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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. No, not Digger. I don't know if it's any better - it's a Boxing Big Toe (dragging all its little infected friends behind it like a bunch of useless appendages). It grosses me out. http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7uh9/jublia-fight-it-dont-hide-it
  2. You got that right. To borrow liberally from Jean Shepherd, that is only a pizza in the academic sense. It is round, and it has toppings.
  3. Me too! I know some people really found it annoying that he can't keep his shit together during live skits, but it just so endeared him to me. He's my favorite part of the ubiquitous Blue Oyster Cult Cowbell skit. (Well, maybe my favorite moment is when Chris Kattan asks "What does that even MEAN?" about the gold-plated diapers, but still).
  4. It's "deeds" that are important. But yeah, for the first 10 times or so I heard "deets" too and it drove me crazy.
  5. My husband loves this one too. He especially loves singing the "don't listen to your wife" lyric around the house.
  6. Agreed! Most of the cute moments involved the puppy, too, which is sort of like shooting fish in a barrel. I felt like they stretched the premise of "not the ideal holiday" wwwwaaaayyyyyyyy too thin. To the point where, although I knew this was a Hallmark movie and no way it would happen, I started hoping for a disaster that would take out everyone but the puppy.
  7. "Planting A Seed" is the 3:30 repeat. Egads, woman! Cover yourself up! Your top is waaaayyyy too low if you can see both where cleavage begins AND ends.
  8. She was widowed, with huge bills to pay and no marketable skills, and that's why she returned home. She never saw her marriage as doomed or wrong; she just told her parents what they wanted to hear for access to their home and money.
  9. I wonder. But it's strange, within the context of the show. Remember the Barn Dance episode with the chili? A single Dutch oven's worth for something like 50 people? They showed it out on the table too, just that single Dutch oven. I make that much chili for my husband and myself and we get something like 3 or 4 meals out of it.
  10. . . . it comes out later in the series how convoluted the relationship is . . .
  11. Seriously, it makes no sense at all. She doesn't even seem that glamorous. She seems like she's on heroin or something.
  12. Cannot stand the Restasis commercial where the woman says, "My doctor told me I have a disease. That's a big deal." No, bitch, it is no more a big deal than it was before your doctor gave your condition a name. Ugh. She reminds me of my sister, that's just the kind of thing she would think. Then she'd tell us all at Thanksgiving, in a serious subdued tone, that she's been diagnosed with a disease. "The doctor says I have . . . chronic dry eye." Not to minimize what I am sure is the uncomfortable nature of chronic dry eye. But c'mon. Let's reserve the "big deal" for things that actually are.
  13. Nope, not making things up. It was called "The New Shmoo" and it was a blatant Scooby-Doo ripoff. But it was cute. I recently found out that Shmoos go back to the 1940's, and apparently love to be a food source so much that they will die ecstatically when eyed with hunger. A real "WTF?" for me. http://lil-abner.com/the-shmoo/b
  14. I KNOW, right? And the way she's humming as she brushes the headless stuffed pony in the grocery store . . . well, no wonder Dad's in a panic that the Halos are gone.
  15. You gotta figure the VP of Incontinence has got one hell of a golden parachute.
  16. Didn't see it, but I'm not surprised. In our house Katie Brown is simply referred to as "The Hot Mess."
  17. I love the tattoo one, and also "Sasquatch has a picture of him." "He's been the life of parties he's never even been to."
  18. Thank you! I thought I was missing something . . . Not sure there's enough Stella in the world but I'm sure after a while I would no longer care.
  19. Sounds like a job for an Incontinence Specialist! I love Alex but she is definitely loopy. She's sort of an acquired taste.
  20. I think it will be okay, provided that the Doughboy is still around to push the tin into someone's line of view. And I'm assuming the Doughboy is immortal.
  21. I made the broccoli cheese soup from the Murder Mystery episode. I didn't use half-and-half as I prefer heavy cream, so I just used less dairy. For the soft herbed cheese I used Alouette herb cheese. It was pretty good. I liked the little extra something from the herb cheese.
  22. Oh, poor turkeys. :-( And how horrifying that must have been for the bystanders. Wild turkeys can fly. Domesticated turkeys cannot. A measure of how much a wild turkey population has been cross-bred with domesticated ones is how high they can fly.
  23. Exactly. Within the fiction of the show, to create a centerpiece that elaborate and large for a table seating no one, seems wasteful and silly. Just as if Ina had declared that it was just her and Jeffrey for dinner but she was roasting two 22 pound turkeys would seem wasteful and silly. I have no doubt that everything she makes on her show goes to the crew and she's never actually preparing dinner for herself and Jeffrey.
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