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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. She is trying really hard to control the narrative, but unfortunately for her, there are cameras and it's not going to happen. Silly Alyssa, thinking she is going to outsmart those MAFS producers. Has she ever seen this show???? I think she's realized she is getting the villain edit and it's too late. She needs to own that her saying she is trying and doing the exact opposite is lying. Instead of pulling all of the shit she's doing now in an effort to not look like the bad guy, she should have just point blank said "I'm sorry, but I just am not attracted to you. I don't think I ever will be." There would still be blow back for taking that stance, but not as bad as the mess she making now with her horrible behavior.
  2. I totally agree with everything you said. One minute I am loving Lindsey for her easy rapport with Mark ("Enjoy your Matcha") and the lovely interaction with his family and friends, the next I am side eyeing her version of what happened on that plane. Very messy. And I am sorry, but after Olaj tried to start a fight with Katina's friend because he didn't like him questioning his motives, I don't absolve him either. He already showed he is more than willing to start something when there is conflict. He is very immature to me. He seems surprised that Katina's "doors are closed" after two days. Give me a break, He seems to think "I am saying all the right things but you are not being vulnerable. Don't you hear me saying I have changed and I am here for the right reasons???" Well, slow your roll dude, she's probably heard it a million times before which is why she's not all in after two days. You better earn that with your behavior. Talk is cheap. But I still kind of love him for not giving a shit and laying out the truth on the after show about Alyssa. He summed it up perfectly. MTS is fantastic. I absolutely love him. Imagine that - an actual grown up! He was awesome diffusing the situation with the group. He will make someone a wonderful husband someday. But not this woman. Points to Lindsey for recognizing how great his is, but I fear she is going to ruin it with her unhinged ways. He already has his hands full with a mother with mental health issues, he doesn't need a wife with issues too...... Not much left to say about Alyssa that hasn't been said already. She is awful. She did gaslight Chris. He can't win - she's pissed when he's nice and she's pissed when he calls her on her bullshit. She can get gone. He got screwed, but not by his wife......fuck you MAFS for doing this to a perfectly nice guy whose only fault seems to be wonky teeth. She was very easy breezy about walking away pre-wedding if her groom wasn't what she wanted, but I think she underestimated how difficult this would be on camera with a real human being. And now we are seeing what she really is. And maybe it's mean, but looking at her mama, he escaped a bad fate because based on genetics she is not going to age well. What the hell was that argument between Michael and Jasmina? They had a conflict over whether there would be more conflict? Oh brother.......zzzzz I feel like the situation with Steve's lack of job is farce created by the show to create conflict. Or maybe I'm lying to myself because they are the only ones I see lasting past decision day.
  3. This! I said the same to my husband - I find it hard to believe that James would be out running for exercise since his entire job is exercise - seems like a modern thing born out of a more sedentary society with less manual labor to keep you fit. If anyone was running back then, it was not for leisure activity! If this is inaccurate, please educate me, but to me, this just didn't fit the time or place.....
  4. Cedric the Boxer! My favorite comedic story hands down from the books! ;-0
  5. Yeah I agree that some people are unhinged assholes that don't deserve the time or energy to even have a superficial relationship even on a friend basis, including all of the guys you named. Most of the time, I think the "experts" are sympathetic and understanding towards the injured spouse as PC has even said in the past that they can't make people leave (which implies they have advised it). Even though I don't think they would force interaction with these people, I absolutely wouldn't put it past the producers. They clearly don't care about the emotional damage being caused and love every minute of the drama.....
  6. Everyone always uses Jamie as the example of overcoming initially being not attracted to her stranger spouse, but just because it worked for them doesn’t mean it will for everyone else if they “make an effort” so to speak. For one thing, Doug is one of the nicest guys ever on this show (moles and perpetual un/under employment notwithstanding), and beyond Jamie’s wanting to get married was a pathological need for family stability which Doug provided in spades. Not everyone is that desperate to the point of forcing themselves to like their new tv spouse. I would put ACE is this category. What I take exception to is how absolutely horrid some people have behaved towards their spouse. There is no reason to be rude and unkind which is also the category ACE is in. I cannot fathom why people can’t just have a discussion when the cameras are not there and come to an understanding to enjoy the extra money and experience and play nice for filming. Why does it always have to get so messy? Game the system and then go separate ways after the 8 weeks!
  7. THIS. She was checking out the minute she saw him and his fate was sealed as soon as he smiled.
  8. Or if you love the draaahhhma watch ALL of the Chris/Paige interactions. Also, Chris/anybody else interactions.
  9. In that case, I direct your attention to season 12 in Atlanta, the "most dramatic season yet!" ;-p
  10. I think Olaj's "game" boils down to one thing: him pulling up his shirt and showing his abs.......
  11. Definitely New Orleans. Definitely not Houston or Atlanta unless your goal is just to watch the car crash. Both seasons were hot garbage.
  12. Welp, looks like Chris drew the short stick this season. Wow. If one off hand jokey comment sends her running, just save yourself the time and give up now. She was just looking for an excuse to bolt at that point in the evening. She is unpleasant in the extreme, and she's not exactly a beauty queen either. From where I sit, they are pretty evenly matched looks-wise. And in my experience, everyone I know that is that into animals and says things like "I prefer animals to people" tend to not be that great with humans (my daughter is one of these people). I realize this is a generalization, but it's been pretty true in my life, and if the shoe boot fits.........And this girl needs to realize his teeth can be fixed; her bitchy personality not so easily. I think the admission that Olajawon has ADHD explains a lot about him. And Fuck MAFS for editing him like a joke. He might not realize he is talking so much. And fuck Katina's mom for making fun of him too. "Oh look, a rabbit." and running away when he looked. You are a grown ass woman acting like a jr. higher to your new son-in-law. I really hope he's a Woody and is putting his playboy ways behind him. He reads pretty immature to me, so we'll see. The dirty chones on night one were cringe....Olajawon - you are on tv! Get some clean undies please!!!!! Production needs to stop telling the new in-laws to ask the grooms their "intentions with my daughter". What exactly are they supposed to say? I would love one of them to say "Um, my intention is to get laid and get some internet fame from this. Cool?" It's just stupid. How long until MTS gets tired of Lindsey? Till the end of the honeymoon? Two weeks after that????? Someone start a betting pool.......He wants this to work out so badly he might be willing to take her crazy for longer, but he's going to snap at some point. That gal needs therapy, not a tv marriage. I want to like Michael and Jasmina, but I can't decide. Hoping he can loosen up and give her some of his time. Why sign up for this if you can't compromise? Working 15 hours a day is a recipe for failure here. I was skeptical about Steve and Noi, but dang, they are the best. I would put my money on these two at this point. They just seem so natural and comfortable with each other - what a pleasant surprise!
  13. I feel that might change as the season progresses - I think as personality is revealed she will become less attractive and he more so. And I totally agree about Anthony and Ashley. He is definitely not the best looking guy on this show, but personality-wise, he's one of the top 3. Gregg is also in that category for me. MAFS gems there. NC Jamie looks like Uncle Fester and I can never get past it. And then the mustache just doubled down on the unattractive scale. But kudos to him for putting up with Elizabeth......
  14. @njbchlover I had the same thought. I was thinking "just make a sleek body-con dress with some sneakers and be done with it!" I cannot fathom the thought process of the judges though. They all across the board loved his raincoat, including Elaine who has been the most meh and critical of him this entire time. They all agreed he met the hair challenge and his look complimented the braids. Meanwhile, they did not love Coral's look at all and all agreed her look with the hair was a total fail. Yet Aaron goes home. He's been in the top almost the entire competition but has one mistake and goes home. Coral is not winning this thing with her stupid macrame and fringe. No point in delaying the inevitable with her, but yet they send home someone who had the potential to actually win. Chasity's look was good, but I actually liked Shantall's more. But there was no way they were giving Shantall three wins in a row. No idea how Kristina's look was in the top. I feel like every season there is one designer that I am scratching my head thinking "why do they like them? Am I blind? Or crazy?" and this season she is it for me. I universally hate almost everything she has made and this week was no exception, yet here she was in the top again, despite the fact that her model's boobs looked almost as bad as that judge's boobs. Speaking of, when your tits are up under your chin and people are staring trying to figure out if you have nipples or not, you should not be lecturing someone else about bra support. I thought the final three would be Chasity, Shantall and Aaron. I guess I'm rooting for Bones now instead.
  15. Man, this episode was so hard to watch knowing what was coming. I cringed watching that bagpipe challenge knowing it was the start of Covid - a whole room of people blowing into instruments! Gah! It was also hard hearing Arun say that Natalia is "getting married in June". Wonder if that happened or not what with the pandemic upending plans like that in 2020.... I still love Kim & Penn. Their attitude is fantastic, and what really won this for them was the driving and navigating. I'm not surprised that an older couple did better with that - shoot, the one girl doesn't even have a drivers license let alone being able to drive a stick! I love self navigating episodes - it always causes more organic team placement shuffling and natural drama that is missing in these newer seasons with everyone flying on the same planes. I'm sorry that some teams dropped out, but I am glad they picked it back up. And seeing the casting call at the end gives me hope. Now I'm off to sing "Donald Where's Your Troosers" (Not sure how to spell troosers/trousers?). Maybe my favorite song from a TV show since Toss a Coin to your Witcher......
  16. 100%. She might be nice(r) if she removed the giant stick up her ass. When will they learn inflexible people are terrible at this game show social experiment farce. Let me remind everyone the last bride that sat pouting at the bachelorette party was Christina (married to Henry). Not a good look. I feel a little bad for Chris, but something seems off about him too. Like he's prepping for a business meeting or something. I don't understand him, but he seems nice enough that he doesn't deserved to get saddled (see what I did there?) with this woman who is going to make up her mind before she even makes down the path to the altar. Maybe someone can give her Houston Ryan's number - he might be more up her alley.... Lindsey is gross. MTS deserved better. They are both so extra but in different ways they are going to explode spectacularly. I am kind of here for it. I really hope Jasmina can give Michael a chance, Marvel notwithstanding. He and his fam seem so lovely. She knows her picker is broken. If she can see how nice this man is, maybe they have a chance. I am getting a Karen/Miles vibe here. I loved seeing how happy he was with her, as he should be. Jasmina is stunning. I think he looks better in the pictures they showed without a beard, but that's the style these days. I do think he's the most handsome groom this season. I hope the spark grows - I am rooting for this pair. Olajuwon and Katina are not going to make it. He thinks he loves her because she is pretty, and maybe it's just the editing, but she was not giving him anything after the ceremony. I know they edited the segment to look like he was just talking and talking, but when they showed a pause, she was just standing there with a glazed over look and a frozen smile. He might have just been talking to fill the awkward silence. Is she all looks no brains? Not sure yet. She did make a beautiful bride - maybe the prettiest since Iris. Noi and Steve seem like nice people, but I just don't know that they will like each other. I don't think she's going to be impressed by his lack of a job, that's for sure. I hope this is just something he's doing not because he has no choice but because he can. And that make up artist should have been fired. She made Noi look like a drag queen with the 20 pounds of makeup and eye shadow. As someone who had bad skin in my younger years, I can say that caking on makeup actually emphasizes it instead of hiding it. Her lashes looked horrible. From the side it looked like she had two rows of lashes on each eye. Still, I hope they like each other because otherwise this season is looking bleak......
  17. Maybe not another show, but did you watch the Lifetime years? Episodes sponsored by those titans of fashion: JC Penney and Dixie Cups........
  18. 100%! I think he was mortified by her behavior. The Housewives might be tacky and over the top, but they are high profile clients and more important to Bravo than PR. He knows this. I personally think she should have been offed for her atrocious unprofessional behavior as well as the fugly outfit and weird unnecessary scarf. I was expecting a conflab between Christian and the judges about how horribly she behaved towards her client. I do think that should have been taken into account. When she was standing there ignoring Wendy and Christian ripped that fabric out of her hands and told her to focus, I thought for sure she was a goner. Stomping off crying and leaving her client standing there not knowing what to do was some of the most childish behavior I've ever seen on this show. I am not a fan of what she does at all, and this made me dislike her as person as well. Wendy might have been lying on the runway, but there is no excuse for Kristina's tantrum in the workroom. I think Anna would have done better with something like she designed the challenge she won with the fabric she brought from home. Saying "I don't know this show, or this is not what I do" is a cop out. They were shown pictures. It's obvious from one photo from a reunion show that it needs to be over the top glam. And then Christian says "you can't just make a pencil skirt" and her response is "Ok - I'll make a structured pencil skirt." Huh? And that boot! Just no...... I think Aaron should have won. I'm glad his client wore his outfit anyway. It might not be fashion forward, but none of these looks are. When someone says "I want to show off my new boobs and butt" or "I'm gonna need to wear three spanks and don't show my arms" or "I wanna look like a Barbie" this isn't exactly the haute couture challenge......
  19. Glad this show is back, with the caveat that this season doesn't get ruined by the team alliances. I sadly quit watching last season because it ruined it for me. So far, most of these people seem pretty nice. We'll see. It was bittersweet seeing them starting in London and knowing it's getting shut down soon. Ironically, that was my last big vacation before Covid. I was there in 2019......... I was laughing at the guy just wandering around yelling "Bobby! Bobby!" like it was a person's name. I try not tot judge people too hard about stuff like that, but oof, that was so dumb...... Maybe I'm the minority, but I love Kim and Penn. Funny enough, I discovered them while furloughed from my job spring/summer 2020. They had made a bunch of Covid videos. Kim portraying "Corona" was pretty funny. I laughed when Penn said "Oh look, there's poop. Pretty much sums up my day." And I agree with everyone about the lady that needs a new bra. Good lord, that was horrible. And I don't think she got a full breath until she hit the pit stop. Stamina might be a problem for her.....
  20. Thank you. I read this book a million years ago, but I was distracted the whole time I was watching by the reporter lady. I kept thinking "I don't remember a spunky English woman", and this basically confirms why. As far as Fogg's personality, I think they sort of get his persnickety nature, but he seems more idiotic in this version, which I never got from the book. I'm really disappointed in this. I don't understand why things get adapted and then they make it unrecognizable from the source material. I will probably keep watching though because it fits into my wheelhouse of things I like.
  21. Well, confession: In my entire adult life, including my single days, I never had much lingerie. I only like black and nude underwear in stretch cotton. I have thongs and low rise bikini and zero lace or other adornments. In the early days of my marriage, my husband would occasionally buy stuff for me (us), but I never was into it, and he didn't care that much as long as he was getting his needs met, so to speak. Pepper probably would have been horrified by my drawers. They say absolutely nothing other than that I'm boring and basic. But I have been married for over 20 years, so I don't think underwear is any indicator of your ability to make a relationship work. If the experts want to get to know the participants, they should spend more time talking to their friends and family and scouring their social media and less time in the fridge and nightstand.
  22. I agree 100% which is why my interest in the show is waning. The crazier they cast, the less I care to watch.
  23. Which is why some "non-negotiables" should be given a side eye. But I don't think they even try, and if religion was a non-negotiable for him, then maybe he's the one that shouldn't have been cast since that is not something most people would compromise on. This isn't a passing well, I'm a Christian, but I'm open like Dallas Dave. Ryan's parents are pastors! I think since Clara is more flexible, they could have found someone else that would be more suitable for her. Ryan should have gone in the reject pile unless they found someone (not Clara) who felt the same. Not because he's a bad guy, but because they couldn't find a match. They have to start looking deeper than superficial things, or even, stupid things like, "Family is very important to them both!" because, well, duh, that's true of most people.
  24. I think so, but don't remember completely. Ryan's face when they were talking about having kids and he expressed his interest in raising them in the church and she said "I want them to decide for themselves" really spoke volumes. That's when I knew it was not going to work. Still, they had a good camaraderie that I thought, well, maybe. But I'm sorry, if you are that committed to your belief system, you shouldn't be going on this show. If one of the experts is a freaking "Pastor" and even he can't be trusted to match people with compatible religious beliefs, then it's a sign the show doesn't care about that at all. I wish we could have seen him questioning the experts about this. Like, hey I put on my application that this was non-negotiable for me. WTF? Some "non-negotiables" are questionable, but this isn't one of those things. But they've been doing this since almost the beginning. If you go back to season two, Davina said she absolutely needed to stay in Manhattan for work, and they matched her with a guy who lived in New Jersey and didn't want to move. He was a weirdo, but still......They might have a slightly better chance of success if they actually used this information instead of completely ignoring it. Because honestly, what is the point of even asking if they are going to totally disregard it anyway?
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