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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. The double pregnancy thing is a rare possibility. I doubt they would write it into the show. My mom took a morning sickness pill popular in the 1970's that caused some female babies to be born with 2 uterus' (bicornuate) and a single kidney. I got pregnant on the left side(eventually had the right side removed) , now in most cases the pregnancy would stop ovulation from occuring so no right sided pregnancy would happen but there were a few cases I know of , that women got pregnant on one side and then 1-2 months later were pregnant on the other side. I love the show but I'm not happy with the pregnancy story line. I hope the writers find some brilliant way to work it all out but for now I;m more interested in the other cast. I also think one baby at a time is enough and Dina's pregnancy has so many possibilites. I can totally see Dina treating giving up the baby as a business transaction and then having her peeping through Glenn's window wanting to see the baby.
  2. Weeks ago I listed to a podcast that had Tarik's Bangkok first girlfriend (the one Hazel was jealous of) and she said she broke up with him because she was into multiple partners. She made it sound like that is why Dean traveled with him, they were both in on it. I hope Hazel knows what she is getting into. Weird Dean would bring it up after the ex went public with it, if it were not true.
  3. My original comment said I put a rider on it. I just moved so it is $32 a year for a ring valued at 10k (every couple years I get the ring re-apprised, I had no idea how much they go up in value). I was just saying that when my house was hit by lightening it was not worth it to file because of the 1k ded, since the damage was small but I would file if I lost my ring (or the other items I have a rider on, my son's computer has a rider to because it is worth over 5k since he has a disability and it is made for him). I brought it up because Rachel should not have to worry about a ring. I live in the southwest as well, and if my 10k ring is under $3 a month to insure, I;m sure she could afford to insure a ring from Jon. Maybe she does not even know such coverage exists? Insurance companies don't push extras (surprisingly). I wish we had more backstory on Rachel. Curious to know what she does for a job and why her family relationships are strained. My brother in law just left Alb. NM , transfer his job back , because he was unhappy there. Ironically he was in his late 30's and looking for love and was 100% willing to be with a women with kids (since he spent so much time on his career and regrets not starting a family sooner). So Rachel there was a good man or more out there in the US.
  4. Any ring that you put a rider on is seperate and is worth more then $1500. Our house got hit by lightening last year. It damaged our Modem, DVR, one computer and sprinkler system. Our ded. was $1000. They accessed the damage at $1250 and warned us about higher rates if we filed so I did not file. My husband fixed the sprinkler system and computer for under $50 , got a new modem for $90 and a DVR $300. The difference is if I lost my ring , it is now valued at over $10k, so I would gladly pay $1k ded to get $9k towards anew ring. I shocked me how much diamond and gold prices have gone up since my husband bought the ring.
  5. Our family was disappointed in this episode. The story lines just do not fit with what the characters were built up to be for years. I wish there had been one episode to explain the summer. Erika really is just back at home and the parents are ok with it? If the show wanted her at home, why didn't they have father's business lose money and she had to come home and go to a community or state college? Did Barry in real life gain weight? He looks more like a 30 year old couch potato then a high school student.
  6. Just turned on the TV and caught the end of another Auntie podcast with another one of Ricky's girlfriends, Jennifer. How many does this guy have? Plus more evidence he is not divorced. The real life is better then the show.
  7. The lock on the outside of the door would scare me. When my son was young we rented a home while we were buying. My son was 4 and one day he was screaming and we found out his bedroom door was locked and he was locked in. It was not obvious that the door could be locked from the outside, it was a special door knob. My husband owns a repair company and had never seen a lock like this. The owners let us change it and all the bedroom locks, hey were very upset the previous renter installed them. Guess what? The previous renter was a respected school employee that is now in jail for sexual crimes against kids (kids the same age as his own!). The case actually is reality TV related since the sex offener's wife divorced him and married a reality star.
  8. Scottie has 5 kids? I wonder how old the oldest is? I hope they wrap up Angela's story and she is not invited back. As much as I found seeing someone go to Nigeria interesting, I'm sure there are other people they could have found. I know where I live there are so many K1 visas due to LDS missions but those story lines can be dull. In the last 5 years a lot more missionaries are going to Africa over south America. I would rather see a slightly boring religious based story line then Angela's.
  9. TLC has filmed a few shows in my area. The compensation seems to range about 7-10k for the first season , divide it by episodes, free food,lodging. admissions costs etc. You have to attend the tell all or reunion type show to get the bonus or largest sum, usually around $1500 plus free travel, food and lodging. I think $500 an episode is low estimate but I don't know how they count the 2 hour shows(is that 1 or 2 episodes?) and sometimes a couple is not on for a week. Certainly are not getting rich off the show. I guess if the couple is one of the religious ones like Alan/Kirylam or Danny/Amie the TLC money helps greatly with the fees of K1 and helps them get a deb free start to their marriage.
  10. The question is why does he want to be famous or TLC fame? Danielle was one of the most talked about cast members and what dos she have years later? Divorced. A mobile home, a few credits towards a nursing degree and she sells autographs for $7.
  11. The other piece of the mystery is Ricky went on a date with a moderator from another site that as pictures posted(there is a funny one of him how Jesse eats pizza) . Ricky claimed he was single. The next day his wife contacted the moderator and said they were still married. This was just maybe 10 days ago or so? It was in NYC and Ricky said he was visiting family in NJ.
  12. I just read that article too. Last Thursday he called into Auntie's show and said he was not married, repeatedly. It was him. In fact he called from his buddy's cell phone and Auntie called it back the next day and his buddy spilled about him being married. Ricky is not a good liar. On the show he said he was seperated not divorced. So why not say at least say he wanted to give it anothe rshot with his ex for the sake of the kids or something. As for 4 days ago he is still lying and for what? Sure we will talk about it for a week or two but the next season's couple's are out and Im sure a few will be the next "in" couple to talk about and Ricky will be taking wedding photos or pin up photos or whatever he does. I have wondered if he applied to be on the show with his wife and got turned down. I believe she came over from Russia in 2015? Maybe he wanted to get back at TLC. I don't see how getting social media famous helps a production company? I live in rural Utah and sometimes you will see an ad looking for a local production company to help with a quick shot of polygamists or a scene for a movie but it doe snot pay much and it not enough work to feed a family/
  13. Is he a wedding photographer? He owns some sort of production company. It is called crown productions and he owns it with his (ex?) wife? I think that is what he is trying to get connected with , not sure if it is TLC or Sharp? He would not be my choice of photographers, wedding or other events.
  14. Has she never heard getting insurance on a ring. If you rent or own, all you do is take a copy of the apprasial to the insurance company and it costs $3 or so a month. I have a little over one carat very good quality stone and I just moved so we redid our policy and it was $32 a year. Also so weird she lost in in the disposal. I would have been taking a wrench and opening that thing up. Did full house have an episode where DJ opened the sink to get a wedding ring back. I guess Rachel couldn't do at least try?
  15. I'm so confused about Ricky's story. I have listened to Auntie's podcasts (he called in to one of them), read the story of the reddit editor meeting up with him. So he is still legally married? I believe that part, whether he is seperated or not, I do not believe he is divorced yet. Wife number 2 was a K1 wife from Russia and knew about him coming on the show? Seems likely. Was Melissa really ever his girlfriend or just a story line? Then Ximena is from Columbia or the USA? All the interviews I have read and podcasts of people who know Ricky all say one thing, he is very charming and nice. Even if they know he is lying or cheating, the theme is he is a charmer. I guess I do not see it. The part that makes me sad is he had his 12 year old daughter on TV talking about a new mom. Ricky can be doing the show for whatever the reasons, maybe we will never know, but don't bring a 12 year old into it.
  16. The ring he gave her looked huge. Was it real? It had to be over a full carat, closer to 2 carats.
  17. He said he hired a jail lawyer (whatever that means) and the 289lbs of pot was reduced to 3lbs of pot, so the judge only saw a charge 3lbs of pot during the sentencing. This is how I understood it. it has been in our local news so maybe they are reporting it wrong. I don't get how hey can change 289lbs to 3lbs? I understand when people plea to a lesser charge during a fight but 289lbs is 289lbs what happened to the other 286lbs? At least his time is in AZ where it will be harsher and less likely to get out early. Sometimes they use the Utah jail in Mohave county , instead because of distance and overcrowding. If he had been sent to Utah , he would be serving a lesser time or no time.
  18. I watched this video. he said he was profiled in a rental car in Mohave county? They picked on him, it was a small county that did not understand (oddly it is the same county as Colorado City). Whine, Whine, Whine. I drive a rental car through Mohave County (to take my son for medical care and I take whatever rental car they give us, black, tinted windows, CA plates, ) all the time, we are a multi-racial family and we have never been bothered. Jorge has 3 prior felonies, he deserves to spend time for 293 lbs of drugs. I hope Anfisa takes this time to get her degree and move on from him.
  19. I know the show has been recruiting people instead of open auditions. I wonder how hey choose the comedy and magic acts? I would like see more comedy and magic acts but haven't been wow'd by who they have chosen. Out of all of them I like Shin Lin but I could not sit through and hour and half of his act in Vegas, plus it would have to be a small stage which only works for big names. I live close to Vegas and a magician needs a big act with large props and grand tricks to fill a show and also make people sitting everywhere in a large venue feel like $100+ was worth it. From what I understand Shin has been doing private parties nad corporate events which is probably the best showcase of his work. It seems like he makes good money, not as much as Vegas but still a good living doing magic, maybe that is where his act should stay along with a few TV appearances now that he has more fame (like morning shows, Kelly, Ellen etc). As for comedians, there are certainly better out there then this year. Comedians should be he easiest to audition, just send in a 10 minute segment. I always thought they should have Howie be a mentor or even do the comedy act pre screening? I think last night was pretty obvious, the only surprise was that the judges did not save the kids choir (I was happy they did not, they were cute, but I didnt think they were much better then the kids choir that is at our elementary school, our family didn't like those jumpsuits either). So I guess it is Micheal Vs Courtney? with Zucaroh in the top 3? My mom and her friends are causal viewers , they don't read online or know that many of the acts have been on other shows before. They like Courtney.
  20. I was updating last night and JC just would not let it go like he was the victim? Tyler told him to let it go but JC went on for almost 2 hours that Sam is so bad. I also was not impressed that Brett made it into a joke and sided with JC. Brett pretending Haleigh dresses like a homeless person and there is no way she would be exposed if the bathroom door was opened because of her clothing? I think Kaycee and Angela were silently annoyed. JC just put a bigger target on his back.
  21. This was the first show I was able to catch live and I thought it was weak. I only saw a few strong acts. I think the first live show was the hardest to make it through. My guess by judges comments and placements, Christina, Michael, Zurcaroah, and Brian go through. The Dunkin Save will be The duo and future kings.
  22. LDS men are missionaries from ages 19-21 when Alan served (today men can leave at 18). , Kirylam is almost 9 years younger then Alan so he was 19 and she just turned 11 or if he met her on the last day of his mission (which is not likely when he talks about having weekly dinners with her family on his mission) he would be 21 and she would have been just turning 13. Anyway you look at it, not good. While dating or even developing feelings is not allowed on a mission, many guys come back with a girl but that girl is usually the same age! and the vast majority of the time the women come not only for the missionary but for an education and go to college right away and even if they stay home with kids for a time, they get a degree. I just feel bad that Kirlyam seems to have little life outside of her home and church.
  23. Im catholic married to a returned LDS missonary so I guess not :)
  24. I still do not have the best feeling about Alan. I know countless LDS missionaries that brought their brides home from other countries. Many of these couples I know very well. and there are varying degrees of long term happiness (mostly for the brides and usually after 10-15 years of marriage) . Alan I think is still being controlling. Maybe Kirlyam is happy with her life, but my gut says she does not know that she could have a better life. 4 years after marriage and after a child, she still seems to have limited friends, a few women from the church and Alan's family. While again she may be happy with her nice home, good life for her child and a husband provides, she is a young sweet women who should be at mom's groups and making friends. Alan marrying Kirlyam is still very controversial in the LDS community I live in. In fact some bishops use it as an example of what not to do. Again I hope they are happy but I still think an adult male on his Mission going back to marry a 11 year old girl he met when she turned 18 is creepy.
  25. LB was on in Feb of 2018. He was the man who had lost his leg. I remember being so happy seeing him ride a bike at the end of the show. He was on of the more successful partcipants with weight loss. So sad, it seemed like he had gotten his quality of life back and was working and independent.
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