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  1. Roy/"Aaron" in Primal Fear; Edward Norton was awesome in that role. One of the few literally jaw-dropping movie endings for me
  2. That ugly-ass shirt and undercooked salmon were my only takeaways from last night's episode LOL
  3. OMG these rude bitches (judges included) laughing at Subha's dessert critique! I'm disgusted...
  4. Was anyone else confused about the criticism of one of the cooks using "too much crab"? Was he just supposed to use a claw and waste the rest?
  5. How the fuck do you fairly judge food you haven't tasted???
  6. It certainly didn't help that Steve was egging it on and imitating her
  7. I watched the last couple episodes, and it's a cool concept, just not executed well. As already mentioned, Tebow isn't a good host. Beyond that, it also seems like the contestants are set up to fail. Even if they didn't have a Terminator chasing after them, isn't it like a quarter mile between each obstacle?? All you hear is these poor folks breathing heavily as they make their way to the next obstacle (or exit to try and get out winning something)
  8. Yeah, that pissed me off. I understand being frustrated when you feel your partner isn't doing their part, but her melodramatic ass was acting like her life was literally on the line. She immediately pushed Subha in front of the bus when they went to face the judges, then commandeered the bus, and drove over him several times. When they ultimately received a pretty positive critique, I remember thinking "She better not try to high-five him" I would've loved if he kinda nudged her off when she tried to get all chummy upstairs after they were safe.
  9. Voice work is probably his best work. For me, Groot has been his best performance and I've only heard good things about "The Iron Giant" *off to think of who my least favorite actor is so I can really participate lol
  10. So I just found Silk Stalkings on Prime and got way too excited lol
  11. So, this is gross, right??
  12. Whoopi Goldberg as Celie in The Color Purple is fantastic...Danny Glover is awesome too (way convincing too...I had an aversion to him for awhile after first seeing this movie lol). Still crazy to me that this movie won zero Oscars. I feel like Whoopi's win for Ghost was a "make-up" award.
  13. I didn't like how the 2nd round of ladies' competition wasn't shown...they did that on a men's round a couple episodes ago as well. These folks are clearly excited to participate on the show, it's messed up to gloss over their competition with an "Oh yeah, this happened..." montage
  14. I'm a little confused about the criticism of stars being cast in A Star Is Born...they're acting! Isn't pretending the essence of the job?
  15. That was the one that had me a little suspicious. It looked like her opponent (whose name I've forgotten...sorry) just gave up..when the camera went to her it looked like she was just walking to the edge.
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