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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. I thought Whitney said it was closed. They were suppose to film there right before it closed? Maybe he has a second or temp. job. I know where I live grocery stores, delivery services, amazon and Ontrac and many others are hiring and need people and so people who have work places that are closed are working other needed jobs. Does anyone know where he is taking the ferry to?
  2. Does anyone know what episodes? I pulled season 7 and 8 up on the MTV app and there are no Ashley names in the episode. I have not watched catfished for years, are the episodes listed under the fake names?
  3. Geoffery either has a lot more secrets to tell her or she knows he is still married so he could not get a k1 visa for awhile. Plus I remember Paul talking about criminal charges and how they delay the process too. Paul's were over 10 years old but Geofery has some pending. I wondered why Usman would say Lisa was a doctor. He keeps saying his mom fears for him going to the US because he could be treated like a slave. He is bringing an old woman who he is saying is a doctor, so one would think she works long hours and is rich, so would that not make the mom worry Lisa would be using him like she worries about. Why not say the truth, she is a medical worker like nurse for the dying. Would make her sound more compassionate and less rich and busy?
  4. I guess we get one more season of real! I heard her say she was retiring, I did not know she was doing one more year, or maybe these things are pre-recorded months ahead of time so she might be done filming?
  5. Thanks for posting this. I dislike how so many of these court shows use actors now. It seems like only the people's court and Judge Mathis are real these days (Judge Judy retired). Is it really that hard to get real people to tell cases? You fly them in , pay for a night in a hotel , seems like cheap TV. I guess actors are even cheaper?
  6. The last few episodes with Ed, my biggest issue is he does not seem to care about Rose and only himself. He wore 3 new pairs of sneakers. They did not look cheap. He complains about the roof, the wiring, her wet mattress the lack of shower, the rat, so many things. His answer was get me out of here. If he really loved her, and cared about his future son, he would have been sitting there finding a way to get the roof fixed, asking how they would get a bed frame (like is it something made in the village or ordered and brought in). Ed could have spent some money employing a few of the locals to fix the roof and help make Rose's place a little more comfortable and livable. It is like he does not care. He can go to a hotel but after he leaves Rose and Prince have to live there for maybe another year till he would get a visa? It also made me upset that he did not invite at least Prince , if not her father and sister to a hotel. How much would have another hotel room cost for 3 days , $100 a day? He has plenty of time to get sexy with Rose in America, isn't this time for meeting her family, getting to know his future stepson and learning her life.
  7. One thing I happy about is she is not pregnant again. I was worried she would have kid after kid. I do not see how he could have worked when he was in Utah. His parents live so remote, even working from home would be an issue. I live in what is considered rural Utah, but I live in a city, but I guess they consider it rural since the next city decent size city is 2 hours away. Alan's parents lived where there is no main highway access and maybe less then 50 people in the region. My daughter launched a weather balloon and it came down in an area similar to where Alan's family lived. I looked and it seemed like a 2.5 hour drive. Nope, there were no roads and mountains in the way and it took almost 7 hours, and forget about cell service. I bet they sold the CA house for a modest profit and then stayed with the parents while he looked for a job in a low cost of living area. A modest profit in CA goes a long way in NC when buying a house. They could have bought their new house for cash. He said he wants to work for himself so maybe they were just patient , lived with the parents and found a place to move that having a house with little or no payment meant he could maybe someday work on his own? My husband and I are looking at the same thing. We sold our Utah house for a good profit and my husband has several job offers were we could buy a home for cash or very small mortgage. We looked at NC, and housing was very reasonable and taxes were not bad, the health care and cost was not a good fit for us so we passed but I could see if we did not have a certain health need, NC would be a very good option.
  8. She has talked about her love of pizza and lots of it and late night eating pizza. She told a story about eating mor ethen 3 pizza herself late at night. There seems to be many overweight people who are drawn to pizza (kind of like a drug). I wonder why it is such a popular choice? If I had to overdo a food , it would be ice cream. I never realized how many calories pizza has. A favorite teacher of my kids , had a heart attack in his early 50's and he wrote as he recovered about how bad all the pizza had been. A Costco Pizza is over 5000 calories and Dominos 3000. The schools in our area have dominos pizza everyday. This teacher ate it everyday and got Costco pizza on the weekends. He taught math and science and he did out all the numbers and wanted to warn the kids to not get in the habit young (sadly the school still feeds dominos everyday and kids will choose pizza over a salad or turkey sandwich). I'm waiting to see how Whitney's health holds up in her 40's There is only so long she can claim she is so healthy yet so overweight. My SIL did this and hitting 40 was bad, bad for her joints and mobility, diabetes, even more weight gain due to hormonal issues,, now doctors are saying she is lucky to have 5 years left if she does not make dramatic changes and in her 30's she was pretty active, teacher, had her own kids and foster kids but 40 she hit the wall.
  9. He started a youtube channel under his name. He made a short movie , it is middle school quality. His kids come steal his toilet paper and paper towel stash while he is brushing his teeth for 15 minutes.
  10. While I do not think a wedding will happen, I am more shocked that they are filming her right now. I have wondered will there be any new reality TV episodes soon. First shows like amazing race and survivor we cancelled. 90 fiance tell all is cancelled and I thought why could they not just do that with video calls and a host in a remote location? but they cancelled it and it is one of the highest rated episodes one of TLC highest rated shows. I wondered about filming with less people and if they would still film like that. Married at first sight was already filming a season, people are married and the films crews are small like Whitney and they stopped filming (which I have no idea how they could make a season, since they are married for 60 days and then decide to stay or leave, how can you put that on hold for weeks or months and still make it "real"). So far the only other show that had any filming in the last few weeks was the Duggars and that was maybe 2 weeks ago. Kind of weird that Whitney is the only one that is currently being filmed. It must be her crew's choice? and they must really trust the situation if it is true. I would love to see a picture of the crew in her place with todays newspaper held up.
  11. The Dog posted after D-day. It was very recent and the dog now has a private account because of comments. I think it seemed like Derrick only made her pay after they were having problems and maybe papers were filed to split? It was such a short time maybe only 1 month had gone by so who knows if he let the first month slide or he used money from the show to pay month 1. The dog said that he loves only Katie (so the dog does not seem to love Dog Daddy Derrick anymore?) so it seems like maybe it is just Doggie and Katie living together now and they have to pay this large amount of money for health insurance and Doggie does not get as many treats. If you watch 90 day fiance , it is close to what happened to Colt and Larissa. Colt put her his policy, which was a very good one, they broke up very quickly. She accused him of making her pay too much for the policy. He was ordered to keep her on till the divorce (Larissa was seeking medical care for mental health issue and needed coverage) and then the day the divorce went through she had to buy a plan (and she was not happy about it, learned Colteeeee's plan was actually really good and a bargain after she had to buy marketplace). I do wonder if the show, cut out parts about the money with this couple. Remember he wanted he to get rid of her condo and move in his place. Her place looked nice, but I would assume a two story condo with outdoor space is expensive in that area. They are both in grad school. Maybe "dreamer" Derrick or so the edit is, was trying to be real about money and say lets take the cheaper apartment. He is the one working full time , it sounds like she is doing an internship for hours so she can become licensed in her field, which is fine but it is not bring in much money. Him adding her on his policy I guess was not cheap, makes sense, going from single person to a family plan can be expensive. Maybe that added expense , and her wanting to live in the more expensive condo, were issues. I wish they had some sort of money expert on the show. Money is a huge issue in marriages. I watched MAFS South Africa and one of their experts just dealt with money on that show. There could be factors like Derrick job is paying for his masters since it is in the same field he works in and Katie is taking out big loans. Fighting about money would be real but I guess fighting about dreams makes for better TV?
  12. Is that a women? There is a facebook account with a name spelled 1 letter different but the pictures look like them. The other person, not Rose has a chest tat and is shirtless and it looks like a male's chest to me? I had watched Auntie's Advice, about Rose being with someone else. Auntie calls her quick talks say it is not so. When I heard Rose might have found someone knew. I was yelling say it is so!
  13. I think before D-day they are suppose to keep things separate. The show pays for the apartment, power and gas bills and outings. I would assume they both pay for their own cell phones , gas, clothes etc. The pre-nup or agreement the sign protects them if they own their car, investments or condo that anything they own can;t be touched if they divorce on D-day. This insurance thing was a choice by Derrick. If they divorce, she can;t stay on his policy but would get a special open enrollment period to enroll in her state's marketplace. Katie's parents could sure pay for her marketplace policy but most likely it is not what she had with her parents policy. I can see that she feels entitled to a good policy. I can see her throwing a fit over having huge deductibles or that she can;t go over states lines or to the doctor she wants anymore. My son was on my ex's policy. My ex had an excellent job with a large employer and incredible health coverage. My son had a medical condition like Katie needing regular meds and doctor's care and tests. My ex's plan let him go to the hospital in any state, he had a nurse manager make his appointments and make sure his bills were paid, he had $10 or less co-pays on any med he ever took, $20 to see his doctor, no deductibles. When he was forced off the plan , he saw the real world, one plan, could not go to his doctor, $3500 ded. and no nurse to call for help with special medical tests or needs. He was just starting college and he changed his major to make sure he got a job that would get him back that same type plan he had before. It is weird Katie says no dreams for Derrick, but her dream job of working with kids part time in her own office , setting her own hours so she can be home when her kids get home , is a dream. It is a dream to be self employed , choose your hours, and be with your kids and have a part time career you love. It would be very hard to have this dream if she did not have stable man providing a great health policy to cover her condition.
  14. Thanks for the reply. It seemed like it was a topic discussed in 2017-18 and then went away. I guess if it was true or not they moved on and look happy and well. I will always wondered was she that troubled or was someone who made it up really troubled because it was one or the other.
  15. I also did not see a germophobe or someone that is picking about bedding when they showed Ed in the hotel. I do not consider myself a germaphobe except in hotels. We were traveling to get some medical care, and it was the week after halloween and my son bought a black light 90% off on clearance. He used it in our hotel room and yikes. We were staying at a upper end hotel , I think the most expensive on in the city. Again I am no neat freak at home, but I bring my own pillows and blankets to hotels. I never walk on the rug barefoot, I have flip flops for the shower. Ed did not seem worried at all about Hotel germs or germs at the airport. What I do think is Ed is more of a comfort phobe. He panicked about the weather, the humidity, needing aircon, He is used to some of the best weather in San Diego we have in the US. His like for 1000 thread count sheets and not being able to take the lack of aircon, is that he is just used to being comfortable.
  16. I was looking forward to the first same sex couple on the show but I also get the feeling she is in this for fame. Something does not add up , between her family not knowing about her sexuality, she acts so innocent on camera (but her channel she is very different), and the meeting was awkward. Either Stephanie came up with her perfect story line or she is very willing to follow the production company's one.
  17. I always thought this couple was pretty normal and TLC probably created the little drama they had on the show. I did not see it anywhere in this thread, but about 2 years ago there was talk on reddit and facebook about some weird things that happened with these two. It about some very weird letters that were posted (it was graphic topic). Does anyone remember this? Was it proven true or false. I really want to think and hope that there are at least a few normal couples from this show , so I am hoping what I read about was just a rumor or misunderstanding.
  18. If you are devout to any religion or religion is a deal breaker this show is not for you. If Michael was really a devout Catholic, with a masters degree, the good job he claims, he should have had little problem finding someone to date and marry. I wrote my thesis on large study of women in religion (I was a stats major and was presented with the opportunity to do the study). I traveled to 40 states interviewing women and finding a spouse when devout in whatever faith, Catholic, Baptist , Mormon, etc was not an issue, that was usually pretty easy. The issues I looked at came later in life with the support system within and outside of the religion. I have a hard time believing that Michael could not have found lots of Catholic singles in his area. It is not like he was living in Utah. Plus unlike some faiths, the Catholic church is pretty flexible about you joining or exploring another parish , you are not assigned to just one by address. I do not understand Pastor Cal role. He is not a therapist, as in what he studied, but that is the role he plays. I rarely hear him bring up religion yet some of these couples seem to have issues with it. Did anyone else see Katie's dog posting for her. I'm not joking. I guess because Katie can't post, her dog has been. Her dog is pissed because Derrick is making Katie pay for her share of health insurance. Katie's dog should be very grateful Derrick put Katie on the policy. She turned 26, could not be on Mommy and Daddy's insurance and Derrick had good coverage. She has a need for coverage because of her diabetes. Katie needs to learn insurance is not free. It is nice to be on Mommy and Daddy's policy for free till 26, but by 26 she should know it is going to cost money, and for a good policy it is expensive. Derrick has every right to make her pay her share, going from a single policy at work to a couple or family can be very expensive. It is not like he is fighting about $20, it is hundreds.
  19. I do not get why they did not talk about this before he came over? All they could do was talk for 3 months? Plus why did Ed not go down to the local clinic and get the test himself in the US and bring the results with him. he could show her he got the test and then go with her to get hers, or she could have had one done right before he came over and had it ready for him and they could have exchanged results. If Ed could say I love you and call her son his own before meeting her, he could have asked for the test while chatting.
  20. I watched a few older episodes since this current season is pretty unwatchable. What I think they missed out on is not having more scenes with The father and the furniture business, those were funny episodes. I think it would be a nice break to switch to the furniture store from the college story lines. I am a person who hate seeing sitcoms end, but this one needs to. How could they get rid of a show like the kids are alright and keep this? or shows like LA to Vegas or cool kids, all 3 of these shows had so many possible new story lines left.
  21. I saw a preview for this. Is it suppose to be like the show fashion Star? I really liked fashion star, I know it was a ratings dud. It was cool to be able to buy the items at regular stores and for a decent price. I know some people are upset it is streaming only but it seem that is the new way reality Tv is going. The circle and love is blind show are good examples. I would rather see a show streaming only then cancelled.
  22. It seems like timing is what gets some of these people on shark tank. They only tape a few weeks out of the year. That is why we see some people with a possible good idea that has little sales because it is either go on now or wait a year to possibly get another chance to go on. The pool idea can't work how this man presented it but I do see a need. I live in a hot climate (Vegas like weather) but zoning and yard size makes it hard to have a pool in many areas. Since the city I live in is young, meaning it started to have massive population growth in the 90's, there is not the old city pools, roller rink, ice rink, water parks, chuck e cheese and parks that many places have. There is so little for kids to do and far fewer places to have kids birthdays parties at. There is a demand because There are now over 30k kids in the school district(pre 1990 there were not 30k people in the city). It is over 100 almost every day in the summer so pool parties are desired. Sometimes people have a family member or friend that has a pool outside the city to use but that is rare. Our city did build a rec center with a semi indoor pool with water slides. This is one pool for over 100k people so it is not enough. A few years ago the school cut the budget for the academic teams yet spent over 50k on one football game. The academic teams (science and math) won state yet did not even get a $50 pizza party. So I looked into renting the indoor city pool privately. It is was $225 for 2 hours (which mostly went to lifeguards since you could have up to 500 people) but the wait list was months. I did luck out and there was a cancellation and since it was just 10 kids I was able to get it together last minute. It was the talked about event , getting the whole pool and slides just for them. There is an obvious need for this service, I saw the reservations and it was solid for that year, and they said in the past 3 years they have never had a party slot go unfilled. The insurance and bathroom issue make it too hard for private homes to rent out pools. There should be some way for cities or schools to get waivers signed and have pools for profit in warmer areas. I know places like FL it seems like every other home has one of those screened in pools but in my hot climate city , there are 2 pools (one was a very small lap pool) for about 1000 homes in my subdivision zone.
  23. This is the sad part. She had her own apartment, May was in school, and she was working at starbucks. It was a stable day to day life for May. Nicole said recently she had to drop the apartment because she rushed into it and did not budget it out. So she drops May's stability to use her money for a trip and probably some Azan spending money?
  24. Just saw a different preview and he was not in it, and the women that seems to have replaced him (saying Am I being catfished) had two clips in the newest preview.
  25. On tonight's preview I did not see Geoffrey ? and there was a new women and her daughter talking about being catfished by a man? Do you think they are replacing Geoffrey?
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