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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Yeah this one bummed me out, maybe more than any other couple other than Jason and Courtney. This couple is so weird - I was shocked when they said yes on D-day, I was shocked when they seemed happy together and now I'm shocked that they are getting divorced!
  2. You know, I don't remember - I guess I was assuming he wasn't wearing underwear, but it would require going back to that episode and seeing if they show any..... The British version of the show has many gags with the decapitated ghost losing his head, or the other ghosts tossing it around, etc. But he is an integral part of that cast, whereas Crash has been mostly absent on this show. On the British version, when his head is "on" his body, it's really just resting there, so it falls off easily. It seems the same for Crash.
  3. OMG - that scene was everything this Gen Xer needed! My husband and I died when the music started all the way to them sitting cross legged in the attic. Loved it! My favorite line: "You know what's not hot? Exposing your genitalia during tea time!" I am kind of with Stephanie - I think it's gone overboard with all the ghosts pairing up; I would be fine with Thor and Flower breaking up. I do love Hetty and Trevor, so this was the perfect ending for me......"Has anyone tried Diet Peach Snapple?" Ha ha ha! And even though it's funny, I'm sure what Alberta said has crossed their minds many times before. I think this one will be different though because Sam can actually communicate with them.
  4. Are we supposed to believe that the scenes in the diner are real? Or are they a figment of Simone's imagination? I'm a little with Wiley on being pissed about that - kind of crazy. I want to know more about his "expiration date"...... I don't understand what is going on with her parents, but I'm guessing we'll find out....... I did laugh at the whole "excalibattle" set up - looks like some kind of Ren Faire and then that's all it was - a game of attrition - no actual "battles" of any kind! And then that little tiny ribbon - ha!!!!! Every episode I think this is so weird, but I keep watching. I just love Betty Gilpin. She was great in Glow, and she's awesome in this.
  5. Isn't that the truth? I am pretty sure he will be given "the living" and leave the sermonizing to Reverend Hankins.....
  6. I am fine with a HEA for literally every character. This show is so silly, it doesn't matter. It was an easy watch, and I will miss the world of Sanditon which seems to operate as some alternative regency universe and that's fine. A few questions: 1. Exactly how was it okay for Charlotte to ride all night alone in a carriage with Alexander? 2. How was Mary at the edge of death's door one minute, then later in the day sitting in the parlor, drinking tea and dressed looking like she was never even sick? 3. That baby was awfully big for "One year later".....the math does not compute......would have been better to say "Two Years Later"......
  7. I am really hoping the horse explosion was just a set up. I have no idea what Wiley's game is here, but I am willing to stick with it to find out. I was shocked too, but the fact that it flashed to the field of pianos (which was weirdly beautiful) immediately after her conversation with "her husband", I am wondering if it's all in her head. Guess we'll find out.....the make out session with "Jesus" was kind of gross for me though..... I really loved the flashback with her parents, their magic show, the "fake parents" and how she met Wiley. Between Poker Face and this show, Peacock is really giving Reno a moment!
  8. I see it a little differently. The woman was already defensive when she walked in. Janine spent more than one sentence trying to establish a rapport that was never going to happen. It really needed to be "I know you are busy and so I don't want to take up too much of your valuable time. Your son is doing XYZ, and the behavior is escalating. This is a safety issue for other students, and so for that reason we need to do XYZ". She came across as weak and left too much power in the parent's hands. I realize this isn't Janine's style, but hopefully she can learn from this experience sometimes you have to be tougher because I'm sure this will not be the last conversation that goes that way.
  9. Forget about Janine and Gregory - the best couple is Jacob and Gregory. Every scene with them was golden. Jacob biting his fist to contain himself when he found out about the kiss was perfection. The bro hug at the end. Love. I guffawed when Barbara sat up and scared the crap out of the kids. One of the funniest moments on this show for me. I love how everyone's pajamas were a perfect encapsulation of their personalities. I spent a night at the San Francisco Science Museum when my child was in girl scouts several years ago, and lord, it was the longest night of my life. Not a wink of sleep. I felt for the kid who never fell asleep - that was/would be me...... I think it's fine for Janine to want to explore being alone for a while. She has been care taking her mom and Tariq most of her life. She is still just learning to set boundaries for herself and put herself first. Wanting to be a healthy adult before starting what could be an important relationship is smart, not selfish.
  10. This seems fine to me, and I actually like seeing the expanded world of the Mandalorians, but it did feel like Din Djarin was secondary to Bo Katan and whatever that squeezed-in plot from Rangers of the Republic was. But these are the same people that had Din Djarin hijack Boba Fett's show, so........ I think this show works best as it started: a lone wolf who adopts a little force sensitive baby and their adventures in the galaxy. It is not Andor and that's ok. They need to work this out before the next season though, because without the over arching plot of delivering Grogru to a Jedi, the show was kind of lost.....
  11. I really hate this. It feels like a retcon of the show because Pedro Pascal is too busy to do the show and they want their cash cow to continue. Well, no. I am here for "The Mandalorian" aka Din Djarin.
  12. OMG! Me too! Donald in Mathmagicland!!!!! My first thought too!!!!!! Add me to the group that doesn't like Keeley's story this season. I still hold out hope she ends up with Roy...... Loved so many things - Keeley's ad, Beard and Ted cheers, tap, drink with the tea just like the beer, the inability to make a decision in a group that size (never change Dani!). Everything with Roy and Jamie (except Jamie's hair - wft is happening there????). Will and Trent Crimm. Higgins jamming on bass in a turtleneck. Piggy Stardust. All wonderful. Can't decide about Rebecca's adventure - in a world of not believable, this was a step too far for me just because what are the odds of being rescued by the perfect man? I do agree with everyone that she becomes a stepmom and is not pregnant, which IS more believable, so this is where I'm torn. I'll just go with it. But can someone explain why that dryer was taking 5 hours to dry her clothes? And I'm not talking about when they threw more water on them to keep it going. Are dryers really low energy in europe or something?
  13. Sure seemed that way to me with the way they cut directly to it opening it's eye right after the scene with Grogru. I fully expect to see Grogru riding that Mythosaur at some point, and even though my favorite Zaddy and his Baby are off on their own right now, I hope to see the other Manadalorians next season. I spent the last week reading speculations on who "the spies" were. Boy were they all wrong! I spent this episode waiting for Axe or the Armorer to turn on them. I was so glad they didn't! I loved Axe "climbing" to outer space in his suit, and all of the Mandolorians flying down to the ships. I loved all of them flying into battle together with Bo and the Dark Saber out it front - what a cool visual! I don't know what the limit is for getting tired of flying Mandolorians, but apparently I haven't reached it yet. It always gets me hyped! I really liked this episode; not as much as the Season 1 or 2 finales, but still good. I am glad nothing catastrophic happened to any of the characters I care about. I loved seeing Grogru tap into his force abilities, I loved seeing Din Djarin kick ass (finally!) for once this season, and I loved the united Mandalorians back on their home planet. I think as a whole this season felt less tight plot-wise. In the end, I think was a mistake to try to wedge their failed Rangers of the Republic plot into this show. It was very obvious and clunky, and after the superb Andor, it felt disjointed and messy. One final thought: We still don't know who rescued Moff Gideon and who left the Beskar......
  14. You and me both @Uncle JUICE, you and me both......which reminds me, is Lux Bonteri still alive in the canon? Because if he is, I would love a hook up with him and "Not a Jedi" Ahsoka in the upcoming show......
  15. No - Duchess Satine is different from Sabine Wren, but they are both Mandalorians. Sabine was on Star Wars Rebels. Satine was on Clone Wars, and she was the almost girlfriend of Obi-Wan. Sabine is a warrior, Satine a queen like diplomat that was ruler of Mandalore (although she could also fight when necessary). Duchess Satine was Bo-Katan's sister, Sabine is not.
  16. That was my thought too, plus the comment about "we are the good guys for the right price" or whatever was said by his fellow bounty hunter. He obviously has issues with Bo leading.......plus, I will be so sad if it's the Armorer! So bummed about Paz - he was a dick, but he was also a boss and that is a tough loss for the Mandalorians - he was fierce taking out most of Gideon's goons single handed. RIP! I cannot wait for Grogru to meet the Mythosaur - after taming the Rancor in BOBF, he is definitely going to be besties with this one too, right????
  17. Thank you for this. I am the parent of a special ed kid who is graduating this year. She was in a Gen Ed class up until third grade, which was when the problems started. It was a nightmare for both my husband and I and her teacher. I received so many phone calls that year I had to change my ringtone to the barking dog because every time my phone rang it stressed me out that it was the school again. I know her teacher tried everything, as did we, and I will forever love that woman for all she did to try to get my child through the year. We now know that my child has mental health issues that are beyond just tweaking a few things at school or home. I don't think that parent was fair to Janine at all, but Janine needed to be more direct and not beat around the bush. If that kid is throwing things, that is a safety issue and liability to the school if he injures another student. She needed to tell the parent what future consequences look like for that kid if the behavior continues rather than just reiterating that they are a "team" multiple times.... I loved seeing how supportive Barbara was to Janine when she was upset, even though Janine drives her bonkers most of the time. I was surprised Janine's class was working on state capitals - that does not seem like second grade curriculum. Maybe learning the difference between a city, state, country, but actual state capitals? Giving side eye to that one...... Laughing my ass off at all the weird teacher acronyms - I am not a teacher, but the majority of my friends are, and when they are talking about classes and credentials and stuff it's all acronyms that sound like they are speaking a foreign language! ;-p
  18. I really liked Ted's facetime with Michelle. To me, it showed real growth for him to confront her without humor or deflection and just straight up say what he felt - he was hurt and upset. I think her reaction was surprise because he never did that before. I like this for him - nobody changes overnight. Baby steps Ted........ My favorite moments: Roy threatening to punch Jamie in the balls and then him walking away naked from the waist down, plus the matching head lamps. How far these two have come! The Banter videos - "you might not know who I am" - ha, not likely. Dani's best friend - ha! He continues to be my favorite. Van Damme. The team as a whole continues to be so good and hilarious! Bex's digs at Rupert's age. She is going to take him to the cleaners with that kid in tow - wouldn't it be perfect if she ends up with West Ham just like Rebecca got Richmond????? The Diamond Dogs always. Where was Trent? "Jane has a sister" "No" "Good call"....... I really don't know what to make of Nate's arc. Again, I don't need redemption for him. I wish they would just let him fail, but that's a different show. I did love that even when the manager gave him the food for free the hostess still could not give a shit. Perfect.
  19. It's definitely up there. Star Wars has all the best names. My personal favorites: Lux Bonteri (Clone Wars) and Cad Bane......
  20. Completely agree. I do miss seeing Din Djarin and Grogru being the main story, but I think joining their story to the overall story with the Mandalorians is a natural conclusion, and I don't think it just comes down to what Bo Katan does - Din still has the dark saber and Grogru fits in there as a Mandalorian/Jedi as well. I think between the bathing redemption, the mythosaur sighting, and what Bo has done since joining them (as well has her family legacy), I can see why the Armorer pegged her as the leader instead of Din Djarin or even Paz . She is the natural choice. I did wonder if it was some kind of test when the Armorer told her to take off her helmet - like, are you punking her??? I like how she hesitated like she was thinking the same thing....... Although I loved Andor, I am not loving the focus on the Rise of the First Order here. Like hey Dave and Jon, I'm sorry your other show got derailed, but this show is not a political thriller. It's like they liked the positive response to Andor, and decided to make this one more like that......
  21. I don't think Boba was doing a bang up job managing his "empire" - Fennec Shand was doing most of the work both strategically and physically. They would not have survived that last battle without Din and Grogru. And don't get me started on Boba killing Cad Bane. What a waste of a great Star Wars villain. Unpopular opinion: That show made Boba so boring I would have preferred for Cad Bane to win that duel. I think Fennec Shand would do a better job than Boba running Tatooine anyway.....YMMV though......okay, enough about that show....... I think the Season 2 finale showed Luke's power as a Jedi, but he is definitely no Yoda as far as training Jedi though if Grogru and Ben Solo are any indication...... Din only looked weak because he was bested by that part robot thing and needed Bo to save him, plus her skill with the dark saber compared to him is remarkable. I guess I'll give him a pass for drowning because he was weak from whatever that thing did to him and he was surprised by the drop off. But technically, he would have drowned if she hadn't saved him a second time......
  22. Thank you! This was my first thought - Ava already knows someone famous - why does she not call her boyfriend?!??? Or use her awesome social media skills to call attention to the problem? Also, I don't understand why this school cannot disseminate information about a major upcoming change to the school other than flailing about in front of the building. Anytime my kids school district has an announcement I am inundated with robo-calls, emails, texts, and usually a formal letter mailed to the house of some momentous meeting or ruling about to happen should I want to be there. This seems like one of the cases where a school wide meeting should be called. How do they not have a way to notify the parents? I guess that would be too easy....... On another note, let me add a shout out to Paramore's "Still Into You", an ode to old(er) love, as well as "Airplanes" by B.o.b featuring Hayley Williams - "Can we pretend like airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now...."
  23. I do honestly hope you are right. I do agree that having Din in TBOBF did hurt that show, mostly because he overtook the whole show and was more interesting than the main character. Somewhat funny because Din made Boba look weak, but here Bo Katan has made Din look weak.....although he did redeem himself a little this episode with some snazzy flying!
  24. Do you have some insider information to know for certain that it is Moff Gideon???? I don't know that we know for certain that it is him based on what has been shown...... And who's to say that this extended trip to Coruscant wasn't a massive exposition dump that was not necessary, but I guess we'll see how it all fits together. Hopefully it plays out in a meaningful way later in the season, but it still felt like a waste of time, and after all the bumbling in BOBF I have lost a smidge of faith in this team....
  25. Ok I knew that show was shelved, but I did not know they were going to try to squish that show into this one! I wonder if they feel like they can do that because everyone loved the Mandalorian episodes of BOBF? It only worked there because those episodes featured the star of the more popular franchise and Boba just wasn't that interesting. This was a fail because it took away from the story and characters we came to see and wasted precious viewing minutes on two characters nobody cares about, in a show that is already very short. Boo........
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