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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Aha! Thanks for the correction! Either way, definitely an upgrade from "contestant"........
  2. I thought this episode was boring. Lemongello kid should have been immediately dismissed just for busting out Sugar Pie Honey Bunch. That song on this show triggers rage inside me after all of the years of abusing my ears with various versions of it. As soon as he started singing, I thought "OH. NO. NO! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!". I am glad they sent him packing. Madison is no Kelly Clarkson. Nobody is going to be the next Kelly Clarkson, like, ever, on these shows. Don't invoke her name again Katy Perry. In terms of voices like sandpaper, Layne>Wade. So much mediocre, and too many 16 year olds. I thought after the first two episodes without too many teens they were moving away from that, but sadly no. Unlike Katy, I don't see a winner in this bunch.
  3. Even though I loudly object to this stupid house party of strangers, to AJ I say bring it on. I hope he gets drunk enough to say out loud what everyone there is thinking and tell that asswipe the truth since his dumb “wife” can’t seem to.....
  4. I don’t think so - he’s coming back as a judge, not a contestant. He’s playing the role of Michael Kors, Zac Posen or Isaac.....
  5. This season is such garbage. These challenges are nonsense! I mean, where the hell does it go from HOT to snowing?!? I don't even know what kind of outfit that would require. A bathing suit with a parka?!? What was the point of bringing all of these international winners only to pick them off one by one? Anthony Ryan should have gone. That was absolutely hideous and nonfunctional. His girl needs to borrow Dmitry's coat because a bare arm in snow is ridiculous. What an idiot - "I've never seen a mountain." "I've never been where there's snow". Does he know how to use the internet? Or common sense? I must be crazy because I thought Cristina should have won - it was beautiful and functional. So of course she was sent packing. Stupid judges. I hope with the show moving back to Bravo we never see these "All Stars" again. I am sick of them. Not one good idea out of any of them this season. If they have to keep coming back to PR for money and fame they are not "All Stars". The real Project Runway All Star is now a judge on the Bravo reboot. This season can't end soon enough for me..........
  6. David Cook won season seven. Lee won season nine.
  7. I know he was, but he was the original WGWG. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t that the first season they were allowed to play instruments? Also, he was the first to really rearrange songs to suit himself or find alternative versions almost weekly. And I’m not saying no one did that prior to him (Blake Lewis on Bon Jovi week was epic to me), but he did it so well. He definitely did not do as well as many post-idol, but to me, he was arguably the best and most interesting contestant ever. I can still vividly recall several of his performances. I can barely name 3 from ANYONE from the last few seasons. I agree the music landscape has changed completely since this show’s inception, but really I am waiting to be wowed within the construct of the show itself. There are so many performances on the show that I recall loving from people that were never heard from again. I don’t care if they ever gain major fame. I am sad because this is what’s really lacking - memorable performances on the show itself. The fact that Idol was able to produce some viable stars back in the day is enough. I just wish the show itself was better.
  8. @twilightzone Boy isn’t that the truth! I think the last season I really loved was season 8. I have always thought David Cook broke the show. After him, it was the era of the WGWG’s, and then the judging panel of diminishing returns. I am no doubt watching for nostalgia which is why it doesn’t bother me anymore. I am grateful to the show for giving me KC, Chris Daughtry, David Cook and Adam Lambert. Or maybe hope springs eternal and I am waiting for someone else to come along and blow my socks off.......Either way, I just keep watching.......
  9. I agree that a voice of dissension like Simon is definitely missing- it has been since he left. I wasn’t meaning the judges were the same, I meant the show was largely the same, meaning there has always been dumb stuff and backstories. It mostly doesn’t bother me - I feel it helps me get invested in the contestants easier, and I think it gives the show some heart. That’s just my opinion, and I seem to be in the minority. I have been watching this show since episode 1 though, and I can’t seem to quit it even when I am hate watching which has happened more often than not since about Scotty Mcreery......At this point I’ve just decided I’m done being annoyed and just accept it for what it is because I can’t let it go..... As far as Katy is concerned, I don’t find her any more annoying than Paula ever was, and there were many times Randy looked like he was going to slip into a coma....
  10. Randy might not have done pushups but there has always been a lot of filler in the audition rounds (Pants On the Ground anyone?!?). Perhaps there is more shenanigans with the judges because they are actually showing a lot less joke auditions than there used to be back in the day. I guess it just doesn't bother me that much. There is always fast forward, which is what I use when watching the Voice when the coaches are blowing smoke up every contestant's ass......
  11. I'm kind of shocked at how everyone is annoyed at the judges antics and things going on other than singing because I think this show is kind of the same as it's always been. I must be a party of one because I just prefer this format over the slick Voice production. And I find the coaches just as annoying on that show, so that' a wash. I kind of like that I get to know some of the contestants right out of the gate and that they aren't as polished. But maybe it's just me...... That being said, Alejandro was not the greatest idol audition ever. Not even close. He was a great guitar player, good pianist, and ok singer. I liked his low key personality. I also liked Shayy. Girl whose mom auditioned before was good enough to get through, but I took Katy's "she might be a superstar in five years but not today" as a hint that maybe they are moving away from so many young teens as has been happening the past few cycles (and I am counting the Fox version as well.). Other than CF kid, it doesn't seem like there have been as many teenagers being shown this year. I am definitely happy about that!
  12. Maybe she should give it back to him: “There are some things about you I find extremely unattractive.” “What?” “I can’t think of anything right now...Are you ok??? Don’t get upset.....”
  13. @forevertwentynine - I laughed at this statement juxtaposed with your screen name :-0 But seriously, he does......someone who is still going to school and underemployed should not be considering kids, especially if your spouse, i.e. the one who has to birth said child, is not ready to have one!
  14. I think the answer is maybe? Maybe not? I think there are a lot of different set ups with how couples handle their money, and whatever works in your family is fine. I also think how couples handle bill paying usually happens organically as your relationship progresses, and sometimes things change as circumstances change (see your own story about your mom getting a job!). The problem here is that this is not an organic relationship, and these people are strangers who have completely different goals and ideas of how this should be handled. Even worse for their relationship, both are entrenched in their idea of what is the right way to handle money. This is a total mismatch. She wants a sugar daddy to take care of her, and he wants more of a partner. Although I think she's crazy, neither is wrong if they were with someone who feels the same, but that's not the case. The other red flag that came up this week is that he is willing to somewhat sacrifice on the financial end to pursue his dreams, and she is not. These two will never work.
  15. You are absolutely right. I freaking HATE this. This isn’t a second honeymoon- it’s a forced vacation with semi-strangers. This has nothing to do with this show. They shouldn’t have to do this. This is the type of thing that will make me dump this show. It’s about if arranged marriages can work out, not if sets of arranged marriages can become friends. It’s totally stupid. I guess since they got an upgraded actual honeymoon they are getting a downgraded second honeymoon? Because I would be totally pissed if I was them....
  16. I do not love Kate. Her mumbling indecisiveness and inability to straight up call out this jackass is extremely frustrating to watch. Grow a spine lady! Her sad sack Eeyore act is growing tedious to watch. When he said “make the best of it” why the hell didn’t she speak up? She knows that is a shit answer, but she didn’t say that’s not good enough for me, I’m done. I’m sick of both of them. He is disgusting and she is annoying. To me, AJ’s temper is not the worst thing about him. I am more offput by him speaking on behalf of Steph like she is incapable of answering for herself. In spite of that, I think they’ll make it. At least I hope they do. And what is this fuckery of a getaway where they are all together?!? That’s how you know this show has crossed into absolute reality garbage. These people are not friends. They did not sign up to be on Big Brother or the Surreal Life or Real World. This is for drama only to force them to do this and this is not what people who watch this show are looking for. I’m with AJ - get shitfaced and go to town - that’s what production is looking for, right? Sorry for all the bad language. This show makes me crazy.......
  17. I agree but my point is more that people on this forum have been more critical than the population in general that watches this show. I don’t think they are worried because they’ve been together for almost 9 months and are not hiding their relationship. Just look at Jon’s recent twitter posts. Maybe he was defensive at first but that was months ago. If there was some professional ramifications for this for Dr. Jessica I would think that would have already happened. I wish the show would have sacked her. I think it stinks and it’s shady as hell, and besides, her input is garbage. I long for the days of Dr. Logan......
  18. I don't think so - have you seen any of the social media responses to any posts about the two of them? I think the public at large that watches this show is much less appalled than the people on this forum since most comments I've seen have been largely positive and supportive. Frankly, I don't get it. I think she should have been replaced after hooking up with a participant. Besides that, she gives shit advice as evidenced as recently as this season with Keith and Kristine. Also, with Luke on Unfiltered she was the least harsh out of all the experts. Total BS. She gave Mia a total pass last season as well. The one time she was honest was with Molly, and of course now her motives there are suspect given she is with Jon. I still can't believe she didn't tell Keith to step it up and make an effort. He is a grown, college educated man. He can figure it out. She didn't do that at all though. AT ALL!!!!! I am glad Kristine seems capable of standing up for herself because she won't get any help from these dimwits.......
  19. @peeayebee - you hit all the funniest lines in your original post, but this one elicited the loudest laugh from both myself and my husband. 😛 I thought Melissa was masterful in her telling Amy's story. I actually teared up. I hope they do a story about this asshole and there is some comeuppance for him.............
  20. I’m sorry, but I hated all of it, and I mean all of it. What the hell with all of the giant fugly coats?!? I agree with Biddell - a lot of spaceman outfits. His was stupid and ugly too though. Watching this, I think the best gender neutral outfit was what Sean was wearing - jeans and a long T-shirt, but of course that’s not fashion. I guess Christine had the best look, but to me her model still looked absolutely buried under all that fabric just like most everybody else.....I just really hated this runway. Man this show is really circling the drain....... It’s too bad Brandon Kee isn’t on this season - this was like his perfect challenge.....
  21. Yes! And when Peg said "Don't run with that knife! You might bend it!" I think I might have to steal this - it's basically my dream! And this is why an empty house is my dream - I live with a 9yo boy and a 14 yo girl and I am never alone! 🙂 I think we know the moment Seminary was toast for Lawrence - the way his eyes lit up when he opened the door and the pretty girl was on the other side....... I also laughed at Eddie's inability to understand that someone named Jean could be a woman AND a doctor! Not surprising considering his mother doesn't work (candles notwithstanding) and can't drive a car..... And did Night Court lady say that Spencer's Gifts was classy?!? Ha! Man, I remember that store - my friends and I liked to go in there and look at all the weird and inappropriate stuff when we were about Joey's age, as in old enough to wander the mall without supervision!
  22. @Gem 10 - I said kind of the same thing on last week’s forum. If people think he has an explosive temper they would run screaming from my house! My husband and I are high strung temperamental yellers and I’m pretty sure the neighbors three houses down could hear us when we argue. But we aren’t resentful or brooding or passive aggressive either. We get over it. And we’re going to be celebrating our 21st anniversary in a couple months, so it hasn’t been a deal breaker for us. So no, I don’t think AJ’s “temper” is that bad. He seems more annoyed and is just more vocal about it. Nobody is perfect, and they seem to get along really well. I hope they stay together.
  23. That is not the case here though, as they are usually sharing a bed, let alone a bedroom. My point is more that they don't know each other, and despite the fact that they are now married, it's more like getting a new roommate. Usually in that case, you just split things evenly because it's the fairest and easiest. Honestly, I wouldn't want to share my personal financial info with my stranger spouse until the tv show was over. I know they always film them doing that, but it would make me uncomfortable.
  24. Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times Yes! My feeling is that if any of these hacks truly cared about marriage, they would have nothing to do with this dumpster fire of a tv show. They have contributed more to the divorce rate in this country than they have created successful marriages........
  25. I also agree. Quite frankly, this seems like something that should be worked out privately IF you elect to stay together after the "experiment" is over. Until then, I think 50/50 for shared expenses is the only way to do it, almost like a temporary roommate (which is what most of them are even if sex is involved). Maybe it's fine to discuss long term how you see the relationship down the road, but for these two people to completely fixate on this subject when they don't even know each other is stupid. It's ridiculous that this is basically the only story with Will/Jas. They must be more boring than we know if this is all the production team could eke out of them......
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