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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I am totally flabbergasted by this - we have a small toothbrush and bacon flavored toothpaste and my husband brushes the dog's teeth with while I hold the dog still. For Free! They also make dental chews that help with bad breath. She is crazy. Also, why does a woman who by her own admission does not cook need a big pantry?!? More crazy. I am with Ashley wanting to move though -that apartment does not look very big. I also see Anthony's side that rushing your first house purchase is not the best way to go about it, though it does sound like something they have been planning for since she said they had saved enough for a down payment...... It seems like Shawniece now has two babies to contend with......
  2. I agree with everyone about the music choices - I found it really distracting, especially for Makenzie. I think it’s because she went second, and Miles got an era appropriate song, followed by her “80’s” number danced to.....Call Me Maybe?!? I spent her whole number wondering why they were doing an 80’s dance to a song recorded in the 2000’s. I heard her say that and at first I thought she said Call Me by Blondie which would have made more sense.....by the time they got to Sky I completely expected the music to not fit the era they represented. What a waste of a good idea! I think Miles has really come along and surprisingly he’s turning out to be the best dancer for me. I’m still amazed at what these kids pick up technique-wise that so many adults on the regular show can’t master (Including this season’s “winner”!). I love Sky’s girl power message but I don’t need to hear that speech every week. It’s coming off now as a kid who got praised for something once so they keep doing it until it becomes annoying. A & A continue to be the cutest. Their convo about crushes and blushing was funny. 1940’s actress = Angelina Jolie - ha! I seriously question whether Breakfast at Tiffany’s is Arianna’s favorite movie......
  3. I am not enjoying this group of bakers as much as last season, and unfortunately the two bakers I was enjoying the most are already gone (Antony and Luke). I guess I am routing for Jon, or maybe Manon at this point. I thought Manon’s Showstopper was beautiful. I wish she was more consistent.
  4. This pretty much sums up this turd of a season for me. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised Bobby won when the voting has been a wreck all season. I mean, the wrong person went home every week until Joe left, and then again with a Juan Pablo. This low rent finale (Jenna and Joe again!?!) was fitting for crowning a joke of a contestant.
  5. My favorite part was Joey using all the neighbors stuff when they were out of town. That kid is hilarious. I don’t think Lawrence really needs Eddy’s help with girls, but I did like them together. Wendy continues to be the best. I love this show!
  6. Honestly, I did the same thing two days before giving birth to my first child. You just aren’t used to wetting your pants so it doesn’t compute that it’s urine; also, for me, it was so close to my due date and also a slow trickle so you think maybe it’s my water breaking. Well this is gross. Moving on..... I don’t think it’s bad that Bobby hoped it was a boy, lots of people have wishes on the sex of their baby before they know what it is. I have no doubt Bobby will come around and be excited for his daughter. Dads and daughters can have a special bond and I think Bobby will get there.
  7. Do you think they ever finished putting the crib together?!? Good grief those two seemed unprepared for that moment! Meanwhile Danielle will have a new house with Baby Girl Dodd’s room completely decked out by the end of her second trimester. I guess it’s easier when you have a houseboy/yes-man that hops to every time you say so. Speaking of Danielle, I seriously hope this show paid her enough because she is coming off verrrry badly this time around...... Poor Bobby could barely contain his disappointment that he was not going to be getting a son - he better hope this kid doesn’t turn out to be an only child. Better luck next time Bobby! Gotta agree with Ashley: just because you say you’re going to change and run an index card indicating that through the shredder doesn’t mean it’s going to magically happen....
  8. Me too - I kind of was with Adam - feeling weirdly emotional about it. Maybe it was the Katy Perry song? I don't know, but I just loved it and it was so sweet and uplifting. I agree with Mandy that Alan has been great with these kids. This completely. I don't care that she's calling herself a "singer" - she has had loads of dance and she comes off more like the pros than one of the kids. I think she was miscast - she should have been cast for the regular show. Overall, I have just really enjoyed this show way more than the adult version (especially this season). If it doesn't get renewed, I won't cry, but it has been a sweet little show this fall for me.
  9. @PhD-Purgatory15 I agree with your top 5, although I really did not think Kennedy picked a good song for herself. If she can't pick better songs she might be in trouble - there are a lot of other teen girls this season that will probably split the vote. Coming into this week Abby was probably my favorite on Kelly's team but she sounded so unpleasant on Monday's show I wanted to mute her. How do people not know that some songs just do not suit them?!? Bummer.... I cannot fathom why Adam picked Tyke over Rhada. Insanity. That dude cannot sing. Period. I guess I should be thankful that at least it wasn't that cheeser Steve! I know I am in the minority but I loathed all of Blake's team with the exception of Natassia (Or however her name is spelled) and Kirk because the rest of them all sound interchangeable to me. I hate country and southern rock with a passion. The only person left on his team I like is Kirk (who I know is country but he seems so nice and sounds good so I can live with it). I could not care less about the Comeback Stage. I barely care about the actual show let alone watching more "bonus" content online. I much preferred when the coaches could bring back one person cut from their own team rather than this nonsense. That girl is toast.
  10. Yes - that was my point, especially in Southern California! Shoot, my mom and her three sisters grew up (think 50's/60's) in the Bay Area, and my grandfather worked in San Francisco. My grandmother was the one who had use of the car because she needed it more for transporting kids and groceries etc. My grandpa used public transportation since there was just one of him going one place. Eventually they could afford more than one car, but when they were starting out not so much, and my Grandma would have been pretty close to the Mom in this show's age....
  11. I am from California so I get the difference, but the fact that it's suburban to me means it's even odder that she doesn't drive - I mean, it's hardly New York, Chicago or San Francisco where getting around without a car is easier and lots of public transportation is available. I've lived in California my whole life and I have never met any woman that didn't have a drivers license, including older generation (I was born in 1972). It just seemed strange to me with all those kids - does she never leave the house unless the dad takes her? Or did she just schlep all those kids around on a bus when she needed to take them somewhere? I guess now she has one of the older kids drive her, but it's weird since it's 1970's and not 1950's......
  12. I think her need to always be in control will be severely tested by the baby - the main thing that I have learned from my kids is that you can't actually control them; ultimately in this world the only person you can control is yourself. With kids, you can encourage the behavior you want through teaching them, reward/punishment, and setting an example, but at the end of the day, there will be times when they just don't go the way you want. I think she is going to melt down when her little mini-me doesn't behave exactly the way she wants, and God help her if this one is very strong willed - she will lose her mind trying to control this kid!
  13. I think it's this exactly - she has been raising all these boys for the last two decades, not worrying too much about keeping up with the latest fashion! The thing I don't understand is that Timmy's voiceover says that she doesn't have a drivers license. I just don't see how that works with all of these kids and living in LA? My favorite part was when Joey convinced the dad to not come in the house and the Dad only cared about whether the mess involved the TV or if anyone was hurt. That exchange was a crack up! I also liked when Wendy complimented the mom about being such a great mother and then Timmy and Pat walked by with the dog, covered in filth and Pat missing his shirt. "I'm not fanatic about it." Ha! This show is quickly becoming a favorite for me - I hope it gets renewed!
  14. I think Ashley planned to spoil Anthony, not the producers, especially considering she told the other two girls beforehand that she wasn't going to let it go until September. I agree with her that it is memorable for him to find out on their Anniversary, but actually not in a good way. The conversation in the future will go something like "Remember when I said I didn't want to know the sex of our daughter and you totally wrecked if for me anyway on our anniversary? Great memory - Not!" I did laugh at Ashley swaddling Anthony on the floor though......And good luck to her thinking she will be more patient with kids - they are the worst! Nothing will try your patience like a toddler or a tweener/teen! The difference that I see between Anthony and Bobby is that Anthony will at least vocalize that he is annoyed by Ashley whereas Bobby seems afraid to contradict Danielle. I love the little turn the cards over game where NONE of their answers matched. I said it on the regular season forum and I'll say it again here: Unless things are different when the cameras are gone, she is a very cold woman. It's especially hard to watch because Bobby is a gem, and it's really becoming clear she doesn't deserve him. Danielle is selling the move the wrong way to the Dodds - instead of saying they need more storage, the correct answer is that her commute is too long, especially once the baby comes, because that is legitimate. On the other hand, Bobby needs to start reminding his lovely wife about all of the debt she came into the relationship with, and the fact that they are selling HIS house which allows them to upgrade.....She seems to think she is the Queen of Sheba........ Mama Pierre's assertion at dinner that Jephte is a good boy is exactly why Jephte is the way he is - all his life Mama told him he was special and can do no wrong........If I was Jephte's mom I would be going off on him for cheating on his pregnant wife, not telling everyone how great he is!
  15. I agree - she should have been on the adult version. She is the same age as Laurie Hernandez was when she competed on the regular show! Not only that, she has tons of dance experience! I don't see how this is fair for her to be dancing against little kids who have no dance experience. I think the age limit should have been 13. My favorites were Miles, Arianna and Skye. I feel like they knocked Arianna down last show just to build her up this show, and personally, I didn't see any difference in quality between the two weeks. I absolutely hate the thought that they are doing this on purpose to manipulate results considering these are little kids - just let them dance and give appropriate feedback! I think Miles was the one who deserved the 10 - his dance had more complicated choreography than Arianna's and I think he executed it better. And that after not being able to practice with them all week! I am still enjoying this show more than the adult version!
  16. I am so sorry!!!! I hope that you were able to get help and healing to deal with your parental situation. It sometimes amazes me the damage that parents inflict on their children. Sometimes severing ties is the healthiest. My husband did that with his father who ignored him because unless my husband reached out first, he never made any effort with him. When my husband got fed up with always being the initiator and stopped calling, his father just never called us again. We have two kids (the oldest is 14!) that his father and stepmother are aware of because we still exchange Christmas cards, but they have never reached out to us once. Two grandchildren they have never met and a son that they haven't spoken to in 15 years. Meanwhile they are very involved with my husband's three step siblings and their kids and his half sister. Unbelievable to me. I know all of this is way off topic but this episode just struck a nerve for me.
  17. I agree with all of this. I have had a lot of therapy to deal with a lot of hurt from a parent and step-parent that pretty much ignored me through high school when they had a child together, and sometimes even to this day they do things that remind me I'm not really "their" kid (and I'm in my 40's now). I felt/feel very bitter and angry sometimes. Who does that hurt? Certainly not them! When I was younger I tried to forgive them, but I was always still feeling hurt and angry. Then I was told something that finally helped me: Forgiveness isn't really a feeling. True forgiveness is moving past that hurt and anger to treat the offender like it is in the past. I can still be hurt but yet treat my parents with love. Is it hard? Very! I think this is exactly what Eleanor did with her mom. By working things out with her mom and parting on good terms she is in essence forgiving her, but Eleanor clearly isn't just "over it" because she did that. I think this episode really resonates with anyone who has been betrayed by a parent, and I think KB did a great job portraying it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it was essentially the same response she had to her mom on Veronica Mars.......
  18. I think they are poking everybody for drama except S & J because they are too broken already. They are also inexplicably praising Jephte for his growth even though it's obvious that these two would be (and probably should be) kaput without the surprise pregnancy. I wish instead of forcing them together the "experts" were helping them navigate co-parenting their new baby while moving on with their lives separately.....
  19. I cannot fathom why Adam kept that Ben Affleck look alike. That is all he has going for him and it's stupid. He will NEVER win. What a dumb choice. Delaney didn't sound her best but she is miles ahead of that doofus. He's too old and his song selections have been questionable. There are still too many people left for me to totally keep track of who's who, especially with the steals and saves. At this point, my favorites are Kirk, Kennedy and Abby. I think Franc is interesting, and I also think DeAndre and Kymberli Joye have great voices, but I probably wouldn't buy or listen to anything they put out. I really don't want to hear Colton (Jennifer should have saved Delaney!), Tyke or Steve ever again.
  20. I get what you’re saying but I think it would drive me crazy to know but my spouse doesn’t! I wanted to know as soon as possible with both my kids and the second we knew we started trying to pick names, buy clothes, decorate, etc. It’s kind of half ass to find out like he’s doing it because they are not experiencing it together, nor are they waiting until the baby is born and finding out in that moment. It’s kind of like a slow leak of info which just seems more wah wah (insert sad tuba sound). i don’t think they really have too many major problems if the thing that’s bugging him is that he just wants a kiss hello and goodbye every day..... I wish we could have seen their final photos - it looked to me like he picked a better background but she posed themselves better! ? Shawniece seems so sad. It seems Jephte was not so much trying to “do me” but more trying to “do other women” instead. They had already been through so much on their season, plus a baby and then infidelity? Enough already!
  21. Everyone keeps talking about the rabid Bachelorette Nation voting for Joe, but seriously? He was on for about five minutes. I know he was on BIP too, but how can anyone come out of that shit show with this many fans? I am totally flummoxed by his popularity - he is an ok looking doofus with no personality and zero ability to dance. Juan Pablo is better looking and has way more charisma - why on earth would you vote for Joe before him on this show even if you're just voting for a hot guy?!? This season has been ruined for me by these idiots going waaaaaay past their expiration date, and that doesn't even take into account the fact that Alexis and Alan's not real romance that makes me want to gouge my eyes and ears out.........
  22. Don't forget her $150/month for her eyelashes as well......
  23. Exactly! Don’t forget about Danielle’s boatload of debt, and Ricky Bobby’s assertion last season that he wasn’t using his savings to pay it off. This seems like a nice easy way to get rid of it quickly before the baby comes.....
  24. I really love Larry - he just sort of floats through life in a charmed manner, and everything is easy for him. He can’t speak Greek and he doesn’t really care, but he ends up getting hired to be a fireman where Leslie failed. I liked how he just moved into the firehouse with his typewriter and continues to just do his thing. He’s such a firstborn! Now that I think about it, they all seem to follow typical birth order behavior- Leslie and Margo both act like middle children and Gerald is definitely the baby!
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