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Everything posted by SmallScreenDiva

  1. I'm too lazy to listen to the whole thing :P Anyone know what time SA mentions Emily's fight scene?
  2. Something about the way Stanley delivered that "you have failed this city" line made me think the dude may be a bit mentally challenged? That's gonna make it even more brutal if Oliver doesn't help him out.
  3. Never watched Grimm but I have enough friends who did that I know all about the Juliette hate. Can’t say I’m excited to see her. Even less excited to see Mrs. Amell cast. I hope those upthread who mentioned coma are correct. What I’ve seen of her “acting” is quite cringe-worthy. I hope she’s mostly just an Easter egg, but the casting as announced so i’m doubtful. Just from the casting, I have a feeling this crossover is going to equal or surpass the Dominators invasion in its horribleness. I can feel it in my bones ?
  4. DC/WB could have rejected the kid after seeing that Flash was also doing a kid storyline this season. Or they could have told Arrow to push it back another year. I mean, the Olicity wedding was allegedly approved way back in Season 4 but didn't happen until Season 6.
  5. I, too, thought it was an autocorrect thing but wouldn't SA have deleted? Anyway, I first read that as "Don't ATTEMPT that ... please" ... if he's trying to dissuade her from, say, going after Diaz. Or does he mean don't tempt Oliver into breaking out? I'm confused ... and shocked at 4 Felicity photos out of 5. I'm betting more photos come out later. They've done that in the past, I think.
  6. Or, Beth was lying through her teeth and David was actually telling the truth. Or maybe it was something planned then pushed back to another season. I guess we’ll see.
  7. Well, her HVFF NJ/NY team wants you to know she is the Black Damn Canary ? because when you’re the third version, I guess you have to be really emphatic about it so people aren’t confused.
  8. If the list had stuck with just Oliver and Sara, it probably would have made more sense. After all that relationship lasted what, 6-7 episodes? And except for 301 and 302 was pretty much ignored? (Was it ever referred to during any of the crossovers?) There’s something mentioned in the latest Arrow novel but it was, if I recall correctly, all from Sara’s POV.
  9. I don't know either but it has sometimes been difficult to understand what Felicity is saying because it comes out in a rush. I don't know if this was an acting choice made by Emily for when Felicity babbles or the director rushing her to get all of Felicity's lines out in a short amount of time. That's why I said I hope this teaches her. Mind you, she's not the only one. I had difficulties with Curtis and Quentin, too. Paul Blackthorne had a tendency to mumble.
  10. That’s ... interesting. Maybe this will help Emily learn to slow down a bit and enunciate better.
  11. It's the same with Dinah and Oliver and Felicity back when she was CEO and anybody who had a regular job. The way Arrow is told these people never sleep. I think Guggenheim once said something about these details being unimportant and that if they're doing their job the viewers won't ask the questions, but obviously they are not doing their jobs right because we are asking the questions and find it ridiculous.
  12. You know, I think I've figured out the writers' game: Give any and all versions of Laurel the stupidest storylines possible and watch the audience explode in anger and talk about her ad nauseum. I mean, it's risky. People can just stop watching. But I think they know as long as there's Oliver, Felicity and Digg, the more loyal ones who've stuck around will still stick around. On the other hand, maybe Beth actually has a storyline planned that explains the utmost ridiculousness of Evil Laurel being DA -- like the entire city, heck the country has been brainwashed by the fumes from DDDiaz's 3D printer.
  13. He’s gonna have to weed out a lot of non-Olicity crap following that tag. I swear most of it is not related to Olicity at all. People seem to tag all the shows, actors and characters in photos that have nothing to do with them. Also, is that real? Because I follow him on Instagram and I do not see that.
  14. The behind the scenes stuff with KC sounds messy. They also seemed to have not clued her in with regards to the love interest situation because she was still giving "soul mates" interviews way into Season 3 when the pivot had already happened. But with regards to BC, I wonder if TPTB toyed with the idea of taking that away from her permanently as well. Like, make Sara the one and only BC instead of proto-BC. I guess the plunging ratings after the lunge didn't help CL's case though.
  15. It’s Saturday, though, right? No show work? Where is the wrestling being held? In LA?
  16. I expected it, I knew it was gonna happen but man, I'm still annoyed and just a little bit baffled that none of the individual writers who in the past were so eager to RT or like anything from cast members, the writers' official account, nor Beth RT'd SA's tweet about Emily. Like I said I expected it but I'm still disappointed I was right.
  17. There's also an old clip of Diggle in a parachute. Clearly from the courtroom episode when he brought back Christopher Chance. The very, very short clip of Felicity at the prison is making my heart do the dance of joy! Meanwhile, is Rene trying to recruit even more freakin' masks? I hope he's just teaching gym or something.
  18. SA should clip Holbrook's blurb and bring it with him to his renegotiation meeting :P All joking aside, as problematic as SA is, he really should be credited with the success of the DCTV universe. Arrow made superheroes cool and interesting (before we realized that the writers could only write one story and would just keep repeating the same beats over and over and over and over and over again). I agree with Holbrook here.
  19. I may be wrong but it seems download option is only available for tablets. And yes, that definitely means you can watch whatever is downloaded offline. I’ve done this when I know Wi-Fi could get spotty where I’m going. I’ve heard very good things about The Alienist from friends but it’s not my particular cup of tea.
  20. Final total I read in another tweet that 130,000 votes were cast in EBR’s poll as opposed to 70,000 in the other matchups. I don’t know how people get the numbers.
  21. I hate the ones that disappear. I swear I’ve found all the freaking bicycles and bridges but damn captcha tells me to try again.
  22. Barrowman? Cassidy? Blackthorne? Makes me wonder how much EBR is getting. Pretty sure it’s not what she’s worth and deserves.
  23. When you start voting for the first time, you won’t get captchas for the first 10 times, I think. Then they kick in. Same if you use a different browser. I’m voting while on a “stakeout” ?
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