this arc is just perfect. I'm so sorry I didn't have faith in you." I tweeted him that between InstaCanary, Raylicity and angst spoilers, I'm thinking of skipping the next bunch of episodes. I doubt he'll reply to me though. Maybe I need to tell him how wonderful he is first.
  16. I'm really holding on to the hope that if they want Ray to have his own spin-off, they're not going to want him hated on Arrow. But after Midnight City, it's a very faint hope. I think this is MG blowing things up again. I expect that Slade is angry at Felicity, but his episode is about Malcolm, Thea and Oliver while Felicity is safe back in Starling, I mean Star City with Ray. But that would be making him Oliver Queen instead of The Arrow, and at that point why not try to get Felicity back? I expect him to double down on being The Arrow, especially if Felicity is with Ray. It's the same mistake they made with Sara last season, that they spent a lot of time on her to the detriment of the show overall (ie. Diggle, Felicity and Roy) and then ended up with her gone. Same with Ray, he's going to be taking a lot of time that isn't spent on Laurel, he's twisting Felicity into a character I don't want to know, and if there is no spin-off they're still going to have to get rid of him because I can't imagine Brandon Routh is going to be content to be a recurring character on a CW show. Personally, I'm ready to throw my DVDs at the TV right now.
  17. I think it would be poetic justice if Laurel ends up fighting Quentin. If you can trust him. Ray missed two in the fall IIRC. That means he'll still be around for ep 20. Probably 23 too, as its the big finale. I wonder if the Flash episode 1x18 counts as one of them. If he liked it so much, it's probably Oliver/Felicity. I can't see him saying that about a Ray/Felicity scene, and it's the episode where Oliver gets back. I guess we get it at the end of the episode if Felicity is in the van so Oliver doesn't see her when he picks up his Arrow gear.
  18. Campea may be annoying but he's also someone in the business who gets invited to press events and he cared enough to do an on-line after show that had a lot of viewers. As he wrote
  19. Poor Stephen Amell. He probably suspected this, given what the episodes are like. His comments of "trust the writers" show what a good actor he is. Hopefully this will be the kick in the pants to the EPs that we haven't been able to give them.
  20. I notice on tumblr that all the people who love Raylicity and are telling MG not to let BR go also happen to think Katie Cassidy did an amazing job in this episode. Hmmm, what a coincidence.
  21. Wow. Good for him for sticking to his word. That takes guts.
  22. This is what I hate the most about these episodes, that they are ruining my favourite character to prop Laurel and Ray. And it looks like it's not going to end in the foreseeable future I hate that Felicity, who was Valiant For Truth is now not only keeping Laurel's lie but helping her to make it more effective. I hate that Felicity was the one to talk Laurel into putting the Canary suit back on. I hate how hard they are pushing Raylicity when Felicity's tears are barely dry yet. Whatever happened to doing the unexpected, which was a highlight of the show in the first 1 1/2 seasons? I could have hung on for Buckle Canary and Ray's suit (actually I was looking forward to Ray's suit) if they hadn't destroyed Felicity to get to it. Right now, I'm hating any scene that has Felicity and Ray in it. Same here, except more of having to hide my eyes or fast forward.
  23. I got the feeling that this guy's gang and the other gang were already fighting so it didn't need new charges, they would have taken care of him based on old scores. Felicity told Ray that the problem was not in the chip but that he needed a quantum processor. How could he not have known that, if he's so smart? On the ArrowAfterShow they're predicting that Oliver comes back ready to tell Felicity how he feels only to have her in Ray's arms. The oldest, cheesiest, stupidest trope in the book. That they're even thinking that says volumes. It's become,e a serious problem how much this show underestimates the intelligence of its viewers these days.
  24. The question is, why don't they write Laurel being competent? It would be just as easy as to write her like this. You should watch the beginning of the ArrowAfterShow. John Campea brings up something that suggests just that.
  25. Of course Ray is going to be Felicity's +1 There's no other reason for him to be there since he's not part of Team Arrow. Crap. And I was so looking forward to Diggle & Lyla's wedding.
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