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Everything posted by SmallScreenDiva

  1. I want to say cue a Facebook post in 3 ... 2 ... but then I remember it's not Sunday :P
  2. There's just something quite ugly in LOT and Flash characters throwing a lot of shade at Arrow characters. Aside from the stuff mentioned above, there's also Joe propping up Barry as a hero by dissing Oliver in the early seasons. Like, can't you stand on your own two feet, people? Bunch of ingrates.
  3. Does anyone have a clip of that "gold standard" declaration? I wanna see what prompted it, what the context is.
  4. I agree with this. I think pretty early on WA fans saw Felicity as a threat of sorts. like if Arrow could blow up comic canon with Felicity, they might do the same with The Flash. And it didn't help that also pretty early on, critics like Alan Sepinwall were talking about how The Flash needed a character like Felicity because Barry wasn't clicking/didn't have chemistry with the two females already on the show. So from the very beginning there was this competition with the characters that only seemed to exist in the WA fans' heads (Arrow would never have let go of Felicity). Add the whole Arrowverse connection and fans' natural tendency to assert their ships and, well, here we are. That "gold standard" is funny as hell, though. I can't even get riled up.
  5. I don't believe it's the writers' responsibility to "mend fandoms," but it might have helped if the Flash writers didn't add fuel to the fire by having Iris snark on Oliver and Felicity. Then again, I think the shows are perfectly fine with fandom being messy and having ship wars. It seems to me the whole outrage over the double wedding was the only time the WestAllens got any real buzz for their ship.
  6. They did write that "how we fell in love" with Olicity feature (posted in the News thread) so they seem to be Olicity friendly-adjacent, LOL! Unless they're just looking for clicks, which even Olicity unfriendly sites do. I saw the link shared everywhere on Twitter but I didn't think it was a well-written piece TBH.
  7. Yeah, that made me side eye this new group. If you don't want to include Laurel and Oliver then just don't include them, don't make shit up just to add more couples from the show, LOL!
  8. And six years later, the show changed Oliver's flashback story enough that we now know this to not be true at all. Laurel didn't factor into any of the decisions he made. His motivation became all about undoing his father's mistakes.
  9. Wow, I'm stunned that the official accounts remembered. It's on Facebook and Instagram as well.
  10. Hmm, I'm not sure if that's worse. She's not above trying to position herself as Oliver's "partner" and she'd be giving the comic stans a thrill, rme.
  11. Ooooh, boy ... I'm braced for lots of "girl power" with the other screecher. Hope she remembers to take photos of other cast members.
  12. I totally agree with this. And it's not just when they are actually broken up. When Oliver and Felicity's interactions are limited, the show suffers, IMO. That's why I'm not looking forward to an extended prison stay for Oliver. (Unless they have Oliver dreaming of Felicity every week :P ) Also, I totally should have known it was jbuffyangel who wrote that after the "light" mention, LOL!
  13. I'm not caught up on Luke Cage but I did like Jessica Jones better than the first season. I can't wait for Punisher! There are some set photos circulating on Twitter already.
  14. Yeah, I think it's hilarious. They can squeeze CL in those posters to keep up the whole 2 men, 2 women thing but honestly? Beebo is really the only one who's gotten any kind of substantial buzz from LOT, if you think about it. The breakout star is a blue toy, LMAO!
  15. Um, that's not really a good comparison, is it? Apples and oranges? Flash was developing Caitlin as a character (though how successful it was I don't know I don't watch), Arrow has three Canaries because of various BTS reasons.
  16. I didn't see people being surprised, I saw people being annoyed AF at being reminded that the only people feeling the consequences of the divide are Oliver and Felicity. But I do get what Arrow is doing, it's the same thing it has done with other unpopular storylines, end them quickly and pretend they never happened. Which leaves me quite unsatisfied as a viewer.
  17. I always thought that was to set up her death in the premiere. Sort of a misdirection, shitty as it is.
  18. With this show, this is always a good thing to do ;)
  19. The comments from guys under Emily’s post are just so sad.
  20. Yeah, it seems like the ratings metrics are off for Riverdale when compared with its social media. Also, The CW and WB hasn't had breakout stars like the Riverdale stars in a while. I mean, when was the last time you saw somebody on a CW show appear at the Met gala?
  21. I like the short hair on SA. Makes him look like a hardass. But paired with the beard? Yikes. He looks like a serial killer even more than preppy boy pre-Gambit Oliver.
  22. He'd already sort of introduced them by mentioning them in the finale. All he needs to do is show up in the season premiere, meet up with them as a way of introducing them to the audience and then Felicity can kill him (William can help). That's it.
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