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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. You took the words right out of my mouth! For me, Sharna is the female equivalent of Gleb. Can’t stand her!
  2. Ha! She was a country singer who had a variety show (think Sonny and Cher) in the late seventies. Her two sisters were on the show with her. Kinda makes me wonder who they think the audience for this show is......
  3. I think there is only one reason Tristan stayed, and the color he cared about is green.........
  4. Yeah, you’re probably right on that one, but no way Rory knows who Barbara Mandel is. I mean, I’m 46 and I was little when that show was out. That joke would work if it was 1982, or if Doug had said Kardashians, then probably (I’m guessing Rory’s favorite is Kim). My problem is that all the kids are precocious and just too much. If they wanted that much snark out of the kids they should have made them older tweens or teens, but at this age, it’s just too obnoxious for me.
  5. This is it exactly! Most normal people’s day to day lives are pretty boring. Bobby and Danielle are just living a regular life. Otherwise they end up doing stupid producer induced activities that most people don’t participate in on a regular basis (tantric sex experts, rope obstacle courses,sidewalk cornhole, apple picking, etc....) I think we all know when that nonsense is happening and it’s equally annoying (at least to me anyway). I think for me the gold standard on the show is Jason and Courtney. They got along but were each interesting in their own right - fireman by day, wrestler by night; makeup artist by day, burlesque queen by night.....
  6. Me either - I actually think they are ruining the show for me. I don't think these writers know any kids this age, because they have them saying things that kids this age would never know. For instance, the twins and Shawshank, or Rory knowing anything about the Mandrell sisters. Just not believable at all. I am giving one more episode, but I don't think I can stand anymore of the kids.....
  7. I think you are absolutely right, but it kind of is sick when you think too hard about it - if we know this, that the experts are matching for maximum train wrecks, why are we still watching? I guess we must all love to see it to some degree, or still hold out hope each season they'll do better and we will see at least one happily ever after........It's a little like Charlie Brown and Lucy and the football - maybe this time they'll get it ;-p
  8. @humbleopinion And those teasers for the next episode are never misleading, are they...?
  9. I agree with this. I feel sorry for her because I think this is not the first time she has done that, judging by her “Dallas Douches” comments and the fact that she says Dave is the first guy she’s ever trusted. Everyone seems to think Dave is just with her for the sex, but she was the one who initiated sex first, not him. For all we know, she has the stronger libido in the relationship and the daily sex is mutually desired.....
  10. This! She actually used the phrase "after all I've sacrificed" during one of the TH's. I could not believe she had the gall to utter those words!
  11. You can add Vaughn, Davina (although she got stuck with a real asshole) and Molly to that list as well.....I agree that uptight, tightly wound people do not do well on this show - you'd think the "experts" would realize that by now! I also think they should really explore and evaluate if people will not do well with the cameras because I do think that is a factor for some people too..... I really think the problem with Dave and Amber is that neither is awful, they just got matched with the wrong person. I think if Dave had been matched with a strong, confident woman he would have been much happier; I also think if Amber had been matched with someone more nurturing she would not have been so neurotic. The experts focused on the absolute wrong things - they matched them because they are older and want to start a family, but it's like they didn't even consider basic things like personality!
  12. And yet she had no problem saying “love you” when saying goodbye to her mom. Seems strange since she said her family was not expressive that way.... Also, on an unrelated topic, am I the only one who thinks mini moon sounds stupid? Is that a real thing?!?
  13. I think that is exactly it - there's nothing else interesting about them, no drama at all, just two people saying we get along great - nothing to see here! Not exactly gripping television. Unfortunately, that is the exact conundrum of this show - we want these couples to work out, but when they do, it's kind of boring.......
  14. Ugh. Tristan is not wrong that Mia plays the victim but there is no question in my mind that he threw her out. They can both get off my tv. If the best you can say about your marriage is that you are “squarely on the fence”, or you are questioning whether your partner actually likes you despite having sex with you daily, it’s probably best to throw in the towel. These two are just a mismatch. Sure, ok Bobby, there’s nothing wrong in your relationship, except the fact that YOUR WIFE MAY NOT LOVE YOU! That being said, I really hope she’s just waiting until the end or saying something in private because I’m going to be super bummed if these two don’t make it.
  15. Gum is not allowed at my kids schools (Elementary or Jr. High) mostly because of the janitorial situation when they deposit it on the ground/chairs/under tables. It was not allowed at my school growing up either.......I'm not sure this show exists in any place in the real world though so I guess it's just quibbling at this point! Last year my son (who was in third grade) was in a classroom where the teacher had a "food-free" policy. That meant no treats for birthdays or class parties. I agree kids get too much junk in general but that was just depressing.......
  16. I'm not - remember, he is her favorite ;-p Gerry is actually my least favorite character. He's so one-note - he doesn't do anything except tend the animals, and I think it's ridiculous that he isn't being made to go to school. I know these stories are somewhat based on his writings, but he could not be there and I wouldn't miss him. And if he wants to be a vegetarian, he can get his own food. It's not nice that they all are forced to be vegetarians against their wills. It is a little surprising, but maybe Florence (?) has postpartum depression? Or maybe, being older, she is used to having just herself to take care of and it's more of a shock than when people are younger and more adaptable. Plus, being older, she's probably just more tired......I hope Margo does a better job at nannying than she did at filing!
  17. This line got the biggest laugh from me too. My favorite of the episode. I wish there had been more Janet.
  18. Wow that was terrible. Really terrible. I am just thankful I never downloaded this book- for a while Amazon was pushing it hard. I was so tempted by the cover art, but now I’m glad I resisted! Super depressing, and that ending sucked.
  19. I think all the kids were extra, and that was the problem.
  20. Things I liked: All the parents Things I didn’t: All the kids. Waaaay to precocious and snarky for how young they are. I don’t find kids using idioms they would never understand funny at all. White whale? Please. Also, what elementary school lets children chew gum?!? I always think sitcoms have a harder time establishing themselves so I’ll watch a couple more before I decide, but that’s it. There’s just too much other tv out there to waste time on something mediocre.
  21. I'm gonna go with cruise judging by their behavior on Unfiltered ;-p
  22. I do think she is getting a "cold edit" that makes it seem worse or more dramatic than it actually is, because without that, what would there be to say about these two? Absolutely nothing. They are happy. It's that old Tolstoy chestnut: "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." No drama in normal people living a normal life.......
  23. Ha! True, but I guess I meant between participants in this show; actually, now that I think about it, I'm surprised there haven't been more and worse disfunction than this. These experts have picked some seriously messed up people.......
  24. Yeah, it makes Danielle's reticence to say those words more meaningful - it's easy to say it and not mean it as those two prove......
  25. I'm going to go with Ryan and Jessica - anything that ends with a restraining order is a total train wreck......
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