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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. Ben said in his text thesis that he paid extra child support,something like gave 50% of his income and gave the house over and did more than he needed to. Who knows if this is true. States vary so much, when I got divorced one state gave me over 20 times more in support than another. After a 20 year marriage to at home mom and 4 or 5 (they adopted another kid he does not mention) kids, I would think she would get the house and decent support for at least a few years
  2. Does having a warrant stop him from applying for a K1 or limit him getting a visa or travelling?
  3. I found the article, it was a 12 year old girl from the Detriot fostercare system he adopted. He says the girl was satrted to feel included and he wanted to show his church could be inclusive not exclusive. I guess he took over a kind of failing church (or however one words this but one with declining membership) in MI. He said he had a masters degree but had to take a part time job at home depot and not take a full pastor's salary. The article has one other interesting point. Ben says he was counseling a couple that had grown apart and felt they just did not understand each other after 21 years and were thinking of divorce. They had kids. Ben counseling them and after 4 weeks saved this family and marriage. That was what his church was about. Hmm? Just a few years later he walks from his wife and kids after growing apart but he can save others. So he leaves this failing church, gets divorced, dates young women and now is the exuctive director of the Lupus foundation of MI (appears has a generous salary) .
  4. 3/9 was Karine's court date. It was a case the state had against her. Was this something she did to Paul or the kids? It seems like she got community service and anger management classes? Cant tell if she pleaded or was found guilty?
  5. It was an IFB church. The reddit post on was on the 90 day forum but if you look in the fundie forums, you see people saying he was at their church. It was in FL and it was IFB so close to the Duggars. There is more info on his religious background on the fundie forum. He was "called" to serve in MI and moved. One article that was linked, said that Ben and his wife adopted a teen (I think from Detriot ?) , this child would now be 19 or 20 but no mention of this 5th kid on the show? I totally get not wanting to film with your crazy adopted dad but usally TLC would blur the family photo or at least have Ben say 5 kids. I wonder what happened?
  6. I listened to his live. I do not think at his age he will be choosen to do anything. I believe the cut off is 60 and heis 64. He was clear this was not about Lana. He has admitted it was not an engagement but he has made sure she is okay during this time but he has moved on. He also has offered his friend, I think her name was Ana that he meet with on the show. She is married and pregnant and he offered to sponsor her and have her live in one of his rental homes. I do think he is serious about going over but will not be choosen. He was in the military in the US and he feels like Ukraine is his second home. He has spent quite a lot of time and money there.
  7. My husband and I did not watch seasons 12-17. I said to him last night, we could watch and not be spoiled because I do not know who won. So crazy considering during the early seasons I could not go to work, school, or talk to family without hearing, who did you vote for? I think Idol peaked for me season 7. We went to see the tour and , everyone was great. Every year I have hope. I think the way they have the voting on ABC verison, both cutting more than 1 person a week and then the live vote finale, sucked the last bit of fun out of the show. Does not give me the boost to pick a favorite a root for them.
  8. I wonder if the protocols for searching suitacses were different during COVID? One the the houseguests on Big brother all stars which filmed during COVID said they were able to sneak in some pills (Xanax) and other HG snuck things in as well. The crew did not search as careful during COVID. In the previous seasons they would not have been able to get away with it because the crew search everything. Just a theory to think about.
  9. Plus those looked like the rental black shiny shoes from the tux shop, so double yuck for the no socks. I noticed he choose the blue/black tux color combo also choosen by 2 married at first sight grooms, Brandon (Talyor) and Chris Ble$$ed Williams and those were some of the worst marriages in the history of the show. Lucky color for the production company.
  10. Derrick and Cody said they were going to have Todrick on their podcast , but that did not happen (maybe they did not get the cancelled memo). Todrick finally posted something other than a tour ad on his IG. It was a picture of dance rehersal for the big world tour. One of his dancers is Christie, the women that was suppose to be on BB23 but got COVID, she had a platform about hair loss. Wonder if she is being paid or working for exposure only. When I looked, Tommy BB21 and Hannah BB23 had positive comments for Todrick posted. I don;t see Hannah's now and Tommy is taking heat for supporting Todrick.
  11. The bigger question is why would TLC include this. There have been plenty of airbnbs used over the years. Sometimes because neighborhoods or HOA's wont let people film at their house, sometimes homes are too hard to film in because of space or have people living there that do not want to be filmed. Plenty of the cast have admitted later that airport scenes are faked but they go along with it and pretend it is real, or TLC only shows the us perfect airport scene. TLC follows stories with the cast. there could be 100 cool things that happen during filming but they stick to one story, guy does not have a job, family hates each other, cultural differences. The only reason TLC left this scene in of Ben questioning is this her place, is because it is part of the story they want us to see.
  12. I would not mind him on the single life. Him, Danielle, Ma Debbie, I would rather see these 3 go on a series of fun dates with regular people trying to find love than Jesse or Brittany again.
  13. Do we know the timing of when we saw Ben leave the US on the show. Just trying to figure out how long they have been together. Lets say by some stretch they are a real couple, how would that visa interview go? Remember when they questioned Juliana when she was 22 and Micheal was 40. How will they feel about Ben 52 and Mahagony 22?
  14. Todd's blood pressure was high the bottom number he said was over 100( ideal is 70 and over 90 is time for looking intot meds). His was over 100 on meds. He has been open about his worry and struggle with blood pressure. It sounds like his pre-show physical showed it was high and they made him go on meds. He said he had been on meds in the past but stopped because of issues in the bedroom (I wont be as graphic as he was). I am surprised they let him on the show and Chris Kattan, because the possibility of losing cast over medical has to be a concern. Was there not any other people they could have cast (nothing against Todd or Kattan, just would like healthy players). Mirai is back at home and on social media posting yet no formal exit interviews. I knew they were delayed, but I thought the interviews were usually done in LA with staff around them to advise them. She is clearly in Boston right now (and looks like she is doing fine).
  15. I hope we get some exit interviews from Mirai ? I would like to know more of how she feels and any information she can give about what we are missing from the downtime. I don't think Miesha can win. Celebs dont vote on best player (Ross lost to Marissa who won no comps? or 1?) , they vote on frienships, future connections, past connections. I think this is Todrick;s to lose. I know some people do not want to hear this, but tell me a way he gets nom'd and the votes are there to get him out? and if he makes it to the F2 how he loses? he has Todd, Carson, Miss Cynthia, Lamar, Miesha and Mirai votes? I think if Carson uses the veto on Cynthia, it is very close to having any hope but a Todrick or Miesha win.
  16. I think he knows he can leave. Whatever happened with ChrisKir, he said he was out of the game, like out and it was his choice to be out (for the sake of his family) so I would guess he hit the "button" or told the DR he was out and the HG were told. Of course Kattan might not have known exactly what happened and what excat choices are. If he said he needed medical help, would that be considered forfieting his appearance fee. I wonder if medical is a valid reason. I would like him to stay but not if he is in pain or sick. The snoring thing should be fixed because 2 beds will open today, I hope he gets first dibs on a bed in another room.
  17. I dont think Kattan is well. When he was walking last night in his boxers, his legs and feet are in bad shape. I had heard it was his back from the accident, but his legs are not right. It looked painful. Lamar seems a lot like he did on the Khloe and Lamar spinoff (Ill admit I watched). He has a short attention span, eats way to much junk food, and has a few funny jokes. He always seemed like a nice guy but so easily distracted and talked into things. I think Lamar also hopes to get a career move out of this. He wants to coach. he wants to be seen as redeemed and that he can get a chance to work in basketball again.
  18. Did anyone see the Celeb Talk guy's video on Ben today. He has a clip of some sort of live Ben did. Ben said he was recruted to be on some island show. It did not work out and then 90 day contacted him. Sounded like he really wanted to be on TV. Timeframe is off? anyone know where the video is from. I cant believe TLC would let him talk during the season.
  19. I would love to know if they are married. Geoffery mentioned in his speech he has all these family members that need him but never said wife. He said kids, grandbaby on the way. He did turn around when he said all this family counts on me and Varya was sitting with the family so who knows. His lawyer whispered to him for a long time before he gave his speech. Maybe he told him not to say wife? If Varya was not asking for help for Geofferry and standing by his side, I would think maybe she came here and married him knowing she had an easy out? I think she is allowed to stay if he goes to jail and it is no fault of her own? We also do not know how long she has been here? Has it been 2 years. They sure hide the details well if they are married. About the plea deal. What I have heard was he rejected the deal and then the charegs for the trial including the kidnapping. He was going to plea to just one or a lesser charge. The kidnapping was the one with the most time. Then they did an enhancement because of his crimnal history which added time on. Today they lawyer said without the enhancement (which the judge ruled on today) the sentence would have been 8-12 years but the enhancement made it 12-20 years.
  20. Watch the last 15 minutes of the sentencing (I sat through the 4 hours). In the last 15 minutes, the judge allows Geoffery to speak. During the witness and evidence he glared many times at the prosector or hung his hair down (he has a new hair look and freshly done brows). Then he gets up to speak and the water works are on right away, crying , saying he is a dad, people need him, he loves charity work. Then the judge lets him have it. Like not just a few harsh words, like what many people might be thinking. He says Geoffery is good looking man that charmed people but has a bad side and his crimes over the years were horrible. Plus the judge was just going on the assult victim and one ex wife, he did not even know about the whole other wife who had to give birth in the hotel rooms and all that abuse. The judge gave a sentence above what the prosection asked for. Varya was in the courtroom, as well as friend Mary, and at least one of his sons.
  21. I think she has to know who she would be moving in with. It would very likely be asked at her visa interview. I;m sure Mike has to list who he lives with and what the reponsbilities are and if she does not know, it would raise a flag. She currently lives with her extended family so it is not new to her to share a home. I think she will give it a good try if she gets to come here and not run as soon as she gets the green card. What I think helps is Mike is close to his 2 brothers and they both are married with kids. Maybe having 2 sisters in laws to help her (and new cousins for her kids) and Mike;s brothers can give him hints on being a husband. I do think her family wants a good life for her boys and they want her to be with Mike as much or even more then she does. I hope it works out, not sure if it will. I do think she will give it a good try. I also wonder if she would return home or stay in the US if it did not work.
  22. I was actually hoping the catfish would be an older women BUT with the same ideas and religious beliefs that Ben says he is so attracted to. What would he do or say? He says his love has nothing to do with her age or beauty but tit is all about the connection. Lets see Ben. I do not think they were part of that cult mentioned above with the weight loss Gwen that died. My guess is closer to an offshoot of the Duggars, IBLP. There are many small groups interlocked. My thesis dealt with Mormon in relgion and I have lived in a polygamist community (as an observor not a member). There are so many small groups that no one knows about, some homeschool their kids, don;t live in subdivsions so you don;t even know these groups exist. Look at the Plath kids on TLC until they were cast on the show most had no brith certifcates, born at home, homeschooled , lived on a farm , so until TLC needed the birth certifcates, the kids were not even counted or known of on record. One family I followed for years, the Maxwells, educated parents good upper middle class life, just moved to Kansas and sheltered their family to the extremes. They could not even go to church, they would visit a smalll rural nursing home on Sundays and talk to the senior citizens. Now they have a second geenratopn, and in a few years starting a third generation. They have found like minded people to marry from all pver the country living the same way. To compare the Maxwell's make the Duggars look like wild liberal partiers.
  23. Why cant TLC vet the cast better? How hard is check social media. There are so many sleuths on websites that find these posts, TLC could hire one of them, or they would probably do it for free for some promtions of their site/blog. One thing that does also surface with Alina posts (besides the racism) is how TLC creates a storyline and leaves so much out. I did not hear TLC saud Alina went to high school in Indiana? or college in the US? They have this story of this long disatnce 13 year friendship turned romance and COVID time off gave them a chance to meet in a new country. She is needs the help of a friend and her parents worry about her being alone? Hard to believe if they sent their 15 year old to a city in Indiana to attend high school alone they would worry so much about her to have to have to travel with a friend when she is in her late 20's. Please TLC being on real couples, and tell the real story. There are good stories that do not have to have some one demensional spin. Just a starting point for TLC, look for couples that met, via overseas jobs, education, or church work. These seem to be the 3 ways real couples meet. Not to say online romances do not work, but if the show is going to be almost 100% couples meeting online, at least vet them properly.
  24. Britini's full interview is out on her local Buffalo news channel. She sinks to the bottom for me. I just hope she does not stick to Hannah early on and bring her down. It is not just the long winded talking. It is piecing together her story, and I feel she has been told she is the best all her life and likes to brag. She has lived at home her whole life. By the sounds of it lives in a nice home with a good standard of living. She went to a smaller private local college. She has never actually worked as a teacher just student taught. It is like she is an overconfident Nicole A? Nicole A went to a small private college and had a 4.0 and had a teaching degree but had not had a classroom yet and lived at home. I worry a little about Claire. I am sure she knows the game. I have seen people wonder why she was not choosen and was an alternate. Could it be because she is social awkward? or not as comfortable with cameras? My daughter knows big brother inside and out, watches the feeds usually 8+ hours a day and has watched as many feeds as she can find from seasons when she was too young to watch. She has a Janelle shrine. My daughter also has piles of computer and science competetion wins and had millions in scholarships to top colleges but could she play BB? I don't know. There is a certain type of person it takes to be on camera 24/7. I listened to a producer from married at first sight. She said there are many good people who apply to the show that are 100% ready for marriage and would make great spouses but they fail the testing to be able to be filmed 24/7. I think that is why we get so many want to be IG social media stars, they are comfortable in front of the camera. I have watched reality Tv film and it is tiring. I;m glad I can go home and have no idea how the families who put their lives on TV can stand the 12-16 hour days of filming. I can't imagine 24 hours a day.
  25. I watched the USweekly mini interviews and read the parade interviews and looked closer at social media I could find. Britini fell on my list. I was worried will she be annoying or fun and I think she might be the annoying first boot now. Brett went slightly up, not my favorite but I do not think he will be one of the first to go. He played football (I believe by one of the videos I watched his dad died when he was in high school), weightlifts but is more soft spoken then I thought. Travis gave the best answer to who are you looking for in an alliance partner. Everyone was saying loyal, trusthworthy etc. Travis said someone with oppsoite him is skills and life so he wanted to pick a older person, someone married, maybe with kids and life experience. Good answer but imagine there is only one older married guy with kids! Frenchie and Travis. Un expected and probably not going to be a fan favorite combo. My daughter loves Sarah but I think she is way too sweet and fragile. Hannah was missing from both interviews? I hope she is okay. I was really looking forward to seeing her. Derik F, seems super nice. I get the feeling he might be the person that gets taken as F3 with others F2's he seems like he would be fun to have around, easy going, cool, but not a comp threat. Maybe this year the F3 comps won;t be so physical and anyone who gets to the F3 could win if they have the knowledge of the season.
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