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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. The only one of these looks that read Military to me was Minju's. That coat was fab both with and without the belt detail. Love. Angel's look I would describe as "glamorous homeless person" since it looked like a gold foil sleeping bag. Seriously, the back looks like it was made for the hunchback of Notre Dame! And in what universe does a bra top evoke "military"?!? Just no........
  2. You said it. I got 10 minutes in and started losing interest when 2 of the 5 couples aren’t even cohabitating by day 7. Unbelievable. I’ve ruined this season for myself with the spoilers but honestly, I don’t think it’s that hard to see where these couples are heading. And apparently there are still 10 MORE EPISODES after this one! And THEY ARE TWO FUCKING HOURS!!! Good God. I can’t do it. Already we’re at one sad single toothbrush shot and one sad bride brushing her teeth alone. Riveting stuff (Insert eye roll). My Hulu then gave me almost 5 minutes of commercials and I suddenly reached my limit on this MAFS shit season. I turned it off. I’m done. Better luck (but probably not) next season!
  3. MAFSfan reported it on Instagram. That's where I saw it.......
  4. This season sucks so much. I don't want to watch a bunch of people wandering around alone staring moodily into the distance with sad music playing. At this rate, that's all that will be left! What a shitty batch of contestants! participants!
  5. I actually thought everything from this challenge was more "street wear" than anything from that challenge. I agree that denim as it's own challenge is pretty boring. I don't think there is any "Next In Fashion" for denim - it's all been done before. Daniel trying to make something sustainable is really the only "Next" there is for denim because it's so polluting to make. I loved his dress. I would wear that in a heartbeat! I hope he wins. He's so adorable and I have liked more of his stuff compared to everyone else. Also, I want his white denim jacket he was wearing with the red stitching.........
  6. I don't think it's revisionist history - it's Joel seeing things for how they really were. Midge managing his life for him. Now Mei is stepping in and doing the same thing, hence the brisket comment. Mei sweet talking the liquor license guy is the same thing as Midge making a brisket and sweet talking Jackie to get Joel a comedy spot. I see why he feels this way about her help. The bar is his thing and he wants to do it for himself. And him getting on Archie is him being a good friend IMHO. He knows firsthand where this leads and doesn't want to see Archie ruin his life like he did. I actually liked Joel a lot this episode. Am I losing my mind though? Has Jason Alexander been in this show before he popped up in the Ocean? If he was, I don't remember him. I felt like I missed something????
  7. I laughed so hard when he was talking to that woman about working out in his garage and doing the rope thing! I am still laughing at it! Funniest thing for me on this show in a while and that's saying a lot because it's so funny. Also, I'm totally going to use "You've been Chapar-owned" on my kids soon........
  8. I like the idea of this more than the actual show. For me though, it's nice to have something that is TV-14 so we can watch with my 15 yo and 10yo. There is so little on Netflix that fits this age group! People were amazed at how well Umbrella Academy performed for Netflix, but we watched it for precisely this reason. I wish Netflix would invest in more shows in this vein - not little kids shows but also not TV-MA. I know our family would watch more if they did. They really need to if they want to compete with Disney+....... Ok, Rant over. My whole family liked this enough to keep watching. I especially like the teenage kids. Not sure why the ice cream dude is so dumb that he didn't think that maybe the daughter might not be into horror after living it in real life...... Weird that mom didn't remember going into the mirror after but Tyler did. Why is that??? Also, all of these people need therapy, not moving into their dead father's creepy ancestral estate.......
  9. Party of two. I am also someone who thinks Mindy is pretty and I would kill for that body. Clothes look awesome on women built like that. I could wear whatever I want. (And I am not saying clothes look bad on any other body style, but tall, thin and willowy is definitely easier to dress).
  10. I agree! Why don't more of them just agree (off camera) to be friends and just use the show to explore their city? I know if I was in that situation, I would totally do that if the other person was nice but not my cup of tea. If they were willing to play along, I don't see why that wouldn't work. Instead it's all this hand wringing and angst and talking to experts about how to make it work when it's obvious it's over before it begins.....
  11. I find this such a cop out because IT. JUST. DOES. NOT. HAPPEN. Period. The only time it did was season 1 with Jamie O, and that woman was so desperate for a stable family and nice guy that she came around. Plus, Doug is just easy to like. Besides that couple, I cannot think of a single instance in the entire history of the show where if they weren't initially attracted, the attraction grew. Maybe Jackie and Basement Ryan, but I don't think she was entirely turned off on first sight. But there is not one single case of the man coming around. Not one. Dr. Robot can take her stance and shove it. They totally screwed up on this one.
  12. I cannot believe Angel and Minju won for those rain ponchos! The guy saying "I can see this as a dress, a jacket, a fill-in-the blank whatever", well no, that's not what they designed! They made two gigantic ponchos! It's pretty funny, but the two times they have won were the two times I hated what they made. I liked the L.A. guys the best this challenge. It looked very luxe (especially compared to what they usually make) and the pieces could be mixed and matched. I thought their styling was great too. I think it's idiotic to end this show on a cliff hanger when all you have to do is wait 10 seconds for the next episode to start. Not a lot of drama to wring from it........
  13. Boy, you said it. I completely agree. If I was her, I would get on that plane, take my bags and go back to my apartment. I would tell the camera crew come on along, but I ain't living with or speaking to that asshole. I'll see him at decision day. And the same goes for Mindy. Meka and Michael seem ok at this point, but it's obvious that there is nothing there. He is weird, and she is so uptight I'm sure if we looked close enough we could see the giant stick lodged up her ass. Completely humorless. God, this season sucks. Stick a fork in it. One last thing: I would like to say word in support of Katie. I don't think she is unattractive. She has a girl next door quality I can see. She has a great body, and pretty hair and eyes. I do not like the granny panty bathing suits she favors though. I bought one last year, and ugh. It was a hard no for me. Granny panty indeed...... I'm just here for Jessica and Austin, the only two I see making it past decision day.......
  14. I wouldn't mind that either. Or how about mixed teams made up of the competitors from the US, Japan, Europe, South America and Australia?
  15. I don't think there are enough competitors that could competitively field 3 other teams vs. the US. Our squad is just too deep. I would rather it was actually USA vs. The World, as in only one other team made up of the absolute best from around the globe. Maybe that would even it out. I am glad the Australian kid beat Adam (even though I love him!) because it was not even entertaining with how lopsided the competition was with the Americans crushing almost everyone else. I know they film this right after the conclusion of the regular season, but maybe it would be better to do it at a different time on a completely different course because it gives the US yet another unfair advantage. And as far as the sun coming up, it was end of last summer - the sun comes up pretty early that time of year.....
  16. Just found this show, and I have to say this episode blew me away! I am not sorry it's team challenges because there is very little drama over it on this show - it's more collaborative (with the exception of Julian and Hayley). And having two people work on things enables them to produce something better in such a short window of time. This episode proves it: almost every one of those suits was fantastic and well tailored. I personally loved the winning suit. It was classic, elegant, and fit the model impeccably. I also loved the gray shawl thing with the gauchos. I would wear that. Tan and Alexa are also great. They work well together, and they don't overdo it. Another plus is that they don't seem like robots (I'm looking at you, Karly Kloss).
  17. At first I hated it because it just made the show seem more scripted and "reality tv", but at this point its such garbage, I don't care. It's obvious they are not trying to make successful matches; they are looking for drama. With this in mind, I now like the same gender meet ups. I do think it gives them a chance to vent more organically than a talking head to a camera, and it's obvious from following people from past seasons that they do actually bond. I mean, imagine watching Meka and Michael if they were alone at the resort. There is nothing there to see. At all! It seems to work better with the women because they are more open to sharing and being a support system to the other girls. With the men, it just seems a contest to see who has the bigger dick, although without the group activities we wouldn't have the gems of AJ slapping Luke on the ass, or Matt spewing lies with everyone trying not to call him out on it, or Jephte awkwardly trying to keep the peace between Jon and Ryan......
  18. Yes it was, and that's not even taking into account the frankenstein look of it. It looks like four different dresses pieced together. It's awful in every way.
  19. Thank you for the screenshot. Looking at it now in a still picture, it's an unmitigated disaster. I cannot believe she did not go home. There is no excuse for this mess. The model looks like she got caught in a tornado. The ONLY reason Victoria did not get the boot is the model walked like it was a million dollar dress. And Elaine's not wrong; her body IS bangin. Victoria owes a debt to the model for selling this like nobody's business because the design itself is garbage. Absolute garbage.
  20. Also, the savings of having to have multiple camera crews......
  21. Yes a thousand times! In fact, the whole plot of them living with the Maisels has gone too long. It’s ridiculous! Why the hell have they just not gone back to Rose’s crappy Paris apartment where they were happy? The only reason they left was because the semester was starting for Abe at Columbia, which is not an issue now. Or maybe Rose should crawl back to her family, get her trust fund back and they can get a smaller apartment in Manhattan. I don’t care which way this goes, but I am really ready for the odd couples to split! I loved all of Midge’s clothes this episode and her dramatic walk down the stairway to nowhere. I wonder if such a thing existed??? Either way, she is the best dressed lady on my tv since Betty Draper departed from it, and I am here for it! I am glad Midge didn’t hook up with Lenny. I think she knew she would regret it. He is really her comedy touchstone. I don’t think she wanted him to be her “one night stand”, especially after her conversation with Not-Paris. They are wonderful together though. Their exchange on that tv show was everything. “She’s either my wife or my sister.” Which one is it?” “Depends on which state we’re in.” 😂😂😂
  22. Well, drat. It should have been Victoria, but of course they telegraphed that it would be Chelsey with the in depth sob story earlier in the episode. They need to cut that out. Why oh why did she scrap her ruffled dress - it looked so much better than what she ended up with! My actual favorite was Delvin’s, but I can see why Sergio won. It looked like he had a week to make that dress instead of one day. His model looked amazing. I agreed with Brittany and Delvin - shock that Marquise was in the top. I thought that weird draping with the model’s boobs hanging below it was really unflattering. I would have swapped him and Geoffrey; although Thijin was floppy it still looked good. Something about Nancy’s looked very dated to me, but I can’t figure out what. Maybe the shoulder loofah? On a personal note, I bought my sister a top for Christmas from Banana Republic Outlet that looked almost exactly like the one Elaine was wearing (except it is black). She wore it to out to dinner a few weeks ago and when she texted me a picture of herself wearing it her comment was that it was cute, but basically, it feels like you are half dressed and going to dinner in a camisole because of the top being see through! 😂
  23. I agree! That hair needs something. I feel the same way about Ricky Bobby - I didn't find him the least attractive, and then he put on a hat, and I was like, wow!
  24. Yeah wasn't that rich - he pouts ALL DAMN DAY! and then offers a half-assed apology and expects HER to immediately "get over it". I would have been like, "no, I don't think so - you clearly didn't "get over it" when I pissed you off. I'm gonna take a minute." He deserves to be Mr. Never Plus One.......
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